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Everything posted by Lewyn

  1. Sorry typo I meant Lucina's canon promoted class can't wield bows.
  2. It is the perfect time for Bruno, I don't know if they'll pull the trigger though. Seliph is known as wielding Tyrfing, sword main weapon. However on promotion can wield lances as well so blue can work. Would be similar with how Lyn can wield bows on promotion so they gave her bow for her legendary form. Then we have Lucina, whose canon promoted class doesn't wield lances at all, though she can access bows through reclassing. So really anything can happen. Flying Nino is on a banner now, with much better odds than if she appears on legendary banner. Seliph deserves it so much. His original version is just so poor and hasn't aged well, even on release I don't think he made much of a splash at all. Sigurd would make more sense if going by banners. He's also more popular so I guess the odds might not be too good for poor Seliph. Another blue who I think would be a great choice is Altena. She is the daughter of Quan and Ethlyn who we got this month, plus also wields the Gae Bolg. On Nohr vs Hoshido, the game has released so much more Nohr characters and alts than Hoshido so I don't feel Nohr is owed anything.
  3. I did not know about that. Sovereignty is huge for native americans and that is hugely disrespectful and just flat out wrong. I encourage anyone who is dumb enough to support Trump to investigate into what he has done as president, what bills, executive orders, budget cuts, etc. Might be hard since many of them are likely illiterate, but for those that can actually read if they do so and still support him they are absolute scum. Kudos on your organization and job, you are actually working for a group that is helping people that really need it.
  4. Kaga is the man! This was just a tiny taste, but the political machinations, multiple nations/factions, moral grays, yes how I've missed this. Admittedly the battle animations need some work there seems to be a lot of frame skipping and some bugs. However I think the art for the portraits is great, it is anime....but old school anime like 80s/90s. Supports, skills, it does a good job in the prologue explaining how things work. Think of this a man in his late 60s, developed and released this game as a passion project for FREE. He is that old and the fire still burns to create his kind of game. I am super looking forward to this game and will buy it, I also hope it opens up a major studio supporting him to fund a high budget title.
  5. As others said you can save at the beginning of every turn.
  6. Of course we are as we deserve to be. In a democracy we elected a buffoon who represents that negative American stereotype. Fat, lazy, dumb. He spends more time on the golf course than doing his job, and his intelligence. Yeah and native americans have been screwed over more than anyone else in America's history and repeatedly. Having everything taken away from them, and slaughtered to the point where there are such a tiny population living in poverty on whatever crappy land the US government didn't want cause it is useless. Anyone who wants to screw them more is the worst scum and hopefully gets what they deserve.
  7. I think this was the reasoning of many people. I don't have the orb resource, but if I was swimming in it I would even consider pulling blues and reds (red for Flora). However Silas who is a surefire demote pity breaker would be too painful. Ophelia will definitely be on future banners without color sharing and that will be the time to go for her.
  8. @Kaden Forgot to mention thanks for the video link for feather farming! I have Finn, and WoM fodder so I think I could get the other units to work too. How time consuming is this? If it is very efficient, it means we can all 5 star merge units available at lower rarities. Like I've pulled a bunch of Cherches and Effies, both are built, but 20k is a lot for a merge considering the amount we get naturally. I'd rather promote a new unit, or promote for an important skill to put on a unit (QR3 oh god when will this be 4 star rarity?, and Aether, and so on). Libra is an excellent infantry axe and the only unit in regular pool with that powerful axe. Julia is great green mage tank. That being the worse you can get isn't so bad actually. I love pulling greens. I hate pulling reds cause higher chance of off focus, and quite a few really bad units. Minerva certainly doesn't get enough love. I mean she is from the first game which is close to 30 years ago, and she is a fiery wyvern general leads a killer all girl squad the whitewings who are the most famous peg trio in existance, no damsel in distress or overly feminine things. She is a warrior. In rough times such as depicted, a female fighter on the battlefield wouldn't be a cute flirty lingerie model but more likely a well muscled fierce woman like Minerva. God of War indeed.
  9. A right must have missed that in all the bad story writing. So ritual of ice to nullify muspellflame and save the sacrifices so he can't revive. Still really lame. Hope book 3 is much much better, but for that they would likely need a whole new writing team.
  10. Nino/Olwen double up would be too good to pass up I agree. Also unlike red hell (screw you Muspell banner!) off focus greens are all amazing. Like what is the worst green 5 star? Minerva? Sonya? It's like you can't lose....unless green orbs don't show up.
  11. That is part of the frustration. We never find out anything about Nifl queen except Surtr killed her. We never find out about Surtr's wife, Laevetein/Laegjarn's mom. We never find out why Laevetein never smiles and is like a mind broken doll. Did she witness Surtr burning her mom to death as a young child? There are a lot of tried and true even cliche little things they could have added and yet we got so little. Another thing that was frustrating was how Laegjarn flames on and she is basically the same. Like what's the point? You die after a single battle (I guess a few hours or something) and there wasn't any notable power increase, new abilities, anything. Early on it seemed like it was some last resort thing that at the expense of your sense of self, humanity, you could acquire tremendous power giving yourself to the flame. Again poorly developed. Fjorm power of ice isn't much better. She gets a month or whatever for some reason as opposed to a few hours. She also didn't have any power increase, though I guess we are to assume (even though you aren't required to field Fjorm) that she was essential to kill Surtr. This great ritual of ice was done poorly as well. I really feel bad for the art/music team. They did an amazing job with these characters, which is the biggest reason for their popularity, yet the writers failed so bad. The only good parts which weren't nearly developed enough BTW were Laegjarn/Laevetein relationship, and Helbindi coming from the slums fighting for his sister.
  12. I think not Green Olwen since she was somewhat recently on a banner. I think Peganino is definitely the green.
  13. I really thought we were going to get much more with Surtr and the ritual of the flame so I was very disappointed in how it all played out. Early in book 2 when Laevetein says she will activate flame (FLAME ON!) Laegjarn says that she will lose herself. So I assumed Surtr activated his flame, and he lost who he really was originally. He might have been a benevolent ruler who loved his wife (where is she?) more than anything. However that wife fell ill from some rare disease, the herbs needed to cure it were in Niflheim and so he begged the ice queen for some of it even offering to trade any Muspell resource. She coldly declined cause she always looked down on the dark skinned Muspell people. His wife died....after a prolonged period of suffering with Surtr watching bedside and helpless to do anything. He decided to activate the flame and conquer all other lands so anything he wants he could have, the time for negotion was over. The time for blood had begun. He especially enjoyed torturing/killing the ice queen. As he lost himself to the flames his love for his kids, people, even his deceased wife were all lost. Laegjarn saw this which is why she was so horrified about Laevetein casually suggesting to flame on. Book 2 started out so promising, and then...I mean this isn't exactly game of thrones super complex plot and countless characters/storylines, really inexcusable how poor they developed and finished.
  14. Miciah will definitely get a legendary version eventually, however I don't think it will be as a blue. Her original version is already blue, and she just had an alt last month (another reason why Xander is unlikely well on top it would be his 5th version). Celica also just had an alt, plus I think the legendary version will definitely be a healer.
  15. What is the most efficient way to do this? I need feathers desperately. Someone on reddit already +10ed all 3 muspell generals, I hope the banner is super profitable to encourage future banners with OCs, or released as legendary units. Relay defense was terrible, I did the first 5 or something in the beginning and stopped. Super stat inflation, not fun. Plus it is just piles of units, so really it is trick blocking and such...just really lame and not worth the effort. Hope they improve it for next time.
  16. Yeah SoV needs some seasonals too. I think witch Sonya would be great, it seems she became one in the end. I'd like to see Genny in a sheep costume actually, maybe sheep costumed Genny riding a horse with sleep staff. It does feel like they really abandoned SoV after those initial banners, other than some additional Celicas. Don't know why, it is the most recent game and fresh in players' minds. Quite a few characters from that game left to be added as well.
  17. I think the 'dragon princess legendary' they are referring to is likely Tiki. I'm sure Corrin and Tiki will be legendary heroes somewhere down the line. This seems a somewhat frequent thing where english translation gets people thinking of something that isn't there in the original Japanese. Well that kind of kills hope for Genealogy, Bruno I still think has a very good chance. Muspell generals, Brave Veronica last month and she always talks about her 'dear brother' as well as Bruno finally making another appearance in last chapter.
  18. I think this was expected. Either no demote, or Silvia. No chance for Quan or Lewyn. Great for me personally as I should be able to eventually pull a Silvia at 4 star at least, and easier to get perfect IV for her too. Then she can pair up with Lewyn and it will be like FE4 chapter 2 again. Save the villagers!
  19. Camilla is the only really big breasted unit with many alts actually. I'm hoping Halloween units are Tellius/Judgral, they have no seasonal representation yet. Recent seasonals seem to indicate we will get 1/2 Awakening or Fates and 1/2 of an older game however.
  20. Anyone check out the dialogue for conclusion of Tempest trial yet? Lucina talks to Sigurd mentioning Seliph and saying the children of Gen1 will become "legendary" heroes in their own right. Maybe there really is a chance we get Seliph or a gen2 Genealogy character as the legendary hero, that would be absolutely incredible. I hope it is that or Bruno.
  21. The beautiful Muspell sisters did not show up for me. I spent 110 orbs before stopping. Pity breaker 1, my 4th Y Tiki bad IV so I have to stick to my +res/-def which is still the best one I've pulled all the others have been -atk. Pity breaker 2, my first Seigbert! -spd/+HP though which hurts, but at least he isn't -atk. Fodder was pretty good, got 2 Hinatas allowing me to complete Saias and Groom Marth finally. Some more Aether, and hey another Gunter so I could give Ethlyn Hone Cav. Honestly would have been very disappointed except for one pull which turned that to joy, finally I pulled Ares with one of the best IV at 4 star. +atk/-res. I pulled a couple before but they were always bad IV (-spd, -def, etc), now I can finally build the god of war. I am waiting for legendary banner to pull on that, and see what Halloween banner holds before I pull more (which I plan to) on Muspell generals. I really want to walk away with at least one of the Muspell sisters.
  22. Pretty good overall. However luck isn't something to count on. A trap is being having recent good luck and thinking that means you should expect to have it all the time and thus be wasteful with your orbs.
  23. I mean the whole topic was about Nina/Soleil getting away with what they were doing cause they are girls. I shouldn't have to specifically mention that I was referring to them, it was obvious.
  24. If it was Lewyn I would be very happy, would make it so much easier to +10 him. I agree that I don't see Quan being demoted at all, that new high SP rally is just too good (highest scoring non unique support skill), besides he is more popular than Silvia as a character. Guess we'll find out after the reset. I think the Muspell units look incredible, don't understand how people are thinking these are just mediocre easy skip units. I can understand not being interested in their characters, but those weapons have insane potential and they also have great stat spreads.
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