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Posts posted by Tree

  1. 1 hour ago, Ice Dragon said:

    I'm not exactly sure what +1 to all stats would do for helping older units compete with anything, especially since most units only use 1-3 of their stats.

    The only real winners are infantry, who get +2 to all stats, which means I'm probably first going to focus on my infantry tanks (Fjorm, Legendary Lyn, Helbindi if he ever gets merges, etc.) and cannons (Ayra, Karla, Raven, etc.) first.

    It's basically 2.5 levels, so that's something, even if small. Infantry definitely benefit the most with a potential five levels of stats.

  2. @XRay I think arena medals are the most useless. I'm taking their absence in your post as confirmation. :D:

    Tried to get an armored bow unit on the first Halloween banner, but got two Sakuras instead. Got another one randomly on a legendary banner. On the 5* Seasonal banner: red has good skills and good odds, but no red orbs appear. I have only one of the colorless here, and many look useful, so let's try that. Oh...

  3. The new voting minigame doesn't appear particularly interesting in itself... but it looked like the maps were scrollable. I really hope it is a usability test for large, scrollable maps. I think this new voting method is meant to help limit votes (for those with multiple accounts) since it will take more time to find a desired character.

    The flower stat boosters will help patch up older unit stats to better compete with the gen 3 stat increase that is likely coming. We won't be able to apply them to all the older units (due to the rarity), but if there are particular ones we like, it will help them stay somewhat relevant.

    I'm glad they got rid of the free daily Aether Raids run. That daily requirement was annoying. The lower aether cost means we'll still have a similar amount of battles, but we won't have to play every single day.

    I knew gold orbs were coming at some point, but I thought they would be used for something different (like combat manuals, etc.). Also, it appears that you have to summon the free unit in order to use the banner. This means that it wouldn't be possible to use the free pull to get whatever unit you had difficulty summoning. I'm worried that they will apply this to the new brave heroes banner later this year.

    I'm a bit disappointed on the orb quantities though. It's 22 login and 22 from maps for 44 total compared to 100 last year. They are giving out two more 5* units, but they are random seasonal units. I'd probably trade both 5* seasonal units for the extra 56 orbs from last year. The removal of the four orbs from Forging Bonds wasn't a big deal to me because it wasn't very many orbs, and they replaced them with 20 orbs worth of tickets. However, I hope this isn't the start of an overall trend of fewer orbs in exchange for "more valuable" time-limited summons on banners. It would give more 5* units overall, but only if you liked the majority of banners.

  4. 12 minutes ago, Lewyn said:

    Okay I am really worried about Duma, really worried.  It is anima season.  I am in tier 20, and I have run into Duma one time.  That Duma was unmerged and was so easy to dispose of it was a joke. 

    Anyone running into Duma, multiple Dumas?  Please say yes.

    I've seen one in Tier 20. The team was easier to beat (even with legendary Azura), because he didn't synergize well with the rest. It was more like fighting a five unit team, than a six unit one. There aren't many anima blessings available yet, so unless you have gotten several Dumas, you'll have trouble filling out a blessed team. You can use legendaries, but that will make team synergy even harder to set up. I've spent over 100 orbs, and didn't get one, so I imagine that many players are in a similar situation. Once Astral heroes are added, his value will increase.



  5. 1 minute ago, EricaofRenais said:

    That is about as likely as me waking up tomorrow and not be a type one diabetic anymore, but dang it would be nice.  I am just hoping to get enough orbs to get L!Tiki and hopefully a free 5*.  If there is more that is great, if not I wasn't expecting all that much anyway.

    Well, it only takes accidentally typing one more zero to turn 50 into 500. They have had plenty of errors in the past. This mistake would cost them money though, so it's much less likely to occur.

  6. 27 minutes ago, omegaxis1 said:

    But I guess the problem is that they would be huge bodies to deal with. They have a human form to avoid size issues. Hence why Grima is as Robin.

    Yeah, that is the issue. They could make him larger like Surtr on the map. In battle, he would start out full size (larger than the Surtr-size map version) and not need to transform at all.

  7. 9 minutes ago, SuperTroll Maxim Lapierre said:

    Formortis in his true body would make far more sense. They already made Lyon's battle a GHB.

    I don't disagree, just not sure they would do that. I guess if made larger like Surtr, it could work. I'd prefer that version over using Lyon, and it actually would be more accurate too.

  8. 29 minutes ago, DefyingFates said:

    They seem pretty happy to jump on memes, so I think we'll get one sooner than later xD

    On topic, Eir throws the idea of Mythics being godlike beings into question since she hasn't displayed any "godlike" traits so far. The cynic in me suspects we'll get another actual God for a Mythic Hero, then get normal characters with Divine Weapons until we get Hel at the end of the year, or something.

    The optimist in me really wants Formortiss!Lyon though, even if that feels too close to F!Grima to qualify as a Mythic.

    Grima would have been a mythic for sure had mythics existed then. Tiki would likely have been a mythic too instead of a legendary. I think they will probably make adult Tiki into a mythic, but they probably won't do anything about Grima. I think Lyon has a very good chance still. Micaiah and Yune (human form) will probably be made into legendary and mythic forms respectively.

  9. 22 minutes ago, Zelgius said:

    I'm glad Zelgius managed to hold on to 20th place, hopefully next time they will combine his votes.

    I thought they did combine his votes from both games? If you're talking about a certain armored guy, that wouldn't work. I used nearly all of my votes for the him this time, but if they had combined him with Zelgius, I would have voted for someone else. I wouldn't mind a Zelgius in Begnion armor though, but I assume we'll get that eventually even without a brave version. :):

  10. 2 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

    So this is what VGs are? They don't seem like they'd generate all the intensity online that they do. One quick fight every half hour? Why not have a separate Stamina gauge for this mode? I get that perhaps it is done to sustain activity through the all the hours of the VG, but having players worldwide doesn't do this already?

    Nothing really happens on these until the very final hours of a round when the high multipliers are active. That's when things get interesting.

  11. 4 minutes ago, Othin said:

    Speaking of natures, I wonder if these will be guaranteed neutral. My guess is "probably", but since they're random, they might not be.

    They would almost certainly be neutral. It's possible, but highly unlikely, that it could feature the traditional five random orbs. That version could result in units with custom natures.

  12. 1 hour ago, Othin said:

    Depends on how exactly they approach the mythics. We've only seen one so far. There are a lot of ancient characters, like the Jugdral/Elibe/Magvel/Tellius nation founders, who might qualify. (Although none of those even made it onto CYL.)

    They'll also run out of good legendary candidates. We've got a big chunk of the lords already.

    I'm sure that mythics will come in all the different colors. I think their colorless percentage will probably be higher than the legendary colorless percentage. Now that mythics are available, I think the "legendary" category will probably expand to include lord-like characters such as Zelgius, Elincia, Kurthnaga, etc. When they exhaust that level (which will take awhile), then even characters like Ninian or Lilina could have a chance.

  13. 3 hours ago, Kuroi Tsubasa Tenshi said:

    I guess I should have clarified, since I did see a couple in something like T17 and 18 way back: T21 joke teams. I kept hearing about how chill the tier is and now that I'm in it, I'm finding that it's not.

    I actually didn't see that many in lower tiers (or at least wasn't as lucky). Because it is an off season week, Tier 20 is easier than Tier 19 was last season. That, and probably the better players in Tier 20 moved on to Tier 21.

  14. Because there are many more candidates for legendaries than mythics, I think it is possible that once they have a couple for each mythic element, they will scale them back to one a quarter. (A new mythic every three banners rather than every other one.)  This would result in around eight new legendaries and four new mythics per year. Also, mythics tend to associate with colorless more so than most legendaries, so I think they will use mythic heroes to help limit repeats of colorless mythic/legendary units on these banners.

  15. 6 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

    Just got a pity break Takumi, so CC fodder. I know this isn't as valuable as DC, and it'd probably just sit around doing nothing because I just can't commit something so rare, but who likes CC? -And to narrow it, I'm not interested in Seasonals, OCs, Awakening, or Fates characters.

    Ranged armor units would like it. There are at least six of them (if I remember right) and they cover every color. They are currently all seasonal, but I do think we will get non-seasonal ranged armor units at some point though, so you potentially might want to wait a bit. There are some future mythic and GHB candidates.

  16. 5 hours ago, Stroud said:

    In my opinion it is also the threshold you cannot simply ignore your defense anymore.

    Yeah, without a defense team, I'll be stuck at Tier 20 for awhile.


    2 hours ago, Kuroi Tsubasa Tenshi said:

    Have yet to meet one of these mythical joke teams. Have been considering changing mine to one if I happen to run into one, though it hasn't happened yet. Granted, on the extremely unlikely chance of a Duma dropping into my lap, I'll probably just shove him and a bunch of legendaries in there and call it a day. It'd still end up being a joke, but not an amusing theme team.

    I've run into two this season. I also have one of these easy defense teams, but that shouldn't matter for matching.

  17. Well, I think my Bow Lyn merges are paying off. She and Reinhardt took down Abyssal (took a few tries). That's the first Abyssal I've beaten without a guide. It may be a cheaper Bow Lyn / Reinhardt clear, but it still feels nice to beat one without a guide for once.

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