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Everything posted by Lewyn

  1. Being a final boss would be enough to get star treatment. Hardin isn't even a final boss but the main villain, nor was he necessarily super popular (though I love him personally), yet he got the royal treatment. I suspect that Medeus would too if he is on a banner. These super boss units aren't comparable to side characters like you mentioned.
  2. They are very biased against Hoshido. Nohrian summer was all Nohr, Festival in Hoshido had one unit from Hoshido (one from Nohr). The NY banner had one unit from Hoshido as well, and Camilla for whatever reason. Nohr is a million times more popular for whatever reason. I guess most popular waifu, Camilla. Most popular loli waifu, Elise. The maids Felicia and Flora, handsome butler Jakob. However Hoshido is the one that introduced all the new weapon types and classes and IMO was much more interesting. Anyways being a month long banner seems that it won't be an ordinary banner. Not associated with a single game. It will be beast units or OCs likely.
  3. I mean he should instantly explode against units with color advantage and effective damage on top. However that adds up to very few units. Meanwhile any melee blue can decimate Julius, most melee reds, some melee greens. He probably has to worry about 100 or more units. Black Knight was amazing when released, but Zephiel is a better version of him. I'm happy with Ethlyn, art is top tier, and she has that high defense/good speed. If Garon comes with Vengeful fighter that would be amazing. @bottlegnomes Yeah Grima isn't unstoppable but is a top tier unit with the highest BST bin, DC PRF effective damage breath weapon, the only carrier of ward dragons which is probably the best dragon buff, tied for highest attack in the game (had highest when released I believe), can be built to be an enemy phase or player phase monster thanks to armor skills, good mixed bulk as well. No I don't want any character to be "broken", but Julius is a laughing stock in comparison to Grima. He wouldn't be if he were a banner unit. I mean Julius doesn't get dragon buffs, but suffers effective against dragon damage on top of his lame infantry ranged BST. Also yeah we've gotten some good free units. However it seems last year free units seemed just as good as banner units. Xander and Camus were amazing. Arvis was so cool with the special B skill and tome. Masked Marth is neutral Lucina who was a powerful sword at the time. Black Knight at release was strongest red armor. However we can see this year is much different.
  4. Well the half damage tome effect could be represented as an armor, since they obviously wouldn't put such an effect as is. Or they could put it as is, and his infantry BST wouldn't be so brutally crippling. Either way the point is the difference between free unit and banner unit. Hardin isn't quite the final boss, but he is the most important villain in book 2 Mystery and he got the royal treatment. Hopefully Medeus is on a banner, would be sad to see him done badly.
  5. They made M Grima an armor for no reason so I don't see why not. Was Grima weak to armorslayers? Nope.
  6. Yup a ton of set up. What do you do with M Grima? Nothing, he needs no spurs, buffs, he doesn't need close defense or distant defense. He just destroys things and tanks. That is the difference between free and banner.
  7. Yeah I built him, put DD3 on him (expensive, rare fodder for me), he is good. He is on a team with Ishtar and does well. For CC you have to give him a ton of support to make that work cause his defense is so low and his speed is less than average. However if he was a banner unit, he would likely be made an armor (like they did with M Grima) and get all that extra BST in defense as well as broken armor skills. Allowing him to be a phenomenal mixed tank and probably top tier unit. I don't think Garon will be horrible since he is a final boss. He will have some unique weapon and will at least be strong in certain situations. However being a free unit I highly doubt he will come close to challenging the Hectors, M Grima, or Ephraim even disregarding IVs and merges.
  8. Dancer Miciah, Linde and Merric sound a perfect team to go with her. Dancing, mage buffs, all color coverage. Nice stuff. Revenge is something to live for, and Laegjarn would definitely go for that even if the odds were slim to none. Whatever it is hopefully the writing is...I won't say great, I won't say good, but hopefully servicable/decent.
  9. Garon. Green Armor, Bolverk maybe another axe with DC on it (Only Dorcas has that). REMEMBER. Though, he is a GHB unit. I remember how they treated Julius who is a final boss in his game. Garon on a banner would be a monster, as a free unit....we'll see. Hopefully they can use Heroes to expand his story or give more about his early life.
  10. Yeah she said "me", and was referring to herself. However I was thinking it more like "Take me, not her!" kind of thing. Laevetein is maybe the planned sacrifice along with Veronica, but Laegjarn offering herself instead. Doesn't make sense to be so enthusiastic to be devoured otherwise. About Ophelia, encourages mage teams with her tome. You can have her ready to proc the highest countdown specials without needing Quickened pulse or any other skill. Maybe Linde who gets bonus from mage team, then a red and green mage.
  11. I caught this too, seriously WTF? I guess big sisters don't do to well in Heroes. First Gunnthra, and now Laegjarn. I hope she is only offering in place of someone else....maybe Laevetain? No offense to her, but if I have to choose... Ophelia art is maybe the best on the banner. Silas is the definite drop here they made it obvious this time. Flora is the star, and the only one I'm interested in. Seriously love how the dagger screws over DC units, cause many ranged units get destroyed cause of DC. Daggers especially suck since they do physical damage and most DC units have a ton of defense, and then if they don't want to get countered they have to use windsweep or something. Flora and that dagger in particular is the best part of the banner. Want to team her up with my built Felicia, Ice sisters to the end. Red is hell though, I'll just pull any reds on the initial free summon and call it a day. Plus the huge month long banner may be beast units or something else insane. Legendary banner will be stacked this month too.
  12. Ha we have the same taste! That is how my castle looks too.
  13. A lot of great chapters in this series, but this one was amazing. In the second panel Azura asking "Shall I change it up a bit?" Michelis just looks at her like she's crazy. Then the rock fantasy. Now Azura is a singer okay, Reinhardt looks like a cool cat that could play a mean guitar, Michelis even who isn't in this looks like he would be an awesome frontman with his attitude and long hair. Hardin though!? Holy...that was hilarious and unexpected. Then at the end peeps in the cheap seats! The dragon has this look like "Me no cheap seat, me show you!" Also the way Azura holds her axe there is great as well. Agree with Ice Dragon. Performing Arts Hardin...please! Actually would be great to have a RocknRoll/Heavy Metal PA banner with these 4. I guess Michelis could be on the bass.
  14. Legit pull Veronica, so you already chose her as your free unit? @XRay I agree with you, fliers are the best and I think by some margin. They have an assortment of playerphase ranged and melee nukes, as well as tanks, they are equipped to deal with everything. Iote shield is a seal, unlike the other shields meaning it is easy to cover their one weakness without sacrificing much combat performance. They have no BST penalty, they are same as infantry. Their mobility is the best cause even though only 2 spaces, no trenches, and it ignores all terrain. This allows such easy positioning and repositioning of units that you are almost never trapped in a bad situation.
  15. This is the track I was hoping to be added and talking of just a few days ago. Tied to maybe the most tragic and eventful chapter in Fire Emblem history. Thank to Heroes and the internet most people know what happens, but when I first played FE4 so many years ago I had no clue...I could never expect, and it hit me like nothing before or since. I was thrilled to hear it added for this Tempest trial.
  16. I mean there isn't much to celebrate in victory in voting gauntlet, Veronica was by far the most popular everyone knows that. Multipliers can screw anyone though, we've seen it many times since they were introduced. Hey what was Feh talking about, pay attention to the winner? Does everyon get a free Brave Ephraim? If so that would be something to celebrate, he is the only hero from this guantlet I don't have.
  17. Wow great news so many new heroes coming (hopefully no alts). The banners overlap too, which is great. If the next one is Flora and fates hopefully the one after that is Tellius. Wait that one after...is a month long. Has to be beast units or something real special like...Bruno, original Veronica, Laegjarn and Laevatein! Also means we will get more story chapters and likely finish off book 2...finally.
  18. While it would be a bit blasphamous, it would make Arion and Altena pair so much better in this game. I'm sure they will release it as a lance if it makes it into the game though.
  19. Let's just face it. The art design/character designers are talented. That FMV for book 2 got many people excited. The writers are terrible. You have to have interesting characters, and/or interesting storyline. It has to have something of value. It isn't just Surtr's fault it is a lot of characters. What does Sharena do except look cute and act really naive. I want to be friends with everyone! While that is sweet and all, can we get some more to her character. The others don't fare much better. These characters have been through a lot, but we don't see it. We don't see growth, except Veronica (yeah maybe she is the best written). A 'great story' isn't expected. Truly great writers are incredibly rare. However it shouldn't be hard to do a servicable story, especially with how incredibly slow it progresses.
  20. The way it was handled was atrocious and a disservice to her character, it seemed a very forced plot device.
  21. It is amazing the dedication some have. I'm hoping it is Lucia, Tellius deserves to also get some representation. I am also somewhat selfishly hoping if not Tellius that it is a seasonal banner. Why? Cause if they are connecting legendary heroes with banners I'd rather the next one is Judgral or Tellius. Prefer Judgral obviously, but Tellius would make a lot of sense with blue...Miciah or maybe even Sephiran. How cool would that be? I was doing some research on how many orbs it takes to +10 a green unit on 3 unit focus. Seems the number is around 1200 orbs. That is of course that's the average it may take 1800, or maybe 600. Lewyn+10 may have to be a very very long term goal. Apparently one must save 6 months of FTP orbs, not using them at all. This may not be possible for me. Also was discussing this with IceDragon really hope Silvia actually drops to 4 stars, I really want her to pair with Lewyn.
  22. Definitely! She'd also could make a good gen 2 team with her love interest Arion (Gungnir axe), brother Leif (Sword), and Finn (lance).
  23. The Garon comparison is real good. Surtr is him done right. Instead of possession or whatever, he gave himself to the flame....he was probably a swell dad and family man before that. I always found it ridiculous how Garon's kids say how nice a father he is and they follow everything he does, when he looks, speaks and acts like a super villain through and through. Current Surtr, even his kids acknowledge he is a merciless monster but seem to be following him out of fear. This is at least a bit more believable. Personally really dislike villains like Surtr, Garon, Jedah that look so obviously evil that it seems ridiculous for anyone to trust them or work with them in any capacity. Sure Celica you can trust Jedah, just cause he sacrificed his own daughters to Duma to make them mindless husks and looks like a demon rather than a human, sure.
  24. Okay I guess the next person I really want in is Altena. I don't think she is that popular even among FE4 fans but she was one of the most memorable and really resonated with me. Such a twisted messed up childhood and everything she gone through, oh the terrible realizations, yet the general bond with her adopted brother (forcibly kidnapped not adopted). Also we didn't get to use Quan much in the game once he got Gae Bolg. Leif can't wield it either, so it was great to get to use it for a large portion on the game on a strong flying combat unit.
  25. Eh the big difference this time was Lyn wasn't 'screwed' by multiplers, Veronica was actually the more popular team. Last time Lyn was much more popular but lost which is why people were upset. Back then also multipliers were new, now everyone is used to many upsets and don't really view it as a popularity contest anymore. Anyways looks like nothing is stopping team Veronica. I guess I go to her, I don't even have Brave Ephraim anyways. "There, there".
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