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Everything posted by Kintenbo

  1. During the Bug Catching Contest, to be particular.
  2. Give me 60-70 weather any day! Also, for beverage, give me some Cherry Coke!
  3. But if I kill, I become the demon!
  4. Probably thought the lines of "OMG, this is, like, a free country!".
  5. Dang it! Looks like I need to go on a diet and run a marathon, then!
  6. Is there really such a thing as normal? Normal one place is insane in another!
  7. June 20. Are we trying to reform the Star Orb?
  8. I want all kinds of fruit juice.
  9. Well, let's think together. I haven't seen any titles starting with the letter Z. Well, I don't remember any, at least.
  10. The sickest I ever feel nowadays is when I get a headache!
  11. Hey guys, I think I'm pregnant, and you all are the father.
  12. 1990's Captain America doesn't stand a chance! Can't speak for this new version of Captain America.
  13. It's not a party until there's watermelon. Always!
  14. From the sounds of it, you perhaps need to look at yourself and your interaction with people. Perhaps think of ways to overcome your relatively short tolerance of interacting with people. Ask yourself what makes other people so boring. Ask yourself what you can do to make interaction more interesting. Let's face it, dating and love is far more than "oh hey, you're hot", "oh, you're hot, too". If you take a relationship at only "face" (pun intended) value, it probably won't be a long lasting one. All and all, what you do with her is up to you!
  15. I'm 19 too, and luckily for me, I have no interest in such things. Apparently there's a teen friendly club where I live, though. Still, last year I was like "I'm 18, I can now do all sorts of stuff I wouldn't do anyway!".
  16. Looks like I should have waited! Talk about a drop in price!
  17. That Nidorina seems a tad off model, you know, just a little bit.
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