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Everything posted by Espinosa

  1. I think you get the file of the same resolution no matter how big you make the window. I use Sony Vegas to edit my (generally uncompressed) footage and render it as .avi with an XVid codec, so you could try that. The YouTube editor isn't something I'm familiar with, but it has 'YouTube' in its name so I gather there's a high likelihood it will suck.
  2. -8 speed is actually not THAT disastrous when a) the Competitive skill exists, b) Peg's Swallow Strike allows you to double units with the same AS as you, but it can definitely make a difference. Other shurikens with actual 1-2 range shouldn't be underestimated either. One big question is how we handle aura skills. Back in Awakening LA, and with stuff like brother bonds in PoR, we just had bonuses of this type active for all involved. Question is, do we want differentiate between Sakura's personal skill, affecting units within two spaces, from Camilla's personal which affects the adjacent unit - and who should be the adjacent unit in this case, everyone in the party sans Camilla? We should also probably ban forges; otherwise, there will be a lot of OHKOing connected to the lower HP caps.
  3. You can buy from both Hoshido and Nohr shops so it's possible to promote both Corrin AND Jakob early, and it's possible to use all of your Nohr and Hoshido builds and strategies (as well as mix things up). Units that stick out in Revelation would be Kagero and Hayato. Camilla and Reina are still as useful as ever.
  4. It looks you are using some really shitty compression. How do you produce your video? Has anything changed about the way you do?
  5. There's a shuriken that looks pretty horrifying: http://serenesforest.net/fire-emblem-fates/inventory/shurikens/ It's 1-range with low power and a self-debuff effect of a silver weapon but lowers the target's speed/def/res by 8 (!!!) points. I have a feeling shurikens and weapon triangle control will be decisive in winning matches. edit: it will also be a PITA to host lmao.
  6. How is the damage penalty for ineffective effective weaponry calculated?
  7. Well, Nosferatu can no longer activate Vengeance, so I'd say it's not going to make an appearance. Also, Mirror Strike cripples any magic users really badly. -20 magic damage on counter? Crazy. One big difference that we haven't discussed in detail at all in this thread is the expanded weapon triangle and the inclusion of three new weapon types in it. This is going to be huge and we can't estimate exactly what will work and what breaker skills are useful until the metagame starts being shaped. I think the development of all things-Link Arena should be slow until we've all played the game enough to try it out on a more serious level.
  8. Fates LA is going to be awesome, I reckon, though I'm already horrified of Competitive Generals and Oni Chieftains. In general though, it looks like the caps (speed ones especially) have been made in a way where it's not just Assassins dominating everything besides users of +5 spd weapons and units who aren't doubled by them. I think we might want to start the LA with a parents metagame where nobody is allowed to reclass with marriage/buddy seals. That should be pretty close to Awakening LA (which we already know fairly well) and also show which classes and skill builds are more effective than others. I wonder if Vengeance is going to be a really dominant skill as well - it's certainly nowhere near as reliable at skl x 1,5 activation rates with lowered skl caps but will still activate often enough to matter. HP caps being lower reduces its potential damage too, but will also mean the target can be taking proportionally more damage to its HP, too. Purchasing scrolls should definitely be banned though and I reckon so should cooking and statues in My Castle. Anyone have an idea which weapons will see the most use? I'll be sure to put up a stat sheet in the usual thread as soon as we know every class's English name, but we'll need the main site to develop resources to be able to build teams somewhat freely to battle one another. P excited about it.
  9. idk things like Wo Dao being a Myrm/SM-only weapon makes the game a little bit more interesting.
  10. Will she really learn those skills without any seals once married?
  11. Fred's growths: 65 str/50 spd/55 def Jakob's growths as a GK: 55 str/40 spd/45 def Granted, Jakob exists in a game with tamer average growths all-around, but I don't see what you're trying to say. Jakob doesn't need a single Arms Scroll. You reclass him right away (because Buttler is a bad class), use bronze [whatever], then in a couple maps iron and 1-2 range, then steel. Shortly he'll be OHKOing frail units with steel, then OHKOing the same units with 1-2 range and OHKOing bulkier foes with steel. Paladin/GK bases mean you won't notice any decrease in damage compared to your best units at the same time (Jakob with a bronze weapon outdamages Silas attacking with iron). He doesn't really faceroll Nohr Lunatic but you can rely on him in a pinch when you realise you've just been fucked by its glorious map design.
  12. Nosferatu is still usable and can be used to faceroll large portions of the game. Players who sincerely believe armour knights are a good class in FE will enjoy Nosferatanking in this one yet again - I mean you don't run out of uses and have to buy the expensive tome again! It's the stupidest way of playing the game though.
  13. Again, because Jakob isn't meant to be played as MU's pair-up fodder? GK raw physical bases are incredible. GK Jakob is basically Frederick without weapon ranks, but with an accelerated levelling speed.
  14. I've always misread Mysterious Appeal's description then; could've sworn MU was always receiving both the bonuses (guess I was outstating the enemies so heavily I never really noticed). Similarly, it took me 3 playthroughs to realise what Silas's skill actually does (never had a critically wounded MU apparently). It's pretty odd how I needed to play Lunatic Nohr to find it out. I used to think MU needs to be <50% HP and -paired up with Silas- so that -MU- would get +3 atk/def. I literally thought it was the most useless skill ever. Lunatic Nohr makes this skill ridiculously good in a pinch, such as in Silas's join map. There's also Camilla's personal skill which was mistranslated as giving +3 atk, +3 def, which seemed broken as hell so I carefully checked and realised it was, as one would expect, the inverse of Elise's personal skill (+3 atk, +1 def), but that one was easy to spot.
  15. Do Distinguished Son, Absolute Protection and Mysterious Appeal not stack by the way? Corrin supported by Jakob in attack stance still takes -5 dmg for me and not the full -7.
  16. The main downside of pairup is that the shields are used up even when the enemy was obviously about to whiff you, but even then they fill up so quickly that speaking of any downsides at all is a bit strange.
  17. Jakob only needs to specialise in one weapon type anyway. Basically choose the one whose 1-2 range weapon is for sale in the armoury (swords/axes for Hoshido, lances for Nohr). Hoshido always has Reaver weaponry for more weapon triangle control.
  18. I agree with you there if I haven't made it apparent before; I also focus on raising MU in the prologue. Great Knight Jakob outclasses MU pretty badly in terms of strength (even if bronze weapons) and bulk, though +mag MU with a Dragonstone is comparable in both roles, especially if Jakob is paired-up with him. GK Jakob is more than worthy of being considered if we're in that situation where sleep is not lost over a point of movement. And the team certainly benefits from reclassed Jakob + Prince MU more than it does from a cav (or anything else) MU + Butt-ler Jakob. I will admit Jakob struggles to compete with MU for the title of the game's best unit, but Jakob's role under more sleep-deprived conditions cannot be overstated.
  19. When the DV is triggered, Gunter and Jakob cross the bridge and start slaying enemies on the same turn. On HM, there is a high likelihood of both the enemies dying by the time turn 4 is over. On Lunatic, somebody might want to KO the archer straggler in a 5-turn strat. 6-turning is not an accomplishment for such an easy map at all, as the stat benchmark requirements and the reliability are both fairly meek as far as efficiency is concerned. The boss might make ironmanning the map efficiently difficult, but he's not the only one by any means, and that's a topic for another discussion entirely. In a 5-turn strat, anyone can kill the boss really. Gunter may want to do the EP tanking, but if you're keen on emerging with the strongest MU you will want Kamui to do everything. Surviving the C4 DV isn't guaranteed to any build. If you're rigging levelups compulsively, the fact that your asset gave you +1 def at base will be forgotten very soon, though in itself having an extra point of def could well be the difference between a dead MU and a living one, and not only on that particular turn. You most probably want Kaze and not Rinkah as a pair-up partner to double the nosferatu mooks even with a +spd asset and full spd levelups by that point. Hey, Neimi is helpful in Girls Only LTC! The reference is still applicable.
  20. Kamui needs the Prologue levelling to be comparable to Jakob in strength, while Jakob can make a mean promoted cav even if he's given a seal at base level (or more realistically, if his first level-ups suck). Jakob also remains highly potent for the rest of the game(-s). There's no question that both ought to be used; I'm just saying that pair-up fodder!Jakob is criminally misusing Jakob.
  21. MU can pass Archer to Niles for much better hit rates (Niles actually cares about that btw, even whiffing at WTA with most accurate bows sometimes), damage and crit capacity. How will he reclass into Sniper btw, through a Marriage Seal? Also, can Niles choose to A+ rank Male MU instead or is it romance or nothing for these two regardless of MU's gender?
  22. You could also not lose sleep over Kamui's 5 mov and keep him a Nohr Prince (or whatever it's going to be called) for a couple more maps. The motivation for going cav is mobility after all, and Dragonstone is arguably more useful than a Bronze Lance or something. He'll know Dragon Fang in his new class, too, which obviously won't hurt even if he's ready to 1RKO everything.
  23. Who the fuck is Dwyer lol If you recruit him later, child sealing should get him good tome rank. An early mounted staffbot with okay stats isn't too bad either, and having a stronger Dwyer will give you better luck with status staves mainly in Conquest and Revelation. Reliability is a weird concept in that context. Do you mean having +1 def allows MU to not die in maps like chapter 3-4? It does, but if you can double everybody with a Kaze pairup in C4, then you have an even better time. HM LTC basically needs to rig all the early levelups (I imagine this is painful if you want both str AND mag, not to mention spd and raw durability) for the lowest turn counts, while Lunatic LTC will likely sacrifice a few turns because it's nigh-impossible to obtain minimum TCs without rigging (such as a crit on C4's double seal boss to enable further navigation of the map). You do save one turn on Xander with a +hp/def MU though; the rest isn't set in stone and is subject to your luck and decisions made (the latter is the optimistic and interesting part). Also, C2 is an easy 3-turn, and is actually made harder if your MU is too bulky. Jakob will be attacked more and has existing chances of death, and you want him to have just enough health to counter enemies on the second to last turn since he's the only one in the party with debuffs and 1-2 range to soften as many enemies as possible for the last turn's rout. C3 should be an easy 5-turn, 4 if rigging a Corin/Gunter crit on the boss, but I personally have trouble even 5-turning if Jakob is still at base strength when he counters the myrm on EP. MU needs two seals to become an 8 mov unit; Jakob only needs one. Jakob also levels up faster when reclassed to the destination job, while an early-promoted MU has his level-up speed limited. You certainly want to use both wisely for the most optimal results, and MU has more time to train in Birthright where the gap between the first two seals is wider. MU offers more choices than Jakob though, so he's more exciting on more casual runs. Jakob is definitely misused if he's only MU's pair-up fodder for +3 def/+15 avo; that's like playing FE8 with an unequipped Seth in order to feed Neimi some kills. Character growths aren't decided upon starting a file for non-MU characters, meaning you can keep restarting C7 Nohr until you get a Silas with desirable growths for example. Most likely, the needs of mix-maxers (who can grind levels, money and stats in DLC) and LTCers (who aren't numerous enough for tools to be developed specifically for their interests) can be met if we discover how/when to start a file to manipulate the best growths, but I foresee somebody could develop a tool for looking up each character's future growths on Lunatic files as that has more appeal to a wider range of players with different playstyles.
  24. I bet your average +hp/def MU ends up losing a lot of reliability later on due to being such an inferior build. Though the levelups can be rigged on Hard; who wants to reset for them each time?
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