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Everything posted by Espinosa

  1. FE8 is so easy that we intentionally slow down to grind L'Arachel and Natasha? Dancers do exactly the same thing in every FE game. Tethys isn't any exception to the rule (except that she could exist for a little while longer).
  2. The notorious Conquest chapter 10 is finally giving me trouble, the reason for that being the shortage of playable units to assist with the defend objective. The real reason might also be me thinking this is the perfect time to train Mozu when it, in fact, is not. I do think that applying the right tonics in the right places should allow me to succeed on that front too. Do I go for the Takumi kill though? The reward is little more than just bragging rights, but I think it's not impossible for me to achieve in just one turn and makes the last turns of the map more tolerable to boot. Just need to find that right balance between reliability and maximising units' opportunities for growth.
  3. Darting Blow may help double faster enemy types on player phase but doesn't solve the problem of having low Might even with forged lances. Rally Speed is definitely a useful thing to have, but I suppose it's flying staves that's the selling point here. The question is whether I can count on Selena to have unique turns to save with it.
  4. Since there are no flying sword classes, tome-oriented Dark Falcons are the only fliers with a weapon triangle advantage against bow users! Not that you want to try your luck though... DF Nyx is less bulky than a Dark Knight but her speed really skyrockets. If I decide to reclass her, it'll be after she gets Dark Mage's +2 mag dmg skill. I also wonder if going Sky Knight with Selena is really such a good idea. I have plenty of fliers and I'm not sure if my Rescue user really needs to be flying in order to shave off turns. I can always have a flier pair-up with Elise or something. I'm saying this because I've found Selena's lance rank terribly time-consuming to build in order to ensure an acceptable level of combat (which she needs for self-improvement) and I could just turn her into a decent foot unit for combat by going Dread Fighter or Bow Knight/Hero (former not a foot unit obviously).
  5. I'd be curious how Rinkah would play too, but she's in the Birthright version of the game. Chapter 7 in 10 turns. Having just one proficient combat unit slows down the rout considerably. That said, Effie and Elise are both pretty useful and MU wouldn't ORKO the paired-up Faceless without the Effie pair-up, triggering Speed Seal. I've also finalised the run's rules and put up a playlist link in the opening post!
  6. Yato gives +2-4 str/spd in Hoshido but +2-4 def/res in Nohr. This both means running a magical MU in Hoshido is suboptimal and that you should try to build your MU in a way that the Yato's bonus (active when it's in the inventory even when MU isn't a sword-wielding class) complements. So no overkill bulk in Nohr or overkill offence in Hoshido (especially considering how easy it is to ORKO enemies in Hoshido). I'm wondering how overpowered MU can be in Link Arena. The Hoshidan skill that gives all teammates luck% PavGis (any damage halved) seems both ridiculous and annoying. If/when we allow reclassing with buddy/marriage seals, MU also gets access to just about every single class set out there. Having Hoshido + Nohr Noble (both can be reclassed into in Revelation) + any 3rd class seems quite sufficient for a stellar character in a no external reclassing metagame however.
  7. So if MU A-ranks a same-sex character, MU can reclass into their main class set but that character can't reclass into MU's secondary class set? I thought that's how everyone was getting Basara skills for everything that moves...
  8. So I found a way to 5-turn chapter 9 while still obtaining the Rescue staff, which is supposed to shave off 2 turns from the completion at a point where I please (probably two of the maps prior to Fuga's chapter where I obtain the 2nd staff). It looks like 4 turns may be possible with a Paladin MU; however, this makes my exp gain dreadful for a long while and might render the Avatar unable to fulfil the harder objectives later on with much weaker stats. The longer I postpone the promotion, the better MU should be in the endgame. Recruiting Nyx doesn't merely not cost any turns but probably helps clear the map efficiently but that's because I have a Dark Flier and can thus reach her on turn 1. I'm sceptical to the possibility of turning Nyx into a proficient combat unit (it's mainly her durability and to a much lesser extent luck) but she can do good things if promoted quickly and can give MU Dark Knight for higher base magic.
  9. The best option is probably running Elbow Room/Shelter/Shurikenbreaker/Strong Riposte/Defender or Aegis. All more reliable skills to have than either Luna or Sol which you cannot count on activating when you need them. Aegis should provide more protection from magical units than Sol does, but Defender is also good if you tend to play when paired-up.
  10. You cannot activate both at the same time but running both enables you to activate either. Neither is honestly all that useful for playing through the game since you want reliable strats that don't require any proccing. Having proc skills helps winning three times in a row in the arena more easily though. I'd say there are better skills around.
  11. The reaction Fire Emblem fans have to other games in the series being criticised by other fellow fans is a very strange display of fanboyism. It's especially worrying when the game defended in this unhealthy way is the much-flawed Awakening. It's hard to blame people who wanted a more coherent storyline out of Conquest and didn't get it, but I absolutely cannot identify with anyone whining about censorship and the removal of face-rubbing. That doesn't resonate with me at all. Gameplaywise, Fates delivered everything I sought and more and gameplay is all I really give a damn about in FE (a series with skippable cutscenes), so I am most definitely pleased.
  12. Yeah, it seems like clever optimisation makes even more of a difference than inflated stats in this game. This I have to say I really like. Uploaded a video of chapters 4/5/6, LTC'd with a full party still. I will leave it to somebody a lot more patient to go for a sub-7 turn of chapter 4, but I was quite positively surprised chapter 5 is reliably 4-turned on Hard (not doable on Lunatic because of how many reinforcements come from all directions at once).
  13. The topic being "Takumi has to be the greatest archer in the series" really does invite users to discuss archers and bow users in the Fire Emblem series for the nth time. No clue why out of every shitty archer in the series it's Rolf being brought up as the pinnacle of greatness and not, say, Rebecca or Neimi.
  14. i.e. he will get 1 less strength every 10 levels. Assuming you play slowly enough for him to cap his level, that's 2 points of strength lost at lv. 20 promoted. Not a big deal; I'd argue the drop in strength when promoting is more noticeable. I think flight, 8 mov and +1 mov on pair-up are very tangible benefits that can be compared to Sniper's better strength, speed, defence and class bonuses.
  15. Malig Knight Camilla is the only Camilla who uses a Bolt Axe effectively. MK also has far better skills to offer.
  16. Efficiency play: Kinshi Knight for flight/mobility Casual: Sniper for better stats
  17. Cleared Mozu's paralogue as well as chapter 8 today. Really not looking forward to doing Nyx's map... The Defence Seal lancers may not be that bad if I can ORKO them though, I think? I might not have the strength to do so without Arthur or Jakob. MU being needed to recruit Nyx should change the experience quite a bit however. Was the Enfeeble staff priest absent on the Hard Mode version of the map though? That'd be a relief. Anyway, I should be able to upload the next video for the run tomorrow, hopefully.
  18. Endgame (and to a much lesser extent Garon) is pretty much the one reason why I chose a sword class. It would be stupid to choose a sword-class otherwise because none of the flying classes can use swords. +def MU isn't exactly a recipe to have much magic for effective Levin Sword use, but I'll see what I can do - befriending Nyx, should I opt for that, can allow me to go Dark Knight for extra +5 mag, having already grabbed Elbow Room and possibly Defender too. I don't think Mr. T in C23 has Dragonskin yet though. Opting against a flying class set will most likely hurt me in C15, but since MU needn't seize on her own, any other flier can imitate that sort of utility while MU does other things (Shelter duty for instance). DF1/DF2 can't be sold actually / don't give you any gold... But I think I want at least 1 Dread Fighter and at least 1 Dark Falcon in my army on this run. I used the Goddess Icon on MU right away. A lot of exposure to enemy attacks early on. Peri should be instapromoted / babied to not die to attacks easily, but I'm not sure if she'll be all that competent aside from being a Shelter bot.
  19. Start while in My Castle -> Building -> Upgrade
  20. Have you updated the shrine to lv. 3? The stat growth seems to die down if you don't.
  21. Orochi and Hayato are p different. If they're trained for long enough, Orochi's mag advantage is about as big as Hayato's lead in speed. Hayato's defence also isn't THAT good, so both suffer from durability problems to some extent. Since Orochi can A+ rank Rinkah (not that they care for the offensive stats the other one grants), Oni Chieftain is an option for her as well, and she will also be really bulky as one. Hayato's natural access to the class and higher speed probably makes him a better OC in the end, though.
  22. Orochi's speed is fixable and her magic gets much higher with a better base and growth. Hayato's bulk and speed makes him a promising Oni Chieftain later on. Orochi is a good unit for Hoshido, while Hayato is a higher-end tome user in IK.
  23. Eterneal Seals increase the level cap by 5 once it's been rammed.
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