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Everything posted by smgrinus

  1. All good advice here. You might want to start off with a short story that contains some of the main elements of the novel you are attempting to write. Best of luck to you and be patient.
  2. @saisymbolic You are being very kind to Konami. Kudos to you. They destroyed all of my goodwills towards them after turning Silent Hill into a pachinko machine, firing Kojima and calling it a planned vacation. Let's not even get into what they did to the gem that was Suikoden. And then there is the horrid treatment of their employees. Pretty inexcusable.
  3. EA Press Conference breakdown: Battlefield V multiplayer: We have battle royale mode too! UEFA Champions League: We got this great license from Konami! Origin Premiere: Give us more money, peasants! Star Wars Battlefront 2 update: We know we screwed you guys initially so we'll give you free stuff til we screw you later! Unravel 2: See? we do creative stuff like other companies. Sea of Solitude: We care about indie development, trust us. Sports titles: Here's more rehash of more of the same. Command and Conquer Rivals: See? It's just as good as when Westwood made them and you can play it on your tablet. we rock! Anthem: Let's cut and paste Destiny and Borderlands and make it third person. Noone will notice.
  4. CD Projekt Red: These folks brought something new and fresh for the RPG genre with the Witcher series. Their publishing wing should be mentioned for their integrity and consumer-friendly focus as well. Cyberpunk 2077 should be something to behold if their prior efforts are any indication. Naughty Dog: It is hard to understand how these people keep putting out consistently strong games and stories. Last of Us really stands out in their library. I don't think I have played anything that invokes emotion as this title did. Team Ico: I don't know about anyone else but even soulless individuals like myself were brought to tears by Shadow of the Colossus and the Last Guardian. Masterpieces that show games can be more than just entertainment.
  5. Which system brought you into gaming? For me, the old AD&D games on DOS hooked me in. The Dark Sun setting was especially addictive.
  6. You might enjoy something like this. Atlantica Online. http://at.valofe.com/
  7. @iluvpho Folks are friendly enough around here and moderators are pretty active. This is definitely very different from the social media people use now. This reminds me of the old days of BBS and java chat rooms which is a good thing. Just try to stay on topic in the various sections and PM if you need help with something off-topic or post in away from the forest, etc. @BurgerKnight714 What do you need help with? Just PM or post your questions in the off-topic part of the forums.
  8. Ike isn't gay, but he is pretty dense when it comes to social situations. Mist and some of the other characters mention and hint at this on multiple occasions throughout the game.
  9. @-Primal- Hey there. Welcome to the forums. You'll very likely enjoy Awakenings so get that first. Get Echoes after that. If you like the story aspects of FE, don't bother with Fates, otherwise, Conquest is okay for its strategy elements. @Saplings Welcome to the forums and what is a Pme? Forgive me but I'm old and abbreviations just confuse me now. :)
  10. @Popers1328 IS is probably following a Nintendo request to do so since it's done very well on 3DS and putting it on the Switch would likely grow the audience for FE. I remember one of the primary reasons for putting it on the home console was its capability for better graphics but the consideration for it's more robust multiplayer/coop potential was very likely a bonus. I'm also getting the impression that FE Switch may end up being more like Valkyria Chronicles for its gameplay so that more casual audiences would find it more engaging and action based. I'm really hoping that the game mechanics will be a mix of Radiant Dawn, Awakenings and Echoes with a bit of the good things that came from Fates and Heroes.
  11. @Retyl Sony will very likely focus on Last of us 2. Every Sony PS4 owner has been clamouring for it for quite some time now. It would be interesting to see some gameplay for Death Stranding but I get the impression that a gameplay demo is not a priority for it. You are probably right about Spiderman though since that is being made by Insomniac Games this time around and everyone loves those guys. I'm sure they will spend quite a bit of time on a bunch of indie developer titles as they have done previously. It would be good if they did show some new things though.
  12. @TheGoodHoms Congrats on graduating! Don't forget to savour all the moments in your life. Finish school and enjoy your youth.
  13. Square Enix seems pretty out of touch with their fanbase. Their remakes/remasters have been very disappointing so far, at least on the PC side of things. Thankfully, FF VII has already been serviced by fans http://forums.qhimm.com/index.php?topic=13212.0 and it is a satisfying overhaul of the much older game. The FF VI on PC was fairly insulting but very much looking forward to Atlus to pick up the RPG slack. Their 3DS and PC ports have been outstanding so far.
  14. Yep, shields were placed in inventory and would provide DR to your character. It came in two varieties in the Saga Series. Leather and Steel. They would degrade until destroyed. They usually had the durability of 3 and it felt balanced. interdimensional observer above explains it properly. Thanks!
  15. That is actually a feature from Tear Ring Saga and Berwick Saga. I'm actually surprised it didn't get incorporated into the series but maybe it's a balancing issue or whatever other problems they ran into. Fates had a lot of issues.
  16. @Etrurian emperor I really hope that video you found on Nintendo rumors is inaccurate because it's pretty unexciting.
  17. EA: They killed Bioware. nuff said. Bethesda: Fallout 76 ends up being a loot driven survival multiplayer RPG. meh. Square Enix: Whatever happened to the FF VII remake? Microsoft/Sony: They will probably show some cool stuff like last year. Nintendo: I hope they show some gameplay for Fire Emblem Switch Ubisoft: I've lost faith in them. Looking forward to seeing what CD Projekt Red has done so far for Cyberpunk 2076
  18. @Ashpho Pretty good conversations/discussions in the forums. :) You should play some of the older titles before moving into Fates & Echoes. Fire Emblem + Fire Emblem Sacred Stones on GBA (I think they are still in E-shop or use GBA-M emulator, FE Path of Radiance/Radiant Dawn (Gamecube/Wii) <--Dolphin Emulator. Fire Emblem Immortal Sword on PC. http://www.bwdyeti.com/fe7x/. I didn't care for the Fates series too much but Echoes is pretty decent.
  19. @Martin @Light Strategist As an older FE player, I would love to see that happen but the heroes seem to get younger with each iteration.
  20. As much as I would like to see an Axe wielding green haired female protagonist, I get the impression IS will make it an avatar. Long as it's not an another Corrin, It should be fine.
  21. @Tsak Long as you are enjoying the game, nothing else really matters but it certainly does feel that difficulty was lowered for the American audiences. The hard difficulty feels more like the normal of the typical Fire Emblem game.
  22. @Levant Mir Celestia Good thinking! I never considered doing that. lol
  23. @ping I'm not sure what difficulty you are playing on but I generally lose Astrid on the map you get her on before I can get my units in to protect her. I've only managed to save her on 4 of the 10 playthroughs. Also, I always end up giving her knight ward to Brom or Oscar. Maybe, I play too defensively to save her in time.
  24. @Tsak I've played through PoR around 10 times now and Boyd has always been mediocre for me. I guess I've been lucky with Sothe but I've always given him the majority of the stat boosting items so that may have something to do with it. The consistently great units always end up being Titania, Oscar, Jill, Ike, Nephenee, Marcia, Brom, and Gatrie. Maybe, my particular playstyle has a lot to do with who ends up being useful. I tend to avoid levelling Lethe due to her being nerfed in RD which makes her fairly useless while being pretty overpowered in PoR. I have a fairly petty reason when it comes to Makalov. His pink hair annoys me. :) I also avoid levelling pre-promoted units like Tauroneo and most of the other Laguz units since they are actually better in RD regardless of transfer. I use them mostly to level the units I prefer.
  25. A resolution/antialiasing upgrade, as well as adding a bit of voice acting/difficulty tweaks would be all it needed. Honestly, I'm fairly sure most folks will purchase it digitally simply because it's pretty much impossible to purchase and most do not own a Gamecube/Wii to play it on. The only reason I own both is that I had preordered them when I worked at a game store at the time.
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