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Everything posted by Perkilator

  1. We all have our own opinions on Final Smashes, so a thread like this should need no introduction. So without further ado… -Mario should’ve at least gotten the Mega Mushroom in Smash 4 and kept it in Ultimate (if they probably couldn’t get the T-Rex for development and timing reasons) -DK’s Jungle Rush should’ve ended with him punching the moon -Link’s Ancient Bow and Arrow should’ve been preceded with a Flurry Rush -Dark Samus should’ve turned into Metroid Prime -Kirby should’ve gotten the Robobot Armor as a cinematic FS -Pikachu should’ve gotten Catastropika (Pichu can keep Volt Tackle) -Captain Falcon’s Blue Falcon should’ve included a detail of a Falcon Punch on top of the Blue Falcon -Jigglypuff should’ve used Sing, and have drawings appear on opponents that damage them -Peach Blossom? Totally fine, as long as you’re quick enough to get the peaches and heal yourself before the opponent does. Daisy Blossom, though? Should’ve at least been changed to inflicting a flower effect on all opponents and NO giant healing daisies -Dr. Mario should’ve gotten a cinematic FS where the Miis from Virus Buster appear and flood the opponents with Megavitamins -Lucina should’ve gotten a Luna that goes through multiple opponents -Young Link should’ve gotten a Triforce Slash variation where he turns into Fierce Diety -Meta Knight should’ve KEPT Galaxia Darkness -Pit should’ve KEPT the Three Sacred Treaures, while DARK Pit gets the Lightning Chariot -ZSS should’ve kept her SSB4 Final Smash -Charizard should’ve Mega Evolved during Triple Finish if you were gonna relegate it (LUCARIO Mega Evolves during Aura Storm) -Toon Link should’ve gotten the Ballad of Gales -Rosalina should’ve gotten a Final Smash where she crashes the OBSERVATORY (doesn’t even NEED to be cinematic) -Greninja should’ve ended his Secret Ninja Attack with the powered-up Water Shuriken it uses in the anime -Robin should’ve Paired Up with Morgan -Inkling should’ve gotten the Kraken -Richter should’ve gotten Hydrostorm (again, like Rosalina, doesn’t even NEED to be cinematic) In general: I appreciate wanting to make some change, but not ALL of them need to be unstoppable weapons of mass destruction.
  2. Crap, I never realized I contradicted myself. Sorry, fixed it.
  3. Disappointed with certain characters’ movesets in Smash Ultimate? Then this thread’s the one one for you! Only two rules: 1. It can only be a pre-Ultimate fighter or their Echo Fighter (so none of Ultimate’s unique base game or DLC newcomers) 2. Avoid changing a character to the point of making a new one (meaning you can add new moves, but the character must at least remain somewhat intact) Here we go! Kirby (inspired by TKOWL on Twitter) Dark Samus
  4. I had to have my older brother help me with certain segments that were too hard, like with the sleeping robots in Battle for Bikini Bottom or the wheel minigame from Nicktoons: Attack of the Toybots for DS. Yes, I sucked at games so bad back then I needed my brother to turn a wheel for me.
  5. Just as the title says. If future games’ FE side of the roster was based purely on character popularity, what would the roster look like? My guess would be: -Marth (de facto mascot) -Ike (popularity and Brawl nostalgia to back him up) -Chrom (main character of the game that saved FE) -Lyn (most popular female FE character, plus one of the main characters of the first FE game to hit the US (thanks to Roy’s appearance in Melee)) -Dimitri (most popular House Leader next to Edelgard) -Anna (recurring character in nearly every game)
  6. What do you guys think of this music selection I made for if Axel Stone from Streets of Rage got in? -Main Theme - Streets of Rage (New Remix) -Go Straight (Streets of Rage 2; New Remix) -In the Bar (Streets of Rage 2; New Remix) -Never Return Alive (Streets of Rage 2) -Spin on the Bridge (Streets of Rage 2) -Dreamer (Streets of Rage 2; New Remix) -Under Logic (Streets of Rage 2) -Slow Moon (Streets of Rage 2) -Wave 131 (Streets of Rage 2; New Remix) -Revenge of Mr. X (Streets of Rage 2; New Remix) -Fighting in the Street (Streets of Rage) -Moon Beach (Streets of Rage; New Remix) -Violent Breathing (Streets of Rage; New Remix) -Fuze (Streets of Rage 3; New Remix) -Dub Slash (Streets of Rage 3; New Remix) -The Poets I (Streets of Rage 3; New Remix) -They’re Back (Streets of Rage 4) -The Streets (Streets of Rage 4) -Call the Cops (Streets of Rage 4) -Funky HQ (Streets of Rage 4; New Remix) -Ghost Fair (Streets of Rage 4) -Shiva (Streets of Rage 4) -An Exhibition (Streets of Rage 4) -25 Years Ago (Streets of Rage 4)
  7. Unlike Snake, Jill would have to keep an eye on her inventory, which Snake doesn’t have in Smash.
  8. You know, I feel like Euden from Dragalia Lost is getting too slept on simply for being a mobile game character. He has the potential to be different from Corrin due to: -Timed dragon transformation -No dragon parts to use as weapons -Special moves that would clearly differentiate him from Corrin, both in human and dragon form
  9. Oh, how about Free Assist Trophies? These could correlate with each Challenger Pack, but still be distributed separately from the Fighter’s Pass.
  10. Just as the title says, who would you pick to end Smash Ultimate’s life cycle with a bang? My pick would be one of: Sora: Near and dear to a lot of people, including myself. Crash: Big gaming icon with his relevance boosted by the N. Sane Trilogy Jill Valentine: New style of gameplay to Smash, from one of the most influential games ever made. Excitebiker: A classic NES franchise that made its marks in Nintendo history.
  11. I made my own vision for if I were in charge of picking characters for Ultimate, along with some wishes for FP Vol. 2: The program I used is called Roster Maker: https://smashboards.com/threads/the-super-smash-bros-roster-maker-version-11-0-available.336761/
  12. Alright, show of hands; if DLC bosses were possible as at least gifts in updates (a la the Tockles Spirit), which bosses would you’ve liked to see regardless? My picks would be: -Queen Sectonia -Grima -Wingo (Captain Toad) -Porky (returning from Brawl) -Petey Piranha (returning from Brawl, except he actually fights like a boss in Ultimate)
  13. After hearing some good things about Streets of Rage 4, I decided to get Streets of Rage 2 on iOS. And now I’ve opened up to Axel Stone!
  14. Guys, can we NOT turn this into yet ANOTHER Ridley size debate? Thank you.
  15. There’s a new Spirit Event focusing on…EYEBROWS. I wish I had the imagination to make this up.
  16. To give TWSITD credit, they DID help forge the Heroes’ Relics using the corpses of the goddess’s children. Granted, Nemesis was responsible for the slaughter AND the forging happened after, but I’ll take it over how Garon’s actually a clone from the 3rd kingdom.
  17. And before anyone asks; no, I’m not suddenly a bot. You know how Ultimate gifted players who got the DQXIS demo with a Tockles Spirit? nine months after the game’s launch Well, what if we received some more free gifts in future updates? If so, what free gifts would be appreciated? My picks would be (to put it broadly): -Free Echo Fighters: I’ve seen people speculate about an Echo Fighter Pass, but…I’m not sure I wanna pay money for glorified skins. As gifts, on the other hand? Seeing as Echoes use data from existing fighters, making some more as a gift wouldn’t hurt. -Free Stand-alone Stages: In this case, I’d only expect one or two, but it would still be cool to see stand-alone stages not connected to any Fighter’s Pass character (be it new or returning) be handed out as a gift.
  18. Sakura Wars is a mix between visual novel, dating sim and giant mech suit tactical RPG. Streets of Rage is a beat ‘em up series where you punch a bunch of dudes as you progress.
  19. With the positive reception of Sakura Wars and Streets of Rage 4, which pure SEGA rep (as in, not like Bayonetta—who was created by Platinum Games—or Joker—who was created by ATLUS) would you want: Sakura Shinguji or Axel Stone?
  20. I meant reasonable in number, sorry for the confusion.
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