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Everything posted by Perkilator

  1. Just as the title says. If the next Smash game’s roster had a more reasonable number of characters, what would a character’s unlock method(s) be? Here’s mine: Euden -K.O. the Rathalos Assist Trophy 6 times -Play 20 Vs. Matches as Ridley or Hero Sora -Defeat darkness-based opponents 150 times -Play 25 Vs. Matches with Stage Morph on Crash Bandicoot -Defeat 100 opponents with spinning moves -Clear Classic Mode with Mario and Sonic without losing a life Jill Valentine -Play 20 Vs. Matches on Frigate Orpheon -Play 30 Vs. Matches as Mewtwo Adeleine and Ribbon -Play 10 Vs. Matches on Hanenbow -Clear Classic Mode as Kirby and King Dedede on Hard or higher Min Min -Defeat 120 enemies in Endless Smash -Eat Superspicy Curry 10 times Caeda -Clear Classic Mode as Marth on Normal or higher -K.O. winged characters with physical projectiles 12 times Sirfetch’d -Block 10 projectiles with Link’s shield -Win 10 Team Battles with a princess character on your team
  2. I guess Black Knight finally became a blue unit (and yes, this picture is real). And briefly about Caeda hating Melee; I wonder what the state if the series would be today if Caeda was the 2nd FE rep in Melee instead of Roy?
  3. If Melee weren’t rushed, would do you think the roster would look like? Just for reference, here’s the canon Melee roster: -Mario, Luigi, Peach, Bowser and Dr. Mario -DK and Yoshi -Link, Zelda/Sheik, Young Link and Ganondorf -Samus and Kirby -Fox and Falco -Pikachu, Jigglypuff, Pichu and Mewtwo -Ness and Captain Falcon -Ice Climbers and Mr. Game and Watch -Marth and Roy Cuts -Ness (comes back in Brawl) -Jigglypuff (comes back in Brawl) -Dr. Mario -Pichu -Roy Replacements/Additions -Meowth (replaces Jigglypuff) -Wario (replaces Dr. Mario) -Heracross (replaces Pichu) -Caeda (replaces Roy) -Pit -Balloon Fighter -Banjo and Kazooie -Ayumi Tachibana -Mach Rider -Adeleine and Ribbon Starters -Mario -DK -Link -Samus -Yoshi -Kirby -Fox -Pikachu -Peach -Bowser -Ice Climbers -Meowth -Zelda/Sheik Unlockables -Luigi (Complete Adventure Mode with an “:X2” after the first stage) -Captain Falcon (Complete Classic Mode with no continues) -Wario (Complete Classic/Adventure Mode as Mario with no continues or play 10 Coin Battles) -Adeleine and Ribbon (Complete Event Match #16 or win 15 Vs. Matches without healing) -Heracross (Complete Event Match #37 or K.O. an opponent with a Poké Ball Pokémon 10 times) -Marth (Use all 13 starters in Classic/Adventure Mode or complete either on Hard with 5 characters) -Pit (Battle on Temple 25 times or get 20 Star K.O.’s) -Balloon Fighter (Play on Icicle Mountain for a combined total of 60 Mins.) -Mach Rider (Run all the way to the end on Race to the Finish as all 13 starters or complete 100 Man Melee) -Ayumi Tachibana (Complete Adventure Mode as 3 of Ice Climbers, Marth, Pit, Balloon Fighter and/or Mach Rider) -Caeda (Complete Classic/Adventure Mode as Marth on Hard or with no continues) -Falco (Complete 100 Man Melee as Fox) -Young Link (Complete Classic on Normal or higher as Link and Zelda/Sheik or win 20 battles as Link) -Ganondorf (Complete Event Match #29 or complete Classic/Adventure Mode as Link, Zelda/Sheik and Young Link) -Mewtwo (Play VS. Mode for 20 hours or complete Classic/Adventure Mode as Pikachu, Meowth and Heracross on Normal or higher) -Banjo and Kazooie (Complete Classic/Adventure Mode as Mario, DK, Kirby, King Dedede and Young Link on Normal or higher or win 40 team battles) -Mr. Game & Watch (Complete Adventure Mode, Classic Mode, and Target Test as every other character)
  4. Feel free to use this meme (not mine) if/when the ARMS rep turns out to be Spring Man:
  5. Either way, a Spirit Event is something I think’s more likely. BTW, there’s a rumor that there’s no Direct in June. Rumors or not, I‘d be bummed with no Direct, but I’d understand why, given the circumstances.
  6. I’m leaning towards B. Purely because I think Bravely Default as a series wouldn’t be very high on Sakurai’s list of priorities, Square Enix or not. Anyways, I’ve decided to compile a list of boss fights I’d rearrange for Classic Mode:
  7. The Smash Bros. Twitter account announced a online tourney where the only playable characters are Donkey Kong, Kirby, Meta Knight, Diddy Kong, King Dedede, and King K. Rool.
  8. I probably can’t hammer my argument into everyone, but there’s more potential than meets the eye, even disregarding Disney. A moveset for him using only the original content is extremely easy, as I did just that: https://www.deviantart.com/herotrainer7/art/Smash-Moveset-Sora-updated-820278165
  9. All battles take place in virtual reality arenas mimicking the layout for the normal ones. Boss Vault: Players can use any character they want and re-fight any boss at their own leisure. They can adjust the difficulty level and choose their own team of Spirits. They can also select the music track for each boss. Boss Arena: Players must fight every single boss with the character they’re given, with limited recovery (a Fairy Bottle which heals 200% off but activates at 100% or higher, two Heart containers, and two Maxim Tomatoes) and no Spirits. The battles slowly rise in difficulty; the first part (Easy difficulty) starts with Master Hand, and then the next three bosses are random. The second part (Normal difficulty) starts with Crazy Hand, and the next three bosses are random.* The third and final part (Hard difficulty) comprises of Galeem, Dharkon, Master Hand and Crazy Hand, and finally, Galeem and Dharkon. The music for the battles are as follows: Giga Bowser, Galleom, Rathalos, Ganon, Marx, and Dracula: Boss Battle (Brawl) Master Hand and Crazy Hand separate: Final Destination (Melee) Galeem: Galeem Dharkon: Dharkon Master Hand and Crazy Hand together: Cruel Smash (Brawl) Galeem and Dharkon: Galeem/Dharkon *Sometimes the first two orders will be swapped around What do you guys think?
  10. Okay, place your bets, everyone! What’s it gonna be for when the ARMS character is revealed? Will it be: A. Just ARMS and nothing else B. ARMS + 1st/2nd party C. ARMS + 3rd party
  11. Ever since TH’s launch, I’ve been annoyed that post-timeskip Edelgard is referred to as Emperor Edelgard. I’m no hierarchy professional, but shouldn’t it be Empress Edelgard, since she’s—you know—a woman?
  12. Iwatani Legacy PAC-Championship Game of Origin: PAC-MAN: Championship Edition (2007) Description: It’s truly a feast for the eyes! Hundreds of ghosts are rallied up to travel in huge train-like swarms, but this stage’s Power Pellets can keep you out of harm’s way. Layout: Based on any maze from Championship Edition, but more open to be more suitable for a Smash Bros. stage. Gimmicks and Hazards: Huge amounts of sleeping Ghost Minions appear in most open spaces, with some sporting a specific color for each Ghost (red Minions for Blinky, for example). When any of these Ghosts appear (only one appears per match, albeit multiple times), their Minions will wake up and jump towards them to form a train. The Ghost Trains move around the stage in the same patterns as the Ghosts normally do. When the leader Ghost is attacked repeatedly, they will get angry and attack the fighter who angered them -Blinky charges at the target -Pinky attempts cut off the target, sometimes sending in 2-3 Minions after them -Inky warps to a specific area of the stage as a warning sign to the target, and then goes after them when they try to get near -Clyde attacks in the stage wildly, attacking any random player and moving at completely random Every now and then, a boss version of that Ghost will appear and ram into an area of stage (any fighters over 100% in that radius are screen K.O.’d). It eventually breaks into the stage and destroys several platforms, and floats around the stage. A Power Pellet appears after a bit, and the fighter who grabs it can attack and K.O. the boss for a point. In addition, there are also jump pads around the stage for fighters to get from side to side when they need more breathing room to fight. Music: (PAC-MAN series music is added to this stages, as well as Championship Edition music) Battlefield/Ω Form: The same as PAC-MAZE, but with the Championship aesthetic
  13. Just as the title says, what music would you have play in the background during your most wanted character’s trailer? My picks are: Sora: Hand in Hand (New Remix) Celica: With Mila’s Divine Protection (Brawl) Shadow: I Am…All of Me Crash Bandicoot: Warp Room (Crash Bandicoot WARPED) (New Remix) DeMille: Prepared for Battle (New Remix) and Season with Amazing Organ (New Remix)
  14. Hope you like Mario’s and Captain Falcon’s Classic Mode. Because aside from WoL, they’re the ONLY ways to fight Giga Bowser.
  15. I didn’t think of that at the time, but I still wanted to be unique (well, kind of) even if I did. I purposely ignored the fact that Captain Toad can’t jump because I couldn’t think of an alternative that wouldn’t look weird. Just like with 1, Draggadon slipped my mind. But now that I think about it, Draggadon would probably draw complaints over either going back to Brawl-Smash 4 Final Smash design (Wario-Man, Mega Lucario, etc.) or being another Blue Falcon clone, so I went with Wingo. Gotta say, though, I like the way the video presents recovery options (I’m surprised I didn’t think of the Double Cherry Cannon).
  16. Just as the title says. Who’s a character you didn’t support at first, but won you over? For me, it’s: -Caeda -Min-Min -Captain Toad
  17. Now there’s a Spirit Event based on Trials of Mana. Do I dare continue to hope for Sora It’s nice that Square’s opening up a little. If there’s another Square Enix Spirit Event, I wouldn’t mind one based on TWEWY.
  18. December 18, 1998 Curien Mansion Game of Origin: The House of the Dead (1996) Description: A mansion belonging to scientist Roy Curien. The scientist has gone mad and unleashed his horrible experimental monsters (mainly zombies) onto his own employees! And now, they lurch onto the battlefield, hungry for the first living thing that enters their sights… Layout: The fight takes place outside the doors leading into the mansion. The main platform is the bottom of the stairs that lead to the main door, with two long sets of stairs on either side. These stairs are suspended over a moat that can be swam in. Gimmicks and Hazards: Each of the suspended stairs have at least one zombie on them (sometimes two). When a zombie grabs a fighter, it bites them (10%) and tosses them aside (OK knockback). These zombies can be attacked, but they can only be knocked out. In addition, one of HOTD1’s first three bosses (Chariot, Hangedman and Hermit) will jump to the center platform. Only one appears per match on this stage, and being stage bosses, the one that appears can be K.O.’d. -Chariot: Slowly walks around on the center platform and swings his axe (20%, medium knockback); his weak point is his body, which can be revealed by attacking the open armor spot near his right shoulder. -Hangedman: Sends an army of bats after the fighters (4% per bat, small knockback); he also sometimes grabs a fighter and drowns them by chucking them into the moat, instantly K.O.-ing them if they don’t break free.. His weak point is his body. -Hermit: Spins a web around the stage that can immobilize fighters, and attacks any fighters on the central platform with its claws (13%, OK knockback); its weak point is its head. Music: -Main Theme - The House of the Dead -Chapter 1: Tragedy~AMS Agent (The House of the Dead; New Remix) -AMS Agent (The House of the Dead; The House of the Dead 2 Ver.) -Chapter 2 and 3: Revenge/Truth (The House of the Dead; New Remix) -Chapter 4: The House of the Dead (The House of the Dead; original) -Theme of Magician (The House of the Dead; New Remix) -Boss Battle (The House of the Dead 2) -First Chapter: A Prelude (The House of the Dead 2; original) -Dawn~Remix of Year Seventh (The House of the Dead 4) -Final Chapter: Original Sin (The House of the Dead 2; New Remix) -Theme of the Emperor (The House of the Dead 2; original) -Prelude of Impatience~Chapter 0 (House of the Dead 3; original) -Infiltration~Vs. Death (House of the Dead 3; New Remix) -Theme of the Last Mystery (The House of the Dead 3; original) -Bullet of Death~Gauge (The House of the Dead 4; New Remix) -Boss Raid (The House of the Dead 4; original) -Give it All You Got! (The House of the Dead 4; original) -Vs. Mother (The House of the Dead: Overkill; New Remix) Battlefield/Ω Form: The central platform near the stairs that lead to the main door. The platforms are based on the balcony where Magician Type-0, the first game’s final boss, is fought.
  19. I think the CG for Echoes and Three Houses suits FE better than the mocap stuff from Path of Radiance to Fates. Mocap, I believe, is better used for in-game cutscenes.
  20. I got Young Marth on my first pull from the banner: As Claude says, the gods of fortune were smiling on me.
  21. How would you feral if this was the Assist Trophy lineup for Smash Ultimate: Special Edition? (This will be updated with each new fighter in Vol. 2; I took out Nightmare and Skull Kid because they suck) Subspace Emissary Poppant: Runs around dropping healing items and rocks Auroros: Dives into the ground after flying above its target; can be used a throwing item once it gets stuck Jyk: Floats around and attacks using a Hydro barrier. It can also follow up with one of two attacks: >It can turn into a Zap Jyk and spin around (sucking in enemies) until it lets put a burst of electricity >It can turn into a Flame Jyk and shoot out flames from its spikes, turning either from a T shape to an X shape or vice-versa Super Mario Hammer Bro Waluigi Lakitu and Spinies Chain Chomp Thwomp Red Koopa: Tucks into his shell and spins around the stage, acting the Red Shell item from 64 and Melee Pianta: “I’m a chuckster!” appears on the screen as the Pianta walks around to grab enemies and chuck them at the blast zone Donkey Kong Klaptrap Cranky Kong: Plays a music box that shoots explosive barrels, only to blow up when the sequence ends Zelda Moon Midna Ghirahim Revali: Enhances everyone’s jump power with Revali’s Gale; this lasts for 20 seconds Metroid Metroid Mother Brain Yoshi Kamek: Either makes the summoner Giant or makes the opponent Tiny Kirby Knuckle Joe Chef Kawasaki Susie Haltmann: Turns every fighter Metal Star Fox Andross Krystal Pokémon Pokémon Ranger: Draws continuous loops around opponents, instantly K.O.-ing them once their damage passes 100% Earthbound/MOTHER Jeff Starman Pigmask: Walks around and throws a bomb F-ZERO Samurai Goroh Pico: Hides in the background and attacks opponents with his rifle Fire Emblem Lyn Black Knight Tiki Hanneman: Attacks opponents using Sagittae Game & Watch Manhole: Rescues the summoner whenever they’re near the blast zone Kid Icarus Phosphora WarioWare/Wario Land Ashley Cpt. Syrup: Steals an opponent’s item and brings it to the summoner Metal Gear Solid Gray Fox Dwarf Gekko: Scurries around latching onto opponents in sight and electrocuting them Sonic the Hedgehog Knuckles the Echidna Silver the Hedgehog: Bursts with telekinetic energy, toppling opponents Pikmin Burrowing Snagret Animal Crossing Kapp’n Tom Nook: Gives the summoner additional coins for after the battle Mega Man Dr. Wily Zero Punch-Out!! Bald Bull: Charges at opponents like a bull and finishes with his Bull Rush PAC-MAN Ghosts Dig-Dug: Turns fighters Giant with his pump, reducing their gravity in the process Xenoblade Chronicles Riki Street Fighter Guile Final Fantasy Cactaur: Eratically hops around pricking opponents, finishing with its signature 10,000 Needles attack Bayonetta Rodin Loki: Hops around throwing his cards, finishing off with charging them for one last powerful rain attack Castlevania Alucard Other Color TV-Game 15 Sheriff Devil Takamaru Flies & Hand Excitebike Muddy Mole: Digs underground, pushing out heavy black balls at opponents Prince of Sablé Sukapon Isaac Barbara the Bat Starfy Dr. Kawashima Vince Nikki Dillon Rusty: Throws several Beastballs at opponents Arcade Bunny Bomberman Akira Yuki Magician Type-0 Rathalos Shovel Knight Bubsy: Does nothing except spout catchphrases and glide around, making him a purr-posely open target Fighters Pass Series Jack Frost: Shoots icy bullets while also hanging from surfaces Golem (Dragon Quest): Throws bricks at opponents, sometimes attack opponents behind it Mumbo Jumbo: Randomly transforms the summoner into any transformation Nakoruru: Attacks opponent with the help of Mamahaha Hedlok (scaled down): Latches itself to the summoner’s head, punching when the shield button is pressed
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