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Everything posted by PKL

  1. Finished #34036 FE10 Part 1 Draft in 56 turns.
  2. Volug, Zihark, Black Knight, Vika 1-P TC: 4 Wtf? First time ever that I get lucky enough to do this. Micaiah shoved Eddie and he critted stuff in EP2. Reached and lured boss in Turn 3 and finished him off in Turn 4. Hax. 1-1 Free Unit: Nolan TC: 5 Total: 9 Nolan and Micaiah tag team stuff. Skipped the Hand Axe. 1-2 Free Unit: Nolan TC: 5 Total: 14 Skipped everything but managed to grab the Energy Drop with Sothe. 1-3 TC: 6 Total: 20 Standard right strat. NPC Kurth distracted the archer lol. NPC Kurth for top tier 1-4 TC: 6 Total: 26 Skipped the Robe because fuck all. 1-5 TC: 6 Total: 32 Trained Volug's strike rank a bit and Miccy. 1-6-1 TC: 3 Total: 35 I managed to do this with 3 shoves in total on Sothe so he could reach the Priest. Micaiah got the armors on the other side. 1-6-2 TC: 2 Total: 37 Lets play: Shove Sothe. 1-7 TC: 5 Total: 42 Barely couldnt 4 turn it. Gah, Volug why are you like, 1 move away from 4 turning this? Curse you! 1-8 TC: 4 Total: 46 Volug used all his Player Phases to kill the 1-2 rangers and priest. Micaiah was filler. Vika took on the Draco and Celerity Sothe headed east. Zihark took on the south. 1-9 TC: 4 Total: 50 Resolve-caiah gogogo. 1-E TC: 6 Total: 56 Who needs Rafiel when there's VIKA and the GIVE command? Ok, I did :p. Couldve shaved that turn if i had rafiel or if volug could equip both celerity and pass.
  3. You might be right. He has 4 more chapters on Fiora. While Fiora's flight gives her an advantage in 19x, 23, 25, 27, 29 and 32...Sain is also no slouch and can save a bunch of turns early on. Its tied imo. Fine, Serra below Dorcas. I still dont think hes good at all though. After earlygame, hes basically useless.
  4. I know 18 is doable in 6 with enough paladins, but she only has Makalov and Marcia. And derp, how did I forget 17-3 and 17-4 lol. EDIT: derp, there's Titania.
  5. Theorycraft Chapter 5 6/23 Theorycraft Chapter 6 5/28 Theorycraft Chapter 7 7/35 Theorycraft Chapter 8 8/43 Theorycraft Chapter 9 7/50 Theorycraft Chapter 10 4/54 Theorycraft Chapter 11 4/58 Theorycraft Chapter 12 5/63 Theorycraft Chapter 13 7/70 Theorycraft Chapter 14 3/73 Theorycraft Chapter 15 2/75 Theorycraft Chapter 16 5/80 Theorycraft Chapter 17-1 2/82 Theorycraft Chapter 17-2 3/85 Theorycraft Chapter 18 7/92 Theorycraft Chapter 19 2/94 Theorycraft Chapter 20 2/96 Theorycraft Chapter 21 5/101 Theorycraft Chapter 22 1/102 Theorycraft Chapter 23 4/106 Theorycraft Chapter 24 4/110 Theorycraft Chapter 25 5/115 Theorycraft Chapter 26 4/119 Theorycraft Chapter 27 5/124 Theorycraft Chapter 28 3/128 Theorycraft Endgame 2/130 Dont feel like explaining right now. But all these should be possible. If you guys can find somewhere Ghost Marcia Drafter can improve on, say it :p
  6. PKL

    Hahaha, yeah :p

  7. I hate my team too -_-. Its so bad. Started. Oscar, Mordecai, Tormod, Zihark, Mist, Ranulf, Lucia Prologue 4/4 Chapter 1 2/6 Chapter 2 4/20 Details tomorrow because I gtg.
  8. Chapter 31 11/127 Trained everyone. Focused on Vaida, Lyn and Hector. Body Ring, Dracoshield and White Gem get. Unit Lv Xp HP St Sk Sp Lk Df Rs WLv Support Hector 7 09 44 21 17 21 9 19 15 Sword D Axe A Eliwood 18 01 49 24 24 24 27 11 14 Sword A Lance A Lyn 14 20 44 22 29 27 21 16 14 Sword S Bow C Pent 20 -- 42 27 23 22 19 16 21 Anima S Staff A Matthew lol Oswin 9 69 44 21 13 10 7 23 9 Lance A Axe B Priscilla 13 80 24 8 10 14 14 3 13 Staff A Fiora 20 -- 58 23 25 28 17 14 26 Sword E Lance S Vaida 15 18 46 22 22 16 13 23 8 Sword A Lance A Chapter 31x 5/132 More training and a bit of shopping. Unit Lv Xp HP St Sk Sp Lk Df Rs WLv Support Hector 8 92 45 25 18 22 10 19 15 Sword D Axe A Nils 7 57 19 2 0 15 14 5 10 Eliwood 18 01 49 24 24 24 27 11 14 Sword A Lance A Lyn 16 88 45 24 29 29 22 16 15 Sword S Bow C Pent 20 -- 42 27 23 22 19 16 21 Anima S Staff A Matthew lol Oswin 9 69 44 21 13 10 7 23 9 Lance A Axe B Priscilla 14 02 24 8 11 15 15 4 14 Staff A Fiora 20 -- 58 23 25 28 17 14 26 Sword E Lance S Vaida 17 42 47 23 22 18 13 24 8 Sword A Lance A Chapter 32 4/136 Despite the good chances to crit, Fiora didnt get even one crit, but she had a lot of Enemy Phase +Player Phase to take down Limstella anyway. She just wasted a bunch of Brave Lance. Anyway, I warped Fiora ahead to kill Limstella. In turn 4, Nils refreshed Hector and Pent warped him after Limstella died. Vaida got the Sophia village and Lyn went up to train. Unit Lv Xp HP St Sk Sp Lk Df Rs WLv Support Hector 10 28 47 27 19 23 10 20 15 Sword D Axe A Nils 7 91 19 2 0 15 14 5 10 Eliwood 19 38 50 25 24 24 27 11 15 Sword A Lance A Lyn 19 95 46 24 29 30 22 17 16 Sword S Bow C Pent 20 -- 42 27 23 22 19 16 21 Anima S Staff A Matthew lol Oswin lol Priscilla 1 28 27 10 12 15 15 6 17 Anima E Staff A Fiora 20 -- 58 23 25 28 17 14 26 Sword E Lance S Vaida 19 31 49 24 23 20 13 24 9 Sword A Lance S Chapter 32x 1/137 Warp Killing Edge Lyn. Repair Warp. Lyn kills Kishuna. Unit Lv Xp HP St Sk Sp Lk Df Rs WLv Support Hector 10 39 47 27 19 23 10 20 15 Sword D Axe S Nils 8 01 20 2 0 15 15 5 11 Eliwood 19 38 50 25 24 24 27 11 15 Sword A Lance A Lyn 20 -- 47 24 29 30 23 17 17 Sword S Bow C Pent 20 -- 42 27 23 22 19 16 21 Anima S Staff A
  9. Yeah, I pressed reply too early on accident lol.
  10. [u][b]Ghost Marcia Draft #15[/u][/b] #34075 Marcia Ghost Drafter: Marcia, Soren, Mia, Muarim, Makalov, Geoffrey, Tauroneo - 141 turns *Lucina: Jill, Lethe, Calill, Rhys, Elincia, Volke, Largo PKL: Oscar, Mordecai, Tormod, Zihark, Mist, Ranulf, Lucia Hawk King: Kieran, Astrid, Ilyana, Shinon, Janaff, Brom, Rolf CR-SO1: Boyd, Tanith, Nephenee, Gatrie, Haar, Ulki, Bastian
  11. Hey Hawk King, we are all in IP Chat. Might want to join us so we can draft there. Its much easier and faster.
  12. Oh, its my turn? I go with Mordecai.
  13. He was beating me by a little margin, like 3 turns, but I had jill though. Marcia's lategame combat probably wouldnt have allowed him to do what I could do with jill in the later chapters tbh.
  14. ^ 1, most of the time 0 though.
  15. If HK doesnt pick, I wont let the arcia ghost get mordy, dont worry.
  16. Yeah, I probably overrated Oswin. Hes good, but probaly not high tier material. @Laurence- never assume Lyn mode in drafts. Lyn mode drafts are bad :p.
  17. Chapter 25 3/78 Fiora drops Lyn in Turn 1 with Ninian's help. Dorcas and Erk rescue drop her. Priscilla Oswin Hector Eliwood and Matthew take the northwest. I did a Ninian rescue drop chain after she danced Fiora (who rescued Erk) so that Oswin could attack a cavalier with Hand Axe, Priscilla rescues him and Ninian could dance Priscilla so she could seize that fort. The northeast fort was handled by Fiora+Erk. Lyn solo'd the southwest. Unit Lv Xp HP St Sk Sp Lk Df Rs WLv Support Hector 13 41 29 15 11 12 5 13 6 Axe B Eliwood 14 71 29 11 12 14 16 7 4 Sword A Lyn 18 68 30 16 20 19 15 7 2 Sword A Matthew 8 21 24 6 8 15 4 4 1 Sword C Dorcas 8 12 34 10 9 6 3 3 0 Axe C Oswin 4 23 39 19 13 10 5 21 7 Lance A Axe C Erk 1 52 29 10 12 16 7 6 8 Anima B Staff E Priscilla 7 27 20 7 7 11 10 3 9 Staff A Fiora 6 82 46 17 24 24 12 10 16 Sword E Lance A Ninian 2 35 15 1 0 13 10 5 5 Chapter 26 11/89 Trained Pent up north. Fiora trained with enemies near the Hammerine village and she got the Hammerine too. Eliwood trained in the southeast forts, healed by Priscilla. Unit Lv Xp HP St Sk Sp Lk Df Rs WLv Support Hector 13 84 29 15 11 12 5 13 6 Axe B Eliwood 18 25 31 13 15 16 19 8 8 Sword A Lyn 1 00 34 18 22 20 16 11 7 Sword A Bow D Matthew 8 22 24 6 8 15 4 4 1 Sword C Dorcas 8 12 34 10 9 6 3 3 0 Axe C Oswin 4 41 39 19 13 10 5 21 7 Lance A Axe C Erk 1 81 29 10 12 16 7 6 8 Anima A Staff E Priscilla 9 12 21 8 9 12 11 3 11 Staff A Fiora 10 14 50 19 25 26 13 11 20 Sword E Lance S Ninian 3 46 16 1 0 14 11 5 6 Pent 9 88 35 21 21 17 14 12 17 Anima S Staff A Chapter 27 5/94 Fiora ferries Hector and ORKOs Kenneth with Silver Lance. Unit Lv Xp HP St Sk Sp Lk Df Rs WLv Support Hector 15 44 31 17 11 13 5 14 7 Axe B Eliwood 1 00 35 15 15 17 19 9 11 Sword A Lance D Lyn 19 90 31 16 20 20 16 8 2 Sword A Matthew 8 22 24 6 8 15 4 4 1 sword C Dorcas 8 12 34 10 9 6 3 3 0 Axe C Oswin 5 37 40 20 13 10 5 22 7 Lance A Axe C Erk 1 88 29 10 12 16 7 6 8 Anima A Staff E Priscilla 9 48 21 8 9 12 11 3 11 Staff A Fiora 11 15 50 19 25 26 13 12 21 Sword E Lance S Ninian 4 04 17 1 0 14 12 5 7 Pent 10 50 36 22 21 17 15 13 17 Anima S Staff A Chapter 28 15/109 Derp. Trained. Fiora got boss kill. Unit Lv Xp HP St Sk Sp Lk Df Rs WLv Support Hector 17 26 33 17 11 15 5 14 7 Axe A Eliwood 5 74 38 18 17 20 21 9 12 Sword A Lance C Lyn 20 -- 32 16 20 20 17 8 2 Sword A Matthew 8 23 24 6 8 15 4 4 1 Sword C Dorcas 8 12 34 10 9 6 3 3 0 Axe C Oswin 6 27 41 20 13 10 6 22 7 Lance A Axe C Erk 1 88 29 10 12 16 7 6 8 Anima A Staff E Priscilla 11 40 22 8 10 13 13 3 12 Staff A Fiora 16 74 54 22 25 28 15 12 23 Sword E Lance S Ninian 5 25 18 2 0 14 12 5 8 Pent 11 96 36 22 21 18 15 13 18 Anima S Staff A Chapter 28x 20/Free Trained. Unit Lv Xp HP St Sk Sp Lk Df Rs WLv Support Hector 19 15 35 19 11 15 6 15 8 Axe A Eliwood 12 73 45 20 21 23 25 10 14 Sword A Lance B Lyn 3 71 37 19 22 22 18 13 8 Sword A Bow D Matthew 8 36 24 6 8 15 4 4 1 Sword C Oswin 6 85 41 20 13 10 6 22 7 Lance A Axe C Priscilla 13 69 24 8 10 14 14 3 13 Staff A Fiora 20 -- 58 23 25 28 17 14 26 Sword E Lance S Ninian 7 17 19 2 0 15 14 5 10 Pent 16 89 41 25 22 22 19 16 19 Anima S Staff A Chapter 29 4/113 Fiora rescue drops Lyn with Ninian's help and cantos towards warp village. In turn 2, she gets warp and sends it to Convoy. Pent warps Eliwood up through the mountains so he can take care of the Longbow Nomad. He kills Longbow Nomad in Turn 3. In turn 4, he javelins everything else there. Fiora Brave Lances boss. Oswin hand axes the Armors near the start. Vaida is recruited she moves, ninian dances her and she is warped to kill a few leftover enemies. Unit Lv Xp HP St Sk Sp Lk Df Rs WLv Support Hector 1 00 38 19 13 18 6 16 13 Axe A Sword D Eliwood 17 48 48 23 24 24 27 11 14 Sword A Lance B Lyn 6 97 38 20 23 22 19 13 9 Sword A Bow D Matthew lol Oswin 7 76 42 21 13 10 7 22 7 Lance A Axe B Priscilla 13 69 24 8 10 14 14 3 13 Staff A Fiora 20 -- 58 23 25 28 17 14 26 Sword E Lance S Pent 18 29 42 26 23 22 19 16 19 Anima S Staff A Ninian 7 57 19 2 0 15 14 5 10 Vaida 9 85 43 20 19 13 11 21 6 Sword A Lance A Chapter 30 3/116 Rescued Eliwood with Pent. Hector moved towards Eliwood. Eliwood rescued Hector and canto'd left and move only 6. Turn 2, Pent warps Eliwood. Eliwood drops Hector next to boss and cantos. Hector Killer Axes Kaim in EP ORKO'ing him. In turn 3, Pent battle a random thief for exp. Eliwood got a Wolf Beil and Hector arrived. Unit Lv Xp HP St Sk Sp Lk Df Rs WLv Support Hector 2 01 39 20 13 18 7 16 13 Sword D Axe A Eliwood 17 88 48 23 24 24 27 11 14 Sword A Lance A Pent 19 19 42 26 23 22 19 16 20 Anima S Staff A
  18. Well Cr, I dont want Jill again. Seriously, Id rather not play at all. If HAwk King is okay with it, I dont see why you two cant switch places.
  19. Lucina and I are switching. I do not want to pick Jill again but if i dont second pick Jill, the draft is as unbalanced as it gets.
  20. How about a theoretical Marcia Ghost drafter? We will all decide on which character the ghost will pick and we all theorycraft about what the Marcia player would do. The team is free to be tested by anyone. It would also help balance the draft. 4 player FE9 draft = nope.
  21. -2 points already to CR and Quint.
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