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  1. Thanks Zorbess. Bastian is back in. Now we're all gonna get the same amount of units :o.
  2. Radiant Dawn Easy Mode Draft - Hosted by Silver Harpoon My team: Haar, Laura, Nailah, Kieran, Janaff, Ranulf, Tauroneo, Ena Free units: Ike, Micaiah, Sothe, Geoffrey, Lehran, Black Knight, Leanne, Rafiel, Reyson, Rolf, Heather [spoiler=Part 1] Part 1 1-P 5/5 Edward rushes while Micaiah gets most kills including the boss. Unit Lv Xp HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res Support Strike Micaiah 3 48 15 2 9 9 9 11 2 6 Sothe A Light D Edward 5 18 19 8 0 12 13 8 6 0 --- Sword D 1-1 3/8 Edward rushes while Micaiah gets the Hand Axe for Nolan. Edward gets put in Wrath range and he OHKOs boss. Unit Lv Xp HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res Support Strike Micaiah 4 10 16 2 10 10 9 12 2 7 Sothe A Light D Edward 7 02 21 10 0 13 15 9 6 1 --- Sword C 1-2 6/14 Sothe got the Drop. Miccy got Thani and Wind Edge with Edward's help. I rushed Laura only to realize this is not NM. FML. Sothe crit the boss with Kard on EP after retrieving the Drop. Unit Lv Xp HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res Support Strike Micaiah 4 91 16 2 10 10 9 12 2 7 Sothe A Light D Sothe 2 54 35 18 4 21 20 16 14 9 Micaiah A Knife B Laura 1 22 base --- Staff D 1-3 4/18 Sothe rushed to the boss. With Miccy's help. Laura recruited Aran and sat in a corner blocked by aimee and kurth staff spamming. Unit Lv Xp HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res Support Strike Micaiah 6 34 16 2 12 11 10 13 2 9 Sothe A Light D Sothe 3 87 35 19 4 22 20 16 15 9 Micaiah A Knife A Laura 1 44 base --- Staff D 1-4 Preparations: I BEXP Laura to .99. Took Eddie's Wrath and gave it to Micaiah. BEXP'd Micaiah to .99 too. Bought the Beastkiller. Put everyone else's items in the convoy. Gave Sothe a Vulnerary. Remaining money: 3800 1-4 6/24 Sothe rushed. Micaiah got the 3000 gold. Sothe got the robe. Laura got 2 heals in for exp and an amazing level up. Unit Lv Xp HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res Support Strike Micaiah 7 62 17 2 13 12 11 14 2 10 Sothe A Light C Sothe 6 83 37 20 5 24 22 19 15 11 Micaiah A Knife S Laura 2 21 16 3 9 4 6 9 2 11 --- Staff D 1-5 Preparations: I BEXP Laura to 99. Micaiah uses the Seraph Robe. Bought 2 Bronze Knives for Sothe. Forged an Iron Knife with +2 MT/ + 5 Hit and 0 Crit just in case. Remaining money: 15090 Actually, slash that. I forged another iron knife with +5 MT/ +10 Hit and + 15 Crit too. Remaining money: 11890 1-5 5/29 Sothe got the Master Seal. Wrath Miccy pwned loldiers. Laura got a heal in. Volug and Sothe rushed. All's good. Unit Lv Xp HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res Support Strike Micaiah 9 23 25* 2 14 13 12 16 2 12 Sothe A Light C Sothe 8 98 37 21 5 26 22 21 16 11 Micaiah A Knife S Laura 3 10 17 3 10 5 7 9 2 12 --- Staff C 1-6 Preparations: I BEXP Laura to .99 again. Micaiah trades Wrath for Resolve. Sothe gets Adept + Cancel. Laura gets Shade. Forged a Max MT Iron Knife for Sothe. Sold Renewal and Howl. Gave Tauro a Hand Axe. Remaining money: 13090 1-6-1 4/33 At first, those pacifist enemies had me 5 turning. But I figured out that If I attacked the healer and parked in the middle of the 2 armors, that they would attack and the loldiers would also attack, finishing the chapter. Resolve Miccy handled the armors and the fighter to the north. Tauroneo handled the middle. Laura got a heal in the last turn for Miccy to level up. Unit Lv Xp HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res Support Strike Micaiah 11 62 26 2 15 13 14 18 2 14 Sothe A Light C Sothe 10 42 38 22 6 26 23 23 16 12 Micaiah A Knife S Laura 4 10 18 3 11 6 8 10 2 12 --- Staff C Tauroneo 14 19 38 24 12 22 20 18 21 15 --- Lance S Axe A 1-6-2 3/36 Boss decides to be a pacifist in the second turn -_-. Sothe adept and crit him on EP. :D Sothe apparently doesnt like pacifists too. Unit Lv Xp HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res Support Strike Micaiah 12 07 27 3 16 14 15 18 2 15 Sothe A Light C Sothe 12 35 38 22 6 26 24 24 17 13 Micaiah A Knife S Laura 4 21 18 3 11 6 8 10 2 12 --- Staff C Tauroneo 14 32 38 24 12 22 20 18 21 15 Lance S Axe A 1-7 Preparations: I BEXP Laura to level 17.00, gave her a Master Seal and then 98 BEXP. Unit Lv Xp HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res Support Strike Laura 1 98 26 6 21 16 16 14 5 17 --- Light E Staff C I give her a few Light tomes and Paragon. Sothe takes off Cancel and gets a Savior. Keeping Adept. Remaining money: 11170 1-7 6/42 Laura rushes while Sothe carries Micaiah. Laura kills boss. Micaiah seizes. Unit Lv Xp HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res Support Strike Micaiah 12 54 27 3 16 14 15 18 2 15 Sothe A Light C Sothe 12 90 38 22 6 26 24 24 17 13 Micaiah A Knife S Laura 5 74 27 6 24 19 20 16 7 17 --- Light E Staff C 1-8 Preparations: Micaiah and Laura get BEXP'd to 99. Every character keeps last chapter's skills except Sothe who switches his Adept with Celerity. Laura gets Cancel. Another Iron Knife forge for Sothe with max MT and +5 Hit. Remaining money: 9370 1-8 4/46 Celerity Sothe rushes to the east while Nailah handles the west and Laura handles the wyvern and the fighter reinforcements to the south. Micaiah did nothing -_- Unit Lv Xp HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res Support Strike Micaiah 12 99 27 3 16 14 15 18 2 15 Sothe A Light C Sothe 14 77 39 22 6 26 26 26 17 14 Micaiah A Knife S Laura 7 63 28 7 25 20 22 17 7 18 --- Light D Staff C Nailah 33 06 66 17 5 23 19 35 16 13 --- SS 1-9 Preparations: Nothing pretty much. 1-9 4/50 Standard Resolve Miccy rush. BK killed Jarod. Unit Lv Xp HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res Support Strike Micaiah 14 56 28 3 18 14 16 20 2 17 Sothe A Light B 1-E Preparations: Gave this to Ilyana for ferrying: Blue Gem 1/1 Pass Adept Brave Sword 40/40 Hammer 20/20 Celerity Fortune She also has Savior equipped. Gave Micaiah BEXP to 20.00. Unit Lv Xp HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res Support Strike Micaiah 20 00 30 3 20 15 19 26 3 20 Sothe A Light B Then BEXP'd Laura to 99. 1-E 6/56 Sothe rescues Miccy. Nailah rushes to throne room. Sothe drops Miccy. Nailah kills Jarod. Miccy seizes. BK opened Sothe and Nailah's path through the stairs. Unit Lv Xp HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res Support Strike Micaiah 20 00 30 3 20 15 19 26 3 20 Sothe A Light B Sothe 15 00 39 22 7 26 26 27 17 14 Micaiah A Knife S Laura 11 49 30 7 25 22 23 19 7 19 --- Light C Staff C Nailah 33 52 66 17 5 23 19 35 16 13 --- SS That's it for Part 1. Miccy promotes. Unit Lv Xp HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res Support Strike Micaiah 1 00 32 6 21 16 20 26 6 21 Sothe A Light B Staff C Total turncount: 56
  3. Also, in the final round. To make things even, we're gonna be choosing from the remaining FE10 only units list and the FE9 only too (Geoffrey and Largo). Even as in, everyone having the same amount of units. Unless I did the math wrong.
  4. We are gonna be reversing the draft order once again for the final pick. @ thisisjaye - do not pick 2 units. You only get 1 this round. Then, it goes back to me.
  5. I was sleeping. Kyza and Cain. Also, @ soul - dude. Restart. .XX means that you can complete that char's level with bexp when you first get a base to do so. That means that u can get ike to 16 00 if he 15 16 in chapter 8 (example). Titania doesnt appear in the list, she cannot be given BEXP ever. After the initial bexp, each coming ch you can give any unit up to 50 bexp per chapter. Base levels is the level you can get them to when you first get that char in a base. For example, Elincia can start at level 7 instead of 1 in ch 26 if you choose to give her bexp. If you ignore the char in their joining chapter and decide to not give them bexp to base level, you lose the privilege forever.
  6. Chapter 7 Preparations: Reclassed Ryan to Cavalier. And gave him a steel sword and iron sword. I also gave him Aquarius and Gemini. Gave Libra to Radd and gave him a few swords. Reclassed Srs Bznz to Dracoknight. Reclassed Castor to Mercenary. Chapter 7 5/46 Rescued Feena with Yubello. Moved Marth and danced him. Palla and Sirius flew and chased thieves around. Meanwhile, Ryan follows behind marth and Ursula gets the physic staff. got all the thief loot. Ryan got the boss kill. Barst took on some reinforcements. Seize Unit Class Lv Xp HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res WLv Marth Lord 11 39 38* 12 0 14 15 14 9 0 Sword C Ursula Mage 17 77 31 7 19 15 19 10 4 7 Tome B Ryan Cavalier 17 27 33 15 0 18 18 8 15 1 Sword D Lance E Palla Dracoknight 6 42 38 21 1 25 21 12 18 4 Lance A Axe E Yubello Curate 6 92 21 0 0 3 8 6 6 8 Staff D Castor Mercenary 8 45 25 8 0 12 13 4 8 0 Sword E Barst Pirate 11 25 28 15 0 12 17 7 8 0 Axe C Radd Myrmidon 5 00 22 5 0 10 13 1 5 0 Sword C Sirius Dracoknight 3 99 28 15 1 16 13 5 15 3 Lance A Axe E Feena Dancer 1 85 16 2 0 2 13 8 5 0 Sword E Chapter 8 Preparations: Trained Ryan as a cavalier in the base arena until 20 and promoted him. Then I reclassed him to a Horseman. I also trained him with an iron lance just in case I need to go Dracoknight! Ryan later. Ryan Horseman 1 00 36 19 1 24 22 9 15 4 Sword D Bow B Funds: 5150 G I sell the Bullion(S) I got last last chapter. Funds: 10150 G And I decide to train barst in the arena too. Barst Pirate 16 25 33 19 0 14 20 10 8 0 Axe C Funds: 710 G I gave Barst the Ch6 Secret Book. And promoted him to Berserker. Barst Berserker 1 00 39 21 0 17 21 10 10 0 Axe C I sold random unneeded items like the Firestone and went in. Chapter 8 3/49 Feena dances Marth. Castor buys a hammer. Palla and Ryan make way for Marth. Barst hammers some generals for sweet exp. Palla kills boss. Sirius chases and kills the leo thief. Seize. Unit Class Lv Xp HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res WLv Marth Lord 11 51 38 12 0 14 15 14 9 0 Sword C Ursula Mage 18 17 32 7 19 16 20 10 4 7 Tome B Ryan Horseman 1 57 36 19 1 24 22 9 15 4 Sword D Bow B Palla Dracoknight 7 25 39 22 1 26 22 12 19 4 Lance A Axe E Yubello Curate 7 28 22 0 0 4 9 7 6 8 Staff D Castor Mercenary 8 45 25 8 0 12 13 4 8 0 Sword E Barst Berserker 2 96 40 22 0 18 22 11 10 0 Axe B Radd Myrmidon 5 14 22 5 0 10 13 1 5 0 Sword C Sirius Dracoknight 4 12 29 16 1 17 13 5 16 3 Lance A Axe E Feena Dancer 2 36 16 3 0 3 14 9 6 0 Sword E Chapter 9 Preparations: Gave some javelins to Palla. Filled Rickard's inventory with random stuff. Reclass Ryan to dracoknight and gave him some javelins. Chapter 9 5/54 Rickard starts as far east as possible. He moves, Feena dances him. He full moves again. Marth moves. Palla and Ryan javelin thieves and Ursula moves up with yubello trailing a bit behind her. Rickard gets the boots in turn 2, he has a full inventory so sends it to the convoy and marth uses it. Feena dances marth. Sirius javelins a thief that has the thief staff and marth full moves and finishes him off. The others keep killing mages to the west. Etzel got killed. Rickard got the Capricorn. Marth keeps moving toward the village and the others keep killing stuff on the west. Marth visits the village in turn 4. Yubello rescues him in turn 5 and he seizes. Ryan got the boss kill. Unit Class Lv Xp HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res WLv Marth Lord 11 91 38 12 0 14 15 14 9 0 Sword C Ursula Mage 19 08 33 7 20 16 20 10 4 7 Tome B Ryan Dracoknight 3 20 37 22 1 25 22 9 20 4 Lance D Axe E Palla Dracoknight 8 29 40 23 1 26 23 12 19 4 Lance A Axe E Yubello Curate 8 16 22 0 0 4 9 8 6 8 Staff D Castor Mercenary 8 45 25 8 0 12 13 4 8 0 Sword E Barst Berserker 3 39 41 22 0 18 22 12 10 0 Axe B Radd Myrmidon 5 14 22 5 0 10 13 1 5 0 Sword C Sirius Dracoknight 4 18 29 16 1 17 13 5 16 3 Lance A Axe E Feena Dancer 2 70 16 3 0 3 14 9 6 0 Sword E Rickard Thief 3 00 18 6 0 3 9 1 3 0 Sword E Chapter 10 Preparations: Promoted Ursula. Reclassed her to Bishop. Reclassed Ryan to Sniper. Gave Virgo to Marth. Chapter 10 2/56 Barst, Palla and Ryan open Marth's way. Feena dances Marth. Merric uses pure water and sits to the right of ellerean. A cleric blocks marth's way...I decide to just kill her and 2 turn the map. Sorry silver card. Ursula got a few barrier uses in and Yubello used thief for the bullion (L). He also reached C staves. Unit Class Lv Xp HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res WLv Marth Lord 11 91 38 12 0 14 15 14 9 0 Sword C Ursula Bishop 1 27 39 8 20 17 21 10 5 13 Tome B Staff D Ryan Sniper 3 50 41 21 1 28 24 9 17 4 Bow A Palla Dracoknight 8 72 40 23 1 26 23 12 19 4 Lance A Axe E Yubello Curate 8 83 22 0 0 4 9 8 6 8 Staff C Castor Mercenary 8 45 25 8 0 12 13 4 8 0 Sword E Barst Berserker 3 97 41 22 0 18 22 12 10 0 Axe B Radd Myrmidon 5 14 22 5 0 10 13 1 5 0 Sword C Sirius Dracoknight 4 18 29 16 1 17 13 5 16 3 Lance A Axe E Feena Dancer 3 04 17 3 0 4 15 10 6 0 Sword E Rickard Thief 3 00 18 6 0 3 9 1 3 0 Sword E Chapter 10x: Reclassed Ryan to Horseman. My Goals for this chapter is to get as much exp as possible for radd while building yubello and ursula's staff rank. Chapter 10x 11/0 I took only 11 turns because the reinforcements keep getting tougher and it is cheap If I keep juicing xp out of them. There should be a 10-15 turn limit on this gaiden in the future (or be the only gaiden that's counted). Anyway, fed Radd some kills with Levin Sword awesomeness. His level ups were ridiculous too. This will be fun...Yubello and Ursula staff spammed like there's no tomorrow. Ryan got the boss kill. Unit Class Lv Xp HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res WLv Marth Lord 13 01 40 14 0 15 17 16 9 0 Sword C Ursula Bishop 2 82 40 8 20 17 22 10 5 13 Tome B Staff C Ryan Horseman 7 20 40 22 1 28 24 10 17 4 Sword D Bow B Yubello Curate 12 00 23 0 1 7 12 9 6 10 Staff C Barst Berserker 8 77 46 26 0 22 24 15 12 0 Axe A Radd Myrmidon 9 90 26 8 0 13 16 2 7 0 Sword C Feena Dancer 4 91 18 4 0 5 16 11 6 0 Sword E
  7. Find out yourself. You're my rival, so im not helping you :p.
  8. I choose the beautiful Sigrun and Nailah.
  9. OP updated. It is now thisisjaye's turn and we're drafting FE10 only units. I picked Ena btw. So Bastian is BANNED from both games.
  10. Chapter 6x 20/0 Marth got the boss kill. Radd was stuck between palla and castor attacking and yubello healing castor for 20 turns. Unit Class Lv Xp HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res WLv Marth Lord 11 39 31 12 0 14 15 14 9 0 Sword C Ursula Mage 17 46 31 7 19 15 19 10 4 7 Tome B Ryan Hunter 16 47 32 15 0 19 17 8 11 1 Bow B Palla Dracoknight 5 05 37 21 1 24 21 12 17 4 Lance A Axe E Yubello Curate 5 72 20 0 0 2 8 6 6 7 Staff D Castor Hunter 8 45 25 10 0 8 10 4 6 0 Bow C Barst Pirate 10 52 27 15 0 12 16 7 8 0 Axe D Radd Myrmidon 5 00 22 5 0 10 13 1 5 0 Sword C
  11. Chapter 3x 12/0 Unit Class Lv Xp HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res WLv Marth Lord 10 19 30 11 0 13 14 13 9 0 Sword D Ursula Cleric 15 92 30 6 15 14 17 9 2 12 Staff E Ryan 14 01 30 12 0 15 16 8 15 1 Sword E Lance E Palla 13 31 27 13 2 14 18 9 10 7 Lance B Chapter 4 Preparations: Reclassed Ursula back to Mage. Didnt deploy Arran. Chapter 4 5/29 Had to take 2 more turns to get Castor. Yumina rescues Marth, he visits his village. Ryan MU and palla just did self improvement. Srs Bznz killed the boss and pretty much everyone in that area allowing marth to seize in turn 5. Unit Class Lv Xp HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res WLv Marth Lord 10 19 30 11 0 13 14 13 9 0 Sword D Ursula Mage 16 06 30 6 18 14 18 9 3 7 Tome B Ryan Cavalier 14 57 30 12 0 15 16 8 15 1 Sword D Lance E Palla Peg. Knight 13 77 27 13 2 14 18 9 10 7 Lance B Sirius Paladin 2 26 29 13 1 15 13 4 12 6 Sword B Lance A Chapter 5 Preparations: Reclass Yubello to Curate. Reclass Ryan to Hunter. Trained Palla to promotion. Palla Dracoknight 20/1 34 20 1 20 20 12 17 4 Funds left: 4400 G Chapter 5 5/34 Recruited Rickard. Palla rushes. With her def, only some enemies actually hurt her. She got hit by the arrowspate but shrugged it off. She's so good that she had time to eliminate the dracos on the west. Bought a door key from the vendor with sirius. The others battled as much as they could for cexp. Unit Class Lv Xp HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res WLv Marth Lord 10 19 30 11 0 13 14 13 9 0 Sword D Ursula Mage 16 33 30 6 18 14 18 9 3 7 Tome B Ryan Hunter 15 16 31 14 0 18 17 8 11 1 Bow C Palla Dracoknight 2 91 34 21 1 21 21 12 17 4 Lance A Axe E Yubello Curate 1 81 18 0 0 1 7 5 4 6 Staff E Sirius Paladin 2 82 29 13 1 15 13 4 12 6 Sword B Lance A Castor Hunter 7 65 24 10 0 7 10 4 6 0 Bow C Barst Fighter 6 07 27 13 0 11 11 6 7 0 Axe D Rickard base Chapter 6 Preparations: Reclassed Barst to Pirate and trained him a bit. Barst 8 63 Pirate 25 14 0 10 15 6 8 0 Axe D Funds: 450G Chapter 6 7/41 Took a turn more for the bullion. It will be worth it to train Barst. And Im super broke. Got all the shards and the barrier staff. What can I say? Palla is broken. Unit Class Lv Xp HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res WLv Marth Lord 10 69 30 11 0 13 14 13 9 0 Sword C Ursula Mage 17 04 31 7 19 15 19 10 4 7 Tome B Ryan Hunter 16 09 32 15 0 19 17 8 11 1 Bow B Palla Dracoknight 4 75 36 21 1 23 21 12 17 4 Lance A Axe E Sirius Paladin 3 48 30 14 1 16 13 5 13 6 Sword B Lance A Rickard Thief base Barst Pirate 9 89 26 15 0 11 15 7 8 0 Axe D Castor Hunter 8 25 25 10 0 8 10 4 6 0 Bow C
  12. 13th's [FE11-FE12] Archanean version of that crazy bastard Radiant Dragon's brainchild My FE12 Playthrough My Team: Barst, Palla, Radd, Castor, Athena, Ymir, Vyland/Ryan, Yubello, Boah, Lorenz My Unit = Noble's Child + 1 base to str/mag +10% str/mag growth, +2 base skl/spd + 5% growth to skl/spd and truthseeker +30% hp growth. Prologue 1 4/0 Standard stuff. Unit Lv Xp HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res WLv Ursula 2 70 19 4 5 6 7 3 2 4 Tome D Prologue 2 5/0 Took my time milking exp. Unit Lv Xp HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res WLv Ursula 3 00 20 4 6 6 8 3 2 4 Tome D Ryan 1 70 18 7 0 4 4 3 7 0 Bow D Prologue 3 6/0 Took my time once again to get as much EXP as possible. Lured Caeda and Ryan killed her after rody weakened her. Unit Lv Xp HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res WLv Ursula 3 60 20 4 6 8 3 2 4 Tome D Ryan 2 87 19 7 0 5 5 3 8 0 Bow D Prologue 4 Athena route 5/0 Got as much exp as possible for ryan and MU. Unit Lv Xp HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res WLv Ursula 4 39 21 5 7 7 9 4 2 4 Tome D Ryan 4 77 21 9 0 7 6 5 8 0 Bow D Prologue 5 9/0 Took my time and didnt use Athena. Ryan and MU got juicy level ups. Unit Lv Xp HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res WLv Ursula 5 52 22 5 8 7 10 4 2 5 Tome D Ryan 6 21 23 9 0 9 8 6 9 0 Bow D Athena 10 00 25 9 0 12 13 6 7 0 Sword B Prologue 6 Draug route 3/0 Draug because its a better matchup for Mage MU. I milk EXP as much as I can with help from luke and athena. Unit Lv Xp HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res WLv Ursula 6 37 23 5 9 7 11 4 2 5 Tome C Ryan 6 93 23 9 0 9 8 6 9 0 Bow D Athena 10 00 25 9 0 12 13 6 7 0 Sword B Prologue 7 Est route 4/0 I picked Est route because Ryan. Unit Lv Xp HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res WLv Ursula 7 64 24 5 10 8 12 4 2 5 Tome C Ryan 7 99 23 10 0 10 9 7 9 0 Bow C Athena 10 31 25 9 0 12 13 6 7 0 Sword B Prologue 8 The Assasination of that Guy 8/0 Milked exp as much as possible as usual. Ryan is beastly. And that Ursula...o_O Unit Lv Xp HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res WLv Marth 8 24 28 9 0 12 12 11 8 0 Sword D Ursula 9 36 26 6 12 9 14 6 2 5 Tome C Ryan 10 25 25 11 0 12 10 8 11 0 Bow C Athena 10 49 25 9 0 12 13 6 7 0 Sword B Chapter 1 Preparations Screen: Reclass Ryan to Hunter immediately. And Arran to Swordmaster. Gave Ursula a new fire tome. Arranged them in the map and went in. Funds: 5700 G First try failed, I reclassed Ryan to Cavalier and gave him Iron Sword. That way he can build his sword rank while having better move (Which I need) Chapter 1 4/4 Ryan charges with his Iron Sword ORKO'ing everything in sight. Then, Ursula and him team up on the boss to kill him and marth seizes. Arran grabbed the bullion. Unit Class Lv Xp HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res WLv Marth Lord 8 39 28 9 0 12 12 11 8 0 Sword D Ursula Mage 10 69 27 6 13 10 15 6 2 6 Tome C Ryan Cavalier 11 12 28 11 0 12 13 8 13 0 Sword E Lance E Arran Swordmaster 3 12 26 8 1 18 17 4 8 3 Sword C Chapter 2 Preparations: Ryan to Hunter now. Sold the Bullion (S). Gave Ryan back his bows. Made Arran a Dracoknight. Arranged the map order and went in. Chapter 2 6/10 Rushed. Didnt bother recruiting Warren. Ryan killed boss with his steel bow after Jagen weakened and lured him on EP. Didnt get the Lady Sword due to needing Arran for combat. Oh well. Marth seized in turn 6. Unit Class Lv Xp HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res WLv Marth Lord 9 00 29 10 0 13 13 12 8 0 Sword D Ursula Mage 11 76 27 6 14 11 15 7 2 7 Tome C Ryan Hunter 12 57 28 13 0 15 14 8 9 0 Bow C Arran Dracoknight 3 58 24 11 1 12 11 4 12 3 Lance B Axe E Chapter 3 Preparations: Gave Nosferatu to Ursula. Rearranged map order. Put Ursula in the east where the Dracoknighs can reach her. That's about it. I go in. Chapter 3 14/24 Ursula nosferatus the 6 dracos, killing all of them. Palla with Silver Lance goodness ORKOs all the cavalier reinforcements by staying in the middle fort after killing the thief. Marth visits the village with the bridge key on turn 3. Arran takes it. Ryan prepares to rush. Mage MU moves closer to everyone. Arran opens the bridge. Marth moves. Ryan stays in a specific tile that makes Matthis suicide with his javelin. Palla keeps battling reinforcements. Matthis SDs just like I predicted. Mage MU and Ryan clear Marth's way. Allowing him to once again move fully. Arran stays back. Ursula survives with 1 hp against the ballistae and a cavalier. She then KOs the ballistae in my turn. Palla levels up amazingly and proceeds to slaughter the dracoknights. Marth keeps moving towards Julian's village. While Ryan practices with his bow against the boss. Ryan keeps practicing. Palla kills the dracos with ease. Marth visits the village. Ursula KOs the boss. After that, its just full move marth every turn toward the seize point. Unit Class Lv Xp HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res WLv Marth Lord 9 00 29 10 0 13 13 12 8 0 Sword D Ursula Mage 15 27 30 6 17 14 17 9 3 7 Tome B Ryan Hunter 13 31 29 13 0 16 15 8 10 0 Bow C Palla Peg. Knight 12 88 26 12 2 13 17 9 10 6 Lance B Arran Dracoknight 3 63 24 11 1 12 11 4 12 3 Lance B Axe E
  13. Ryan the uber archer . I give Midia to Elieson.
  14. Noted. Thanks, I will fix that now.
  15. I said it in a post lol. Sorry, shouldve added that to the rules. And yes, you will get first pick in the RD only units list.

  16. Lol Soul has a ridiculous RD. Quick! everyone take all mounted FE9 units.
  17. Hey, your pick is wrong. Read the rules. We cant pick RD yet.

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