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Posts posted by Tree

  1. 47 minutes ago, GrandeRampel said:

    Honestly, it's disappointing to see so many people against the idea of collabs.

    I think the Zelda series could work well, but that's mainly because I'd like to see a Fire Emblem game based in Hyrule. The cast, story, and setting is easy to make: Link as the silent avatar, Zelda as the lord, Agahnim as the bad guy trying to bring Gannon back, and the triforce for the fire emblem. There are plenty of characters in the Hyrule to fill in the rest. Afterwards, add the characters to Heroes for easy extra profit.

  2. 11 minutes ago, Othin said:

    From the link:


    SAID_全体ダメージ_縦列攻撃設備破壊 (lit. "all damage - destroy offensive structures on column")
    Deals ??? damage to all foes. Presumably also destroys structures within column(s) centered on unit, but I did not test that with my own Aether Keep. What better way to bait whales stimulate purchases than introducing Catapult + infinite-range Bolt Tower as a skill that is most likely exclusive to the next Mythic Hero who also happens to be scheduled for release in 3.1.0's timeframe?

    Not sure what to think of that. Seems that should be  a catapult upgrade rather than a unit skill. Bolt Tower damage from a unit is powerful, and very weird if it only works in one mode...

    Edit: added spoiler since presumably datamined

  3. The new art has grown on me. I still have a preference for some aspects of the originals, but I like the new versions too. Still a bit disappointed with Naesala's art, but I'll just pretend it's a younger version of him. I like the way the new units work. They are different and powerful, but still have weaknesses. Overall, fairly happy with the update. I'm still short Nailah and Reyson, but I don't care for Nailah and Reyson will probably be demoted. I pull green often, so I'll likely get him later anyway.

  4. On 1/11/2019 at 4:13 PM, Mercakete said:

    Loki makes them. Pretty sure that's already been said.

    Pretty sure this is what either more paralogues or book 4 will be about (if it's not covered somewhere in book 3; Thrasir is a thing, after all, and she's the one who made the pact with Embla (the dragon) in the first place, if my understanding is correct.) I also suspect that this will lead into (that is, book 4 will be about) plot involving the four dragons (Embla, Askr, Nifl, and Muspell) and Valhalla (again, who I suspect is a light deity.)

    Super Paper Mario spoilers (not too major):


    I think they are borrowing pieces from the worlds in Super Paper Mario (which was also made by Intelligent Systems). In that game, Luvbi is the angelic daughter of Grambi and Queen Jaydes. Grambi governs the bright land in the clouds called "The Overthere." Queen Jaydes lives separate and rules the dark world called "The Underwhere" (which is the ultimate resting place of "bad" characters after their gameover). She isn't evil in particular, just doing her job (as a sort of judge). I think Eir's father will be from a "light" world. I imagine that all the dragons (Embla, Askr, Nifl, and Muspell) will become mythic heroes too.


  5. 11 minutes ago, XRay said:

    You can use +Atk to let her fight/bait dragons. If you do not need her to fight, then +Spd would be the best to avoid as much doubles as possible.

    I actually already merged into the [+res] one, because I decided survivability was most important. She does have high attack (44) for a singer when [+atk]. After merging she has 41 speed. Is that enough to avoid most doubles, or should I merge into a [+spd] one if I get another later? She has 37 resistance, so I gave her the attack ploy seal. I also added miracle. Should be able to safely charge it from magic users, and then survive one melee hit.


  6. 18 minutes ago, Silith13 said:

    What do you think would be the best boon for a fully merged Leanne? I'm thinking it's likely Speed but if someone has a build idea that uses +atk or +res (hp or def I don't see happening but hey surprise me.)  I am all ears.

    I'm curious too, but for low merges rather than high. I got a [+atk] and a [+res] Leanne. (They both have an HP flaw, but +1 will remove that anyway.)

  7. 6 minutes ago, Rezzy said:

    I got 8 pitybreakers and 5 focus units.  6 of my 8 pitybreakers were Red, two of them being Sanaki.

    Actually, I forgot I also got Karla, so it was really 2 focus and 7 off banner for me. (Fortunately, I only got one Sanaki. She has absolutely no useful skills.)

    That's six off banner red units (Mia, Cavalry Chrom, Gray, Flora, Sanaki, Karla) and one off banner colorless (Bow Lyn).

    I was a little disappointed, but then I realized that in 350 orbs, I got a neutral Tibarn, a [+atk, -hp] Leanne,  merges (Bow Lyn, Mia, Cavalry Chrom), and five new units (Gray, Flora, Sanaki, Karla, 4* Legault).

  8. 43 minutes ago, Chrom-ulent said:

    The odds are 50% off-focus 5-stars - and this was 7 focus to 10 non-focus.

    I got two focus units (one copy each) of Tibarn and Leanne. I got one colorless and five red off banner units. So 25% focus for me rather than 50%.

  9. 11 hours ago, DraceEmpressa said:

    Yes, but so far, mostly only in Japan. they are the ones who seems to be eager when there is signs of a villain gets redeemed.. As far as I've seen, people in western fandom always complained whenever a villain is about to get redeemed, calling it cliche .

    I think it's cliché because it's such a common theme. (It's probably overused because it is so popular.)


    Banner (350 orbs) - Not as many copies of focus units as I wanted (only 2), but a high 5* rate...

    Bow Lyn
    Cavalry Chrom

    New units:
    4* Legault

  10. 5 minutes ago, bottlegnomes said:

    Oh, I think I got you. So you're saying the potential for redemption might endear those characters to some people?

    Yeah, pretty much. "Unredeemable" characters don't seem to get much sympathy, but I don't think many characters actually fall in that category.

  11. 10 minutes ago, bottlegnomes said:

    That was mostly me being snarky. But to your actual point, on one hand, I feel like that's not always the case, like Travant, Lyon, and Ashnard who are probably three of the most popular villains don't get any real redemption, but on the other hand, villain redemption does tie into our cultural desire for good to win in the end. I intentionally left Arvis out because he does have at least a few moments of redemption. Granted, I have a sneaking suspicion I might be misunderstanding what you mean by redemption in which case, everything I said would be moot.

    I just meant forgiveness and conversion to a good side, nothing too complicated. They may not have provided it for those characters, but I imagine that many players would have liked for that to happen.

  12. 8 minutes ago, Tenzen12 said:

    Except Lenne I found jap voice acting much better, especially when it come to Naesala, his english voice doesn't fit at all.


    The Japanese voice actor for Naesala had a deeper voice that fit well. The English Naesala voice seemed out of character. I play with volume off though, so it's not a big deal.

    I prefer the original artwork to any of the new versions, but found Naesala's new face particularly disappointing. It's much more feminine with the larger eyes and smaller nose. It's not bad art, it just deviates from the original in ways I don't find appealing for the character. Perhaps I'll get used to it.

  13. 9 hours ago, Ice Dragon said:

    [...]my guess is that Laguz dragon weapons will grant Distant Counter when transformed, making them generally superior than the inheritable breath weapons.

    There aren't that many Laguz dragons, so they could all be armor units with an Armor March / Armored Boots weapon effect. Fortunately, Armor March is unlikely since extra movement is essentially the same effect granted to birds.

  14. I just realized that there isn't a 6th offensive slot... I'm on track to reach tier 19. However, with an unarmed defense team, I'm not sure I'll be able to maintain my tier. It would be fun to make challenging defense maps for other players, but I don't want to interfere with them getting the units they want. This mode is rapidly losing its appeal. I may eventually just surrender five times a week to collect the free rewards.

  15. 10 minutes ago, Khid said:

    I don’t think this was implemented to increase the viability of units. This looks like a way to help players that pulled bad IVs, while also encouraging players to pull more. For example, Julia pity broke me twice. I’d love to use her, but both of the ones I pulled were -Atk. With this change, I’m more open to investing in her because her Atk will be fixed now.

    Yeah, they certainly do want to encourage more merges. You're likely right that most will appreciate the IV fix above a tiny stat increase.

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