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Everything posted by Karimlan

  1. your Christ has betrayed us here and even Death himself has lied and even though eternity betide alas we have again to fear
  2. Even without shipping and handling, 265EUR (PHP14,897 and change, call it PHP15,000) is relatively cheaper than the secondhand Switches being sold here (with S&H, might come to par with them but anyway).
  3. When I'm in your house and they find my hard drive full (750GB) of music/audiobooks/live gigs, they'll probably look at me with disdain.
  4. If I had 265 Euro lying around, I'd buy it for the girlfriend (which I don't at the moment).
  5. I stand corrected: Riesz is a redhead lmao. The Desperation effect on Duo Byleth's weapon makes her (or is it THEM?) a shoo-in for Galeforce teams.
  6. Is it just me, or does Summer Ingrid give off Riesz (Trials of Mana) vibes? Both have long, blond hair and lances as weapons, and although Ingrid looks like she has more of a tan than Riesz, the similarity is just uncanny. Guard Bearing seems to me a lesser-degree Close Call/Repel, which strikes me as okay that they have some form of damage reduction that Infantry-types are spoiled with.
  7. If the latest new poster has such a hard-on for Law & Order, he ought to look no further than Hong Kong and the Philippines, both of which had recently enacted anti-terror laws that are staggering in ambiguity, leaving people without scruples a wide berth in interpreting provisions as they please. You won't need nacht und nebel if people can be rounded up in broad daylight, you know. In the middle of a fucking pandemic, PH is clamping down on dissenters, red-tagging everyone critical of the government as insurgents, or sympathizers to them (much like the extra-judicial killings that happened a few years ago in the name of, you guessed it, a war on illegal drugs, wherein small fry are summarily executed while meth labs are laid bare--without anyone manning the posts or caught red-handed, but anyway. Why would Duterte's lackeys go on "red-tagging" people when he's buddies with Xi of China, but that's just a minor detail), including: a major TV station (ABS-CBN) a prized foreign news correspondent (Maria Ressa) You want to see how police states function? Look no further. And don't get me started on China's belligerence.
  8. If this were a congressional hearing, the emphasized phrase would most likely be considered a form of filibustering. When you are discussing something as rudimentary as the outright fuckery of people of color through the centuries, any further talk of semantics goes out the door. The fact that some people give it more than a passing glance is indicative of being clueless at best, and acting in bad faith at worst.
  9. If you read up on the first two or three pages, this argument has been addressed, and promptly discarded for the abject rubbish that it is. Next.
  10. Go easy on that, though. It's a steroidal anti-inflammatory medication that thins out the skin long-term, making it prone to bruising. As long as you're not seeing long-term use of it for more serious reasons (read: dermatitis or eczema), you should be okay. Story-wise, the bolded text ought to happen, in order for Shulk to look like the Godslayer that he is.
  11. Game gave me a Sothis for free pull! Yay. -moments later- -Spd. Ugh. Welp, someone in my barracks will be getting Time's Pulse.
  12. The last time I had beef and kale in oyster sauce, I blanched the kale briefly in boiling water (1-1 1/2 minutes), then shocked it by submerging in ice water. Most of the bitterness was gone, and whatever was left got lost in the mix of the flavors of the stir-fry (oyster sauce, ginger, garlic). A similar prep can be done for bitter gourd to become more palatable (submerge chopped bitter gourd in water and add a teaspoon of salt; how much more depends on how much bitter gourd you have to begin with).
  13. When you have people who argue that "looters are as bad as the cops who killed George Floyd," people like LAPD Chief Michael Moore, you know you're dealing with rhetoric that is so fucked up, I don't even know where to start. The Zoom conversation referenced in the article I linked shows a bunch of stooges, the day after Moore came up with his brilliant deduction, taking all the verbal abuse from a populace that is so fed up with being gaslighted/gaslit to no fucking end. Moore looks like a turd and rightfully deserved all the remarks, and more, because he is exemplifying what has been said about a bloated police force, so corpulent and corrupt beyond compare: they're a hammer, and they've become the only tool most states/cities have. So everything is a nail to these folks.
  14. Kale with beef brisket in oyster sauce is awesome. I refuse to eat it in any other form. I'd eat bitter gourd/bitter melon more than kale--hell, I chop them up and add them in a frittata.
  15. Swept under the rug. And for people who have been keeping score, all this sweeping is finally resulting in turmoil and unrest, because the issues are unaddressed, still, to this very day.
  16. Fair points all around. I would just like to harp on the emphasized. Among most circles, a statement framed like that almost (i.e, a proviso about looting and vandalism, for instance, shoehorned in) always seems to be used, disingenuously at that, to discredit protests. Which has a salt-to-the-wound effect to the people who are airing their beef. Noah's "social contract" premise presented in the video I linked on my initial post encapsulates the concept perfectly. Why would people adhere to a contract when the other party involved made the contract null and void by repeated acts of bad faith?
  17. To be fair, the line "some of those who work forces... Are the same that burn crosses" comes from "Killing in the Name Of." But yeah.
  18. Well, tough. Tell that to people who have been marginalized to insignificance and see how you like their reactions. Forget about having a code for protest. There is no such thing, not for the people who have been thrown under the boss for so long. I'm not a nu metal guy, but I echo Mudvayne's sentiment for this kinda thinking: "Middle finger is the flag I wave when I'm silenced!"
  19. You don't have a protest when the aggrieved party and the party concerned are in concurrence over the venue. You have a compromise or a dialogue. Protests are supposed to make people uncomfortable, because it's precisely that comfort that prevents people from looking beyond the status quo. You can't expect people who have bore the brunt of centuries of discrimination, marginalization, and outright fuckery to "be nice."
  20. "...to be celebrated and to be hung over the heads of people of color like the proverbial sword of Damocles" Fixed it for ya 🙂
  21. Say it with me now: I M P U N I T Y. And calling out the Orange Nutjob at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue for stoking the fires of racism ever brighter and stronger ought to be a civic duty, thank you very much.
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