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Everything posted by PKL

  1. That's a lot of sandbagging and stuff. Let's see, Ryan contributes immensely throughout the Prologue, being the only unit to allow recruitment of Ogma and Est without losing turns to the other alternatives. Which in turn saves turns in P8. Potential to be a Horseman (possibly the best at this btw, in H2 warpskip he's guaranteed to be the best but Luke might be better in Lunatic, maybe) Contributions out of the whazoo in Chapters out of the Prologue (Chapter 1, 2, 3 and then Linde and him are pretty much tied except for Horseman vs Sage later on, which Horseman clearly wins) Supports more units, so he can cheese some chapters as Myrmidon/swordmaster to build sword rank while also saving turns. There's 9 Speedwings in the game. 3 of them aren't before Chapter 21 so let's say 6. Units that want them 100% of the time: Palla, Sirius (but screw this guy he's overrated and trash mid-longterm), no Growth Drop Marth I count 3, let's say 4. So there's some room there for 1 more. Ch16 wing is not likely to be obtained so let's leave that one out. I still count 1 remaining Wing. Has options to fix his borderline spd in Rainbow Pot, Speedwing and Swordmaster/Sniper Horseman is the best endgame class. Sure, Linde can be a nice Gharnef Killer, but heck, even H2 warpskip Etzel can pull that one off. And that is considerably much faster than Lunatic. His personal bases aren't bad for a Level 1 unit that has all the availability in the world and worthwhile contributions: 2 HP 2 Str 0 Mag 1 Skl 0 Spd 3 Lck 1 Def 0 Res Bow D comparing this to Rody and Luke: Rody 2 HP 1 Str 0 Mag 3 Skl 0 Spd 5 Lck -1 Def 0 Res Sword E Lance D Luke 2 HP 2 Str 0 Mag 3 Skl 1 Spd 4 Lck 0 Def 0 Res Sword D Lance E Let's evaluate Linde: Joins a whopping 10 chapters later than Ryan. Gets OHKO'd without an immediate robe in her join chapter. That's already pretty bad. Her aura chip is considerably worse than Ryan's OHKOs/massive chip on Dracoknights. Can Nosferatank later on in Chapter 15. Not a unique contribution because Malicia exists and it's entirely possible to have her ready to do it. But it's a nice thing going for her if you put up with her training. Requires Shaver, which isn't even obtained, to do what Ryan does easier in the desert. I'm sure she also can't really OHKO wyverns even with a shaver unless it's forged. Not unikely for her to be OHKO'd later on even with a robe with her amazing 40 hp and 5 def growths. Ryan has the option to go Swordmaster in Ch12 with actual strength and use a Wyrmslayer to ORKO Fire Dragons or he can go Sniper if Wyverns are your target. Linde will struggle to do much of anything here with her low str as a swordmaster. And I'm pretty sure she can't do anything to wyverns or Fire Dragons. At best, she's going to be using Rescue or healing something. Which is replicable by...oh wait, that's replicable by any unit. Oh well. Gharnef isn't such a threat that he needs a unit specifically trained for the job. Her Aura only lasts 25 uses, while the Bow forge lasts more and there will come a time when Ryan won't need it. She's better vs Ch5 snipers. Although deploying both is often beneficial in that map. So, TL;DR: Ryan has 10 chapters over Linde of actual contributions. Ryan can cheese some of the game with some resources, Linde can't. There's little demand for a Gharnef Killer. There's a lot more demand for an actually good Bow user. Linde has epic durability issues which limits her exp growth per chapter. Ryan can get more early exp, has an easy level lead and can keep that lead. Linde is better vs Chapter 5 snipers. Linde can nosferatank Ch15. Linde can Levin Sword as a Swordmaster. Ryan can Wyrmslayer and have actual combat as a Swordmaster. Horseman>Linde in lategame and lategame can actually matter in this game unlike most FEs. Ryan requires a Speedwing and Rainbow Pot (though pretty much the entire cast not named Palla, Catria and Caeda want Rainbow Pot uses and even they love to have some crack) to be great. Linde requires a Robe to survive her join chapter and then Spirit Dusts and likely, a Wing too to nosferatank Chapter 15. She's also very likely to want Rainbow Pot for that because of her bad mag but Rainbow Pot uses are fine with its 77 uses so that's ok. Both are extremely screwable in certain stats. But, using Ryan and then dropping him costs almost nothing. While using Linde and dropping her can be more costly. EDIT: Oh and about Marth, I had him at Level 21 in Chapter 17 H3 and I used Ryan over Linde. Just about anyone can set up kills for Marth, that's not a Linde only thing. It's more of a player thing. I think Ryan wins this easily.
  2. After a lot of thinking, Say'ri and Tiki. Goodbye earlygame. They're all chumps anyway.
  3. Tellius nominations: Marcia, Nephenee, Mia, Rolf, Tanith, Sigrun, Soren, Edward
  4. A good magekiller in the DS games is a unit that can kill them without taking a counter.
  5. Edward saves 1 more turn than Nolan in drafts. EDIT: With the possibility of another turn that Nolan also can't replicate. But that one isnt guaranteed.
  6. On the subject of drafting: FE10 drafters used to not pick Soren until well into Round 5 until I showed what he can do. And there was a time where Nolan was picked over Edward and Jill :o
  7. KoT's is a bit outdated. The real minimum is like 155-160 from my calculations. But yeah, H4 shouldnt be too different aside from the prologue. EDIT: And of course, if its a skip everything LTC playthrough, its a lot less turns than 160 because you can skip like 11 turns in Chapter 3, etc.
  8. JSND, Caeda doesn't look like a man at all. She's very feminine o_o
  9. Doesn't matter. You'll still have overkill money.
  10. Yeah, Warp makes the experience a lot easier than Press A to Win Spear.
  11. @ mjer- Pretty sure the H4 minimum is like 20 turns less. Congrats OP. Didnt see you had finished.
  12. I think you are all underestimating how playing PoR first can affect your RD experience. I think getting to know the Greil Mercenaries and all the characters from PoR first is crucial. You will probably care a lot more about the returning characters. [spoiler=Don't click OP] I know I screamed like a fangirl (not literally but u know what i mean) when I saw the Greil Mercs return and rescue Lucia and I loved it when I recognized Jill, Zihark and Tauroneo in 1-5. I know I wouldnt even have cared about these characters had I not played PoR first.
  13. With valni allowed, it would be best to focus on having a strong earlygame.
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