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Everything posted by Karimlan

  1. Favorite cat breed? Do you advocate the legalization of psychotropic/hallucinogenic substances (LSD, mescaline, cannabis, psilocybin, etc)? What's a worse form of afterlife: Calculus or trigonometry? How far are you from Cheyenne? (been there once on a road trip with friends back in the day) Strangest experience involving a pizza?
  2. Nice. I'll get the ball rolling, if I may. (If some of the questions have been asked before, my apologies). How are ya doin? Which dragons do you prefer — western or eastern? Ever wondered why dragons have been given a bad rap on most mythologies/religions? (Greek mythology's Typhon, Egyptian Mythology's Apophis/Apep, Jormungand, the Beast that is called Dragon from Judeo-Christian imagery, etc) Favorite steak cut? Favorite kind of pasta?
  3. Stats-wise, it seems counter-intuitive to build him like you would Raven. I myself am thinking of two candidates for the B slot: Vantage, for counterkill setups, Wrath (provided I get the fodder), to maximize killing ability (coupled with Quick Riposte in the seal slot)
  4. a can of Pringles a box of latex gloves a 2-pack of ribbed sponges (for context, I watched a video from PH THAT I WILL NOT LINK HERE that talked about DIY love toys for guys and this oughta give the cashier ideas)
  5. Is almost correct in his guess (it's Dano-Norwegian).
  6. *raises hand* I have. This is clearly a case of life imitating art. XD
  7. It echoes what Denis Leary had said on one of his specials a LONG TIME ago: "My domestic policy: Fuck you. My foreign policy: FFFFUUUUUUUUCCCCKKKKK YOU!! —from Lock and Load
  8. I'll probably go Flier Emblem on this, having Flying Nino built up already (L&D + Desperation). Hinoka will be providing Hones and the other fliers (Caeda and Clair perhaps) toting Goads.
  9. La natten føre meg, bestandig... (translate: Let the night lead me, eternally...)
  10. encourages you to become one with the dragon.
  11. Cleared all three maps with Armor Emblem (M!Grima, Zephiel, Effie, H!Henry). Grima did all of the dirty work, getting buffs from everyone and blasting the opposition with VF-accelerated Aether attacks. Swapped him out of the way and used Effie to deal with the red manakete. 1st-turn Glimmer (achieved accidentally by equipping Heavy Blade 3 on her + Brave Lance) sent that draco-butt to oblivion.
  12. Too good to not post this meme made of pure win.
  13. Muted pork chops. If the police never find it, is it still a clue?
  14. if it's not brown in color, yes. what is the sound of a mind discarded?
  15. the opposite of a "son of a landlubber." What is a spoony bard?
  16. With ready-made potpourri. Ever heard of medium rare chicken?
  17. PS4: Tekken 7, Warframe Android phone: Lineage II, Shadow Blood, FEH Android tablet: SNES/GBA/NDS emulators 3DS: Bravely Second
  18. according to the Ready Player One movie wiki, there were a few references to Nintendo games/products, a few of which I do remember (Aech mentioning Mario Kart to Parzival, a GameBoy located somewhere in Wade's hideout van, etc). In the Book, however, there weren't a lot of Ninty references.
  19. Karimlan


    Witty. :D Welcome to ya.
  20. Only if the music is metal. Powder or lotion?
  21. Playing Persona 4 (I think?) and going for the true ending.
  22. Has an Azura banner underneath the "Member" description.
  23. Has logged 400+ hours playing Xenoblade 2.
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