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Everything posted by Lewyn

  1. Guys it is over. The most stressful period and I think highest pity rate I had ever achieved. I didn't check but it might have gotten to 5.0% before breaking it today, at the very least it was still 4.75% focus. So anyways the breaker was a +spd/-HP Sigurd first orb of the circle, and so I finished pulling the circle. The other red orb did get me another 5 star, and thankfully one that was cause for celebration. Laegjarn!!! This is the sister I really wanted, since I prefer her character in the story and I only have one strong red flier (Elincia) while I have most of the strong infantry swords already. +atk/-spd, thanks to her weapon effect this is fixable, and +atk is the boon I wanted. The Sigurd I originally pulled and was using all this time was neutral. Even though HP is a superbane I decided to merge my neutral Sigurd onto the +spd one. It gives him a speed stat that with building and horse buffs can give him a good player phase. Hope I made the right decision here, Sigurd experts feel free to chime in. On Laegjarn, I am disappointed by her voice. I expected a very strong sounding woman with a touch of sultriness and an adult voice. She sounds more like a teen, and too cute and gentle. She is the kind hearted but fierce general of Muspell and smart strategist. Not how it sounded in my head at all.
  2. That sounds like solid team set up, that is also fun to use. I want to stay away from an armor team (unless they release enough armor dragons to make them). The only really crummy thing about armors is their movement, this is mostly negated with armor march however outside armor teams you want Guidance flyer or something so it isn't a pain to position and move the armor around. Sorry about the def bane as far as arena scoring, but combat wise I think if your boon is attack, speed, or possibly even res she might actually perform better. I thought the omni breaker worked with Hector cause he has QR on his weapon, so wary fighter cancels that QR, but then the QR seal goes into effect allowing you to double and your opponent to only hit once.
  3. Lilina beating out her beloved father in the poll? Kind of a tough choice for me cause I really like Hector too, but got to go with Arvis. I'm wondering if the power of waifu will win out this time, cause the males have the advantage here. Robin, Hector are much more popular than any of the females. Of course multiplier stuff is common place, however I am more interested in which character actually has more followers.
  4. That's true usually it is 3-4 star armors available promoted to 5 star +10, and putting expensive fodder on them. Yeah I don't think many people will be upset about that. Actually about arena crowns since it is mostly whale tier, or super dedicated invested FTP tier, I don't think people should be too upset even if it was nature changing or extra merges or something else desirable. This coming from someone who will likely never be in tier 21 and am not interested.
  5. Wow this was unexpectedly easy and took almost no repeat tries. Lewyn with Blazing Wind, and 3 dancers. Destroys 3-4 units a turn. Lunatic and Infernal. Easy enough that I may give a few tries to Abyssal even though I have no interest in accessories.
  6. Well she also gots that double weakness, armor effective and dragon effective weaponry. Her speed does help a lot in not getting doubled by too many units. I'm also not a 'meta' person, cause it is so much favored towards high BST units. I just like strong versatile units, it doesn't matter if they are low BST mage dancers like Bride Ninian, or high BST armor dragons.
  7. Luck evens out in the end, I think. I've had great luck the past few months, but this Muspell generals banner might set a new record. I already got 2 off focus pity breakers the first time pulling (when it first released), one that I already had and one with a bad IV. However now the rate is 4.75% which might be the highest I've hit. This is going for reds which have the best rate if going for either focus unit. I've finished paralogue chain challenges, even done a few more story chain challenges, still have all of book 2 of those and a little of book 1 left. A few squad assault. Sitting on 3 orbs. I really really don't want to dip into October orbs cause that will probably close me out from the Halloween banner and next month legendary. Looks like it might be the only choice though.
  8. Quan looked at least partially Chinese to me in Genealogy (well even in Heroes a bit) cause he looks a lot like Fei Long from Street Fighter who is Chinese and their version of Bruce Lee. Speaking of lower rarity units worth to build. In my horrendous luck thusfar with Muspell I did pull a 4 star Soleil and 4 star Merric both with ideal natures, so I was wondering are either worth building. I also am sitting on an ideal nature Shigure at 4 star.
  9. Tier 21 is whale tier, or super invested FTP (only spend orbs on merges for arena core, dedicated solely to that), so I don't mind if the reward for crowns are amazing. Maybe they can be used to get a free merge of choice, or reroll a nature. Perhaps instead of a free orb summon on banner you get a full free circle.
  10. So gamepedia tier list has for now put legendary Tiki at 10.0 S+ tier. This probably didn't take much deliberation. Anyone who has her, what team comp do you run her in or are planning to run her in? Obviously she can go great with armors, but her C skill also would go great with all sorts of mixed teams. It is also tempting to pair her with Mar Mar (original one, not legendary) for the spectrum buffs and lore reasons.
  11. Finally more colorless legendary heroes! Took forever. The upside is legendary heroes are very hard to pull usually, rotating out and coming back every 3 months or whatever. So 1/3 focus chance and if you don't get it, you have to wait a 1/4 year to get another chance. However with F Grima she will be at like 6+ months straight before rotating out meaning it was a really good chance for a lot of people to get her who wanted her. Colorless. Oh yeah staff Miciah seems a sure thing for one of them. I think Hrid will be the red hero next month, but I always predict OC and am always wrong so don't know. It seems though that his story is done, he stays behind to rule the Ice kingdom.
  12. I decided to go back to legendary banner for reds, first circle first red orb got me another Ike. Which is great Zelgius was waiting for warding breath for completion. The rest of the circle were blues and greens couldn't resist but got nothing. So legendary banner big success, unfortunately didn't carry over to Muspell. 100 orbs nothing. Don't have enough for another circle so will have to wait til get more orbs. I've gotten off focus pity breakers twice on this. Whatever the next 5 star is I'm done. The double shared focus is the only reason I delved back in. There won't ever be a better chance to pull a Muspell sister.
  13. 100 orbs total. Got +spd/-res Spring Sharena, +res/-atk Maribelle and finally Tiki neutral!!! She is who I wanted most so very happy! I want Hector too, but I have the other two greens so odds are disappointment. Reds is still good value but then I'd rather pull reds on muspell banner double focus.
  14. I always liked the British accent, makes Tiki seem even cuter. However since they started with the accent since launch, it is hard to go away from it. Like suddenly she talks like she is from New York city or something. Man I'm nervous about this banner, my luck is good on legendary banners but very poor with legendary heroes. I dream of getting both L! Hector and L! Tiki but I might very well get neither. I'm still stuck with no fire hero which really bites. I think I've finalized my pulling strategy. I will pull reds, blues and greens. Once I pull any of the red units, I will stop pulling reds. With green if I pull Ike I will keep pulling, if I pull Hector or Sharena I will stop. With blues I will stop if I pull Tiki or Catria. If I pull Miciah I will keep pulling. I did some chain challenges to get up to 240 orbs, still have a lot of chain challenge and squad assault orbs left which I may actually try to do in the next few days. This banner is too good as far as units and fodder. Plus October quests coming soon.
  15. Well yes armors are THE whale bait. The highest scoring units in the game. However the precedent has been set long ago, quite a few units that aren't technically armors/generals got made into armors for the game.
  16. Not at all, most dragons don't have less movement than infantry. Y Tiki does. What is stupid is that previous versions of young Tiki were infantry. I mean they already made a Robin possessed by a dragon an armor unit, which is actually ridiculous. Then another Robin is a flier for some reason. Yet you have a problem with Tiki. Okay.
  17. That seems about right, I imagine his mixed bulk will be insane, perhaps the best while having bad speed and medium or low attack. Would be very fitting. Armor is the most fitting move type for Young tiki considering how she worked in FE1. Been explained pretty thoroughly. Again all Young tiki should have been armors.
  18. The Pancho is a gift from Naga, it is made from her scales refined. Actually Tiki is super tanky in the old games, and has less movement than infantry units. In addition to being maybe the most powerful dragon in the FE universe. Really all Young Tiki should be armors, there isn't much justification in making them infantry. I think poncho Tiki may have one upped Summer Sketchy Tiki as the most adorable character in Heroes. I mean her line in the trailer is like the cutest thing ever, and the name of her C skill is absolutely precious. Red armor dragon Ban Ban when?
  19. I'm kind of disappointed they didn't do a brand new dragon sprite using her Book 2 version. They are usually pretty exceptional at recreating the original dragon sprites in Heroes.
  20. Since close to launch (like a week after). Funny I didn't know about the game until after it launched when I randomly heard about it. Anyways love this game and what it has done as far as increasing fame and recognition for the franchise.
  21. I don't think anyone did. I am pleasantly surprised. Actually the first non OC legendary hero I really really want and am super excited about.
  22. Sorry another typo. Yeah bridal Tharja is the one I don't have. Oh on legendary TIki, I agree that I wish they had a new dragon sprite, instead they did a gold palette swap of her young tiki dragon sprite. The kit though. She is the ultimate fodder unit. Bold fighter 3, and the brand new Fierce breath. She is completely built no need to waste any expensive fodder, might change her special and that's it.
  23. Look at that poncho, look at that poncho!!! Forget about it I'm sold. I am so glad I waited on pulling more on the Muspell generals banner, I was expecting a disappointing legendary hero like usual but this poncho wearing assassin who is cute as a button is too awesome. I don't have Spring Catria either and would like to have her, I do have Miciah but she is good fodder or I can pull a better nature maybe as well. Blues for sure for me. I was looking forward to M Grima being on this banner with legendary Hector but I guess that would be too good as far as fodder. I got Brave Ike, but I do need more steady breaths. Spring sharena is okay, I wouldn't mind one I guess. Green medium priority. Colorless is a skip, I have F Grima and Jaffar already. Maribelle is the only one I'm missing. Reds. I don't have Winter Tharja or Karla, though I don't really 'need' them. Still wouldn't mind a copy of each. So blue, green, maybe red, definitely not colorless.
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