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Posts posted by Tree

  1. 5 minutes ago, Midnox said:

    That would be fantastic, as I’d like to correct my ugly-ass IVs for my Zelgius ?

    I dunno what I’m spending my Wyrmites now. I’m rather thankful this banner has nothing to do with the event, as I’m collecting horse dragons in this game, and I spent almost all of them in the last two banners. Wasn’t lucky with Mym, but got Ieyasu thankfully

    Zelgius is actually a reasonably possible pity-breaker now that many old 5* red units were removed from the new banners. They just need to add that Black Knight helmet accessory.

    I'd recommend saving for the Dragalia anniversary. The next gala lines up with it. I could even see them having a special gala where all previous gala characters are on focus. Who knows what other banners they might have. I imagine they will want to offer a lot for the first year anniversary.

    Dragalia datamine (minor future banner spoiler):


    There was another dream banner datamined (with banner image featuring the dragon on the current banner). It's not known if that will come before the anniversary or if it will be part of the anniversary.


  2. This new event is more fun than the last one for me. Probably because I have a full fire team this time. Apparently they offered a dream summon on the six month anniversary. I wish Heroes offered something like that. The equivalent would be spend $20-25 and chose a copy of any non-seasonal character. You'd also get 40 orbs as a bonus.

  3. 1 hour ago, DefyingFates said:

    While I'm fine with using Fury, it's a go-to skill for a lot of units so I'm reluctant to burn through my fodder too quickly. Iote's Shield is tempting and I pulled a Silas when going for Naga so I could give her Steady Stance 3 and Reposition at once, which would be efficient, but I'd like to hear some thoughts from everyone here first. What do you think? 

    Yeah, Fury 3 would work great by providing a potential +12 (9+3) to all stats. Based on her default skills, she does like to be near allies, so bonds skills would work well too, but are more rare. Iote's shield provides a lot of safety, but you have to sacrifice a limited unit to get it.

  4. 8 minutes ago, daisy jane said:

    it took me about 1250+ orbs to get one Lazura.

    Ouch! ? That's even worse than @Johann 's 900+ orb Naga. I think you must be clearing out future bad luck at those rates. Statistically, you've got to be due for something awesome. ?

  5. 2 minutes ago, daisy jane said:

    lol i am so tired. I meant Naga. not Yune. and no. just constant heart ache. very rare i get lucky. 
    I never knew the percentage could go that high. but yep. (on a regular banner i hit 6.5 once. like. that is just insanity to me)

    I don't remember what percent it is (19-20% maybe?), but after a certain number of summons, you can get a guaranteed full circle of five stars since the rate skips directly to 100%. I don't think I've ever heard of anyone actually reaching that point though since you'd be approaching lottery winning odds. The 6.5% on a regular banner is 13% total, so that's pretty bad too. Sorry to hear it's been rough lately. ?

    Duma was also hard for me to get. I didn't get any on his first banner despite spending lots of orbs there. I got one for the free anniversary summon banner (a lucky 25% chance), but the second one took 250-300 orbs on the four person anniversary banner (which didn't even have color-sharing like a legendary banner). Legendaries were never that useful to me, so I was content to get some randomly or not at all. Mythics remove the work from holding an AR tier, so they are wanted.

  6. On 5/28/2019 at 12:17 PM, Humanoid said:

    Finally got to T11, and could unlock my fifth unit ...if I wasn't 114 stones short. It's going to be painful fielding 4 units against 5-unit defense teams, which has already happened a couple of times today and resulted in some deaths. I don't even know if I can get enough stones this week to fix that, it's an awkward situation. That said, I'm content with reaching the goal I set out to accomplish and I should now have a steady weekly grail income.

    You can't fall below tier 11, so you'll always get at least as many grails as you get now (excluding ranking) as long as you play at least once a week to collect them. Surrendering on the first battle might even count.

  7. 4 minutes ago, daisy jane said:

    12 percent and four 5*s lucky. 
    I got 14.50 percent and i just had yune and Lyn ? 

    Yeah, they might not have been what I wanted, but at least the 5* rate per orb was good. Four five stars in single circle is something I'll probably never see again. I've gotten 12.5% to13% or so on past legendary banners, but never 14.5%. That's really terrible! I hope you got much better results on recent banners. ?

  8. I find the Skill Studies difficulty much more fun than the Grandmaster challenge which often involves making seeming illogical choices. The Grandmaster level doesn't really offer much as a teaching aid, and I have to get guides for most of them anyway. Having some at Grandmaster level is fine, but I don't think a 50/50 split is ideal for most players. This particular video explains the concepts behind the Skill Study drill, so it's actually fairly useful for casual players. Would be nice if they continue making them.

  9. Brave Lyn question again.  I used the golden week banner to get her up to +9. Her current IV is [+atk]. I'd like to have +10 [+atk], but everyone seems to like Firesweep (which I do not have). Mine pretty much always uses a Brave Bow. I did some calculations on that website and Brave Bow seems to do similar to Firesweep. With Null-C Disrupt, Firesweep might not be quite as good any more. (I'm sure it will always be decent considering that Null-C Disrupt is premium.) Also, with +10 res and HP from double Eir, Lyn does do well with counter attacks in AR (even with a Brave Bow) once bolt towers or traps have activated. Firesweep would take that counter attack ability away.

    I have two additional copies: [+spd, -hp] and [+spd, -def]. I thought about merging the [+spd] ones, but I really would like a +10 more. (I have a Louise now too.) If I do merge to +10, I'll still have to choose which [+spd] copy to keep separate. The [-hp] one can reach desperation easier while the [-def] copy has more magical bulk.

  10. 12 hours ago, Johann said:

    900 orbs saved up, sniped blue, got one Naga. At least I have a lot of Bold Fighter fodder, I guess

    That's rough. I only had Hector and Duma, so I knew I'd probably get new units at least. (And merges on those would be good too.)

    I've spent 240+ sniping blue. Passed 12% and got one Hector. I like Hector, so it could be worse. Decided to finish out the circle and got Eirika, Laevatein, and Lugh all with average IVs. That's the most 5 stars I've gotten in a single circle. My first Mordecai came with two extra ones in the same circle. Also got my first Thea. Lots of flowers to collect.

    Mythics are really hard to get. Instead of Yune, I got Halloween Kagero and two Lewyns. Eir required two Halloween Mias first.

  11. 1 hour ago, GrandeRampel said:

    True, but that means that the avatar of Heroes is sucky and should be written better. It doesn't mean that this kind of pandering isn't widespread in gacha games and as such completely expected to be in Heroes too.

    Yeah, better writing would be nice. Player pandering is one thing I really dislike about many gacha games. My preference would be to just send Kiran on vacation and close the gate behind him. ;):

    Dragalia summoning doesn't rely on Euden, so they could actually start a new story without him if they wanted. Kiran is tied to summoning in the story, so it would take more effort to work around his absence. (Veronica brings heroes too though.)

  12. On 5/17/2019 at 6:55 PM, Anacybele said:

    Looks like I'll just have to forever remain in tier 18 or something. I'm just not capable of going any further. It's too difficult. I can hope that someday it'll become easier, but it wouldn't ever happen. Sucks though, I would've liked to add a sixth unit to my team...

    Players who are skilled or simply well equipped (multiple mythics, rare skills, etc.) will be promoted first. As they leave, you'll eventually rise to the top of your current tier and be promoted yourself. Unless you have a superb defense team, the easiest way to reach Tier 21 is two offensive mythics. Two Eirs (+10 HP and +10 resistance to all other units) got me to Tier 21 the following light season even with full -80 losses from my free win defense team.

    Tiers 19-20 are really rough. You'll be using five units against six defenders. (Even in Tier 21, they don't allow six offensive units.) Tier 20 was a miserable experience. Tier 19 wasn't much better since the first loss of the season will drop you to Tier 18 and remove your sixth unit. You'll have to quickly win a battle at the start of the season to return to Tier 19 and get the sixth unit back. Tier 21 has a great mix of difficulties because many players (me included) are content and don't feel the need to ascend much beyond Tier 21. I sometimes purposely stay at the bottom of Tier 21+ because I've found that battles there are sometimes easier than Tiers 19 or 20.

    Theme teams are fun to find. Just beware the fearsome Tier 21+ Seliph team I found. Six maxed Seliphs with premium skills like Null C-Disrupt, etc. I actually lost because I underestimated it. :P:

  13. 1 hour ago, GrandeRampel said:

    For comparison the game Dragalia Lost who is considered to be better written had a woman with a crush for the player AT LAUNCH. That woman was also a dragon. 

    There is a significant difference between the avatars in Heroes and Dragalia. All conversation directed at Kiran feels like it is supposed to be spoken directly to the player. Even though Dragalia's avatar, Euden takes on the player's name, his image actually appears during conversations, and he speaks quite a lot of dialogue resulting in a distinct personality. Robin from Awakening is a far more apt comparison than Kiran.

  14. For those who don't know, Karl is obsessed with justice. I read Waike's second episode right after some of Karl's story.


    Waike: Indeed there is! I became who I am today for one reason alone...
    Euden: And that is...
    Waike: FOR JUSTICE!
    Euden: ...
    Ranzal: ... ...
    Cleo: ... Well. Let's continue our meal.

    I can imagine them all thinking, "Not again!"


  15. 7 hours ago, Diovani Bressan said:

    Yep. There are a good amount of generous players that helps you in some hard quests, and not having any time of ranking is great!

    Also, this rerun of Resplendent Refrain Event has totally new rewards that were not available in the previous run. In this one, we have that 3* Light Bow and the Sunlight Ore, that were not in the reward list last time. And the levels also give us new Wryrmites, different from FEH's GHB reruns that don't give us 3 new copies of that Hero.

    7 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

    Makes it more chill than FEH for sure, you can play at your own pace with your own goals without as much of a cloud hanging over you head. Rather than pit other players against you, which has its own merit I can see, DL opts to emphasize players working together.

    Low stress is nice. I don't mind a challenge sometimes, but I don't want to lose rewards for each failed attempt. One thing I really like about Dragalia, is that you can pursue different goals and max your characters without summoning. I sometimes forget that summoning exists since I'm enjoying the characters that I have and don't need additional copies for merges, IVs, skills, etc. Any new weapons, wyrmprints, or dragons can be swapped around for free so I can experiment and see what works best. I never have to make permanent decisions about character skill choices.

    7 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

    With some investment I'm now able to do Sabbock Raids on Expert and EX, though certainly not Nightmare, that makes things better. I'm at 400+ Gold Emblems right now, I'm aiming for 3000 by the end, plus maxed Bronze and Silver if possible.

    Gold Emblems give nice upgrade items and seem to be much more common than Silver Emblems. The Silver Emblems provide the rare rewards, but you only get 5-10 per battle, so I probably won't get to 1,000. The last Silver reward I really want is at 860.


    Apparently the Silver Emblems are hiding out on the standard difficulty. The Standard Raid gives mostly Silver and few Gold Emblems, while the Expert Raid has mostly Gold and few Silver Emblems. Should be able to get all the Silver rewards after all.


    7 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

    Feels more fun than before, but I do think they could make the Manticore drops a little better. You get so many Otherworld Fragments from each you rarely have to spend Stamina on this event- good if you want to use it for other things like Lightsunder Ruins right now, but unless Nightmare gives a hefty amount of Silver or Nightmare is that Gold-laden, I'm thinking the Manticore should give more of those. Or, make it so you can do Sabbock battles using just Otherworld Fragments, but at a much higher cost than if you also had Getherwings to spend. But to be fair, I'm sitting at 90 of them right now, so I've no idea of their regeneration rate.

    I was initially disappointed with the Manticore drops too. But then I realized that the really poor rewards combined with the high amount of Otherworld Fragments encourages stamina use elsewhere and prevents the event from slowing your overall progress. From what I've read, the top difficulty has the same rewards as the EX battle, so I don't think it speeds things up. It does apparently provide a couple of rare items (clover, stone fragments, etc.) once per day.

    Getherwings max at 12 and regenerate one per hour. Higher end battles use 2-3 of them. You can't have more than 99 of them and you get a full refill (12) every new player level. Just something to keep in mind. The regular stamina cap increases with player level, but Getherwings do not. Euden has a skill that gives 10% (15% at 5*) player level experience. This also works in coop if he is on the team even if he is not present in the battle.

    7 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

    There was one issue with Raids I ran into- getting into a room. If I made one, it filled quickly and all was good. If I tried to find one however, I kid you not I tapped like 20 times with all rooms filled by the time I did. It didn't matter if they had 1 or 3 members, they were all full. Though the cost of hosting and joining are now the same, so neither group is lopsided; the game is just bustling.

    For less popular battle types that's common, but for the Raids I can find one quickly. Sometimes I have to search a time or two, but even that's been the exception. I'm not sure how the matchmaking works.

  16. On 5/12/2019 at 7:59 PM, Rezzy said:

    I finally ended up getting Berkut, who I seem to have forgotten to screenshot, but here he is now.

    That was rough. At least you got a great IV for an unmerged copy. You can pair him up with Duma in Allegiance Battles. Or better yet, pair him with regular Berkut and have Jekyll and Hyde swaps.

  17. Someone commented on reddit that they didn't complete the friendship points for the free character on the previous run of an event. On this rerun, they said that the friendship level, skills, etc. started where they left off. That's really nice!

    The lack of competition is wonderful. There aren't even any rankings, just have to collect as many rewards as you can. The good players can tackle the hardest challenges and get the best rewards (nothing unique, just rare and time limited). If feeling generous, they can also carry the weaker players through everything but the hardest content. On the last day, two kind Lucretia players finished out Veronica's trial for me and another Alfonse player giving us each a golden page.

  18. On 5/14/2019 at 11:31 AM, daisy jane said:

    I swear in the name of heaven if I don't make tier 21. this season, imma gonna lose it. i just. want to be good in one mode, please. 

    Well, astra (heaven) blessings are coming soon. ;):

    I'm not particularly good at any mode, but if I wanted to be good at one, I'd personally avoid Aether Raids for sanity reasons. :P: Of course, I do recommend getting tier 21 even if it takes awhile. I couldn't make it until I got two Eirs. You'll have the option to park and rest once you get there.

  19. 58 minutes ago, Ice Dragon said:

    With how Legendary Heroes of the current season's elements count as if they have all Mythic blessings, I wish they'd extend that to the defense Mythic element of the current season on offense and the offense Mythic element of the current season on defense.

    Right now, there's literally no reason to use Yune or Duma on offense except when they are a bonus unit, and there's no reason to use Eir on defense (if you're actually trying to reduce your maximum defense loss penalty), which is kind of disappointing.

    If we let Dark Mythic Heroes receive stat and scoring bonuses from Light Mythic Heroes on offense (the opposite for defense, and the corresponding for Astra-Anima seasons), then Dark and Anima Mythic Heroes would actually be worth using on offense (and similarly for the others).

    Yeah, I've also wanted to use Duma on offense (when in season) because he is often a bonus unit. Otherwise, it's mostly just one of the Askr trio or maybe a legendary if it's one I happen to have.

    59 minutes ago, Ice Dragon said:

    No, this has nothing to do with getting a Yune with 80+ Res and 50+ HP from Eir bonuses. Whyever would you think that?


  20. 14 minutes ago, Lemmy said:

    Well I deleted it, it’s nice in small doses, but I don’t want to play the same map dozens of times without more randomness.

    Yeah, it is a bit repetitive. I hope they add some more map variety. I don't think it has been out nearly as long as Heroes? If you saved to an account, you can always reinstall later if they make some content that interests you.

    The event story is actually decent and ties in very well with Heroes lore. Weirdly enough, I think Dragalia's Loki is better as far as characterization is concerned.

    I tried to join a coop Alfonse Challenge with Alfonse, but the other players were all using Veronica and left when they saw my Alfonse. (I got the "For real?" sticker. :lol:) I wouldn't have spent my last golden page from the treasure trade on Marth if I had known those golden pages were so rare. :unsure: I need two golden pages in order to upgrade Veronica, but the last two ones available are the rewards for the Veronica and Alfonse challenges. :P:

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