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Everything posted by Kintenbo

  1. From what I've read, they're not actively trying to put Creationism in schools. However, their main point was what can happen with an evolutionary worldview, not what absolutely will happen. The main point they made was, if we're nothing but advanced animals, what's the point of right and wrong? Yeah, the billboard definitely is something that attracts attention, but I fail to see how that instantly discredits what they teach.
  2. Ja! Warum kann man nicht Englisch sprechen? Das ist total unsinn!
  3. Hmm? I'm not pretending to be an expert. I'm just a simple college bound 19 year old. I know full well that what I'm posting is something a lot of people on this site disagree with, but its still my honest opinion. Do you have any personal knowledge of this organization? Is there any legal or otherwise malicious act this organization did to discredit itself? Please, give me something other than "they base their research on the Bible, that's so unscientific". I'm talking dishonest activities, something beyond teaching things you disagree with. Otherwise, no, I'm not trying to ruin anything about me.
  4. Yeah, I know what it is, it's just a shock that it has gotten so much media attention.
  5. Oh, that one thing created over the Kansas School Board of Education controversy?
  6. I didn't even know there were hat related restrictions for driver licenses. Didn't read that in driving school!
  7. Hope that you learn how to play the trumpet? Do you already play the trumpet? Perhaps you could be like me and play oboe and tuba!
  8. That works too. Oh Triple Lemon we get from Schwann's, you are delicious!
  9. Jarly: Was that you in the pic? If so, not bad. XD Me: Who else could it be? Yes, it is me, when I took a picture for an instrument group I'm in. Jarly: I dunno, some random fayg ((no offense XD)) pulled out of photobucket or somn. ^^ That suit suits you. ^^ That's how it went!
  10. Well, Jesus himself referred to Adam and Eve as historical figures. There's Mark 10:6, John 5:45-47, supplemented by Exodus 20:11 (referring to Moses, who wrote Genesis), and Matthew 19:4-5. I doubt Jesus would either intentionally lie or try to console the "lack of knowledge" of the people during that time. To clear things up, I don't believe in what one can call "molecules to man" evolution. I believe in natural selection, but only within a "kind", if you will. For example, we easily observe variation in "canine kind", with many breeds of dogs, along with foxes, wolves, and other wild canines. The only exception would be humans. Some would try to say, "aren't we a part of 'ape kind'", but the Bible specifies "man kind". However, I don't believe the concept of something like reptile to bird and mammal evolution. Some will try to point out fossils of "winged dinosaurs", but fossils can only tell us so much. The rest is pure assumption based on one's worldview. Ultimately, evolution in the Darwinian sense is as much a faith based worldview as any religions. So I don't see this as religion vs. science as much as worldview vs. worldview. Its not that Young Earth Creationists lack evidence, its just that they interpret the evidence differently. This article should explain it better than I can. http://www.answersingenesis.org/articles/cm/v22/n1/creation-proof Do remember that yes, the people of this site do believe one can be Christian and still believe in Darwinian evolution, although it makes them vulnerable in their understanding. Ultimately, trusting in Christ's shed blood as payment for our sin debt is the important part. Trusting that Jesus is as claimed is ultimately the hard part for many people.
  11. No, I'm not a woman, I don't have kids, be they with me or in college, and I'm not 50+. But I know women who fit the description.
  12. I remember him giving me some random PM asking if the picture of me I posted one time was really me. It was weird.
  13. That's because you're not a 50+ woman with her kids out of the house.
  14. What about Löki/Jarly/whatever, that one guy making the weird, extremely wordy stories? Or was he banned by the time you joined. I don't remember.
  15. Yeah, except they're actually needed in order to promote. No "promotion ups".
  16. She's successfully taken over the mind of the post-menopausal female population. I think she has influence.
  17. Nowadays, anybody can pull off being inspirational, if I am observing people correctly!
  18. promotesmyrmidonsmercenariesfightersandinfireemblem6piratesandbrigandsforGBAgames
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