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Everything posted by Espinosa

  1. If she is too busy dancing people to build any meaningful supports for instance.
  2. Ah, now it makes sense. Corrected the crit stats on Nin's team. Light now has 10 displayed crit instead of 6, proccing a crit on Azama on the first strike. He no longer lives.
  3. Are we sure crit = skl / 3? My ingame units with 9 skl all have 2 crt while others seem to have something like skl/3 +1 or 2 crt instead. What does WoD say exactly, because I'm having trouble reading it?
  4. Draconix Hex seems like such a broken skill. Scratch people with a bulky General or Oni Chieftain, weaken them, then ORKO with brave weapons or bows/melee weapons against bow users. The only reason we didn't notice how good it can actually be is because of Dragon Ward being so much more overpowered in defensive / recovery teams.
  5. Nah, ain't got the time to host as much. Maybe in the summer...
  6. [spoiler=see teams here] Nin's team vs. Horace's team! Turn 1A. vs. Nin's Light (Crescent Bow) attacks Horace's Azama (nothing)! 21x2 dmg 96% hit 10% crit (27) (36 8 9) Critical hit! Azama receives 63/65 damage! 65 -> 2 (36) (45 97 92) Azama receives 21/65 damage! 2 -> 0 (85) Azama is KO'd! [Light str/2] Light performs a follow-up attack! (63) (84 64 60) Azama receives 21/65 damage! 23 -> 2 (52) (72 32 22) (13) Miracle Azama activates Miracle! 2 -> 1 Light activates Draconic Hex! [ Azama -4 all stats] [Light str/2] Both parties survive the fight. Nintales Horace Camilla 60/60 Oboro 60/60 Niles 50/50 Corn 70/70 Kaze 55/55 Ryoma 65/65 Charlotte 70/70 Hinata 55/55 Light 55/55 [str/2] Azama 0/65 Horace acts next.
  7. Welcome to the first game of Fates Link Arena! Nintales and GeneralHorace FIGHT IT OUT with Birthright and Conquest teams respectively! Rule set: - Parents maximum stats - Skill bans: Counter, Lethality, Dragon Ward, Life or Death, multiple Amaterasu - No forging - Master/Heart Seal reclasses only - Storebought equipment of the respective path only - No Yato - No 0g weaponry (Royal Prfs okay) Nin's team vs. Horace's team! Stats: Nintales HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res acc avo crt cevo Wyvern Lord!Camilla 60 34 24 34 30 26 36 26 64 58 15 13 Sorcerer!Niles 50 23 35 25 32 26 29 34 55 61 20 18 Master Ninja!Kaze 55 25 25 37 38 26 25 34 73 75 21 18 Berserker!Charlotte 70 43 25 32 35 25 25 23 60 65 34 7 Sniper!Light 55 30 24 37 37 29 31 28 80 70 26 14 Horace HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res acc avo crt cevo Spear Master!Oboro 60 35 24 34 33 28 31 28 65 63 25 24 General!Corn 70 38 25 31 22 33 44 32 63 49 13 16 Master of Arms!Ryoma 65 34 25 32 31 32 29 26 64 62 14 16 Swordmaster!Hinata 55 31 28 31 33 33 29 31 63 76 23 16 Merchant!Azama 65 35 22 29 29 32 34 30 59 59 12 16 (0) Nin acts first! Choose your character, his/her weapon and target!
  8. Felicia never gets godlike because her durability is forever awful. Of all the characters who can ORKO, you want to be using the ones capable of taking a hit.
  9. They're decent for an adventurer but an adventurer is not decent.
  10. Sure, but would you really bother with magical weapons in LA?
  11. Rule set: Skill bans: Counter, Amaterasu stack, Lethality, Dragon Ward, Life or Death. No Gold Bars. No forging Master/Heart Seal reclasses only Storebought equipment of the respective path only No Yato No 0g weaponry (Royal Prfs okay) Think that's it?
  12. Do you think I should flip the pictures available in the Introduction page on SF or wait until newer pictures are made, maybe similar to the Awakening ones in quality? There's no sign that anything of the sort will be made. Ryoma may counter everything but he's also countered by everything. He's not really more menacing than something like a Berserker imho. We'll see if he's as a hard to deal with as you're saying. Leo, Takumi and Xander don't seem particularly threatening however. https://htmlpreview.github.io/?https://github.com/hiushi/FE14AverageStats/blob/master/index.html This is a good bookmark for quickly getting units' max stats in each class. Also, I'll host Horace's game if I haven't said it yet.
  13. Actually, you can and do counter Ryoma since 1-2 range is countered by everything. It's not like PoR Ike with his Ragnell and Oscar support - Ryoma isn't difficult to kill as an SM. I believe you and Elie went too far trying to accommodate the Gold Bar gimmick. Kaze has negative strength mods... For Hoshido vs. Nohr battles it may as well be Hoshido storebought weapons vs. Nohr storebought weapons. Later on we'll be playing with the assumption of Revelation and, like, rigged Lottery or something. Dunno what players who want to use Scarlet will do, cause choosing either Hoshido or Nohr limits buddy/marriage reclassing.
  14. Skill ban list: Counter, Amaterasu stack, Lethality, Dragon Ward, Life or Death. No DLC reclassing and no Gold Bars. I don't consider any Prf weapon other than the maxed Yato to be overpowered tbqh. Let Ryoma, Takumi, Leo and Xander use their weapons - they're nothing to write home about.
  15. Pursuer pretty much guarantees that you kill somebody equipped with a 1-range weapon on your turn, but it'll screw up your attack speed when defending. Yeah, it's ridiculous...
  16. Okay, here are some of my notes... :::Healing::: Renewal - 30% hp at beginning of turn Camaraderie - 10% hp when not alone Amaterasu - 20% hp to (all?) allies Even Better - 40% start of even-numbered turns Better Odds - 40% start of odd-numbered turns Good Fortune - 20% at start of turn (lck%) Draconic Heir - 15% with Dragonstone Morbid Celebration - 20% after Reina kills enemy On the topic of healing skill stacking... That's a big list right there and even without 100% HP recovery, having a General or Oni Chieftain with Competitive take just a couple of these could lead to invincible units and endless dead end battles. The question of what constitutes a turn is ever so topical, as well. :::What does the skill do::: Vantage - does it really not work at 50% hp anymore? test New procs - Rend Heaven, Dragon Fang - test new skill activation priority Voice of Peace (Enemies within a 2 tile radius deal 2 less damage) - who does this affect? Savage Blow (When user triggers the battle, enemies within a 2 tile radius have their HP reduced by 20% after the battle) - - who does this affect? Malefic Aura (Enemies within a 2 tile radius receive 2 extra damage from magical attacks) - affects everyone? Misfortunate (Enemies within a 2 tile radius have their Critical Evade reduced by 15, while the user’s Critical Evade is reduced by 5) - affects everyone? scary skill if so Fearsome Blow (When user triggers the battle and defeats an enemy, enemies adjacent to the user have their HP reduced by 20%) - ??? Pyrotechnics (When user triggers the battle at under half HP, the user and enemies within a 2 tile radius have their HP reduced by 20%) - ??? Arthur's personal skill is way more potent than Anathema ever was if it applies to everyone and everything. The skills that affect the enemy party (all of it? just the enemy? neither?) need careful consideration.
  17. I can see aurastacking as a good argument in favour of a more literal interpretation of the aura skills - the order of people in the team matter and they're assumed to stand in this way: A1 A2 A3 A4 A5 --------()---------- <- where fighting takes place B1 B2 B3 B4 B5 A General can still receive supports from adjacent Cam/Elise though.
  18. There must be a Japanese wiki somewhere. pegasusknight?
  19. cevo rounds down. Elise's class options are p bad without m/b reclassing. Also, I got Nintales's team. Who was he playing again, Elieson?
  20. A precedent for Elise/Camilla's personal skills would be, like, Demoiselle. Or PoR's brother bond.
  21. Solidarity affected the entire enemy team in Awakening, so I guess Elise's / Camilla's auras should work the same way. Servant's personal will do nothing because attack/guard stance is disabled, and they don't work outside of it. Kaze's personal should also do nothing because he is never the "support unit". Thank God too; full-party Miracle would be stupid. And yeah, do we actually fucking know how hit/avo/crt are calculated? There's no hosting a game before we do.
  22. Yeah, apparently. We'll try the DLC/Amiibo stuff later.
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