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Everything posted by Kintenbo

  1. Kintenbo

    Hi Guys!

    Can I be Ducks? Then again, if I became a duck, it'd be suicide to visit my cousins in Minnesota. Anyway, hi.
  2. I'm not saying that's bad (at least the staying at home part). It's just that by going by your posts, you remind me a LOT of my brother. Although, I've yet to see you display an over-inflated ego and a super-short temper. Or a slowly but surely expanding gut.
  3. Sheesh, I'm starting to think you and my brother cloned personalities! He's doing the exact same thing! Anyway, six days until my move-in! The best part, there looks like a good number of lovely young ladies for me to meet in my residence hall! Garsh!
  4. You could always go outside and do things. Such as run around your neighborhood or mow the lawn!
  5. Oh school started yesterday where I live, too. However, I'm going to college, so its not until the 24th (I move in to DePauw the 20th) until I have to start thinking awfully hard!
  6. I can see the productivity of learning to swim. However, I'm the type who avoids deep water anyway. I'm not sure about forced swim lessons, but making it readily available is always good!
  7. Pop goes northern U.S and Canada! We just call them soft drinks here in Indiana.
  8. I'd like to make an amendment. Gabrielle Giffords is an exception.
  9. Where did the "gingers have no souls" shenanigans come from, anyway? I hear its South Park, but I don't watch that.
  10. Level 20 Barbarian with the Devil Axe, when its not hurting itself.
  11. Well, drafts tend to mess up my hair. Then again, simply walking outside makes my hair fuzz up. It's not as bad as girls who wear dresses or skirts. Also, who doesn't love a cool draft in the summer heat?
  12. If I remember right, it's a nice way of saying that the U.S's ability to make safe loans is going down the toilet.
  13. In the German version, it's just one big making a big deal about it being "Kaufhaus 9".
  14. I like the Gym Leaders. Albeit, in the case of Skyla in particular, not for very deep reasons. Garsh.....I could only imagine Brock being put into Unova!
  15. Why do I sometimes wake up while having the sensation of falling?
  16. Along with 500 pound bellies! Of course, I prefer eating such chicken in moderation, as with most foods!
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