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Everything posted by NoNameAtAll

  1. The only option is the Tiki way then. Xan-Xan. Ryo-Ryo. etc.
  2. People still would've bitched because those particular ones are gone. What would they do? Use the dub voices as a substitute for the ones that are troubled by licensing? People would complain that it's tacky. Contact other Japanese VAs? That'd be a huge pain in the ass for NoA and it's not even a guarantee considering how stingy agencies can be anyway. There's no simple solution whenever ownership comes into play.
  3. Ohohohoh, Sakurai and Platinum Games, you are crafty. http://nintendoinquirer.com/blog/2016/02/04/bayonetta-makes-a-cheeky-virtua-fighter-reference-smash-bros/ For those who don't get it, Bayonetta's voice clip number 15. And then go here.
  4. So Benoit being Benny means this can apply. SoC, you know what to do, right? Benny Hill.
  5. Watch it not come out in the west because the localizer who suggests it got blasted by Reggie Filsamech's eye lasers. I want to believe it to be true, but I just don't see it. Mother 1's release was literally a ROM from a long-dumped prototype cartridge. Hell, in Japan, they used it as the basis for Mother 1 in the Mother 1+2 GBA cart.
  6. FE Villain would be Medeus. Easily. What? The topic title said FE villain /in/ Smash, not playable in Smash. Medeus would be an amazing boss.
  7. I got one. Evil/Vengeful Linde: http://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=medium&illust_id=54934203
  8. That fact still holds true for part of the fight in MM3D. You gotta lock onto him and go nuts with the sword beams. The problem is that he can't be /killed/ in MM3D with just the FD mask.
  9. Wrong. The Wii U has everything to do with this. The system uses a proprietary disc type reminiscent of Blu-Ray, but it's not Blu-Ray since they'd have to pay licensing to Sony. The Wii U being fast or slow has nothing to do with read speeds when you're talking about 25 GBs of data on external media that's not flash memory based.
  10. Has there even been any word of a second series of DLC? I'm not against speculating, but I find it very odd we haven't heard a word about it unlike Awakening where we learned about the Series 2 DLC (Path of a Grandmaster) still before the international releases.
  11. My bad. But I /do/ know Wyvern Lord or whatever the class was gets harsh penalties. But yeah, better examples would probably be most people who aren't Fergus or Carrion.
  12. I don't know about a favorite mechanic, but fuck Thracia's dismounting and fatigue systems. Dismounting only worked in FE3 because of the fact that there were no weapon levels as they are now (If you can use a Silver Lance, you can use a Silver Sword). On top of that, units like Dean become pieces of shit in indoor maps due to the stupid stat penalties and he'd be locked to swords, which won't be anywhere near as leveled as lances. And stamina's just dumb. It's not going to get a person to use even the worst units.
  13. Fandom more like fandumb mirite
  14. In the case of Ced, he's supposed to share the name of the crusader named Sety. That connotation is lost when changed to Ced, which is more short for Cedric than anything. Raquesis may have just been them being stupid and being /too/ literal. Otherwise, I also lol at the namewanking. Celice to Serlis to Seliph is really no big deal. And then there's others like Roro to Legion that were downright genius.
  15. Oh no, I'm not questioning the jokes. Putting Cipher in as a replacement would be fucking hilarious. Or go even more obscure and use the old TCG. But I've seen some people think it'll legitimately be replaced with something else and I'm like...uh, NoA's gonna take the cheap route when they can. Like any company honestly.
  16. Why would you guys think NoA would go out of their way to add something new into the game that Japan doesn't have? This isn't the old days where they modified Animal Crossing with western holidays. They'll just dummy out all of that, because removing it could break something else in the game.
  17. Why would NoA say anything when this is, ultimately, going to get the game more noticed? Bad publicity or not, this kind of thing makes people curious.
  18. Draw your own conclusions if you want. I'm of this opinion: "Shut the fuck up and either play the game or don't." AKA I don't really care either way.
  19. On the other hand, dual-audio is what led to Xenoblade Chronicles being a dual-layer disc for the Wii internationally due to space. Don't underestimate how much space audio can take.
  20. Genealogy of the Holy War exists so...actually, I wouldn't have put it past IS for that. Mind you, half-siblings, but still.
  21. I only request someone who has a capture card to record any interactions between Benny and Charlotte with Yakety Sax in the background now. I can then die a happy man.
  22. Their source link is Kotaku. Their Via link is a NeoGAF thread that links to said Kotaku link.
  23. I'm more surprised people are trusting Kotaku. I'm not saying he's lying. I'm saying he's wrong.
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