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Everything posted by Espinosa

  1. I'll host the game so you might as well send it to me. I'm in the process of compiling a list of questionable skills though.
  2. The argument is that before we allow marriage/buddy reclassing, the Corrinsexuals have 50% more classes to pick skills from. We might as well do what Nintails says for the first game(-s).
  3. Is Anna obtainable for NA players already? Cause I'd include her without hesitation if she were. That said, I could just transfer my saves to the JP version, get Anna, then transfer the saves back but that would be borderline illegal. Here's chapter 9 in 5 turns, a reliable clear that gets me the first Rescue staff in the game. Since Hammerne isn't something that exists here (surprisingly), it probably only saves 1 turn since it also costs one. But we do want to see everything that can be done with Falcon Knight Selena, don't we? And I've also modified my chapter 11/12 clears to make chapter 12's 3-turn unexpectedly reliable. Not having to rely on dodging Saizo's counter as well as a multitude of other things made it many times more bearable. Ryoma's a tough bugger to ORKO regardless though.
  4. Who's super speedy, Dread Fighter? Speed cap of 31 avoids being doubled by Master Ninja / SMs before mods, but it's still nothing extraordinary. It's fine that Apothecary skills are useless - it's not our duty to make everything usable in the Link Arena. Staves do nothing in LA, being mounted doesn't change a thing, and being a flier doesn't let you cross any terrain quickly - in fact, you're endangered by the pervasive bow users. +10 atk/def is huge even if it's just one coin that you need to manage to obtain, what with brave weapons being around (but even without them). There'll be plenty of skills - class and personal alike - that don't do a thing in LA, and there are still some skills which we need to agree on what exactly they'll do (if anything). No issue with a kids meta later on (I mean, the one in Awakening is basically a fatter version of the parents meta with way more skill access) but let's figure out what we're dealing with first.
  5. Well, currently 100% of the poll wants Great Lord's Awakening skill banned. No Gold Bars please; in any form. +10 atk/def is way too much if we're in such agreement about Aggressor and Life and Death, considering you can just fill four weapon slots with them while running one weapon. It's cheese as its finest. We'll definitely try out the Amiibos but for now they'll just distract us from the meta imho. Dread Fighter gets Aggressor and is the best class with access to daggers - supposedly a decisive weapon type in the new meta. Forges are definitely out.
  6. I don't have a very clear idea which weapons are specific to one route only. Like the S-rank weaponry for instance - I never paid much attention to it on my runs because it was pretty worthless aside from a single use on an endgame boss with, like, Ryoma. The katana/sword split and where each weapon is sold thing is fairly clear though. There's probably no reason not to play as anything other than Revelation, but Conquest vs Birthright could be fun because the parties would be completely different. I'd keep the Amiibo units outside of the meta for the time being. Since they lack personal skills, they're technically obsolete in a meta where anyone can reclass into their jobs by the way (should this be the meta which we play). And I could host the first game anytime you guys finished your teams. You sure we don't want to allow Marriage/Buddy seals at all? This probably isn't all that bad of an idea for a first game anyway.
  7. Nice. I do think it's already been done in 1 turn before, though.
  8. They sorta are limited assuming you ban a ton of things. However, averages are impossible to keep track off considering there's reclassing and levelling under different classes involved and that the average 20/20 stats will be different depending on which skills the player wants (and how he chooses to spend the levels where he doesn't try to grab all the skills).
  9. Money is unlimited. You can buy enough Eternal Seals to get to like lv. 99, letting you get all the skills you want and easily cap all the stats.
  10. Resources aren't limited at all (Conquest can get money with the help of DLC too), but the bigger problem is probably the fact that you can (and should) reclass back and forth to learn the skills that you want, and in LA you -will- want skills from different class sets. We've never tried a single game with average stats in Awakening (and I actually had a stat sheet typed up so that metagame was fully accommodated) so I don't expect that it'll be a good idea now either. I wonder if there's any meaning to not allowing marriage/buddy seals though. If units are only able to access their natural two classes then Corrinsexuals have an advantage for having an extra third class set with all the extra skills that come with it. Some units, like Elise and Camilla, are also forever stuck with crappy mounted/flying classes only (okay, Camilla gets Sorc and Elise gets Butler but who is seriously using either?). That said, we should probably talk about what should be banned right away, predict some viable weaponry and character builds (at least the direction of it), and then we (or I) could host a couple games to see how it goes. I think a resource showing which reclasses become possible through S/A+ ranking for every single character could be useful.
  11. No, I can't take the left-hand side at all because the archers destroy Azura. The Enfeeble staff can always be bought later on, I guess? It's certainly of no help in chapter 12 because Elise is the only one who can use it and she's unavailable during this map. Anyway, chapter 12 can also be 3-turned, but I haven't found a reliable way yet, and of course there's no hope in getting one of the chests or the droppable Wing Edge (or whatever) one of the Samurais is holding. Levin Sword should be available soon though, and my MU isn't looking forward to using it right now with 8 mag and no Spirit Dusts in sight. Should be getting B Nyx support after chapter 11 however. I'm pretty sure I'm missing another huge amount of money in one of the chests there, but as long as it's not a Rescue staff, it can't be turn-saving, amirite?
  12. Wow, I can't believe how reliable it actually is to 3-turn the Rainbow Sage chapter! And the map _seems_ so huge too... The only bad feeling I have about my strategy is that there's absolutely no room to grab any of the two chests, such as the Spirit Dust one (I forget what was in the 2nd one, was it a large sum of money?). Without all the Spirit Dusts, MU may not be able to function well as a Levin Sword user later on. There's that Dark Knight reclass I've been planning however, but with C Nyx support it's a bit far away right now. I might learn to hate the next chapter though. Not sure if I'll have to defeat Ryoma for the quickest possible clear, but I find the lack of Elise in the map somewhat unnerving.
  13. How dare you suggest that even Awakening has a flaw? Is nothing sacred anymore? Eh, it's no big deal.
  14. From my experience, it's fairly predictable how the shields are collected on different attempts of the same run, though on this particular run a lot of things could go different between disparate runs. I gotta admit even getting to the last DV on the 6th turn, without either MU or Kaze dying, takes a good deal of luck. Though I've also been using the same strategy over and over in this map, and there could be better ones that I haven't tried. I basically just used the strat I showed in the 2nd video of this playthrough. Here's chapter 8 in 4 turns. 3/5 villages visited as MU barely gets the 1RKO.
  15. The run gets to be authentic this way ("replicable on console"), and he would need RNG abuse to survive enemy phases or get the desired outcome otherwise, such as with Thany early on. Some perfect levelups are impossible if you're proccing, like, double crits in one round of combat, dodge unreliably or accumulate the levels on enemy phase.
  16. You know your way around Birthright efficiency better than anyone else, but don't Hinoka's superior combat parameters enable her to perform more demanding tasks than Subaki is capable of? Higher str/def, mag that uses the Bolt Naginata with fewer investments, speed that doubles on enemy phase with ease (Subaki relies on Darting Blow on PP), C rank lances, you name it. I think the tendency in tier lists has been towards casual(-ish) efficiency and reliability for a long time by now? Balls-to-the-wall LTC runners have traditionally had important observations to share while usually being aware how replicable their results are for the average player. But yeah, "shaves off a turn" is a bullshit argument that needn't be present in a tier list, especially if it's something like a single shove.
  17. I'd be all over this if Fates didn't keep me busy right now.
  18. Blacksmith loses shuriken access. It's either stay a Dread Fighter or reclass to Master Ninja imho. Rinkah's base E rank axes is just asking for her to be used as a kunai user if you're using her in the first place.
  19. Nah, LTC has no use for Arthur as a combat unit other than earlygame chip + Attack Stance with the Hand Axe.
  20. Fixed growths could do ANYTHING for her...
  21. If they have good bulk and are in no danger of dying then it could assist in some particular situations like LTC runs.
  22. Is facing crit on your units a common occurrence in FE5? How relevant are these scrolls?
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