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Everything posted by Lewyn

  1. Yup. Did you know we have 4 Xanders and 4 Takumi? Oh yeah and none of those are CYL, so really IS is responsible for the same amount of versions of those characters as Lyn and Lucina. However was there even one complaint about them? Can't recall, no one cared. I'd like to also point out another bias is in old vs new characters, the 3rd Hector was complained about a lot even though one of his versions is CYL. Hey he's from a pre 3ds game though so those aren't allowed alts I guess. Now the problem is with female characters it isn't just the number of alts that are complained about, it goes into character bashing as well as bashing people who like the character. There is a lot of discussion as to 'is this character worthy'. I mean just with Legendary Eirika the main character of FE8, even moreso than Ephraim who did get a legendary version, there was a big thing about her being dumb naive and not doing anything legendary. However with Ryoma who is just one of the many royals in the game, not a main character, who didn't do any legendary feats there was not a single comment of his 'worthiness'. There was no character bashing either. There is no equivalent as to what Camilla gets or was it Kagero with 'walking sack of tits' ever thrown towards any male character. Oh yeah Kagero, remember all the complaints about her getting her 3rd version, oh why does this bland insignificant character get another alt? So yeah definitely a ton of bias going on which is pretty disgusting. @Cute Chao SMT is the bomb! The dark atmosphere, various mythologies/religions, demon negotion, the incredible press turn system with smirk/partner system in the latest entry just amazing, and the many horror elements. I like Persona too but I much prefer SMT, it is sad that even though SMT is the MAIN series it is definitely the lesser property and priority for Atlus compared to Persona. Persona is much more mainstream and closer to what the JRPG formula is. SMT has always been experimental and way out there, and not everyone likes that I guess.
  2. Well it has been so long since Fates has had a banner. Plus we just got a Binding blade banner....oh wait we never had one. We did have a Radiant Dawn banner....um let's see, oh yeah January...like almost a year ago. Fair representation am I right?
  3. Well 5th Lyn and 5th Lucina got a lot of dislikes so it isn't surprising 5th Camilla would as well. However I think it is likely more a general dissatisfaction with the units as a whole rather than just Camilla.
  4. Well hopefully that means they have big plans for major improvements starting with version 3.0.
  5. Rally Atk/Spd+ is a top tier whale skill. People not in tier 21 are going to use a much more practical movement skill most likely. Null follow up is also a whale skill. When you face almost all armors this is finally a good answer to bold fighter. I have bride lyn and yes candlelight+ is pretty good, getting to safely attack enemies. However do you really think this is going to draw a bunch of people? Many can do great with pain+ or gravity. Even though candlelight allows some different shenanigans, I don't think it will be a huge draw. I guess whales run the economy so if they spend a ton to put null follow up on units and put rally atk/spd on anything I guess it could be profitable still. However since tier 21 is only like the top 1% or whatever, I think most people aren't going to be wowed by the skills here. Oh yeah another thing in general. Remember with the "Thracia is coming!" I think right after that we got the Morgans/Horse Chrom banner. Maybe we got the BB/RD announcement so early so the backlash wouldn't be so bad for this alt heavy Fates banner.
  6. Well we got a new banner and it is a paralogue, meaning book 3 might still be a ways away unfortunately. If you expect the worst always, you don't have the joy of expectation/anticipation which is released when such thing comes true. It is a big difference. When something you expect to go bad or be bad ends up good, it is more being pleasantly surprised. When you expect good things when they come true it is exciting. In addition people who generally look at things and near everything pessimistically are much less likely to take risks and try new things, after all they expect the worst. People who are optimistic expect good things so are much more willing to take risks try different things. I think I saw this on reddit or something. However the line looks pretty steady. It certainly can't fall, since it is cumulitive, but it the rise hasn't gotten any less steep as far as it looks.
  7. Doorway Destiny, Nohrian Dusk, Muspell Generals. Three new hero banners in a row without any alts, I thought it may be start of a trend. I guess they are trying to make up for lost time, uh lost alts. This is the worst banner in the history of the game, I would say in my opinion, but it goes beyond alts. Let's start with that though. ALTS 3 of the 4 units are alts We are getting our 5th version of Camilla We are getting our 5th and 6th Corrin. Or our 3rd Female and 3rd Male Corrin. GAME REPRESENTED Is Fates, who just had a new heroes banner. Not counting Brave Heroes redux which is essentially Farfetched 2 based on our votes, Muspell generals was before that and then Nohrian Dusk (Fates). In addition Fates is the most represented game in Heroes already, that lead will only widen further. UNDERWHELMING UNITS AND SKILLS Now forget the faces, the game, alts whatever. These units don't have much draw power. We get another blue infantry and green infantry dragon which their are already numerous choices including cheap options like Nowi and Fae. They seem especially underwhelming since we've been getting flying and armor dragons recently. Fortify dragons is on a free unit already. I will admit the new skill that cancels out follow up skills is welcome and attractive, that is about it though in terms of skills. Then we get an infantry healer, there are a ton of those btw, without dazzling or wrath skill, without a PRF staff. Horse healers are much better, and flier healers even moreso. Mia is still on Halloween banner, and Loki is still there too both much better choices. Finally we have a red tome flier! Nice, but we just got Aversa for free and Summer Tana is there on the Eirika banner with her killer stat spread. In the words of comic book guy. "Worst banner ever!" I feel bad for Mikoto who is a lovely character and a nice addition being another woman over 30 (over 40 even maybe?). Anyways...boo (in Myrrh).
  8. Put me down as another that strongly approves of this comment. I'm sick of all this talk "Is Heroes dying!" Yeah, no. Someone already posted how the playerbase and revenue is constantly pointing upward with no decline or lull or plateau. Also this is the wrong place for grand statements, this is about what we expect/hope for the channel. Oh and if you want IS to notice how unhappy you are with the game to the point of even quitting perhaps, then send it as feedback ingame. I expect 3.0 trailer, cause how much longer can they go without story quests? Farfetched 2 is done, so this new hero banner is going to have a story chapter like every other. Which means book 3 must come. I also think we'll maybe get update on beast units, if we are getting a free legendary hero for book 3 it will be announced here, some improvements to modes, and maybe skill forge. Also about pessimists in general, yeah one expects the worst all the time so is rarely very disappointed. However at the same time they aren't living life. They have no passion for anything, they can't enjoy anything not nearly to the degree that people who aren't pessimists or who are optimists can. It is a safe way to live but I wouldn't call it living.
  9. OMG it is just he laziest ever. Not to mention the face is drawn pretty badly as well. I know these heroes are supposed to be planned months ahead of time, Zelgius seems like he was thrown in as a last minute addition to the banner.
  10. Yeah her art is great and she is from my favorite game. However the way her stats work with the really high res, barrier blade on top, good HP, and high speed makes her laugh of mage attacks and do well at killing dragons. Her defense is really bad but since her speed is so high she will only be hit once most of the time so can survive there as well. Her spread gives her great survivability while making her a specialized mage/dragon killer. #1 reason I decided to merge her though is she is ally supported with Lewyn who is my dream +10 and who I want to build the most powerful team possible while being true lorewise. Now I need a blue, Erinys when? @Rezzy Ha, poor Lisa and of course Smithers leading the fandom. Great episode (so many were, back in the day). Anyways this reminds me of Zelgius. It's just Black Knight without his helmet. "But it's without his helmet!"
  11. I have one Florina, I had so many before but only one now I doubt she is great nature, but I'll check if the refine is awesome. What the...? At about the same time you posted this I decided to +2 my Silvia with plans on her being my first +10 merge project that isn't 5 star locked (so actually has a chance of happening). You did speed refine on barrier blade same as me, went with +atk Silvia same with me, except I went -HP instead of -def.
  12. Woah 336 pulls! That is a great rate though, and +10 Eirika seems pretty awesome. +10ing legendary heroes has got to be one of the hardest things to do and you did on the first banner she was available. Anyways I'm also done, I don't even know the exact orb count started with 45, then used other orbs we got on VG and such. Probably less than 80, I got Legendary Lyn first circle, then later got Legendary Eirika +def/-HP! I am very happy, the Halloween banner was so ball crushing it wasn't even funny. I'm sticking to legendary banners from now on, regular focus banners it is rare that you get super screwed over but when it happens it is just the worse. Legendary banners, you can't lose.
  13. Ooh Saber! One of my favorite characters in Echoes! I'm glad I held onto one copy, and yeah he needed a PRF so so badly. I hope it is something insane like what Odin got, that makes him a strong red infantry that stands out in some way. I also hope it synergizes well with his ultra rare B slot skill, Shield pulse. All the characters chosen are ones that could use PRF, and it is great for fans of them. Florina was quite memorable to me in FE7, the super shy Peg knight that is with you most of the game, hopefully they do something great with her PRF.
  14. I'd hope this is the case for most people. The rewards are pretty nice though.
  15. Finally my luck changes. First circle I finally get legendary Lyn!!!! +atk/-spd. Also got Barst reposition other green on circle and WoM on the red. Summoned a couple more reds in 2 circles afterwards, got +atk/-HP Silvia....finally I can promote her and ally support with Lewyn! Nice. Anyways I am at 10 orbs. I'll probably go red only, and green if no reds show up from now on.
  16. It's not even about how many popular characters are left, units for a long time now have all been coming with amazing weapons and new or super rare skills. So even if they released a new version of Lyn or Ike, if they came with some generic weapon it would be a huge letdown. Cause just about every non seasonal unit is coming with a PRF, or a new skill or both. Cause of this I think the vast majority of people DON'T pull for character alone and haven't for some time. They pull for characters they love that also bring something new to the table, or at least are very powerful. Once you set a precedent of almost every unit coming with a personal weapon, great stat spread, and new skill or even a unique skill you just can't go back on that. I think they have constricted their creative space forcing really complex weapons and skills to add variety, they have also accelerated the power creep particularly in terms of skills.
  17. Ooh that is wonderful to hear, can't wait for 3.0! Also take that all the people and vids saying Heroes is dying. Yeah it is the opposite it continues to grow bigger and bigger and stronger and stronger.
  18. I hope this is a sign that they are going to make bows like Echoes. I think that was perfect, they could give the archers poorer stats to make up for being able attack from longer distance. How they work in most FE is really sucky, they can't counter attack or attack from 1 space away like mages, they usually do less damage than mages since enemies usually have higher def than res as well. The way they were in Echoes adds so much strategic depth. I also like how spells had various ranges as well. Let's open up spacing beyond 1 or 2 a lot more.
  19. Ooh nice. I couldn't tell they were different artists really good art I guess they all decided to stick to a certain style. Do they also do Cipher or other Fire Emblem related stuff?
  20. It is true teams usually come out very strong after biweek. However what wasn't surprising is Aaron Rodgers being good, it was more how great overall their defense seemed through much of the game. They were getting a lot of pressure fairly consistently on Jared Goff, and they were mostly really good at containing runs up the gut. The Pats...it is always hard to bet against them. If a team beats them it is almost never easy, and so often they completely take the opposing team out of their element and comfort zone. Still I'm definitely watching the game. The MJ promo was a nice touch hyping it as Rodgers vs Brady. Though we know with football being the ultimate team sport it is pretty darn hard to make such comparisons.
  21. Who is the artist that does these? They draw these characters in such an adorable way it is impossible not to love them. The smiles are especially wholesome. Lady Lyndis! This comic took me all the way back to my first experience with this beloved series, FE7. As tactician waking up to see Lyn's smiling reassuring face and hearing her tragic tale before setting off.
  22. I had issue with being an alt, but yeah I also felt it should have been Knoll who came with Glepnir. Being the only dark mage the player can use, aside from if you raised Ewan a certain way. Yeah both Ephraim and Eirika are great representations of their promoted class in their legendary forms. I really think they did a great job, in addition art is excellent.
  23. It always seems to be female characters too. The bashing is really vicious, and usually insulting people who like said character. I didn't know people hated Eirika before the Glepnir controversy, I am surprised. If it's a male character people don't like it is usually like "Lame, boring" that is about the meanest thing said. If it is female. Oh people only like her cause she is a walking sack of tits, or man she is such a dumb empty character.
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