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Posts posted by Tree

  1. @kirauza343 Why would you want a Guard seal when you could have Steady Stance 4? :D: They might have Renewal 4 out before they make a Renewal 3 seal. (Hone Attack 4 could make an interesting seal, but I guess everyone would just put it on Legendary Azura...)

    14 minutes ago, eclipse said:

    I'd love to see G Duel Infantry and their ilk as seals.  It probably won't spice up the arena pool that much, but I'd totally use them!

    That would definitely change some Arena tiers. I personally would really like using my favorites. They'd probably never release cavalry ones though. Then again, Reinhardt and Bow Lyn wouldn't be as dangerous with +5 HP A skills. They will probably start releasing these current ones as seals after introducing the +5 attack dual skills... :P:

  2. Sorry for this wall of text. I've put markers so that you both can ignore half if you want too.



    41 minutes ago, XRay said:

    I would prioritize Summoner Support for carriers/super tanks. Nukes generally do not need Summoner Support to do well.

    It's mainly for the Brave Bow since I wanted as much attack and speed as I could get. I could put in on someone else, but it would have to be someone as widely useful for me to make good use of it. Johann said it's not hard to change back, but I'm not really sure who would be better. Maybe Myrrh?

    41 minutes ago, XRay said:

    ...so maybe I am unfairly downplaying Surtr's effectiveness...

    Surtr isn't always hard, but he can be pretty rough sometimes. There was one this last season with 50 res (two Eirs) and the distant defense seal. He couldn't be taken out in one or two hits easily, and the rest of the team was really dangerous ranged units. Caineghis will probably be worse for ranged units, but might not be as bad as Surtr for melee units.

    41 minutes ago, XRay said:

    I like Sharena because she is the cheapest to build compared to all other options and she is a frequent Bonus unit. Her carry team I put together costs only 600 Divine Dew (Fensalir, Yato, Yato), 80,000 Feathers (the extra 20,000 Feathers is for promoting Titania to get Guard 3), and enough Orbs to get one Distant Counter for Sharena and a second Eir for sustainability and scoring. If a player wants to cut down on Orb costs even more, they can forgo the second Eir and run Aversa or a third M!Corrin. For players on a budget, this is the best team I can think of to help them climb. Even if the player moves on to the another super tank, half of that investment is still relevant for Aether Raids (2 M!Corrins and 2 Eirs are practically the best units for their role, so you generally do not want to change them), and Sharena's investment is still applicable for Arena.

    I gave Sharena her special refine, but Distant Counter is expensive. She doesn't have that much resistance either. To be fair, a lot of the original Distant Counter units have similar or worse resistance. The Corrin buffs probably help with that too. I don't really like Corrin though. I'd have to try to get some more copies anyway, since I don't think I have any that aren't manuals. (Checked: I actually have one that's not a book and was marked as good IV [+atk,-res]. Not sure if one is enough though.) Does ally support work in AR? I'm not using it all currently, so maybe that would help.

    41 minutes ago, XRay said:

    Reinhardt can do Counter-Vantage too, the only downside is Atk-1 compared to L'Arachel, which I do not think it is a big deal.

    Well, not being able to lock teams would be one reason. Skill Sets aren't fun to use for me. My L'Arachel is [+spd], but I wasn't sure if she was worth the high investment right now. I already have an Olwen +2 and a blade tome Ursula (although I usually have the cavalry effective tome equipped).

    41 minutes ago, XRay said:

    If you are new to using Counter-Vantage, I would recommend a cavalry or flier Blade mage for their better mobility (although infantry is fine too), longer reach, and ease of set up, so I would go with Reinhardt (or L'Arachel if you really like her).

    I've never used Counter-Vantage. The Blade Tome version was what I had originally considered, but Aversa would probably interfere with that. Ares seems promising, but won't be +10 anytime soon, so I've a little hesitant to use Distant Counter and sacrifice a limited unit (Panne).

    41 minutes ago, XRay said:

    I provided a short role description for units that stood out to me. You can mix and match a lot of them freely, just remember the minor things like try to keep Laguz and Beorc separate, try not to put Eir with Desperation nukes, etc.

    I have to decide on whether Tibarn or Ephraim gets the Heavy Blade seal. I'd also have to decide if Caeda or Tibarn gets Galeforce first.

    How would you build Naesala? I'm using Hit and Run currently which is fun.

    Myrrh is good, but she can't seem to survive Quickened Pulse Reinhardt. Is there a way to allow her to bait Reinhardt? I'm wondering if it's the extra defense from Azura that's letting Reinhardt quad and use multiple Moonbows. The first time it happened was in regular Arena and I don't remember if Azura was present.

    41 minutes ago, XRay said:

    Unless you are already in Tier 21, I do not recommend aiming for top 3,000 since it simply is not practical to compete with players with way more Lift than you. Tier 21 players have a 1,600 Lift advantage over Tier 20 players at the start of the season.

    I got to Tier 21 recently due to two Eirs even with all -80 losses on defense. Fortunately, it seems somewhat easier than Tier 20, although that is probably only true at the lower, non-competitive end of Tier 21.



    10 minutes ago, Johann said:

    For Frederick, I use Fury, WoM, Hone Cavalry, and Atk/Def Bond, so realistically the same kind of skills should work great on Haar.

    I used a Frederick to give him the hammer, so he also has Wings of Mercy. The Atk/Def Bond seal has already been upgraded, so no cost there. What seal would Caeda get?

    11 minutes ago, Johann said:
    • Legendary Ephraim is another amazing AR unit due to how reliable his weapon is, which makes him one of the best Galeforce users, especially in AR. Between him and Tibarn, you would need to pick, but both are truly excellent. Note that next week will be Fire+Light season, so Ephraim would get you a score boost.
    • If you haven't given Tibarn Galeforce yet, maybe consider Caeda for that role too. While she lacks Tibarn's guaranteed double (which is usually enough to get through Wary Fighter), she does at least have the armor/cav effectiveness and no need for Heavy Blade seal, freeing up her build options. Both are excellent choices.
    • Yeah I'm not sure how to build Naesala myself, but he's definitely usable. I think he's a good choice against certain teams that are hard to reach on maps like Lava Floes, but I'll have to think a bit about what would be the best build for him. Hit and Run is a good call though. When in doubt, I always go with Wings of Mercy.
    • If Myrrh is dying to Reinhardt, you're doing something wrong. Are those Reinhardts buffed? Consider bringing along Panic Ploy or Aversa; with Panic and Atk Smoke, even red units can shrug off Reinhardt's specials.
    • Dorcas is good, though his middling Res means you'll want to give him some kind of boost (Warding/Mirror Stance, that sort of thing). I use Hawkeye in Astra season, and he's got 42 Res but only 52 Atk and 32 Def. The biggest threat to both of them are people bringing anti-Surtr builds, which usually include Axebreaker and either Deathblow or TA. Otherwise, they're pretty great. Dorcas is a very good counter against flying lance users and Eir, both of which are very popular (and often on the same teams).
    • Hmm yeah I have Smite and Draw Back on my Eirs. I also gave them different accessories so I can tell them apart better. I maintain that one of them should keep Smite, since it's rare that your best strategy is to send them both in.

    Ephraim and Elincia have Galeforce already. It could make more sense to give Caeda Galeforce for now since she can use the Flashing Blade effect and won't have to compete for the seal. If I give her Wings of Mercy, then is Fury still the best budget A skill? (She already has it.)

    The Reinhardt might have been buffed. Perhaps that let him quad since my Myrrh only has 37 defense. It's been awhile, and I haven't let her bait a Quickened Pulse one since. That was the reason my Reinhardt has Quickened Pulse pretty much permanently attached.

    Dorcas has the same attack as my Myrrh, but lacks the adaptive damage. His mobility gives him a little bit more freedom over Surtr.

    Accessories for Eirs... That's kind of clever. :D: Now I just have to decide which ones.

    29 minutes ago, Johann said:

    I'd say play around with him in other modes for a bit before making a big investment and get a feel for it, see if he grows on you.

    I've used Ares with Distant Counter in Grand Conquest and he gets work done. He is +10 with 2 flowers though, and I'm not sure how big of a difference map size makes for his survivability. I've probably got enough flowers to give mine the extra point of attack, so that would leave me only about three fewer points of attack than a +10 with flowers.

    35 minutes ago, Johann said:

    Don't you have two Dumas? That's a guaranteed 40 Lift saved on Defense right there, pop those bad boys in with some Legendaries or random units with Astra blessing

    Yup. I just got used to -80 for so long that I forget it's -40. Just checked and I actually defeated one enemy (although it didn't count). My L.Azura sent L.Ike over and took out their L.Azura. :lol:

  3. 53 minutes ago, Rezzy said:

    I usually try to score in the top 10, which usually isn't too tough.  I tend to use the most Lances on the round with the bonus I enjoy the most, which is Cavalry, if it's available.  If there's no cavalry round, like last time, I'll use them on the Flier round.

    I usually use them all up in the first or second round, particularly if there is a cavalry bonus. Many save lances for the final round, so that makes it easier to score higher earlier on. I decided to wait for the cavalry bonus this time, but didn't realize that there wasn't one. I used my cavalry brigade anyway though. Some of those armors were true bosses with the armor stat bonus. I had to bait a +10 Idunn around the map since she was invincible on the fortress and was too tough to be worth the time to actually defeat even when not on the fortress.

  4. 1 hour ago, Johann said:

    Best way to quickly build S Support is to autobattle Chain Challenge chapters 1&2 on Normal with a unit. It'll take 8 complete runs (or 4 if you've S Supported them before), but it's very much worth it for any super tank unit. I usually bounce it around between Fjorm, Robin, and Hrid.

    That's not too bad. Stamina is cheap anyway. I think I've got 350+ of those if needed.

    1 hour ago, Johann said:

    Haar with a hammer should be fine against Surtr, but he shouldn't need QR (which is bad against Surtr anyway since Sinmara will take your HP down). Brazen Atk/Def in A slot could be a great choice though, if you're not using Fury or something.

    I'm afraid I've only ever had three Ares and I merged them together. Haar does already have Fury 3 and Death Blow 3. I guess Death Blow 3 is better for AR? With Death Blow 3, is the two point attack refine still better than the four point def refine? What would be a good B skill instead of Quick Reposte? Axe Breaker perhaps? Will Haar be worth using in AR when he is no longer a bonus?

    1 hour ago, Johann said:
    • Tibarn is an excellent choice, especially if you're willing to give him Galeforce. Just be warned that his performance can suffer if you're bringing Duma with Upheaval since he wants the enemies at full HP.
    • Naesala is also great, even though he lacks the Heavy Blade Galeforce setup of Tibarn, but he's better suited for killing dragons than Tibarn is since his Res isn't awful.
    • Leanne and Reyson are both great, though you might find yourself in situations wishing you had Azura (though I guess less so if you're bringing almost all Laguz).
    • Myrrh is another amazing AR unit since she's crazy bulky. I'd suggest you bring her on a variety of teams, you'll find there are many situations where she can safely tank a great number of units. Consider saving a 4* Kaze to teach her Atk Smoke since she'll probably want to keep her seal slot for Iote's (though Distant Def seal is a good choice too).
    • Mia's nice, her main use is using Witchy Wand on Pulse setups. Hone Fliers is a nice boost, and being able to top anyone off after Duma's Upheavel kicks in is very helpful in defeating him. Healers in general can be hard to use though, since they lack the positioning skills like Smite or Draw Back.

    Tibarn is neutral which should be OK. I can give him Galeforce, but I'll have to take the Heavy Blade seal away from Legendary Ephraim. (I wish we could lock offense teams.) I'd need to avoid using Duma and the Bolt Tower too...

    Naesala is +7 with five  flowers and has pretty decent stats (44/51/46/27/33) even without Fury 3. I don't really know how to build him. Currently he has Moonbow, Fury 3, Hit and Run, Goad Fliers, and Atk/Spd 2 seal, but the speed might be overkill at 46 (51 after +5 from Fury and seal).

    Myrrh is very good, but Quickened Pulse/Moonbow Reinhardt takes her out before she can counter. :(: I do have some 4* Kazes, so I can give her Atk Smoke.

    Is Dorcas not so great for AR? His current stats independent of skills and seals are: (51/59/27/40/28). I guess he isn't quite as good as Myrrh in most situations, but he isn't weak to arrows.

    I put Smite on one of my Eirs, but since the other has Reposition, I often forget and end up not have Reposition available where I expected it. This never ends well. I need to find a better unit for Smite.

    1 hour ago, Johann said:
    • Ares is amazing, he can wreck entire teams if they don't have Hardy Bearing or Dazzling/Firesweep to stop him. You would need to give him DC to reach his full AR potential though. Def Smoke works great on him too if you have a 4* Panne to spare.
    • Fae is kind of redundant when you already have Myrrh, stick with Myrrh.
    • L'Arachel would fulfil the same sort of roles Reinhardt does, I don't think you'd get anything new from making her.
    • Frederick and Haar have near identical stats and uses, I wouldn't bother with Fred if you're already a fan of Haar unless you're interested in having a cavalry version of the same role.

    Is it worth trying to build a +2 Ares? He is [+atk], so that helps. There is a +10 Ares friend unit that absolutely clears out paths of enemies for me. I was planning on giving him Distant Counter, but was waiting for more merges. Myrrh does quite well with Distant Counter at just four merges though, so maybe his two merges are enough?

    I'll hold off on Fae and L'Arachel. I may merge L'Arachel eventually, but no hurry.

    I have a [+atk] Frederick that has worked out great, but I haven't added merges. I'm planning on merging Haar anyway, so I'll just leave Frederick as is then.

    1 hour ago, Johann said:

    For what it's worth, the only armor effective unit I bring is Frederick, and only in Astra season. I don't think you need to go all out, and looking at who you have, I think it'll be possible without making any major investments (really just a few 4* skills to inherit here and there for bonus units or tweaking some builds).

    My advice to you, as you're doing your runs this week, is to take note of the fights where things go wrong. What went wrong? Was it the enemy units being too powerful? Their map/arrangement? Is there something about the AI you're not aware of? When I say take note, you might want to literally write down the things you're been up against (maybe even screen cap them) so you can reflect on what your biggest threats are and consider how a different team could have handled the situation.

    Today I did two matches. The first one I played awful, but managed to hold onto everyone and get both Aether pots. The second match was rough. Hrid was too strong for Reinhardt, so I had to use L.Azura to buff him first. I got everyone as far away as I could, but L.Lucina marched over, got refreshed by L.Azura, swapped with the Aversa that had moved forward, then got a third turn and took out a unit. Festival Micaiah came in with Wings of Mercy but didn't appear to do anything? It wasn't too hard to clear out the units after that, but getting both pots took some effort since I had to avoid accidentally defeating the last enemy by leaving a unit in range.

    I'm not sure how to avoid a L.Lucina with three movement from Azura. It's next to impossible to not leave at least one unit in range of that. The three movement is bad enough, but that combined with Future Vision is another level. She pretty much gets her choice of opponent and will obviously pick the weakest one.

    With two runs, I got 180 points and four Aether pots, with -80 on defense. Not too bad, but probably wouldn't won't reach top 3,000 this time since these are the easiest battles usually. Maybe I'll get lucky and run into some theme teams like last season. I surrendered to a couple of those, since my score wasn't great anyway.

  5. 45 minutes ago, Sentinel07 said:

    I doubt they will use any characters beyond Heroes OC's since it's being called a Heroes crossover not with Fire Emblem in general.

    9 minutes ago, Diovani Bressan said:

    I believe this collab will be treated as a special adventurers showcase (the Dragalia Lost version of Special Heroes banners), so it will probably have 3 characters in the showcase, plus Alfonse as the free unit.

    If Alfonse is on it, I am sure Sharena will appear as well. Maybe Loki and Veronica as the others two?  We don't have Tomes in Dragalia, so Veronica would use a Wand, and Loki would use a Staff. Fjorm could be another good guess, as a Water Lance Unit.

    About the Dragon... I am not sure, because we don't have any OG Dragon in Heroes... at least not yet. They could use Tiki, or don't have a dragon and have another adventurer instead.

    I don't think Anna or Bruno will make it. Veronica is possible as a staff, but I don't know if Loki or Eir fit as well. I thought they had to have a dragon too, and there isn't an original one in Heroes (yet).

    Fjorm seems like a possible choice. There's already Sharena with a lance, but perhaps that's not an issue.

    If they don't have tomes, then male Robin seems less likely (although they could give him a sword). Robin fits well with two dragons: female Corrin (protagonist like Robin) and Tiki (from Awakening like Robin).

    If I had a choice, I'd say Ephraim, Eirika, and Myrrh, but there's no way that's happening. :P:

  6. I'm kind of surprised they haven't revealed the Heroes characters beyond Alfonse yet. I would expect that to happen before they are actually available. My guess for characters is Alfonse, Sharena, Male Robin, and either Female Corrin or Tiki. Someone who plays Dragalia could probably make a better guess though.

  7. @Johann @XRay

    I was planning on avoiding light season since there is more competition. Without the astral mythic, I don't think players take anima season as seriously. At least that's the hope. I think I tend to score lower, but actually rank higher during anima season? Not fully sure. The battles are rougher without the +10 hp/res from the Eirs, but team composition should be more free. I don't invest in defense, so the two Duma really help too. All I want is 2,999 just once. It might not be possible, but thought I'd try. :):

    I can see the issue with lack of team variety. I guess I shouldn't have Bow Lyn and Reinhardt on more than one or two teams. I'd like to give Bow Lyn a Firesweep Bow, but I don't have a lot of orbs and don't want to spend them all on the current Faye banner. (And would want to keep at least one Faye anyway.) She does do pretty well with the Brave Bow at least. Summoner Support is currently on Bow Lyn. I could put it on someone else, but it would take a while to build up.

    Alfonse has worked great for taking out Surtr. I still remember the +10 bonus unit Surtr that took even Celica (with the refine and Brazen seal) a few turns to take out. :D: Sharena hasn't performed as well for me, but it could just be build issues as I haven't wanted to spend 5* exclusive skills. Also, Alfonse is a bonus currently, so I have to replace him with a different bonus unit. Alfonse will be useless against Caineghis though. Can Haar reliably take out Surtr (with Quick Reposte instead of Axebreaker) and Caineghis also?

    I've noticed there are no team recommendations with double Duma which I thought was odd. Is there much of an advantage to run one, but not both?

    Naesala is useful, but usually Reinhardt just seems to fit better. Maybe a team of Tibarn, Naesala, Leanne, Reyson/Myrrh, and some bonus unit, perhaps Lyon? I also have a Halloween Mia, but I'm not really sure how to use her effectively.

    I do have spare copies of Distant Counter, Close Counter, Steady Breath, Blue and Red Blade Tomes (no feathers required), and Hone Fliers, but haven't wanted to use them. I have about 300,000 feathers and plenty of Dew and Stones. I think I've already upgraded the seals mentioned.

    • Ares +2 [+atk]
    • Fae +1 [+def] (enough copies to +10)
    • L'Arachel [+spd or +atk] (enough copies to +10)
    • Frederick [+atk or +def] (enough copies to +10)

    I'd like to merge Ares further, but have only gotten three copies. I like L'Arachel and she might be a good candidate for blade tome/close counter, but am not sure if she is worth that investment. Fae is OK, but don't really like her enough to want a +10. She has given Bow Lyn and Reinhardt some trouble at times though. I already have a Dorcas and a Myrrh with Distant Counter that both fill similar roles. Would she really add much? I could merge Frederick too, but with Haar and Cherche, it probably isn't worth it.

    I've listed most of my relevant units that might be good for a new team or two. (I'm noticing that other than a couple of Hammers, Caeda, Nephenee, and Micaiah, I don't have a lot of armor effect weapons...)


    Notable Red:

    • Caeda +10 [+atk] (Fury 3, Desperation 3)
    • Legendary Ike +4 [+atk] (4 flowers)
    • Mia +3 [+spd]
    • Adult Tiki +3 [+res] (Quick Reposte 3)
    • Ares +2 [+atk]
    • Celica +1 [+hp] (Fury 3, Desperation 3)
    • Magic Eirika +1 [+res]
    • Legendary Marth [+atk,-res]
    • Tibarn [neutral]

    Notable Blue:

    • Reinhardt +10 [+atk] (2 flowers)
    • Naesala +7 (5 flowers) (Fury 3)
    • Brave Hector +5 [+res] (4 flowers)
    • Legendary Ephraim +3 [+atk] (Galeforce)
    • Flying Morgan +2 [+res]

    Notable Green:

    • Dorcas +8 [+atk] (8 flowers)
    • Cherche +8 [+atk]
    • Myrrh +4 [+atk] (Distant Counter, Quick Reposte 3)
    • Haar +2 (Death Blow 3, Fury 3, Quick Reposte 3, Wings of Mercy 3, Slaying Hammer and Axe)
    • Gunnthra +2 [+atk]
    • Lewyn +1 [+spd]

    Notable Colorless:

    • Brave Lyn +6 [atk] (3 flowers)
    • Eir [+atk,-def], [neutral]
    • Halloween Mia [+def,-hp], [+def,-spd]
    • Veronica [+hp,-res]


    Am I far enough away from top 3,000 that it isn't worth investing a lot of resources unless I really like the units (and planned on investing in them anyway)? I don't plan on playing AR that competitively in the future even if I get top 3,000 once.

  8. I don't play the game competitively or make long-term teams, but I'd like to see if I can get one red chair for collection purposes (top 3,000) before astral mythics are introduced. Anima season is probably my best chance since I have two Duma and there are no Astral mythics yet. My defense team may or may not defeat any enemy units. This might make it impossible to reach top 3,000; I won't know for sure until I try. Up until now I've only used Leanne (and sometimes Reyson), but I think Legendary Azura will work better this season.

    Team 1: Brave Lyn, Reinhardt, Legendary Azura, Leanne, Alfonse

    Team 2: Brave Lyn, Reinhardt, Legendary Azura, Haar, Alfonse

    Team 3: Brave Lyn, Reinhardt, Legendary Azura, Haar, Celica

    Team 4: Brave Lyn, Reinhardt, Legendary Azura, Haar, Lyon

    Team 5: Duma, Duma, Male Grima, Legendary Azura, Leanne

    Unit details:

    • Brave Lyn +6 [+atk] (Brave Bow, Atk +3 seal)
    • Reinhardt +10 [+atk] (Quickened Pulse seal)
    • Legendary Azura [-atk, +spd] (Fortress Res seal)
    • Leanne +2 [+res] (Warding Stance seal)
    • Celica +1 [+hp] (Special Refine, Brazen Atk/Res seal)
    • Duma [-atk, +spd], neutral (Close Defense seal, Armored Boots seal)
    • Male Grima +1 [+atk] (Fury 3, Fierce Stance seal)

    Bonus Units:

    • Haar +2 (Slaying Hammer or Slaying Axe, Even Def Wave seal)
    • Alfonse (Triangle Adept Refine, Brazen Atk/Def seal)
    • Lyon (Triangle Adept)

    AR buildings (O)

    • Fortress [5+1]
    • Panic Manor [4]
    • Infantry School [4]
    • Bolt Tower [3]
    • Escape Ladder [3]

    Does anyone have suggestions for improvement? I don't feel that the teams are great. (Outside of AR I usually make theme teams or just put some units together for training.)

  9. @Rezzy Looks like you got them all, with some nice bonuses. :): I think I got a 4* Rebecca from the free pull. Only have 130ish orbs, but hoping I'll have a bit more by the end of the month for some potential Ike merges. (I'll probably get another Marth or a Roy instead, but that would decent.) I've got a Laegjarn that I'm not sure what to do with either since she has several good skills. (She has a great IV too, so I feel a little bad using for just skills...) I don't like Aversa at all, but she probably benefits the most from the HP in the dual skill. I'd say use it on your favorite, but then I'm not Tier 21 Arena either, so you probably shouldn't listen to me. :lol:

  10. 46 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

    Although if they did make the maps bigger as you suggest, I think simply having warp points wouldn't be sufficient. They'd be better for this unnamed mode alone expanding the movement ranges of all unit types.

    This might make people like Armors more, if they had 3 Move compared to say 4 for Infantry and 5 for Cavs. They're still less mobile, but the extra Move would probably feel significantly better. They'd now have 3/5ths of Cav Move, as opposed to a mere 1/3rd.

    [edit] rethinking this...

    I don't want longer turns than Rival Domains in general, but I do want longer battles. More movement or warping would probably just speed things up too much. Warping might be OK on some maps, but I wouldn't want it on every map like in Rival Domains. For movement, I could see +1 to all, so that armor units could move diagonally. This would interfere with all the current small maps though, and I don't really see them adjusting movement based on map size.

    For the campaigns or scenarios, I was thinking that they could not only recreate certain battles or sections of existing games, but also hypothetical situations such as having characters survive and continue in the story, playing as the enemy side, or playing side quests that occurred off screen in the original game (e.g. Bastian's work in Radiant Dawn).

    [a few edits later...]

    @Interdimensional Observer Went through a few iterations of this response as I gave it some more thought. I think this version is easier to understand.

  11. 1 hour ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

    But the gameplay for some reason just doesn't satisfy me as a mini-FE experience.

    Yeah, Heroes is more like a collection of Fire Emblem minigames, rather than Fire Emblem lite as I had originally hoped. I think larger maps would help a lot. Maps with varied objectives as large as two Rival Domain maps side by side (which would only require horizontal scrolling) would really make the game fun to play. They wouldn't even have to resort to map completion rewards as an incentive to actually play the game. I'd pay for campaigns or scenarios, even if much smaller in scope than a traditional game. They probably wouldn't make nearly as much profit for the effort as they get for adding new units though.

    30 minutes ago, omegaxis1 said:

    That is a shame, but I can understand if this game is not for everyone. I honestly cannot help but love the game because of how friendly the atmosphere is, and I don't feel pressured by the meta. 

    I've never played it, but I didn't particularly care for any of the characters, and it looked like it would take too much time investment. At least that's the impression I got from very limited YouTube videos. Its gameplay isn't turn-based, so it requires much more focus and attention. Also, you would have to actually pause the game for breaks. Touchscreens are great for turn-based games, but I generally want a controller or mouse for anything else. We'll see what FE characters they add, but I guess it's just going to be FEH originals or maybe a couple of the Fates or Awakening cast.

  12. 16 minutes ago, XRay said:

    I cannot wait until they release Wings of Mercy Sacred Seal.

    You could use it simultaneously with the B skill to get around Obstruct. (Rare circumstance, I know.) I've also been trying out the combo of Even and Odd Def Wave on Haar, and I like it. It's too bad Brave Hector has the Even Res Wave skill which can't be paired with the Even Res Wave Seal. I guess odd wave seals will come eventually.

    I am much happier about the choice of bonus units this time. The free one isn't nearly as annoying as the previous, and there are also several non-seasonal bonus units included.

  13. 1 hour ago, Flying Shogi said:

    Sent feedback and asked them to return the end turn button to its previous position without moving a unit. That extra click in the settings menu annoys me. 


    I miss it too and think I'll send feedback as well. I used it often to test if the enemy would move first or if they had to be engaged.

    There is a double tap feature for ending turns (which would work on the first turn), but you have to tap each unit separately. Worse, it activated accidentally way too often, particularly when testing different units damage potential on an enemy. I'd test one unit against an enemy, try a different unit, and then attempt to actually attack with the first unit only to realize that the first units' turn was finished due to the game misinterpreting a double tap somewhere in the process. The "confirm each move" option fixed double tap accidents, but I found it too annoying to confirm every move.

  14. 50 minutes ago, Rezzy said:

    "Armored" in Heroes is first and foremost a movement type rather than a "unit type" like it is in the main series games. That's why they call them "movement types" in the first place and why cats and Taguel count as cavalry despite not being mounted in any way.

    True armored movement shouldn't actually increase stats like an armored type would. The issue is that stats are tied to movement. If they gave them infantry stats with the limited movement, then I doubt there would be any complaints about armor movement vs. armor type, but the resulting units probably wouldn't be very good.

  15. 54 minutes ago, Lanko said:

    How many battles are in Grand Conquest? It says "hours until Battle 1 ends". So this means there will be more? How many? Or should I use the Conquest Lances I have now?

    There are three battles total which are two days each for a total of six days. The quest rewards reset for each of the three battles, so don't forget about those. There are three different colors for the global teams. You may end up on the same global team color more than once; it is random. Lances carry over throughout the event, so you only lose them if you don't use them by the end of the sixth day. Your tier progress continues through each battle, so by day six, you should have most of the tier rewards. Usually newer players cannot actually reach the tier 25 rewards, but it's only an orb or two and a few coins for the highest tiers.

    Each battle is conducted on a smaller server/realm and is represented by a number (e.g. 28800) at the top of the main Grand Conquest screen. These realms only feature a few hundred players, so you're not actually playing against everyone like in Arena or Voting Gauntlet. In those global modes, individual player contributions are insignificant, but in Grand Conquest, each player has a small chance to influence the outcome of a battle. Your actual ranking for each battle is very much determined by your current teammates (which are changed out each battle even if your team color does not change). Rank rewards are only feathers though, so there's not too much to lose there. You can collect rank rewards for each of the three battles, so you have three chances to get on a decent team.


    There is nothing global in this mode. None of the characters represented by the three colored teams actually win or lose like in Voting Gauntlet.

  16. 25 minutes ago, Johann said:

    I figure the original idea behind AR was to appease the people who are always looking for a new challenge. By giving the players the ability to create maps, IS doesn't have to do much beyond adjusting the rules, making it (in theory) something that players can spend a good deal of time and effort on while IS themselves wouldn't have to devote too much of their own development resources towards it. I think it would be received much better if the penalty for losing (on both Offense and Defense) weren't so significant compared to other competitive modes.

    I'd love a more casual version with Rival Domain size maps and more control over placement (trees, etc). There doesn't have to be any rewards. I'd pay for new items to place or even just new designs of walls, trees, etc.

  17. 5 minutes ago, XRay said:

    Aether Raids already has some elements of that feature. Aether Raids allows you customize your defense team and lock its skill sets down just for defense, so you can utilize a different skill set for the rest of the game. You still have to switch out skill sets for offense, but you can quickly swap things around with the Equip Skill Set feature.

    Skills sets are annoying for AR though. You'd have to change them back and forth every day for each of the five teams or you risk being caught with the wrong skills equipped. I wish they would allow locking offense teams in AR. If they made you lock all teams at once, that would prevent attaching the same seals to different units on the other teams. It would also prevent using the same unit on multiple teams while different skills were equipped.

  18. 3 minutes ago, Humanoid said:

    Yeah, I'd like it even better if more seasonal banners had this kind of out-of-nowhere random theme. Having the repeating Spring banners with the same old designs is far less interesting than this banner with genuinely new artistic designs. Scrap all recurring seasonals and just make every single one have a random theme!

    I'd be OK with that. They could keep the main seasonals like Valentines, Halloween, Winter, New Years, and mix up the rest.

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