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Everything posted by PKL

  1. ~Paralogue 3~ 3rd freaking attempt because I got RNGowned Turn 1: At this point I can't bother saying the same stuff. Javelin Armor dies in EP, Stahl gets level blla bla: HP Str Skl Spd Def At least Stahl always gets dem good levels in these otherwise terribly unlucky runs. Fred owns shit, etc. Archer is owned by Stahl+Kellam. Kellam gets: HP Str Spd Def Fred kills moar things. Ricken ExcaliBROs a fighter and gets: HP Skl Res ansjdklshofejhsdhfglihdfj Lon'qu kills PEGS and gets: HP Skl Def Res oh god sorry im so frustrated atm. This is stupid. Turn 2: Stahl uses forge to KO knight. Fred kills Fighter. Ricken chips, Gaius finishes fighter. EP 2: Lon'qu ORKOs Knight. Fred owns more stuff. A Merc attempts to KO Ricken and dies trying. fighter dies to Lon'qu. Turn 3: Lon'qu doesn't ORKO the fighter because of no spd proc and gets hp skl lck. Ok, this is enough for today.
  2. ~Paralogue 3 2nd Attempt~ A Strangled Peace Turn 1: Stahl ORKOs the Knight with a crit and gets: HP Skl Spd This time, Lon'qu moves 6 down 1 left. This lures all pegs. EP 1: A Knight attacks an NPC. A Fighter gets ORKO'd by Frederick+Chrom. A Merc dies to Fred. An Archer attacks Stahl and he gets countered for 15 damage. Frederick ORKOs another Fighter with Chrom's dual. A Fighter attacks Ricken and Ricken gets: HP Mag Spd Res 2 Pegs die to Lon'qu and he gets: HP Spd Res The other peg also dies. Turn 2: Stahl uses yeehaw! to ORKO the Knight blocking the way and gets weapon proficiency from the event tile. Frederick kills the Fighter near boss. Ricken uses ExcaliBRO to KO the fighter that attacked him. Lon'qu moves down and uses a Vulnerary. EP 2: Lon'qu ORKOs the Knight. An Archer near boss dies to Fred+Chrom. An Archer attacks an NPC. A Merc attacks Ricken and leave him at 1 hp and gets countered for 22 damage. Lon'qu ORKOs the fighter in the south and Vaike duals, getting: HP Str Def Turn 3: Stahl uses Bronze Sword to KO the Archer that attacked the NPC. Gaius moves left, switches to Virion and Virion trades his Concoction to Ricken and snipes the Merc that attacked Ricken for exactly 5 damage, he gets: HP Str Mag Skl Spd Res Ricken uses Concoction. Chrom retrieves Steel Axe from the Convoy and trades it to Fred and drops him. Lon'qu ORKOs a Fighter after unequipping Vaike and gets: HP Str Spd Def An NPC dies. Vantage Lon'qu OHKOs a Merc in the forests. An Archer attacks an NPC. Boss moves closer. Turn 4: I notice Ricken cant reach the Archer or the Barbarian by exactly 1 tile and start cursing everything. But then a light bulb goes off and I have Virion transfer Gaius to Ricken. Stahl now uses Javelin to attack a Fighter and Ricken finishes him off and attains Tome Level C. Lon'qu OHKOs the Archer now. That was close to a reset. Chrom pairs with Frederick and Frederick attacks boss with Steel Axe. OMG he missed a 90%. Reset. WHYYYY
  3. ~Paralogue 3~ Turn 1: Stahl attacks the Javelin Knight with a Javelin and Kellam gets a dual. Chrom pairs with Fred and they full move right. Virion pairs with Gaius and they hide. Sakurai pairs with Ricken and he gets in range of a single Barbarian. Vaike pairs with Lon'qu and Lon'qu heads down. EP 1: Stahl gets attacked by the Javelin Knight, Stahl kills him and he gets: HP Str Skl Spd Lck Def Fred is attacked by a dude and the dude dies, a Merc attacks Fred and dies too. An Archer attacks Stahl and the Archer dies to a Kellam dual. Netting Kellam: HP Str Mag Def A Barbarian now dies to Fred+Chrom. A Barbarian attacks Ricken for 12 damage and Ricken counters for 28 damage total due to Sakurai. Ricken gets: HP Str Mag Spd Lck Res A Pegasus Knight gets OHKO'd by Lon'qu. Another gets OHKO'd too and nets him: HP Str Skl Lck Turn 2: Stahl uses Yeehaw! to ORKO a Knight blocking the way. Fred moves down and attacks a Fighter with Hand Axe and kills him due to a Chrom dual strike. Lon'qu heads down and heals with Vulnerary. He's in range of the lone Fighter in the north, the Knight and the remaining Peg. Ricken heads up and takes Virion's Concoction and uses it. Gaius finishes off a Fighter. EP 2: Lon'qu kills a Knight. Vaike gets a dual and gets: HP Str Lck Def An Archer near boss dies to Fred.+Chrom. A Merc attacks Gaius for 14 damage. Lon'qu is attacked by a Fighter and the Fighter is ORKO'd. The remaining peg gets OHKO'd by Lon'qu. Turn 3: I have Fred switch to Chrom and Chrom drops him closer to the boss. Lon'qu moves closer to the north group of enemies and uses a Vulnerary. Ricken uses ExcaliBRO to KO the merc. Stahl heads west, switches to Stahl and Stahl drops him. Gaius heals. EP 3: An Archer attacks one of the NPCs. The NPC is finished off by a Fighter. A Merc survives Lon'qu and he gets a level: HP Lck Def Res Ugh. Where did his spd gooooo A Fighter attacks an NPC. Turn 4: Lon'qu ORKOs a Fighter. Ricken attacks the Archer and kills him due to Sakurai's dual. Stahl attacks the last Fighter and Kellam doesn't dual. Reset.
  4. Nvm me, Im dumb. Turned on the 3DS and noticed I had saved over both files with Paralogue 3. GG.
  5. I've been considering redoing Chapter 7 so the boss is only weakened by Fred and Lon'qu nabs the kill once he goes wyvern. And the last wyvern could also be fed to Lon'qu instead of Ricken to get him some more axe wexp. I might need every bit of Axe wexp to get hand axes early into Chapter 8. What do you all think?
  6. Kirby isn't even good in Brawl. DDD is trash. I guess there's Metaknight, but I doubt he made him OP intentionally.
  7. I would prefer no savestates. I don't think I can stream, but I will be watching you guys. I'm probably gonna root and watch Refa/Horace.
  8. Yeah, he can. Though it was better to have Chrom fight them for the 3 turn. Couldn't really give Gaius any exp :/ I will, once i start reclassing peeps. Speaking of reclassing: ~Chapter 7~ Incursion Before Chapter: Tonics were applied. Bronze Axe bought. Turn 1: Vaike pairs with Lon'qu and Lon'qu attacks the Archer near the start and kills it. Chrom pairs with Frederick and Fred moves to the left and swaps Lon'qu's Iron Sword for Killing Edge. Kellam pairs with Stahl and Stahl attacks a Barbarian with the Bronze Sword and attains Sword Level C. Sakurai pairs with Ricken and Ricken stays in place. EP 1: The barbarian Stahl attacked dies to Lon'qu after trying to hit with 18 hit. Another Barbarian dies to Lon'qu and he gets: HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck A Thief gets OHKO'd by Lon'qu. The Hammer guy attempts to hit Fred with 15 Hit and he is then critted lolnoob. Frederick attains Axe Level B. An Archer dies to Frederick. A Wyvern attacks stahl and is met with a Bronze Sword to the face. A Wyvern attacks Frederick and is not ORKO'd by Fred because Chrom didn't proc Dual. Ricken is attacked by a Wyvern and he ExcaliBROs it for 32 damage, getting a level: HP Mag Skl Spd Def Turn 2: Lon'qu OHKOs a thief with his new Steel Sword.and gets: HP Mag Skl Lck ugh. he also got Vantage so it's not all bad. Ricken finishes off the Wyvern Stahl weakened earlier with Fire. Frederick kills an Archer near boss area and gets: HP Spd Def Res Chrom also levels and gets: HP Str Skl Lck Res and attains Sword Level B Stahl attacks a Hand Axe Barbarian with the Yeehaw! forge and Kellam doesn't dual. Virion kills the remaining wyvern that survived Fred earlier. EP 2: Lon'qu is attacked by a Steel Axe dude and he ORKOs him. A wyvern near boss moves towards Fred and isn't ORKO'd because Chrom doesnt feel like Dual striking. 2 Wyverns die to Lon'qu and he gets: HP Str Skl Spd Lck Another wyvern tries to hit Lon'qu again and gets ORKO'd. These axe enemies never learn. Turn 3: Lon'qu trades his Swords to Frederick and uses the Second Seal to reclass to Wyvern Rider HP 26 +3 Str 14 +3 Mag 3-1 Skl 17-3 Spd 18-5 Def 8+4 Res 3-1 Axe E, Str+2 Frederick now attacks the boss with Steel Sword. He Lunas on the first hit, Chrom duals with Falchion and Fred finishes him off. Stahl now KOs the Hand Axe Barbarian with Yeehaw! and attains Lance Level B. Ricken places himself in range of a full hp Wyvern that proc'd spd, so Lon'qu wouldn't double him. EP 3: Lon'qu kills a Low HP Wyvern with Bronze Axe. The other Wyvern goes for Ricken and gets OHKO'd. Turns 3 HEROES Vaike and Lon'qu Unit Class Level HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res WeaponLv Chrom Lord 11.07 26 14 2 15 14 11 11 5 Sword B Sakurai Tactician 1.69 19 5 5 5 8 4 6 4 Sword E Tome D Frederick Great Knight 9.22 38 17 2 17 14 10 17 6 Sword C Lance A Axe B Vaike Fighter 4.96 31 10 0 8 6 4 5 0 Axe D Stahl Cavalier 10.81 29 13 0 13 10 10 14 2 Sword C Lance B Kellam Knight 5.85 21 10 0 7 5 3 14 2 Lance D Lon'qu(11) Wyvern Rider 1.40 29 19 2 14 13 13 12 2 Axe E Virion Archer 3.81 20 6 1 12 6 7 6 1 Bow D Ricken Mage 6.91 23 4 14 9 6 12 9 4 Tome D Gaius Thief 5.10 22 7 0 13 15 6 5 2 Sword D Supports: Chrom: Frederick A Sakurai C Gaius C Sakurai: Chrom C Frederick C Vaike C Ricken C Frederick: Chrom A Sakurai C Vaike: Lon'qu B Sakurai C Stahl: Kellam A Kellam: Stahl A Lon'qu: Vaike B Ricken: Sakurai C Gaius: Chrom C
  9. A Malicia-less playthrough wouldn't even bother obtaining the Hammerne staff in C5 lol
  10. I don't see why you would need to ban Galeforce :P. Have fun and all that. It's not like Galeforce will make things that much easier. What I meant over there in my playthrough, is that Galeforce would make female only LTC easier than male later on. But you're not playing for turns and I doubt the challenge would be that much easier with Galeforce.
  11. I imagine you must be careful about how you spend your money in this. You want as many boots as you can buy, but also statboosters. Have you calculate how much you will need? EDIT: Also, Chapter 3 vid rescues were amazing.
  12. ~Chapter 6~ Foreseer Before the chapter: Javelin forge for Frederick with +4 MT, name: GBAJav Bunch of Tonics were applied and bought. I have like 4000G Turn 1: Kellam pairs with Stahl and he uses a Javelin to attack the closest barbarian near Gaius, Kellam gets a dual but doesnt KO. Sakurai pairs with Frederick and he KOs the Thief in the right side. Ricken chips a Barbarian near Marth and Lon'qu finishes it off. Everyone else does like, nothing. EP 1: Gaius goes for Chrom and takes a Falchion to the face. The Barbarian dies to Chrom. A Dark Mage attacks stahl and he counters with Kellam also getting a Dual Strike on him. Stahl gets: HP Spd Lck Another Dark Mage attacks him and he ORKOs it, but Kellam gets the killing blow. Frederick kills a Barbarian, Sakurai gets a dual strike. Another Barbarian attacks Fred and survives cuz of HP+5. A Thief dies to a Lon'qu crit after Ricken dual guarded for him. He gets: Str Spd Lck Def A Dark Mage attacks Frederick and gets ORKO'd. Turn 2: Ricken chips a Barbarian. Vaike reaches Lon'qu and pairs with him. Lon'qu kills the Barbarian. Chrom recruits Gaius and pairs with him, Gaius goes down and switches to Chrom so he can kill the Dark Mage that survived Stahl earlier and open the way. Stahl goes through and uses a Vulnerary. Frederick moves down and uses a Vulnerary. EP 2: A Thief attacks Chrom and gets countered for 15 damage. A barbarian dies to Frederick. A Dark Mage attacks Ricken and he counters with Elwind. A barbarian dies to Chrom+Gaius. Chrom gets: HP Str Mag Skl Lck He also learned Charm. A Dark Mage attacks Stahl and misses. Stahl counters with Javelin, Kellam chips in and the dark mage dies to a javelin. A Dark Mage dies to Frederick now, Sakurai got a Dual Strike. Frederick gets: HP Str Skl Lck Sakurai got Tome D A Cavalier goes for Chrom and gets dual guarded and then Chrom kills it with Rapier. The other Cavalier goes for Stahl and tinks him. Stahl counters and Kellam gets a dual. 2 Cavaliers die to Frederick on the other side. A Steel Axe Barbarian also dies to Frederick. Turn 3: Ricken kills the Dark Mage. Lon'qu OHKOs a thief, naturally and gets: HP Str Spd Lck Res Stahl attacks a Steel Axe Barbarian with Bronze Sword and Kellam gets a Dual. Frederick equips GBAJav and stands in range of Validar. EP 3: A Thief dies to Chrom. The Steel Axe Barb dies to Stahl and he gets: HP Str Skl and learned Outdoor Fighter. Validar attacks Frederick and gets ORKO'd. The last cavalier now dies to Stahl. TURNS 3 HEROES Sakurai and Frederick Unit Level HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res WeaponLv Chrom 10.92 25 13 2 14 14 10 11 4 Sword C Sakurai 1.69 19 5 5 5 8 4 6 4 Sword E Tome D Frederick(?) 8.69 37 17 2 17 13 10 16 5 Sword C Lance A Axe C Vaike 4.96 31 10 0 8 6 4 5 0 Axe D Stahl 10.24 29 13 0 13 10 10 14 2 Sword D Lance C Kellam 5.85 21 10 0 7 5 3 14 2 Lance D Lon'qu 8.25 23 12 1 14 16 10 8 3 Sword C Virion 3.31 20 6 1 12 6 7 6 1 Bow D Ricken 5.68 22 4 13 8 5 12 8 4 Tome D Gaius 5.10 22 7 0 13 15 6 5 2 Sword D Map: Chrom Gaius C Sakurai Frederick C
  13. Edward would've won that. He always wins in 3-13 vs ike for me. Ryan would've sniped the shit out of minerva normally >:)
  14. Sorry, but I don't agree with Free Silvers dondon :P @ Commonguard- I see. And yeah, I havent moved anyone yet because I plan to make changes every once in a while. Once it's time to update, I'll move those.
  15. Farina is killing her pool holy shiet. I'm very indiferent on the NOTLouise/Farina chars here.
  16. If I can get Virion enough exp somehow in a reasonable timeframe, I might make him a wyvern. Ricken is my main Rescue staff user. And Donnel is forever benched (except he isnt right now but u know what i mean)
  17. Well, I guess I lose the exp from the children paralogues and not getting married is less dual strike chance and dual guard chance in endgame. There might be. Maybe Vaike's? Oh I agree but only for FE13 LTC. It wouldn't be hard at all otherwise. Remember that male only has no natural fliers until Lon'qu reclasses. Frederick could be a flier, but he loses so much def str and hp from it and his exp gain sucks as an unpromoted wyvern. Arguable. I don't have any Galeforcers here unlike Female runs and no natural fliers, I disagree. There are a lot of fliers there, so it's more ideal for LTC. ~Paralogue 2~ The Secret Seller Before the chapter: Forge Ricken's Elwind with +2 MT and named it: ExcaliBRO and gave him the Renown Spirit Dust. Applied Tonics to: Kellam Stahl (Str only) Virion (Str only) Ricken (Def only) Turn 1: Chrom pairs with Frederick. Kellam pairs with Stahl. Sakurai pairs with Ricken. Ricken attacks a Barbarian on the right with ExcaliBRO. Stahl finishes said Barbarian with a Bronze Sword. The second Barbarian is Hand Axe'd by Fred and ORKO'd. Vaike pairs with Lon'qu and Lon'qu gets in range of a Barbarian. EP 1: An Archer attacks Anna and she dodges the 64% hit. A Mage attacks Stahl for half his hp. A Barbarian attacks Ricken and misses and he counters for 18 damage. A Barbarian attacks Lon'qu with 18 displayed hit and HIT HIM. This EP makes no sense anymore. Lon'qu counters and doesn't crit. NPC 1: Anna kills a Steel Axe Barbarian. Turn 2: Stahl OHKOs the Mage with Yeehaw!. Frederick ORKOs a Barbarian with Hand Axe. Ricken finishes off the Barbarian that attacked him with Fire. Lon'qu finishes the Barbarian that defies logic and hitrates and gets: HP Str Skl Spd EP 2: Anna gets attacked by an Archer. A Mage attacks Frederick and gets ORKO'd (Chrom also gets dual exp). Ricken is attacked by an Archer and he counters for 14 damage and gets: HP Mag Skl Lck Def Res Lol, he dodged Spd completely >_> NPC 2: Anna kills an Iron Axe Barbarian and he defies logic and hits her back. Turn 3: Stahl moves towards the village, switches to Kellam and Kellam drops him farther by 1 tile. Lon'qu finishes the Archer Ricken weakened. Ricken and Virion now head towards the village too. EP 3: Anna is attacked by an Archer and is now almost "dead". Lon'qu is attacked by an Archer. NPC 3: Anna attacks another Iron Axe Barbarian and kills him. Turn 4: Kellam rejoins Stahl and Stahl attacks an Archer, Kellam doesnt dual strike...as usual. Wtf Kellam? Ricken gets a shiny tile on the way to the village and gets a support bonus for him with Sakurai. Virion also heads up. Lon'qu now owns the remaining Archer, Vaike missing a dual as usual. Frederick moves towards the boss and kills a random mook with a Hand Axe. EP 4: Anna is killed. A Steel Axe dude near boss gets Luna'd by Frederick and owned. An Archer also suffers the same fate. Frederick attains Axe Level C. Victor attacks Frederick with an 18% hitrate lol. He misses, gets hand Axe'd, then Dual'd by Chrom and hand axe'd again. Frederick gets: HP Str Skl Spd Def Res Virion kills the Archer Stahl weakened now and gets: HP Mag Skl Spd Hey, he got spd! That's rare for Virion. Turn 5: Frederick moves towards the mountain and separates Chrom into the mountain to lure the guy that IS put there to specifically troll non-flier teams. Stahl Javelins the remaining Archer and Kellam kills it. Stahl gets: HP Str Skl Spd Lck Def Virion and Ricken now move up. Lon'qu tries to join them. EP 5: A Barbarian gets the village :(. I DID NOT WANT PHYSIC ANYWAY. Victor attacks Frederick over Chrom for some reason (0 hitrate on Chrom, maybe?) and dies to Hand Axe. Chrom gets attacked by the troll barbarian and he counters with Rapier, Fred dual strikes. Stahl gets attacked by a barbarian and dies to a Kellam dual strike. Turn 6: Chrom kills the troll barbarian with a crit and gets: Str Spd Lck SO GOOD. Stahl attackes the last barbarian with Bronze Sword and Kellam duals for the kill. Sorry Ricken, not today. Kellam is finally moving! TURNS 6 HEROES Chrom and Frederick Unit Level HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res WeaponLv Chrom 9.26 24 12 1 13 14 9 11 4 Sword C Sakurai 1.57 19 5 5 5 8 4 6 4 Sword E Tome E Frederick(?) 7.47 36 16 2 16 13 9 16 5 Sword C Lance A Axe C Vaike 4.96 31 10 0 8 6 4 5 0 Axe D Stahl 8.80 27 12 0 12 9 9 14 2 Sword D Lance C Kellam 5.50 21 10 0 7 5 3 14 2 Lance D Lon'qu 6.65 22 8 1 14 14 8 7 2 Sword C Virion 3.31 20 6 1 12 6 7 6 1 Bow D Donnel 2.11 17 5 0 2 4 12 4 0 Lance E Ricken 5.05 22 4 13 8 5 12 8 4 Tome D I could have 5 turned with Wyvern Frederick. But that's so bad longterm. Considering I wouldn't be able to reclass Lon'qu to one and his abysmal exp growth.
  18. You can't be serious. 2 of my favorite characters right away against each other? :(
  19. You can reclass Caeda to Paladin for Jake if she's promoted. That way his recruitment is less annoying.
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