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Everything posted by Kintenbo

  1. I haven't been here for months, I'm not sure if I have an ego for you to stroke. If I can find one, I'll let you know.
  2. Oh. Definitely more scary than a meth lab, unless it exploded in a residence hall or something.
  3. What crime was it? During my first week of DePauw, someone found a meth lab. I'm not sure if it was found out who made it, though.
  4. Look at all the horsies! I want to ride a horse!
  5. Oh man, oh man! You know what we all need? Lasagna.
  6. Given the U.S' glamorization of violence, it's not a big surprise we rank relatively low. Do I think its possible for improvement? If only people let it happen.
  7. Here it's kind of cool, but not freezing by any means. Rain here and there, but not crazy. Of course, I'm currently in the relatively warmer Evansville, who knows what I'll be driving into when heading back to DePauw (yay week long Fall Break!).
  8. I guess the $1,000,000 question is going to be "now what?". Hopefully it won't wind up like the French Revolution's "now what".
  9. Will people glare at me if I told them that all my midterm grades are A's? Sure, 2 of them are A-'s, but my parents aren't crying!
  10. My eyes started watering. Yeah, if memory serves, there's also a very sad one involving someone dying in a car crash. But hey, they can make fun ones, too!
  11. What's funny about it is that apparently one of them has an iPhone or something of the sort.
  12. While at college, I've been taking 5 minutes. At home, I usually do 10. It helps that I try to keep my showering as private as possible.
  13. Magical Purple! Makes me think of grape juice!
  14. Mein Thema lebt wieder...........
  15. It is a disasterpiece, awesomely abominable! Or perhaps abominably awesome!
  16. I thought to troll, you had to hide under a bridge and then give people riddles 3. Especially if they are goats.
  17. When will you get around to changing your name?
  18. #40 People will notice if you start laying on the floor of the main lobby, massaging one of the room's pillars.
  19. White knights, black knights, where are the brown knights?
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