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Everything posted by Espinosa

  1. Dark Falcon and Dread Fighter class growth rates aren't currently listed on the site.
  2. Revelation Takumi is the really meaningful hypostasis of Takumi IMHO. Birthright is too centred around routing and having 1-2 range. New Mystery bow users might have something to tell him about being the best, though. And Shin & Sue, too.
  3. 3-range weapons exist so I think it's even more than that?
  4. There are a lot of unnecessary complications related to recruiting children, actually. For a late joiner like Keaton or Laslow, how am I supposed to get them married while maintain the fast pace of an efficiency run? It seems like breeding and LTC don't quite mix, at least not on a females only run. Anyway, looks like I've got a 10-turn of chapter 8 figured out, which seems good enough. The reliance on luck is more or less absent, though MU faces a lot of coin flip hit rates on her that shouldn't all connect. I'll see if I can record it tonight. Though I've begun to wonder if I wouldn't have finished this more efficiently by building an armoury instead, getting Effie and Elise tomes and having them both become Dark Falcons. Probably not because I really need Elise's healing! Also, 2x Boots / 2x Dragon Herbs sells for 4K gold! Since I may be skipping some of the villages in the next storyline map, this seems suitable for my run. Gotta say this is the oddest use of Boots I've ever found in an LTC run. Having 11 movement this early would be so silly though; I want it to be a run that doesn't smell like cheese.
  5. Chapter 7 has been a really hard map thus far and I really need to decide what I want to do about the usage of male units in the run. If Effie pairs up with Arthur, she starts one-rounding the mooks right away because +4 str/+2 spd is stupidly good. Without it, I have to be really smart about the way the resources are used and units are positioned, and so far it hasn't quite translated into a good turn count. Right now leaning towards no male units at all. One immediate problem is that I can't put Arthur and Silas anywhere on the map where enemies can't attack them, because I have just two units who can deal damage and enemies are coming from as many as three directions. I'm sure (hope?) it's something that can be managed with a lot more work and thinking dedicated to it. But yeah, LTC gets hard when Paladin Jakob isn't around to laugh at the game.
  6. The skill is enemy-only. Conquest/Revelation players can purchase a 1-ranged bow after the first armoury update however.
  7. It's always better to have two units of such calibre than one. Plus, it's not until Corrin reclasses when he can have Paladin/Great Knight's bases, skills and/or bulk. If you can get her Horse Spirit at D rank, she might be able to take some hits she otherwise wouldn't.
  8. Gwimpage and Shephen from reddit have already done a lot of great work LTCing the games. Well, I've always been the challenge guy. It's always fun to have additional restrictions or a theme to follow during a run. The draft-like roster makes it a nice introduction to low-turning the entirety of the game too (so far, I'm only really familiar with LTCing just the first 8 or so maps on Hard/Lunatic). Who can resist playing with an all female cast?
  9. Rider and fliers classes have never been very good in Link Arena to be frank, all because of effective weaponry. Bows being one of the best LA weapon types in all metas has something to do with it too. Here are all the classes Master Ninja and SMs fail to double: 35 - Master Ninja, Swordmaster 34 - Adventurer, Falcon Knight, Great Lord, Nine-Tails, Pegasus Knight, Witch 33 - Berserker, Bow Knight, Dark Falcon, Great Master, Lodestar, Maid/Butler, Priestess, Sniper 32 - Brave Hero, Nohr Noble, Onmyoji, Spear Master 31 - Basara, Blacksmith, Dread Fighter, Kinshi Knight, Strategist, Wolfssegner A much bigger list than in Awakening (where it was mostly Assassins everybody used), but let's not forget that eventually it was slower Vengeance users like Cordelia, Tharja and Gangrel that saw the most use rather than fragile Assassins who could double stuff with a proc. The existence of the Competitive skill (that may not be the name anymore?) might make the speed a less important stat however.
  10. It's really hard to get her kills with her tiny strength stat though. It's kinda like arguing that training Wolt is a better idea than waiting for Klein in FE6 - there's too much headache involved in bringing Felicia up even with extreme favouritism. There's no doubt that shurikens' debuffs are helpful and that a healer is nice (especially early on in Revelation or Conquest), but wouldn't you rather have a mean ORKO machine that Jakob represents in himself?
  11. Rules of the run: - Hard Mode - Lowest Turn Counts (LTC) - Male units aren't allowed to be used in combat, for ferrying or as defensive pair-up bots - They can however visit villages and open chests - The challenge starts at chapter 7 - Ebon Wings/Dread Scrolls are allowed - No Visitor or Online bonuses; the Boots/Dragon Herbs that come with the Special Edition cannot be used YouTube Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLbSv8zSDR9c3vX7S5HrRwFuM7oJ2qbx5Z Prologue to Chapter 3 are in this video. I thought I'd start recording this much later since I was really busy with LTCing Awakening 0% growths on HM, but I came to a point where I need to resolve one big problem (Libra and Anna showed up with their NM bases because of the growths being hacked out), so I needed something else to work on for the time being. I'm pretty well-acquainted with all three paths of Fates from playing the Japanese version, which doesn't seem to have be any different gameplay-wise (maybe some cosmetic differences exist somewhere like elsewhere in the series, but I haven't been able to spot one just yet), so I have a good idea what I'm doing and it's always exciting to start a new LTC run. I've decided to play without restrictions (other than Low Turn Counts obviously) until chapter 7 and begin the challenge from there with the male units excluded. Maps like chapter 2 and 5 aren't meant to be played with only girls, I think (especially C2), and it's only chapter 7 where units stay in the party for good. I still have some time to think what exactly the rules of my challenge will be. Namely, I have to answer three highly important questions: 1) Do I use male units for pair-up purposes at all? Early on, there's a glaring lack of units to use and just pairing up MU with Effie leaves you with no more combat units. Not quite sure how I'll achieve objectives like visiting the different villages in chapter 8, for instance. However, allowing to be paired up with males (either without restriction or temporarily) should make the earlygame maps more bearable. This is a challenge though, and sacrifices are expected of one. There's no doubt that a pair-up like Arthur or Jakob makes a huge difference to units' performance later on, especially if compared to having nobody to pair up with at all. 2) Should children units (i.e. female ones) be recruited? This obviously implies a 'yes' answer to the previous question. Without levelling and/or reclassing the fathers, their optimisation will be quite limited and since this runthrough follows an LTC direction, both producing children and doing their paralogues seems largely incompatible with racking up low turn counts. 3) Finally, the problem of using the Dread Fighter/Dark Falcon scrolls. These let me experiment with ideas like Dark Falcon Nyx and give me a mobile and/or powerful unit early on in the game, but is it a better idea to have more options or to stick with the characters' natural options? I'm almost sure I do not want to use the Boots and Dragon Fangs obtained in the same way however (though Azura that's eaten two pairs of Boots is so fun to play with). I've set up a poll to get some assistance with these difficult decisions, and I'd be grateful if users could speak out about it in this topic too. As of chapter 7 (which I've been playing and which is about as far from 'easy' as it can get), how I choose to go about these things will influence the playthrough very directly. I also wonder if I'm going to regret opting for a Cavalier reclass MU and not going with a flying class like Wyvern Rider instead. I think having swords is really important and there's no shortage of fliers just a few maps ahead, especially if the two Dark Falcon scrolls are fair game too. All in all, pretty excited about how this will turn out. Turn Counts Pro 2 C1 4 C2 3 C3 5 C4 7 C5 4 C6 2 C7 10 C7x 7 C8 4 C9 5 C10 11 C11 3 C12 3 C13 3 C14 2 C15 4 C16 2 C17 2 C18 2 C19 5 C20 2 C21 3 C22 2 C23 2 C24 2 C25 1 C26 5 C27 1 E 1 TOTAL 105 turns Resource Allocation C4 Goddess Icon - Avatar C8 Talisman - hoarding C10 Dracoshield - Selena C11 Spirit Dust - skipped C12 Secret Book - Avatar C13 Arms Scroll - Avatar C14 Seraph Rone - Azura C15 Spirit Dust - Avatar C15 Speedwings - Mozu C15 Goddess Icon - Avatar C17 Speedwings - sold C19 Talisman - Avatar C20 Secret Book - Avatar C23 Goddess Icon - Avatar C24 Speedwings - sold C25 Dracoshield - Avatar
  12. Yeah, the Flaming Shuriken is the earliest Maid Felicia can start functioning as a combat unit. There's Strategist reclass possible, but if you make her even frailer her getting OHKO'd by the most mundane mooks becomes too much of a problem when she's already a glass cannon as a Maid to begin with. idk maybe somebody has Levin Sword Hero stories to tell? That seems like such a silly gimmick though.
  13. Jakob is the main reason why choosing FeMU makes the game easier.
  14. She's a solid support unit but that's all she is. Jakob is so much better.
  15. It makes it more true than Awakening because defensive pair-up doesn't take characters' stats into account when determining the pair-up bonuses you get (i.e. you get 0 extra strength regardless of whether the pair-up bot has 5 strength or 35). Certainly, to use Attack Stance more effectively you will want a fully functional army, but there will still be units you will rely on more in AtS (such as ones with high str/mag like Orochi and Effie). The quicker you play, the less time you have to feed everyone experience. Juggernauts in defensive pair-up still dominate the game in Fates on all paths. Units who are too overlevelled to get more than 1 point of exp from kills will still continue to level up thanks to promoted enemies and bosses existing. It's not drastically different from the usual Fire Emblem experience, and your Jeigan - Jakob - is among the best ones that have existed in the series.
  16. If a half of your army are there only as support bots, there's little point in giving them exp other than promoting them and maybe getting them a useful skill of some sort (like Charlotte learning Rally Strength in Conquest).
  17. Your levels are fine. Check enemy ranges and don't expose frail units to more enemies than they can withstand attacks from (take defensive pair-up blocking into account). Triggering DV with royals causes the enemies indoors to lose a chunk of their health, which makes dealing with them easier. If you lose units when entering the castle, choose a very physically bulky unit or Ryoma to face little to no risk of death.
  18. Feed the lower-levelled kills and watch them catch up in level; it's that simple. It's natural for more useful characters to be higher-levelled however, as you rely on them more.
  19. We really need to translate all the units/classes and add classes like Dread Fighter and Dark Falcon so that it's complete. Great tool still.
  20. You were the one who stepped in to claim Butler Jakob can OHKO enemies with daggers. ORKOing is equally effective on enemy phase but implies you may be taking a counter when trying to grab kills on player phase without an acceptable attack stance partner. GK/Paladin Jakob also usually gets +3 atk from Elbow Room; something Butler also misses. Shelter is also an essential skill for efficiency runs.
  21. And then tank a bunch of attacks Butler cannot tank? Durability is pretty important. That said, -/10 Butler Jakob is 7 points of strength behind -/10 Great Knight Jakob while a Steel Dagger is only +1 above Javelin. While GK Jakob only needs help with maybe speed, Butler wants help with a bit of everything.
  22. Too bad a proper English patch of Thracia appears to never going to be a thing.
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