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Everything posted by PKL

  1. Make zagaro a general for ch 6. Its pretty useful since he can soften things up with javelin and wont die easily. (he can die if exposed to too many mages, i guess) And i recommend making someone a staffbot because the lack of vulneraries tends to start hurting in that chapter.
  2. Because Im an idiot and didnt find ways to shorten the rule lol. I will edit it into the OP soon. Thnx.
  3. Damn, your earlygame team is even worse than what I had. Good luck man.
  4. I downloaded a .sav with lunatic statboosters unlocked (I need one with RP/Maturity Drop and Bond Drop too, if anyone would be so kind as to link/PM me one) and I dont know where to place it. I place it in "battery" but it didnt work, what do I need to do?
  5. Both are broken but in my eyes, cavalier's bulkiness +1 move and WTC is "too much" while at least pegasus has meh durability, bow weakness and WTD in all of prologue and a few more chapters. And thanks for reminding me of sorcerers. The reason im banning rescue on people who can use staves is because with warp allowed, you can warp someone with rescue, have them rescue someone who can use rescue, who then rescues marth. Warp a boss killer and then marth seizes, skipping whole chapters. EDIT: Almost missed eclipse. In.
  6. Alright, in. Btw, @ anyone joining- make sure you read the rules! there are a few changes.
  7. Drafting: 1. This draft is for 6 players 2. Marth, My Unit*, Arran, Rickard, Xane, Feena and Nagi are free for all. 3. The game will be played on Hard 1. Rules: 1. Undrafted units may recruit characters, visit houses, trade, and shop. 2. Undrafted units may not do anything not listed above, including but not limited to opening chests/doors. 3. All characters are free for Prologue chapters. However, all drafted characters who are recruitable in the Prologue must be recruited. Prologue turns count towards your total turncount. 4. You are free to reclass undrafted units to whatever you want. 5. All Gaiden chapters must be visited. 6. The game must be played out to the True Ending. Other: 1. Forging, the Rainbow Potion, Lunatic Statboosters and use of Wi-fi features are strictly prohibited. 2. Male Class Set Combination is allowed. 3. Warp may not be used on Marth. Rescue may not be used on Marth by a unit who has been Warped or rescued earlier in the chapter. Hammerne may not be used on Rescue. 4. Use of the Base Arena is allowed. 5. Use of the Clock Bonus is strictly prohibited. Exceptions: *1. My Unit must be female and can only be deployed as a Myrmidon, Mage, Archer, Cleric or Pegasus Knight and its promotions. Except Dracoknight. Penalties: 1. Undrafted units have a 4-turn penalty, per unit per chapter. Exceptions: 1. Palla is free for Chapter 3. 2. Yubello, Yumina, Ogma and Sirius are free for Chapter 4. 3. Navarre is free for Chapter 7. 4. Merric is free for Chapter 10. 5. Nyna, Maria, Lena and Elice are free for Final. Teams: Wen: Luke, Sirius, Yumina, Cain, Malice, Horace, Est, MIchalis, Macellan, Matthis, Vyland PKL: Rody, Caeda, Linde, Minerva, Roger, Athena, Yubello, Radd, Samto, Roshea, Wolf Eclipse: Ryan, Ogma, Wendell, Cord, Ellerean, Castor, Jake, Katarina, Darros, Tomas, Sedgar Vicious Sal: Gordin, Catria, Warren, Caesar, Etzel, Dice, Frost, Dolph, Ymir, Beck, Bord Passive Knight: Draug, Malliesia, Barst, Merric, Julian, Abel, Belf, Robert, Samson, Sheema, Tiki General Horace: Palla, Cecille, Frey, Navarre, Leiden, Wrys, Norne, Jeorge, Astram, Midia, Bantu
  8. I finished. Chapter 22 4/130 The usual 4 turn strategy. Paladin spam. Norne helped a lot. Feena could already take a Swarm if needed so I passed on giving on 1 of the robes to her. I fed a lot of wings, arms scroll and drops to Horace so he becomes a viable swordmaster. Unit Class Lv Xp HP St Mg Sk Sp Lk Df Rs WLv Marth Lord 30 -- 60 25 0 25 25 30 25 9 Sword A Norne Falcoknight 16 14 44 24 3 24 26 17 19 11 Sword D Lance B Feena Dancer 12 56 22 11 0 10 21 16 5 0 Sword E Cain Paladin 19 40 58 25 1 28 25 19 20 7 Sword C Lance B Linde Bishop 6 72 40 1 19 23 25 24 7 18 Tome D Staff A Caeda Paladin 20 -- 56 25 1 28 25 25 21 10 Sword E Lance A Ryan Paladin 20 -- 58 25 1 28 25 20 26 8 Sword E Lance A Erika Bishop 16 37 59 12 27 27 25 22 5 16 Tome A Staff C Wrys Bishop 1 30 28 1 12 14 8 11 4 18 Tome E Staff A Horace Swordmaster 8 71 32 22 1 21 30 12 10 3 Sword A Xane Freelancer 8 02 Nagi Manakete 15 00 32 8 2 12 14 10 6 10 Chapter 23 3/133 Silence staff FTW. I had to use an Again in Turn 3 because Erika couldnt get to Gharnef otherwise. Unit Class Lv Xp HP St Mg Sk Sp Lk Df Rs WLv Marth Lord 30 -- 60 25 0 25 25 30 25 9 Sword A Norne Falcoknight 17 16 45 24 3 24 26 17 19 11 Sword D Lance B Feena Dancer 12 84 22 11 0 10 21 16 5 0 Sword E Cain Paladin 20 -- 59 25 1 28 25 20 20 7 Sword C Lance B Linde Bishop 7 54 41 1 19 24 25 25 8 19 Tome D Staff A Caeda Paladin 20 -- 56 25 1 28 25 25 21 10 Sword E Lance A Ryan Paladin 20 -- 58 25 1 28 25 20 26 8 Sword E Lance A Erika Sage 17 63 60 12 28 28 25 22 5 16 Tome A Staff C Wrys Bishop 1 55 28 1 12 14 8 11 4 18 Tome E Staff A Horace Swordmaster 9 46 33 23 1 22 30 12 11 3 Sword A Xane Freelancer 8 46 Nagi Manakete 15 56 32 8 2 12 14 10 6 10 Endgame 2/135 I experimented with a lot of combinations but its impossible to 1 turn it without rescue I think... Marth attacked Medeus with Falchion after I got rid of the four sisters. Linde used again and then Ryan finished medeus with Gradivus. Kills: Ryan- 218B 174W THE MVP hands down. He could be a berserker, a paladin or a dracoknight and performed amazing as always. Going cavalier early helped his lance rank and pirate in chapter 3 got his stats and his axe rank up. This is like, the third time hes my MVP and I have him in every FE12 draft lol. Arran- 14B 5W I neglected him quite a lot. He tried staffbotting but ultimately I decided to focus on Linde and Wrys's staff rank. Linde- 5B 1W That magic growth...Linde was cool, she healed stuff and doesnt afraid of anything. After I gave her 5 spirit dusts, she could even nab her own kills Wryyyyyys- 2B 0W Wryyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyysssssssssssss. Look at those stats! hes amazing! Caeda- 158B 120W Second MVP. Da win spear helped quite a lot in some chapters and she could hold her own. She didnt have Ryan's ridiculous bulk though so I had to be careful with her as she tends to die in like 5 hits. Shes pretty amazing though. Norne- 89B 62W She performed well for being deemed a scrub by everyone. She had a veeeeeeeeery rough start though. But once she went falcoknight she had decent enough offense. Her problem forever was her damn durabi lity oh God. It ensured that I could only use her for utility and not for pure wtfenemyphasepwnage like Ryan. Still, a 10 move flier without the shitty spd cap is always appreciated. And once I gave her the Arms Scroll in Chapter 20 so she could use Silver Lance, she could ORKO everything ^^. Feena- 7B 0W She dances and doesnt afraid of...ok, she is afraid of like, everything. But at least she can take swarms and longbows! Barely... Cain- 109B 78W Haha, Armorslayer with no training on a horse? YES PLEASE. And awesome stats to boot! Hes so freaking good and I didnt even train him in Prologue. BEAST. Third MVP and part of the 10 move squadron of death. Horace- 21B 15W Hahahaha...lol...XD...XP...hehe. Hes such a scrub. Xane- 10B 8W Second Ryan/Caeda/Cain? YES PLEASE. Est- 0B 0W Eh I would rather have a million statboosters kthanx. Samson- 0B 0W Scrub. Frost- 0B 0W Forgot he existed. Vyland- 1B 0W Hahaha all he did was cost me turns and chip a random paladin he comes with so norne could ORKO it. 5 damage "chip" btw. Nagi- 1B 1W Y U COME SO LATE??? Erika- 125B 96W Amazing as always but less needed due to no warp/rescue. She wtfpwned Gharnef. Weird that I only used 3/48 nosferatus in this run when I usually rely so much on it... Marth- 124B 94W Had a nice def blessing courtesy of the arena in chapter 12 but his speed got screwed for a while. He did cap it naturally in exactly Level 30 though, woot. I fed him like 2 Robes, like 5 Dracoshields and the 4 Talismans lawl. [spoiler=Expenditures] Marth: Seraph Robex2 Dracoshieldx5 Talismanx4 Naga Iconx1 Erika: Seraph Robe Ryan: Arms Scrollx2 Linde: Spirit Dustx5 Wrys: None Caeda: Seraph Robe Dracoshield Norne: Seraph Robe Energy Drop Arms Scroll Feena: None Cain: None Horace: Energy Dropx3 Speedwingx5 Arms Scrollx2 Naga Iconx1 After doing this draft, Im more convinced that Rescue should stay unbanned but with limitations. It was kinda boring to just GO UP like FE11. Warp doesnt need to be banned either but I can do without. Also what do you all think about unrestricting female my unit completely? except maybe cavalier because that would devalue earlygame picks waaaayyy too much.
  9. I derped haha. Didnt check which game this was for.
  10. Crappy growths, crappy bases and i would rather sell the firestones for more base arena/statboosters later in the game. He costs turns or a rescue charge to make things worse. 0/10 (1/10 - 1 bias) Derp...wrong game. Well, FE11 bantu still costs turns and most of the same stuff applies (except selling the stone for more base arena) so a 0/10 it is.
  11. I might join if you need more people in 2 days. Also, bump so ppl see this.
  12. Hey PKL. I might join your draft if you still need people in 2 days.

  13. Chapter 20 4/116 Marth gets danced by Feena in Turn 1. Caeda, Ryan, Norne and Cain rush. Marth opens the first Door in Turn 2 after the others killed the Heros in the way. Cain Armorslayers the General in front of Marth. Norne kills the Sniper. Caeda kills the Swarm Bishop. Ryan full moves. Marth full moves. Next, I had Cain trade Norne's Master Key for a Door Key. She opened the door. Caeda killed the sniper and shes carrying the Geosphere. Hauteclere Dracoknight Ryan has 41 crit with the Geosphere so you can guess what happened. Cain got danced by Feena so he could get the Bullion with his new Master Key and he sent the key to the convoy, which Xane retrieved to get the Brave Sword. Linde used the Thief staff on the Again chest btw. I fed Norne an Arms Scroll so she could wield Silver Lances for this chapter. Ryan got fed 2 Arms Scrolls on Axes so he could wield Hauteclere as a Dracoknight. Unit Class Lv Xp HP St Mg Sk Sp Lk Df Rs WLv Marth Lord 27 77 59 25 0 25 23 27 21 1 Sword B Erika Bishop 14 24 51 9 25 26 25 20 5 19 Tome A Staff C Caeda Paladin 19 21 49 25 1 28 25 25 19 10 Sword E Lance A Norne Falcoknight 11 98 35 21 3 23 26 15 16 11 Sword D Lance B Feena Dancer 10 79 21 9 0 10 20 14 5 0 Sword E Cain Paladin 16 37 55 25 1 28 25 17 19 7 Sword C Lance B Ryan Dracoknight 20 -- 56 26 1 26 23 20 28 5 Lance A Axe A Linde Bishop 2 34 38 1 7 19 22 21 7 16 Tome D Staff B Horace Swordmaster 6 90 benched Xane Freelancer 7 22 Arran Bishop 5 12 Staff D Wrys Bishop 18 74 21 0 10 11 8 11 4 15 Staff B Chapter 20x 3/119 No again uses or anything. Just paladin spam. What I did was have Paladin Cain move and reveal the 2 zerkers to the right. Caeda kills one of those. Ryan 2 ranges the other, revealing the one up north and Norne ORKOs that one with Silver Lance. Marth full moves and Feena dances him, he full moves again. Linde uses physic on Norne. Next, I kill the Sniper in the way. Marth full moves. Cain gets danced by Feena. He full moves and Norne full moves too. Feena got attacked by a Longbow but had just enough HP to survive it. Marth kills the General in EP with the Rapier. Next, Cain moves and reveals Eremiya. Norne kills Eremiya and Marth seizes. It could probably be done without having Feena to take a longbow hit if she moves 1 less north in Turn 2 or she could be fed a Seraph Robe/Dracoshield to get 27 HPDef combination, alternatively you could do it the Kngt of Titania way and have her dodge a 66 display hit. :3 Unit Class Lv Xp HP St Mg Sk Sp Lk Df Rs WLv Marth Lord 28 07 60 25 0 25 24 28 21 2 Sword B Norne Falcoknight 13 31 36 22 3 23 26 16 17 11 Sword D Lance B Feena Dancer 11 24 22 10 0 10 21 15 5 0 Sword E Cain Paladin 16 37 55 25 1 28 25 17 19 7 Sword C Lance B Linde Bishop 2 85 38 1 7 19 22 21 7 16 Tome D Staff A Caeda Paladin 19 59 49 25 1 28 25 25 19 10 Sword E Lance A Ryan Dracoknight 20 -- 56 26 1 26 23 20 28 5 Lance A Axe A Chapter 21 7/126 Marth gets danced by Feena in Turn 1. Shes protected by a diamond formation from Ryan, Caeda, Cain and Norne. Marth keeps rushing towards the village. Cain Norne Ryan and Caeda clean up. Norne!Xane goes for the Secret Shop but ultimately needs help from Norne to get it. Norne also got to fly to the Talisman in time. After Marth got the village, Feena danced him and Linde used Again. Then he seized in the next turn. Unit Class Lv Xp HP St Mg Sk Sp Lk Df Rs WLv Marth Lord 30 -- 60 25 0 25 25 29 21 1 Sword B Norne Falcoknight 15 48 37 22 3 24 26 16 18 11 Sword D Lance B Feena Dancer 11 99 22 10 0 10 21 15 5 0 Sword E Cain Paladin 17 79 56 25 1 28 25 18 19 7 Sword C Lance B Linde Bishop 5 34 40 1 9 22 24 23 7 18 Tome D Staff A Caeda Paladin 20 -- 49 25 1 28 25 25 19 10 Sword E Lance A Ryan Berserker 20 -- 60 30 0 24 28 20 24 2 Axe A Erika Bishop 15 56 51 10 25 26 25 21 5 19 Tome A Staff C Wrys Bishop 1 15 28 1 12 14 8 11 4 18 Tome E Staff A Horace Swordmaster 7 61 31 15 1 21 20 10 9 3 Sword C Xane Freelancer 7 92 Arran Bishop 5 12 Staff D
  14. @ Hawk King- but siege tomes are very likely to be broken by the time Bastian joins :/. He also has terrible combat since he will never double. At least lucia has 7 move, crit chances and can double..not to mention that when bastian joins, there really isnt any need to have siege tomes, except MAYBE ch 27...
  15. Except theres not much use for excalibur when dracoknights are ORKO'ing flying dragons anyway, long before wendell gets there and with better durability. And there are better warpers like yumina and malliesia who dont need to build rank. He certainly doesnt warrant a 9/10 like i saw in his thread. Hes useful but not THAT useful to deserve such a high score.
  16. And that is why you shouldnt take these ratings seriously, Wen. Ryan and cecil laugh all over H1, heck, ryan laughs at H2 but apparently barst is better than both of them lol. As for salad, i give him 6/10. Reason? He sucks but comes early.
  17. DEM BASES. She can use armorslayer at base and can promote as soon as you get a seal. She can be a great swordmaining falcoknight if you wait til you can get a whip ( i hate waiting for a whip in the wifi shop so i usually dont). Her growths are a bit...smelly but her bases will keep her strong for practically forever. 7/10 +1 bias 8/10
  18. @Hawk King- lucia is salvageable. She is definetely not 2HKO'd by every enemy. Shes 3HKO'd IIRC and she faces poor hitrates. Giving her a silver sword forge allows her to ORKO some stuff and she can use runesword decently. Her low availability and meh bases put her down but shes not OMGrolf or bastian bad. Another plus for lucia, is that you didnt have to tolerate any sucky start like you would with mia/zihark and she didnt require BEXP for swordlock. 2/10 +1 bias makes that 3/10
  19. Chapter 19 8/112 Vyland costs so many turns...I had Dracos Caeda and Ryan wait in the cliffs, killing enemies. While Marth runs for the village with a Feena dance. Cain and Ryan!Xane help kill enemies, Erika spams Physic, Linde too and then she uses a Seal to promote. I then danced Marth again on his way back. After Vyland appeared, I had Caeda Wing spear the boss and started killing the ballistae with both caeda and ryan. Roshea recruits Vyland. Then Marth makes a dash for the goal and I use an Again charge. Its just a torture to have to recruit wolfguards...i might refrain from entering drafts that force recruitment from now on :p. Unit Class Lv Xp HP St Mg Sk Sp Lk Df Rs WLv Marth Lord 27 07 59 25 0 25 23 27 19 1 Sword B Erika Bishop 13 79 50 9 24 26 25 20 5 19 Tome A Staff C Caeda Dracoknight 18 52 46 26 1 26 23 30 20 7 Lance A Axe E Norne Falcoknight 11 07 35 21 3 23 26 15 16 11 Sword D Lance C Feena Dancer 10 19 21 9 0 10 20 14 5 0 Sword E Cain Paladin 15 77 54 24 1 27 25 17 18 7 Sword C Lance B Ryan Dracoknight 20 -- 56 26 1 26 23 20 28 5 Lance A Axe C Linde Bishop 1 58 37 1 7 18 21 20 7 16 Tome D Staff B Horace Swordmaster 6 90 31 14 1 20 20 9 9 3 Sword C Xane Freelancer Vyland Paladin 8 11 base Vyland alone costs approxamitely 3-4 turns. Im never playing a forced recruitment draft ever again lol. That strat was annoying to come up with.
  20. Chapter 23 Alex reclasses to Sage. She eats a speedwing and a spirit dust. She gets warped to Garnef's chamber and uses pure water. Feena dances Marth. EP, Feena dies but who cares. Garnef suicides into starlight and Alex sends starlight back, equipping resire. She revenge kills stuff and then a fire dragon next turn, allowing Marth to be agained for the seize. You should totally give me credit for this, since I came up with it in the dibs draft IIRC :p. Except Feena didnt have to die...Good job btw. Im gonna start this after Im done with the staves draft.
  21. I have never found thief utility that good to begin with...there are 2 early master keys and jagen or a dracoknight can open chests faster than a 7 move thief. And practically none of the chests are really needed...he also shouldnt be seeing any combat ever if you are doing it right. 1/10 (-1 bias because i hate him)
  22. I would totally win a speedy completion draft of FE11. :)
  23. Interesting, my total time to finish the draft was 5:55. Although it was probably a bit more than that because i reset in ch 2 1 time, 1 time in ch 3, 1 time in ch 9 to get caeda to B lances the second try, 1 time in ch 12 and 2 times in ch16 (i had done the chapter without zerker wolf and the enemies near the boss cockblocked marf) and 1 reset in ch 24. So the actual time was like 7 hours or so.
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