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Everything posted by Lewyn

  1. I don't think I argued that it was ethical or morally correct. Sure it is wrong behavior, invasion of privacy and all that. We are discussing Nina here, and why she gets away with being a 'stalker' and why Soleil got away with sexual harassment (though no one is discussing this I guess). So I didn't move goalposts at all, crazy exes have nothing to do with them. Stalking if a stranger or remote acqaintence (like Nina) is just very different than by an ex. The strong feelings are an unhealthy obsession/fantasy/infatuation, however this is completely different than stalking by a crazy ex in which she shared an actual close relationship with the target.
  2. That is a thing of beauty. Looks so much more fun than how I cleared it (multiple turns, all reinforcements, much of battle enemy phase, dragon emblem). I already said it, but that is how you work with less BST, they dumped his speed stat to give him mixed bulk rivaling that of armors. Keeps good attack, and solid if not high HP. Not to dwell, but really wish they optimized Julius's stat line like this dumping his speed so he could have good defense and thus make better use of his tome. Anyways looks like dragons got another good option. Minus legendary Marth, being red with good res/def he should be able to handle all Naga and falchion users pretty handily thanks to his weapon. Ultimate theme team for Garon. Team possessed, consisting of all powerful end boss characters possessed by something else. Garon, Fallen Takumi, M Fallen Grima, Hardin.
  3. @Ice Dragon I'd agree being stalked by a man would be scary. Men are much more likely to carry weapons as well. @Sunwoo True stalkers of both genders often have serious mental problems and can be unpredictable. However the vast majority of stalkers are male, and it seems female stalkers are rarely violent unless they are exes which is not related to Nina as I explain below. Ex girlfriends, wives, fiancees whatever that is a completely different animal not what I was referring to in my comment. Cause there are strong relationships past with powerful feelings that go into that. Most violence by female stalkers are these crazy exes. Exes of both genders can be dangerous, that even goes beyond being a 'stalker'. However my original comment was in reference to Nina. An acquaintence/stranger stalking. Not worried about a female stalker of this type at all. Male stalker on the other hand, dangerous regardless of being a stranger or not. Onto Muspell generals. I think if we didn't have this datamined the excitement would be through the roof. No paralogue/story chapter, however don't we have those Chapter 2 quests? Those will provide orbs. The units themselves are very exciting, I think the banner will make a killing.
  4. I'll comment on this. - Tharja's obsession with Robin (Us, the MC) much like the Corrinsexuals and how everyone wants to get with him is because that is what most people playing the game wish was real life for them. Wow all the hot girls, and/or guys depending on preference want to get with me I can choose any one! Yay! It just plays into the MC being a god cassanova, pure fantasy. Now why do cute girls get away with offensive, creepy behavior? Well yes it is cause they are girls. Cause with guys sexual harrassment can lead to sexual assault/rape. Stalking can lead to rape/assault. If a girl is harrassed by another girl or stalked, it would be annoying, perhaps creepy, maybe gross. However if they are harassed by a guy, there is another element fear/danger. The vast majority of rapists/molesters are males. Nina is stalking guys. There is no element of danger. Ask any guy if he would be scared or worried if a woman were stalking them. Doubt many say yes. Could be annoying, could get old fast, however that's it. There is nothing to fear from a girl stalker 99% of the time. Now ask girls how many of them would be scared/worried of a guy was stalking them. Probably most would say yes and with good reason.
  5. On Eirika and if using blade tomes on a non tactic team. However in general if running mixed team much prefer tactics, if running emblem of course will run the emblem buffs, if running infantry prefer pulse and drives. I really really like drives in general. No worry about panic ploy, can stack them to insane levels too. The new guard skills seem very promising as well.
  6. Gunnthra personally I fine the best designed and most unique gameplay wise, but I think this is more about the unit's character/writing. In which case Laegjarn. She is that tragic Camus archetype, however I think it may be less 'duty to country' and more protect little sister from maniac father. Her motives for her actions are very understandable. She is a somewhat doting motherly sister to Laevatein like Camilla is to Corrin except thankfully without the creepy aspects. She is big sis done right, and Camus archetype done right. She's smart, strong, and hot as hell not just cause she's from Muspell. Bonus points for dark skin, as dark skinned characters are quite rare in FE series.
  7. Well yeah I'm talking more about the straight male whales rather than in general. Waifu obsessions and all that. Heroes is I think much better than many other gacha games that have few males or even no males, and women just to satisfy every crazy fetish out there and in all these outfits for otaku to go crazy for. However looking at gacha games at a whole, it seems the only logical conclusion is that a variety of scantily clad women in various poses to satisfy many fetishes/preferences is what get whales to spend. Another thing about damaged poses. Many times it seems the guys are like 'Nice, I don't have to hold back'. Or determined look 'You won't defeat me!" While in many women it is like "Save me, won't someone save me?" I think this is a general thing in anime too, guys don't have nipples. I am confused as well, maybe they think it looks weird on an animated character? Finer details like body hair are often left out, so maybe that is the case too. Ares is more popular, substantially so I believe. However they made Lene into waifu whale bait. Great art showing off that super toned body, and very flirtatious lines.
  8. Like I think all gacha games, 95% or so revenue comes from whales. 90% or maybe more are straight males. So much of Fire Emblem Hereos is to satisfy this all important group. Straight males love sexy scantily clad women with all sorts of ridiculous poses that get their wild fantasies going. Lesbians are hot, gays are not. Don't want overly sexualized males. Good looking guys are fine, in general people want good looking characters in their games. However if we had them jutting their butts out in 'do me now" poses like some of the girls, or their crotch exploding and being near exposed like F Corrin yeah would be really disgusting to many straight males. Things should be fair. However how much is Fates represented compared to Thracia? Yeah for financial success you play to and satisfy the audience's desires. Notably though, Summer Tiki was censored due to complaint, originally you could see her crack I believe. Also another interesting general thing. If you flipped it and put the women in some of the male summer outfits, it would actually be worse. Cause males can show their nipples, chests and there is nothing sexual about it, but women can't. They have to be covered somewhat.
  9. I don't have legendary Marth, didn't pull at all on the last legendary banner but yeah he would synergize well with Lewyn thanks to that C skill and just Fire Emblem buffs. I want to pair Silvia with Lewyn cause he goes really well with a dancer, also I'm trying to put together characters that make sense to put together (same game, relationship, and such). I mean ultimately I could make a more efficient/powerful team than Sigurd, Quan, Ethlyn and Dierdre. Like Sigurd, Quan, Veronica and Green Olwen. However the former feels so much more satisfying. On Quan he is a lot of fun, he tanks things very impressively and his high attack is great. Getting +10 in his most important stats against any non flier is really incredible it is almost like you are fighting with a 3 move armor (minus the broken B skills). On Lewyn, sprite and art are fantastic but what impressed me even more was the animation of Forseti. It is absolutely perfect. It must be magical paint, just like it must be a magical bikini that is putting some forcefield on Tharja.
  10. Relay defense I did the first 4 maps, then the 5th has absurdly inflated stats but can do. I'm just going to look up how to do the others, it isn't fun at all, and the only strategy seems cheesy blocking ones where they are stuck with only one unit able to come down and attack a turn. Hopefully they improve this mode. We had fire grounds, again fire blessings wasted (I have no fire hero yet), feels bad. The new power banner we get Celica's sexy damaged art instead of her original, I guess to help sell the banner? I hope we find out about the Muspell units before the Door destiny banner ends, I may want to try for more Lewyn if the Muspell units are free and not on the next banner. Ahem I don't know if it is gender bias but I had the same feeling when I played Fates as well. I don't want to offend people who are fans of the character so bear in mind just personal feelings here. I was annoyed by Odin, he's a grown man talking about these crazy dark powers and fantasies, like a small kid. It got annoying fast. However Ophelia I loved. Cute girl talking about dark powers and such, maybe cause she seems younger? Maybe cause she's an attractive girl instead of an old man (Odin looks older than most characters, like Xander). Maybe it is gender bias....thought I was better than that.
  11. Yeah he has flashing blade seal on him, which is great with 2 or 4 cooldown specials. Moonbow is better against res tanks, but in arena they are less common and glimmer seems to be a lot better with his high attack (with odd atk wave) against armors and dragons. However yeah ideally hope to pull a legendary Hector. Then him ostia pulse, Sylvia with infantry pulse....the opponent has to eat dragon fang special first turn. For defense team the best is probably 3 other users with infantry pulse and Lewyn with Quickened pulse. Special is blazing wind. So his special is set to go and opponent has to eat the triple attack, if they don't have a high res green or red they will be unable to bait him out and will be much tougher for them. In a bikini of course.
  12. Ah its just like the old days that brief happy period when Quan, Ethlyn, Sigurd and Dierdre (my team for this) were all together fighting for good and having a ball together. I just realized unfortunately that healers can't equip smoke skills. Sad. Speed smoke would pair so well with Ethlyn's Fear+ staff. I did use Lewyn instead of Dierdre for a bit to get to S rank summoner support. I've played with various specials, Dragon Fang, Glimmer, Blazing Wind. I think Blazing wind is great....on low res targets even opposite color, but it is really bad against high res greens. I couldn't even kill an opposing Dierdre with the blazing attack and double attack. While Dragon fang takes care of her easy. Glimmer has the benefit of first combat performance. However I think what is best for him is to have ostia pulse/infantry pulse to bring down Dragon fang to 2 so he can proc it in first combat, and then get sweet Dragon fangs forever after.
  13. They are horrible for combat, but plenty of people want to use their horses, ranged units, dancers whatever non armor/non dragon in high tier arena but can't cause of low BST. If you just want to excel in arena use armors and merge them. However there are many who want to use the units they like, which may happen to be low BST units, in top tier arena. I think IS realizes how popular OCs are now, with them featuring in comics, with Brave Veronica domination of the voting gauntlet, with how CYL2 went. I don't think there is anything negative finance wise in terms of making Bruno this month's legendary hero, and having Ylgr, Hrid in future. I think it would increase profits in fact. People want to play these characters.
  14. This is so true. Most of the modern audience is already familiar with and knowledgeable of Awakening and Fates characters. These forging bonds could really help many learn who these older characters (SNES, NES) games are. Hey one thing about Silas. Now clearly Flora is the most story significant/important character and is the star. However Silas should be 2nd, with Nina/Ophelia distant 3rd. He isn't a child unit, he is best friend/childhood friend of Corrin the MC and has story significance. Yeah and Ophelia's animation is something. They really hit it out of the park with her sprite, animation and art.
  15. Maybe a lot of those tier 21 people are using armors/trainee dragons even though they much prefer other unit types, or have favorite characters they can't use cause of low BST. This encourage hose people to get to use the units they want to use, also will increase interest for many people that perhaps had no interest in high tier arena cause it was so limited. Icedragon answered this, though I did not know that 5 BST made that little a difference. @sirmola made a great point that dancers make it much easier to get a single bonus unit to get kills, and this skill will allow some of them (and in the future when we get more likely all) to be run and counted as 170BST units.
  16. Those new A skills are for whales. People who have to be in tier 21, get top ranking in Arena Assault, etc. I think for everyone else they can just ignore them. Really yeah a much better change would have been just to throw out the BST requirement in arena, throw out the SP bonus and all that as well. Just have scoring based on having a full skillset fully upgraded (so level 3 more than level 2), being level 40, rarity, and bonus kill and that's it. I think the thing is they are in too deep. All those people who invested in rare skills solely for score not for playability would be peeved. I hope Icedragon is right with prediction of they all being free units, but I doubt it. IS is very generous, but these units can make millions for them, perhaps break all former banner records even. I think the book 2 quests are to make up for no story orbs. Anyways just a one week wait to find out.
  17. His dragon animation and the art is quite fantastic. Using his dragon version means they did have to put in a lot more work, creating the regular Garon sprite/animations and then the dragon sprite/animations. The nuetral pose is great, cause he looks like this innocent old grandpa who may be suffering from some terrible disease but is still thrilled to see you. Of course it is all an act as his action arts show! Despite being infantry they did min max his stats pretty well, tanking his speed to give him good mixed bulk and attack. His special weapon AoE effect seems like it would be great to pair with Fallen Takumi. Turn 3, Takumi, Turn 4 Garon.
  18. They dropped the update now cause likely this next chapter with the Nohr banner is going to have either the death of some/all of those characters or they end up rebelling against Surtr and join us. I like color share banners when I want both units. Though I would prefer Laegjarn I want her sister too.
  19. Except player phase units aren't usually moving everyone into space adjacent to where he/she will attack. Usually player phase units go forward by themselves and then are repoed or danced for more kills or moving to safety. Spurs don't come into play too much. All that spur stacking is great for enemy phase units who all squish together. However most of those aren't running swift sparrow or LnD3 anyways.
  20. She's a great unit, and I have one too. People compare her to M grima, but she is way more mobile obviously being the best mobility type (flier). She has fantastic player phase potential, fits great on dragon or flier teams, her A skill lets her tank arrows and buffs her general defenses. Sanaki is a better mage tank red. With her refined weapon she has much more nuking potential, and she also has high res. Just like Julius she wants to stay the hell away from physical units, but if you drive/buff her through the moon sure she can take some hits maybe. We are talking about grima possessed Robin. Robin is just a nerdy tactician. He has a dragon inside him. Julius, frail or whatever, was a much more challenging final boss than Grima who you can defeat easily with any character from Awakening. Robin didn't deserve to be an armor, but he got the banner treatment and all that extra BST. Hardin was a banner 'side' character. Grima was the "highlight" right? Yet still he was awesome. You don't have to be the 'star' of the banner to not suck. When Medeus is released maybe he won't be the star of his banner, but I'm sure he'll be pretty impressive. Unless he is a GHB unit. In which case, well he'll have to be a dragon, but will probably be the weakest one of them all with nothing special. Arvis is from the 1st gen. There is no 1st gen Julius, there is only one version. We can and probably will get Emperor Arvis in the future and he will be an armor red mage. While Arvis from gen 1 was just a sage/mage or whatever so his treatment in heroes is fine.
  21. F! Grima is way better and very underrated. She's a legendary hero, so blessings. She not only has her PRF Weapon she has one of the most amazing A skills in the game. She is also the only colorless dragon, and one of only 3 flying dragons. Now tell me how many infantry red mages are there? 50? Quite a lot. F! Grima is one of the most special unique units in the game. So is M! Grima. Hardin is the only armor with a DC lance and one of the best mixed tanks in the game, the best blue by many peoples standards until Brave Hector came out. There is a clear difference in treatment between all of them and Julius.
  22. The solo skill is getting a lot of flak, and it deserves it. When Atk/Spd solo comes out, there will be no reason for swift sparrow or LnD3. We just had single skills catching up finally with DB4, and now they do this. I hope we never get Atk/Spd solo, but other less optimal hybrids, however it is coming I'm sure eventually and likely on a seasonal (maybe Halloween) unit.
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