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Posts posted by Tree

  1. 47 minutes ago, daisy jane said:

    training my healers are sooo boring. (sigh) is this when it just makes more sense to blow my crystals and shards? or is it better to grind it out, and save them for other things? I don't mind grinding.... i'm just tired of lissa and Priscilla taking their sweet time (and then i just shudder re: more Priscillas i have to train (because of SP really and putting more techniques - i know i can book'em and whatever)

    I use healers while I'm training other units, so they end up getting trained too. (It's fairly time efficient, but not as fast as direct training.)

    If you really want to train a healer directly, I recommend equipping the basic Assault staff as it does more damage than most of the others. If you plan on using the healer long-term, the Attack+3 "A" skill is a decent investment. (The higher attack results in more healing for those with 5* healing skills.) Don't forget to add an Attack+3 seal as well (assuming you have upgraded one). You can use a relevant Hone/Goad skill to further increase their attack. Once you're happy with the attack numbers, just add a refresher unit (singer, dancer, etc.) For extra efficiency, you can look for low resistance units in the Training Tower map previews or wait for the weekly training map that is mostly lower resistance armor units.

    As for using shards/crystals, that really depends on how many you have. You can only store up to one million of each. Tempest Trials give around 50,000 each of generic gold shards and crystals and 1,500 gold crystals are available every day as an Arena Assault quest. You can also get daily shards/crystals from the first Training Tower map you complete each day. This is a direct reward, not a quest and only applies to the first Training Tower map you complete. The higher the map difficulty, the more shards/crystals you get, so you should always complete a hard Training Tower map first before trying other Training Tower maps to maximize shards/crystals.

  2. 8 hours ago, Cute Chao said:

    That being said, all my spare units are now books, so that probably wouldn't work anyway. 

    Book trades would probably be limited to trades for other books rather than units. However, I think book trading is even more likely to be implemented than regular unit trading because you would not be able to actually use the character you got in a trade.

  3. 7 hours ago, Sunwoo said:

    Well. I just pulled my second male Grima, alongside my second bride Sanaki. Unfortunately, I'm not really any wiser on which of Grima's natures is better for him. They're both +HP, but the new one is -def while the old one is -res. If I don't care about the res superbane, am I correct in assuming that -res is better than -def for him?

    Mine is [+Atk, -Def] and works well enough. I have plenty of armor units with high defense, but many lack resistance. He has built-in distance counter and adaptive damage against ranged units, so he makes better use of resistance than most armor units.

  4. 5 minutes ago, Vaximillian said:

    Just let me trade three- and four-stars for three- and four-stars respectively already. I’m not and I won’t be asking for trading five-stars.

    You still could with tokens, but that would sort of be a waste. Perhaps they could start by only allowing trading at 3* and 4* rarity to test the feature. Arena medals could be a decent currency for trades of lower rarity.

  5. 55 minutes ago, Michelaar said:

    The problem with trading is that people could just make new accounts and redownload the game as many times as possible to get all the characters they want. There would be no point in spending money anymore.

    I've thought about trading for awhile with various ideas for cost and time restrictions. The most reasonable option to me seems to be trade tokens. Each side would spend a token and a unit of equivalent rarity. These tokens would be given out in events very rarely (maybe once a quarter or so). It wouldn't allow players to get all of the units they want (or many merges), but just their most favorite. (This assumes they can find a favorable trade or are willing to create an alternate account.) The token rarity would help prevent abuse, but they would still be common enough to make some players very happy. I've turned some very popular units with good IVs into manuals because I very much disliked the particular character. I think trades would mostly involve cases where each side has a desirable unit that they personally don't like.

  6. 16 hours ago, daisy jane said:

    All i want. is the legendary twins and Olivia. in under 50 orbs

    is that too much to ask?

    Well, I spent 54 hoping to get Eirika, another Ephraim, or maybe a Lyn and ultimately got a 3* Barst and a 4* Silas who is -atk (didn't have one before). I can''t complain too much as the last banner gave me nine 5*s in 500 or so. (I only got one Myrrh, but at least Dorcas is up to +8.)

  7. 38 minutes ago, daisy jane said:

    with Grand Conquest coming - what are the best tips/tricks to try to maximize your rewards? 

    I make a strong cavalry-based brigade with my best units and seals. (Cavalry's greater movement really helps with the turn limit.) I space out the units in the brigade so that my reinforcements will have even representation for color, attack type, etc. This gives me good results on Rival Domains and Grand Conquest maps. For each match, I autobattle the first portion and then take over near the end to make sure it turns out alright. I save most lances for the cavalry bonus round and use them all on lower lunatic difficulty (level 40). On non-cavalry rounds, I play the same way, but only on the hard difficulty (level 35). I usually reach around tier 24. If I manually play several non-cavalry rounds on the lower lunatic difficulty (level 40), then I can reach tier 25, but it's not worth it to me. I have only used my own units so far;  it would probably be easier with friend units.

  8. 16 hours ago, ILikeKirbys said:

    For something I found kinda noticeable, there's Saber, who looks like he's got the Audhulma in his art for some reason (instead of the Slaying Edge he actually comes with), and Joshua, who doesn't look like he's using Audhulma in his art (instead he's using what looks like a Slaying Edge, or maybe a Shamshir?). I wouldn't call it especially notable (Joshua at least has Slaying Edge as his pre-Audhulma weapon so I can kinda see him having that in his art, though generally units with prfs have weapons that look like their prfs in their art so that is a bit odd, but I have no explanation for Saber), except that they look like they borrowed each other's weapons for a bit.

    Saber's sword does share many design elements with Audhulma, but as Ice Dragon noted, there are some differences. It seems possible that the artist was inspired by Audhulma. There are a lot of artwork inconsistencies, such as the Black Knight's armor design which varies a little between poses. The curved design on each side of the breastplate are regular curves in the attacking art, but full spirals in the damaged art. The lower central armor plate only has a silver "down" arrow in most poses (Zelgius' design included), but the Black Knight's damaged art has both "down" and "up" arrows.

  9. 4 minutes ago, Alkaid said:

    To give a solution to my own complaints, I wish GHBs or similar content came a lot more often. I was even thinking how it'd be cool if we could get another kind of GHB that takes place on RD-sized maps. That format would make it about as close to playing a real FE game's chapter in Heroes, which could be fun. Actually.. it could even be neat if they ported RD-scaled versions of real maps too. Imagine playing something like Conuqest chapter 10 but with your Heroes units. I'd be down for that.

    That's what I was hoping for when I first heard that they were creating larger maps. Instead, the larger maps are mostly symmetrical with only one objective type, and they all have the same predetermined turn limits.

  10. 19 minutes ago, Kaden said:

    They could have them record the gameplay and the rest of the fluff is done by a different division in their studio if they're big enough or whoever is their marketing team. Maybe I'm thinking of it from a game like Devil May Cry where you have someone good at the game play through stuff, it gets recorded, and that gameplay is sent to whoever will put together a trailer of it doing whatever editing, audio, or whatever else is agreed upon or felt would work between the developers and marketing team.

    Yeah, it depends on the size of the company. Some places do have the developers make the release videos or at least help make them. I think it's reasonably possible here that the developers at least make some extra options available to marketing. Could be access to a level editor, a custom build, a special properties file, etc.

  11. @Ice Dragon Thanks for the correction. Forgot about it being based on level 1 stats only even if the unit is level 40. Usually, the level 40 stats give similar results, but that's probably coincidence. In Mia's case it swaps the HP and spd, but the end result is the same (on my Mia). I rarely look at the level 1 stats (except for IVs) since I usually want to see what the end result will be.

  12. 27 minutes ago, Kaden said:

    Free Blazing Light, Fury 3, Lunge, or 2000 feathers.

    Isn't it 1000 feathers? (It really should be 5000+, but that's another issue.)


    10 minutes ago, Xenomata said:

    Hey uh... has anyone mentioned the Heroic Feats event starting tomorrow that'll give free Fury fodder for using Fury fodder to give your used units Fury?

    Cause... that's pretty neat.

    Extra fury is very nice, but I'm looking forward to the limited units. I do hope that limited units eventually get added to the pool in some fashion so I can get them with IVs, although at this point, I doubt that's going to happen until that are very outdated...

  13. 6 hours ago, daisy jane said:

    so i'm not going to gain much - just an extra HP and res

    I don't think you will get resistance on the first Mia merge.

    Merges should add two points each for a total of 20 points after 10 merges. It always starts with the two highest stats. This is followed by the next two highest. The third merge adds one point to the lowest stat and one point to the highest as it cycles around to distribute the points evenly. However, I don't think the extra stats from  a weapon or from skills affect which stat is considered the highest. The attack stat may often seem the highest, but once you take the weapon away, it rarely is the highest stat. HP is usually the highest stat, so you almost always get one point of that on the first merge. Mia is unusual because her highest stat is actually speed not HP, but since HP is her second highest stat, she will get one point of each on the first merge.

    My Mia is +1 with an IV of [+res,-hp]. She picked up one point of HP and one point of speed as expected. Mia has a super boon in resistance and super banes in HP and Def, so the point differences there are four rather than the usual three points.

    Neutral Mia's stats: HP: 38/Atk: 32/Spd: 40/Def: 28/Res: 25

    You can always preview what points you will get. Go to the merge screen, select both units, then without confirming the merge,  you can click on the before and after icons and it will adjust the stat preview to let you see what will happen if you complete the merge. You can then swap the units and preview them again if you want to see if different IVs affect the stats gained on the first merge.

  14. 3 hours ago, daisy jane said:

    I got my 2nd Mia to Level 40 (this one was plus attack). so I have to merge my first Mia into this copy (mia 1 was + HP. which is her bane according the game press) but it will give Mia 2 more speed). 

    Usually I merge first before training unless I'm unsure which one I want to keep. After merging into a new 5* at level 1, you can manually equip all of the skills that the original had. This makes training easier since you start out with all skills available at level one. This also preserves SP for any future skills since you won't have to use SP for any skills that the original unit had already learned. If there are any unlearned skills on the original unit, always make sure to use up any SP to learn the skills before merging so you won't have to waste the new unit's SP to learn them.

    [edit[ This is only relevant if you get a new level 1 that has better IVs. Skill points aren't important compared to stats.

  15. 7 minutes ago, Anacybele said:

    Yeah, he does already come with those. They are good and fit his stat spread well. He's basically blue Frederick, even down to his default weapon. They both come with armor-slaying weapons!

    Yeah, Frederick's hammer has come in handy many times. I'm waiting to see if they give him a special weapon before I commit to merges. Mine is [+atk, -res], but I might want a different set depending on what type of weapon they give him.

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