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Everything posted by PKL

  1. Lol stefan. That guy who barely exists. He comes near the end of 4-3 and gets a few kills, if hes lucky. He comes with a very awesome vague katti and workable bases. He makes a nice filler for endgame, being able to double auras, use wyrmslayer and decimate stuff in 4-E-1. I give him a 2/10.
  2. Team Analysis:Hector: awesomeness in armor. Marcus: lol i make this game my biatch. Ninian/Nils: dancer/10. Sain: rough start but ridiculous once he gets going, will probably be my MVP. Pent: i warp stuff and shave turns like crazy. Im also hot as hell and have good combat. Farina: I FLY! but i cost 3 turns and 20000 gold, sorry. But flight! Raven: i destroy things with my ridiculous combat. Too bad my move sucks bahahah. Wait, why am i laughing? thats bad for me...Lyn: hey, i have good growths and a super awesome weapon but i start pretty shitty, sorry. Ill make up for it though, i swear! Louise: im so hot! and i snipe things. Karel: who the fuck is karel?
  3. And that means i auto get karel, right? Im not gonna recruit him lulz. Fastest drafting ever. Is this a record?
  4. Thats what i thought too. :/
  5. What is that char in 13th's member badge?
  6. Wtf? i get a flier too? u guys are too kind, i say. Farina and...Raven. Curse you, sharpoon!
  7. im sick of being last in FE7...
  8. Hey 13th. I miss u noob xd. Im in btw. And gl with ur life!
  9. You guys are crazy. Its MY turn dudes. i go before insane dude and somehow i got skipped. I would pick barte or lucius just to mess with you but i will pick...yeah gimme farina.
  10. Dorcas or raven...dorcas or raven...ill go with dorcas.
  11. Roy is extremely mediocre throughout the game. Late promotion hurts him so much...sword of seals kinda makes up for it i guess...for a few maps. 3/10
  12. Caellach gets a 2/10. I dont like him because he makes me get stuck in ch 15 drafts and he doesnt exist. Selena gets a 5/10. I like her character a lot and i like mounted mages. Orson gets a 0/10 because traitor although he would get 10/10 if he had stabbed/killed ephraim. Riev is fugly so 0/10. Ismaire's sprite is beatiful so she gets a 5/10 just like selena.
  13. Horace is even more broken than sigurd.
  14. Lol CR, if im marcus/10 u are seth/10 since ur beating me :p. I lost motivation and got hooked to FE9 but i swear ill finish this someday.
  15. PKL

    I think i tied a record for FE9 in the hall of fame :o.

  16. PKL

    Oh ok. Im curious to see how u do with oscar in FE9. I beat soul in FE9 by like 25 turns which gives me a good buffer to beat his FE10 even with him having haar. Ive never gotten to use FE9 oscar in drafts.

  17. PKL

    Hey CR, u ever gonna finish my tellius draft? Havent seen you post any progress.

  18. I was gonna do an FE9 rate the unit before my comp died. Also, i have an FE10 rate the unit, but its for drafts.
  19. I have 149 fragments out of 160. Beat yomi and most optional bosses. I need to complete the augusta tower map but ive already done everything and its still at 99%. Ive tried every single corner and the percent still doesnt budge. Also, raspatil is the most annoying battle ever.
  20. Good news! called a smasher friend today and he told me hes gonna come to my house tomorrow and lend me one of his controllers. He doesnt know its for wifi though :p. Thinks its for the tourney next saturday. Actually, come to think of it, no one here knows i wifi lately :o.
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