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Posts posted by Tree

  1. 44 minutes ago, daisy jane said:

    just give Dorcas death blow. that should patch it up. 

    Actually, Dorcas comes with all the skills he needs by default, just add reposition or swap:

    • Stout Tomahawk
    • Draconic Aura
    • Fierce Stance 3 (enemy phase Death Blow)
    • Quick Reposte 3
    • Infantry Pulse 3
  2. 5 minutes ago, Ice Dragon said:

    There aren't any.

    Yeah, didn't think so.

    2 minutes ago, Ice Dragon said:

    Holes wouldn't hinder you as long as you have proper edge alignment in your swing. The issue is more with the structural integrity of the weapon and the fact that most of the Brave weapons are depicted as being relatively thick, which is more unrealistic than the holes.

    True, thickness is a problem on many of the weapon designs. I was thinking that the holes would affect the speed of the air over the surface and slightly slow it down?

  3. 32 minutes ago, Lanko said:

    Got a -ATK+SPD Dorcas, which is probably his worst possible IVs...

    Then on the same session also got a 5* Ares... with +HP-DEF... and a 4* with -ATK+RES... and on the previous session one 4* with -SPD+DEF.

    Got two 4* Marths, one with -ATK+HP and the other with -SPD+HP. And a bunch of 3*s.

    Gods, not only you need a bazillion luck to get someone, you also need to pray they don't get screwed with IVs...

    Dorcas is still pretty good with any IV, and if you ever get another one, you can fix it too.

    You could promote the [+def] Ares and merge your 5* one into it. You'd get a great unit with a good boon, and +5 stats because of the first merge.

    Marth is common, so that's not too big of an issue.

    Before they allowed removing banes, perfect IVs were exceptionally rare. Now after the first merge, there are only really five different IV combinations (six if you count neutral), so getting an optimal one is very feasible.


  4. 7 minutes ago, Ice Dragon said:

    Most of the generic swords and spears in Fire Emblem are actually decently sized (as long as you use realistic thicknesses for their blades). The ones in Heroes's battle sprites are exaggerated in size due to chibi proportions.

    Yeah, many of the generic swords and spears are actually somewhat realistic looking, but they look so tiny compared to everything else due to the style. I wonder if the weapons would have been made so oversized if the game were meant to be played on larger screens. I'm not sure if there is even one realistically proportioned axe in the game. Most of the brave weapon designs are unrealistic at any proportion. With all of the holes wouldn't they would actually be slower to swing? They'd probably make a nice swish sound though.

  5. 12 minutes ago, Ice Dragon said:

    Real-life war axes are waaaaaaay smaller than the axes depicted in Fire Emblem and in most fantasy settings in general.

    Yeah, that's true about the axes... and swords, spears, armor - actually that's true of just about everything in Heroes. :D:

    [Edit] The units oversized heads always looked odd to me, but it's just the art style.

  6. On 4/13/2019 at 3:35 PM, Ice Dragon said:

    It would be nice to have more unit slots so that the place could be more lively.

    It would also be nice to be able to visit the Aether Resorts of your friends. What the hell is the point of a friends list if you can't do anything with them?

    They could at least upgrade it to eight (or even more). The unit selection interface would have to change though, since there isn't room right now.

  7. 2 hours ago, Othin said:

    Don't forget Bruno!

    Oh, you're right! Bruno is actually more recent (and Veronica too I guess, since her regular form isn't available). They've done that to several other characters too.

    14 minutes ago, Anacybele said:

    A frying pan is too small to be an axe type weapon imo.

    While some axes are large, hatchets and tomahawks tend to be much smaller than average size frying pans. (Of course there are large frying pans too.) Also, they tend to use the axe category as miscellaneous to cover anything that is club-like and not sharp (swords) or pointy (spears).

  8. 1 hour ago, daisy jane said:

    No problem! 
    and Nope! I <3 using your Dorcas 

    I have mine set up for Fliers/Infantry mix and like someone's Veronica, and Johann's Cain.  i know that some people change all the time hence the PSA. (I get teased how i freak out when i refresh my my friends allies because I "Lose" units. lol i lost Xenomata's Ophelia and Frigid's Caeda for example) haha. but we're good. 

    I updated Dorcas to eight flowers recently, but otherwise he should be the same.They really should let us update individual friend units so that we can get updates without risking loosing other friend units.

  9. 14 hours ago, Johann said:

    How many do you usually save? I'm an extremely lucky person over all, so much so that my twin brother (who has garbage luck) has me do his summons for him, which has shown dramatic results.

    Do you actually have to be present, or can you chose the orbs using screenshots of each circle? :P:

    This will probably be a good banner for Ike considering the other red units are good too. I wonder if I can get another copy or two in just 100-200 orbs though.

  10. 12 hours ago, daisy jane said:

    Hey Friends (on my list). 
    I'm leading with Summer Tana (+atk, with savage blow SS) :)


    hopes this helps you with GC Tomorrow!

    I generally use cavalry for GC, but I've got a decent brigade set up already, so should be OK. Do you mainly use flying units? I'm sharing Dorcas currently, but can change to Caeda, Cherche, or Naesala if those work better for you.

  11. 3 hours ago, Johann said:

    Depends what you mean. I think a "here's every unit in my barracks, someone make some teams for me" would be asking too much from others, but saying "here's some units I have in mind, what kind of builds should I consider for them?" is good and encouraged. Ideally, once the guide is finished, there should be enough information in there to guide players to the highest score they can achieve, and the ongoing discussions we all have should help give more ideas and answer questions.

    OK, thanks. I'll see about narrowing things down then. :):

  12. 2 minutes ago, Anacybele said:

    That, and I'm so close to having a full +10 Awakening family since Freddy has been +10 for awhile, female Robin is +7, and male Morgan is +9. :P And yeah, Haar deserves a better weapon!

    You're just missing flying Morgan for all three colors! (5* exclusive though). What do you plan for the fourth unit with Frederick, Robin, and Morgan?

  13. 1 minute ago, Anacybele said:

    I see, but as I said, I only have one spare Naesala and I'm saving it for male Morgan. And grails come in kinda slow for me and I'm currently using them on female Robin, so...

    Yeah, favorites are important to make the game fun. I'd never merge Haar otherwise. (Still hoping for a new weapon in the future.)

  14. 13 minutes ago, Anacybele said:

    My laguz team is set for the next arena season! Hope it looks good enough. :)

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    So nice that three of these peeps already come with beast-buffing skills. ^^ In the future I'll sometimes swap Lethe for Tibarn too since he's cool and really good.

    Btw, Atk+3 on Ranulf is because he happens to be +Def, otherwise I would go for Swift Sparrow on him. And also, I only have one source of Swift Sparrow in a spare Naesala atm and I want to eventually give that to male Morgan who is really close to being +10. Atk+3 works on both phases rather than just one, and it'll help if I need Ranulf to take a hit or two. Because wow I didn't expect to have a Ranulf with that kind of Def stat. lol I would also have definitely considered a pure enemy phase build for him, but...his weapon is meant for player phase. So I wanted to mix him a bit.

    Oh yeah, when is this game going to give me more Desp 3 fodder? DX

    Guard is a decent B skill, but I gave Naesala Hit and Run from a 3* Clair. It's a lot of fun to use because the backup after an attack makes it much easier for a singer to reach him without putting the singer in danger. His resistance is also pretty good, so he can survive tomes fairly well with just a small buff. Even if you aren't making him a merge project, one merge on Naesala adds two HP, two speed, and one attack, so that's something to consider.

  15. @Rezzy Very nice Seth! Ares is the sword cavalry I'm considering merging first (just need more copies), but I might build a Seth too. Have you had much chance to use him now that he's merged? Someone on my friend list has an Eliwood that repeatedly surprises me with how good he can be in Rival Domains and Grand Conquest. I'm working on Haar and Naesala at the moment though.

  16. 29 minutes ago, SSbardock84 said:

    Beat all modes within a couple tries upon the release. Probably one of the easiest GHB. I'm glad I saved my feathers, was able to upgrade and merge all of them right away. Not sure what skills to give him though. Kinda sucks that he has Brave Axe, I was hoping for a new weapon. The brave weapons just aren't good in this game.

    I'm merging him all the way once he's in the grail shop. I gave him a slaying hammer to make a flying Frederick. His stats align with a [+atk] Frederick. I'm also giving him a slaying axe which should make him somewhat like a higher attack Beruka. Will have to see what weapon I like better overall. I upgraded the Even Def Wave seal and now he buffs defenses all around him all the time. A constant +6 defense on Haar is really nice too.

  17. @Lanko OK, request sent. You have to accept it on your end. By the way, your name appears to be the default "Kiran." If you would like to change it, you can go to "Misc." (button next to "Shop") -> "FAQ/Etc." -> "Change Nickname." Names are limited to 12 characters and will be displayed in the banner at the top of the screen near the orb count. You can change your name at anytime.

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