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Everything posted by PKL

  1. Wow...this is so dead. Started with 125 views and now has 10 views each vid. I guess asking why is futile since those viewers won't be around, maybe It''s too boring without music..
  2. It's not even comparable, your units are a lot better offensively by chapter 1 and Chapter 2 in FE12 than FE13. The enemy density also isn't that high compared to the BS that is thrown in FE13 L and L+
  3. FE13 would be a lot better off if second seals didnt exist but reclass did.
  4. 5 turns. I had a bit of trouble because I was exploring the possibility of a 5 turn with Darros recruited, it doesn't seem possible even with all the thinking outside the box I did. Darros would have to be in perfect range of marth's path (marth needs to land next to him while still full moving) and it is incredibly difficult to pull him the right way since he won't ever use a hand axe from the spot that's needed. If you recruit Darros, you're too far away for a 5 turn. Since you have to be in the fort by Turn 3 and not out of the fort to reach the throne in time for 5 turns. If Marth lands outside the fort, he spends 2 move on that one next turn, 1 move to reach the next, 2 to stand on the next fort and so he has 4 move left only, which isnt enough. http://gyazo.com/3047af0d27ade0e3ad1764ae8c210335 This pic is for my own reference. Gharnef has 24 res confirmed, took that screen from one of my other runs in H2. Means Sage Etzel with 4 Spirit Dusts, Rainbow Pot and 2 mag levels will do the trick. I am less worried about Ryan getting Parthia with only 1 Arms Scroll use now since he's literally like 2 bow shots away from B bows. 1 other Arms Scroll has to go to Etzel for A tomes and Im planning on giving the other to Marth. I don't want to buy any if I don't have to, since my characters might need statboosters from the Loony shop. ( Marth's str looks particularly worrying ) Oh well, as long as Marth can 2 shot medeus its fine.
  5. I was just saying :p HM is lame already, imagine with all the exp from reinforcements and all that >_>
  6. I did it finally. 5 turned Chapter 12 and gave Marth a bunch of exp too. I have to redo since Etzel got a skl only level and I'm paranoid (Gharnef could kill the run if I can't blick him in one hit) but otherwise, got pretty nice levels. Video will be up soon.
  7. Probably Ily. Since she needs a lot of stats for 3-5 meteor. Or you could go Marksman Rofl route and 3 range him.
  8. It's up to Volke but: - When rating a skill, think of how valuable it is when using one of your five slots. I guess not.
  9. His Sothe forge broke before 1-6-2 boss so he took 2 turns there and 5 turned the previous map. And his 1-8 and 1-E were noticeably bad, probably the troll Dracoknight in 1-8. Definetely much improved though :D
  10. 1/10 Too impractical. It's definetely not worth being a Level 15 skill. The times when you'd want it are very few and far between.
  11. Emmeryn got 1.90 (rounded up) unbiased and 1.98 biased Day 4: Yen'fay
  12. Whaaat. I missed every chapter then lol. It tends to happen with FE13 stuff though...I cant even find my LTC playthrough thread anymore due to how much its been pushed back.
  13. I didnt even know you updated that run...
  14. More mechanics don't neccesarily make a game better. I find FE6's difficulty to be more stupid (and frustrating) than actual difficulty. We'll just have to agree to disagree.
  15. Does the boss of P2 actually say that? That's hilarious and I didnt notice it before.
  16. Lol. FE8 EM confirmed for hardest to play mode.
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