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Everything posted by Espinosa

  1. Ragnarok is the tome equivalent to a silver weapon. Pretty sure only DMs and Sorcs get stuff like Nosferatu and Camilla is a Malignant Malig Knight so it can't possibly be considered a dark magic. Which weapon is Kodachi btw? It's not Yato, so what is it, one of the toys you randomly get from My Castle?
  2. Hmm, that's true. Using Levin Swords off a decent magic stat and potentially with Trueblade's Swordfaire would make him a force to be reckoned with, too. However, he would have three whole weapon ranks to slowly build all the way from E - he would make one of the best recipients of the first Arms Scroll.
  3. Why mixed attacker? Using Explosive Shuriken / Levin Sword / Bolt Axe in addition to physical weapons you mean? Cause DFs don't use tomes any longer. I'm not impressed by Dread Fighters tbqh. Dark Fliers have flight, mounted tomes and Galeforce (which is a big deal for Felicia/Jakob mainly).
  4. Ah, I didn't think about that. Also, why Mage Knight on Saleh? Is +1 move and canto worth more turns in a run with a smaller, incomplete team?
  5. I just made it crash with the Event Viewer on. It did absolutely nothing, just like it did when I kept it open for a lengthy time yesterday. Anyway, it looks like I was wrong that I could import my saves and record in another version of VBA - it either fails to import or it crashes during recording; no other variants. I'll probably record this one chapter with Camtasia and just move on to recording something other than GBA.
  6. Speaking of Crime and Punishment, Sonia is an example of a character who actively seeks out sex for redemption purposes.
  7. Surprised you didn't feed the bosskill to Syrene instead (speaking about the next map).
  8. Finding the plot in porn is much like imagining what the characters look like when you read a book. It's not until you really look beneath the surface, immerse yourself in it and let your mind finish the incomplete picture, forming intricate links between different flicks. The Serenes community is sure to support you on such a journey.
  9. They should remake FE6 and make Wendy a bow-armour with the same stats. Now that should please us!
  10. Simply put, don't make bowlocked units available. Make it bow + something else. FE Girls had the right idea of giving bows as an option that's there to "random" classes like Paladin - and you did find opportunities to use bows, too. FE Girls really did a lot of things right (hence Awakening and Fates stealing its ideas). You could also give bow users unique utility of sorts that isn't sniping fliers. In Nohr, Zero is one of the two units who can easily get Pass to simplify Endgame Lunatic. He also captures enemies, the exact practical application of which still remains unclear to me (I just recently got enough resources to recruit Draj from prison and I'm at a bit of a loss how she's supposed to help my army as a /20 Adventurer).
  11. Yeah, that would work, except seeing the RN state while recording still offers more advantages than one. That's probably the best solution other than somehow managing to make the recording work again. I mean, what could be responsible for the failure?
  12. Bows are strong enough in the hands of the enemy already. To motivate the player to use bow wielders, um, increase their base stats? Some hacks/reverse recruitment got the right idea that making the Jeigan a bowlocked unit promotes their usage. A Jeigan with accelerated growth rate would be even more popular if situations to use bows continue to arise, and they have unique utility as 2-range or great availability (e.g. Brave Bow in FE7).
  13. So I never figured out what Event Viewer is supposed to do... Anyway, it looks like I'm able to load my save and record AVI on a normal version of VBA; however, it lacks functions such as LUA. Pretty annoying when I want to check the RN state while recording when I LTC. Jedi's suggestion of using third party recording software (Camtasia for me) is a good one, but leaves me unable to speed up (which I really want to preserve my sanity) while maintaining normal speed of the rendered video, and will look silly if I leave the LUA stuff on. Googling the error message (if you can even call it that) cited in the OP didn't bring any actual solutions to the problem. I've no idea who would be the right person related to VBA to even know what to do with this? TASers or something (who else uses LUA scripts I mean)? Or maybe it's a problem with my computer settings and whatnot.
  14. Well, it's either equally efficient or less efficient, I bet. Does Stefan cost any turns at all?
  15. Building weapon rank really takes a long time... Children seem to get more wexp if they Child Seal to a higher level (tied to the chapter during which they join, according to Tooru).
  16. Sounds like children make swell endgame units then.
  17. Which characters end up not being recruited in absolute LTC, other than Aran?
  18. ...this is the message I just got when I tried to run my ROM with a much older version of VBA (not rerecording). I believe I got the same message when I opened VBA-rr again for the first time on the new PC yesterday. Could it be the clue to the AVI recording crash? I actually got my save (not the states though) to load on the older VBA, and video recording works; however, the slowdown I experience is unbelievable. If what you say is true, maybe the Event Viewer is actually responsible for it? With 8 GB RAM, I couldn't quite tell at first.
  19. I don't catch any cues that anything whatsoever is being loaded there...
  20. I mean, I'm there, I don't have any logs I can open and view, it's just open and not doing anything. Am I supposed to view something there or what? I'm on Windows 7 btw.
  21. Is New Mystery really impossible on Lunatic? Maybe you can still make it by going very slowly and then feeding Marth every stat booster? I don't think anyone has really tried. For Awakening, I imagine the bonus content and the characters outside the game's cast present an exploitable loophole to succeed on Lunatic/L+ without any need for growths. I think you and the other poster have different criteria in mind about what makes a unit good - they for a maxed stat unit who has better skills, and you for something applicable in efficiency settings.
  22. What do I look for there exactly? Also, I downloaded another version of VBA-rerecording, and it gives me the same crash message when I start recording AVI. Hmm....
  23. You want a piece of media where women want to have sex? Have you tried any, let me think, porn?
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