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Everything posted by Karimlan

  1. I sorely wanted Ishtar on her banner. :( drew all colorless orbs on the SF banner. stopped at the first pull (3* Niles). Reminded myself about saving orbs til the next Legendary banner.
  2. Was my profile's first visitor (er, thanks?).
  3. Favorite way to cook eggs? (or any dish involving eggs) Ever seen the Simon's Cat cartoons? Potato talk: hashbrowns, tater tots, or home fries? Being a type II diabetic, do you also make sure you don't get too low on glucose? (out of a lack of proper query to ask) What's your opinion of me?
  4. No, because he'd recommend that I'd just disappear. I'd fancy getting better advice from a Viking. If you had a clone, would you be, theoretically, able to go f*** yourself?
  5. No. but I have a stupidity counter. Ever farted in a public function and it was noticed?
  6. just like the I AM ERROR bit in Zelda II IIRC: just to fuck with your head. What if we are all ERROR?
  7. He was one of the first Heroes I've promoted to 5*, because of two reasons: I'm a sword guy His pale skin, black armor and blade are a callback to one of my all-time favorite characters, Elric of Melniboné.
  8. @grinus: sorry about the late reply! It's a fun romp, but not as fun as the first one. Still a solid RPG for what it's worth.
  9. I like that opening sentence. Aside from punctuation and a few spelling mishaps, I'd say your narrative is solid, but not stodgy. Good job!
  10. I wouldn't put it past him if he did. What if you found out that the creator of the tale of Robin Hood was the Earl of Oxford all along?
  11. Not mine. Did DragonFlames just reference Douglas Adams or am I just attaching too much importance to the number 42?
  12. Got me curious about Estelle Bright.
  13. Amusing snippet of the news article re this arrest from Bloomberg. Link: https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2018-06-15/manafort-could-go-to-jail-today-after-judge-weighs-tampering
  14. Time paradox. If you live on the wrong side of the tracks, but wake up on the right side of the bed, do those two cancel each other out?
  15. I forget how I cleared mine, now that you mentioned it. Now in the process of replicating the feat (Zephiel, BK, Effie, OG Hector).
  16. In all probability, I'm no longer gonna pull from any banner until the LHB on month's end. Saving my orbs til then (got 25 at the moment). Not even good fodder from the most recent pulls (last good pull is an ideal IV SF!Nino— +spd/-res). Tempest Trial score rewards and login bonuses will amp my total up for sure.
  17. He/she could spend all his/her time in Lost and Found. Ever gotten in an airplane and they throw your luggage because you were being a jerk?
  18. started a thing with avatar first names.
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