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Posts posted by Tree

  1. 1 hour ago, Anacybele said:

    here's my Silas so those who got him know he's mine.

    Wow, three expensive units spent! Looks quite strong. Too bad I'm on a different team and wouldn't be able to use him.

    I just had a match where Hector, Ninian, and Rebecca had to fight Lyon, Veronica, and Laevatein. The map was tight and Lyon/Veronica would swap places to attack. Veronica healed Lyon who had breath of life and healed her, while Laevatein crept toward Hector around the other side. It didn't end well...

  2. 1 minute ago, Ice Dragon said:

    Genny, Maribelle, and Veronica. And whether or not a player is willing to part with a unit for their skills is up to them to decide.

    Ah, forgot about Maribelle. I imagine most players don't have any of those three units and wouldn't want to give up their only copy if they did. I could be wrong though.

    @daisy jane As Ice Dragon said, if you plan on giving Ethlyn the Wrathful Staff or Dazzling Staff skills later (they are rare), then Ethlyn would appreciate merges. You could merge now, or you could always wait to see if you can get one of those units with those skills (Genny, Maribelle, or Veronica) and merge Ethlyn once you get a one (assuming you like her better than other healers).

  3. 22 minutes ago, Ice Dragon said:

    Staves, particularly cavalry, are some of the best attackers in the game, though it does require both Wrathful Staff and Dazzling Staff to be worth it.

    That's true, but it is a big investment. Most players won't have the resources to do that. In the regular pool, only Genny and Veronica have both. I have one of each, but I don't want to give up either to add the relevant skills to a different healer.

  4. 2 hours ago, daisy jane said:

    does anyone think it's beneficial to merge Ethlyn?

    Unfortunately, healer is a unit class that doesn't really gain as much from merging as other types because they aren't usually going to attack or defend. But if you really like the unit, there will be a small stat benefit (2 stats total per merge). I usually wait until I have a few copies first before I merge, but I will sometimes merge even if I only have one extra copy if I really like the unit.

    I had two copies of Groom Marth that I merged. The point of HP wasn't that useful, but the single point of speed was useful. Because his speed is borderline good and not great, it allows him to double in a few extra cases which means double damage. It's not helpful every battle, but even that one point of speed has been useful occasionally. Also, when completing one of the Chain Challenges, I found that regardless of what I tried, my Bowlyn ended up taking a hit and dropping to one HP. I had just merged and gotten a point of defense, which turned out to be just enough to allow me to complete the challenge. Those are rarer cases though.

  5. 5 minutes ago, eclipse said:

    I've got plenty of space!  And I'm on Team Veronica because I pulled her.  Not my fault that Ephraim didn't want to show up.

    Perfectly valid reason.

    Sent a request. I've put Reinhardt for now because he handles most of the things armored Ephraim would be afraid of. Usually I have a green unit though.

    Hmm, actually I've been considering building that unit too. Let me know how it works out. I trained one up and slaying weapon + sacred cowl was a near invincible combination on the various training maps. Survived physical and magic attacks.

  6. 1 minute ago, eclipse said:

    If you're on Team Veronica, and I was on your friends list, you might have seen what I had in mind. . .or you might not, because I'm way short on feathers for merges.  But if you're on Team Ephraim. . .oh well, it'll have to wait. :P:

    You're on the wrong team for feathers! It's constant bonuses on Team Ephraim. :) You almost certainly will get the victory ones which will help. I don't think you're on my friends list though. Do you have extra space? I'm at 95/100 right now, so it's almost full.

  7. 5 minutes ago, Alkaid said:

    Going by that video I just found, I'm surprised you can lose a camp and still scrape by in points, as long as no other units die. I wouldn't have thought just letting the camp go would work. I wonder how many lost units equals losing a camp.

    Really? Every time I've lost a camp, I didn't score well enough. I wonder how hard it is to calculate the unit value of a camp.

  8. 18 minutes ago, Alkaid said:

    I realize my dancer options and some other things may cause more issues following the cheese video as well, so just fixing Anna may not be enough anyway.

    I don't think it matters. You can't afford to lose a camp, but you can lose a lot of units and still get a good score. I lost many units that survived in the videos, and my score was well above the minimum. I'm not sure exactly how many you can lose, but it's a decent amount.


  9. 1 minute ago, Alkaid said:

    I'd rather not spend TA fodder on Anna to use her (I don't have mine refined or anything yet either).

    I'd say the refine isn't important for level 8. Mine has the movement refine, so that's essentially just 3 HP.

    I do have triangle adept 3, but I didn't bother with lance breaker. I had a different issue; Anna kept defeating the lance flier immediately. I used the default drive attack on Fjorm (instead of hone attack 3 in the video) and moved Fjorm first so the drive would not affect Anna.

  10. 2 hours ago, Kaden said:

    Veronica is +Atk, -Def, which concerns me with Veronica since she seems to be the F2P pick.

    My Veronica is [+hp,-res] which is similar to neutral once you add the  attack +3 A skill and the fortress resistance seal. Unfortunately, that takes up the seal slot. Yours is actually better than mine in general use: [+atk,-def] is a great IV! Yours is also better for guides too! Because she doesn't have a default A skill, you can put the Fortress Defense 1 A skill there and make her IV exactly neutral while still having the seal slot free.

  11. 2 hours ago, Sunwoo said:


    I found something really interesting on gamefaqs.


    Apparently, it's a low-effort clear of maps 6-8 of relay defense. So for people who really want that extra orb at least (like me) let's see if this works out for us.

    Perfect timing! I had just finished level 5 on my own and it wasn't looking good for the remainder of the levels. Thanks for the link.

    The units are common and you can pretty much substitute anything that is similar. I'm pretty sure my Alfonse has a different refine. (Sometimes color isn't even important.) There are some seals and skills you have to adjust depending on your units, ivs, and other factors (like unequipping a weapon at one point), but all three (6, 7, 8) worked well.

  12. 2 minutes ago, Vaximillian said:

    This is the mode I’ve never autobattled and I never will. I do enjoy my team running the gauntlet (this should have been called gauntlet, not the monstrosity we’ve got), taking on whatever the Tempest throws at them.

    Yeah, some sort of "gauntlet" would have been a more fitting name. With the changes they made, it is now reasonably possible to get the rewards without using autobattle at all. Do you get them all, or stop after the unique rewards at 20,000 points?

  13. 15 minutes ago, Vaximillian said:

    On the bright side, the new tempest is coming soon, and it’s always enjoyable to me. I’m always looking forward to it.

    Strangely enough, that's becoming one of my favorite modes. You are actually rewarded for using units you like and have invested in, there is a boss at the end, and your unit status carries over for each map; that continuity makes it feel more like a quest or adventure. The reward-to-effort ratio is good, and even "failures" still contribute something. When tired of playing, it can be autobattled with less effort than other modes (because it only requires one autobattle click per five maps or so).

  14. 23 minutes ago, Vaximillian said:

    But it’s not an extra orb. It’s the orb that could have been rewarded by the second week of RD Mk I.

    We already agree on that. :):


    29 minutes ago, Tree said:

    I didn't have a problem with the single orb added to tier 21, because that was an addition, and casual players were not really affected. However, this is removing an orb that casual players were used to getting. (The first level orb of the weekly Rival Domains was very accessible to most players.)


    29 minutes ago, Tree said:
    3 hours ago, Vaximillian said:

    RD Mk II locks an orb and ten dew which we could have got from RD Mk I. But an orb and ten dew per week was too generous, amirite?

    Yeah, I agree. I've completed the first four which gives similar rewards to one week of Rival Domains, but requires a lot more effort. Because this is a two week mode, the rewards for the "second" week of Rival Domains [are] locked behind very hard difficulties. The new Blessed Grounds maps are more effort for the same rewards too, which is yet another reward that will be taken from casual players.


  15. On 9/7/2018 at 8:38 AM, XRay said:

    Arena Assault is pretty cheap to invest in and is actually pretty easy on Hard difficulty as well. Except for the first battle, you can check your enemy team before the battle and bring the appropriate units to counter each enemy.

    I also recommend building an armor team for Arena Assault Team 1 to get your score higher. A Distant Counter Ward Armor team is probably the easiest one to use in my opinion compared to other armor teams. My armor team consists of Zephiel, Sheena, Effie, and along with either BB!Lyn or NS!Corrin as the fourth unit to provide healing or extra mobility, depending on whatever I feel like.

    OK, probably need more armor merges. Sheena (8 copies, no decent iv) and Zephiel (5 copies) are the only real candidates I have to merge. I have a +3 Lance Hector, a +3 Black Knight, and a +1 Zelgius, but all of my other armor units are not merged. (I have a +3 Myrrh with distance counter and two original Hectors both with good IVs though.) I'll probably use the free brave hero to add a merge to Hector.

    On 9/7/2018 at 8:38 AM, XRay said:

    If you are not free to play, it is pretty easy to build Arena Assault units as counters en masse. Gem Weapons, armor effective Weapons, Triangle Adept 2, Breaker 2, and Glimmer are all available cheaply. Here is a list of Arena Assault builds and I have also listed their "ideal" natures, but the right nature is not necessary in most cases:

    I'm mostly free-to-play (Black Knight). I have been adding some of those skills, and it's helped somewhat. I guess I just need to build a few more counters and use them more effectively.

  16. Apparently they really didn't like HM farming on Rival Domains (and even changed the enemies on one of the maps a day or so after its release). However, they worked extra hard to make sure that wouldn't happen in Relay Defense. (I don't feather farm anyway, so the changes don't affect me.)

    The new maps lower the frequency of Rival Domains, require 8 turns, are very hard to autobattle, cost stamina, and don't have a restart option. In case that wasn't clear enough, they don't give HM anymore. I don't know why, but I find that overkill response humorous. All they really had to do was remove the HM gain. I understand that some of the new changes are just a result of the new mode being defense based, but it is an odd coincidence that they all affect HM farming.


    3 hours ago, Vaximillian said:
    3 hours ago, silveraura25 said:

    Infernal just for 500 shards and a sense of achievement. That way if you don't clear Infernal you're not missing out much. Very beginner/casual friendly

    See, this is why I didn’t mind Abyssal LHBs that much. Its reward is pure bragging rights and an ugly accessory. Those who like this kind of challenge do it for the challenge. Those who don’t, aren’t forced to do it.

    I think it's OK (although not my preference) to have an extra orb at the top. I didn't have a problem with the single orb added to tier 21, because that was an addition, and casual players were not really affected. However, this is removing an orb that casual players were used to getting. (The first level orb of the weekly Rival Domains was very accessible to most players.)


    3 hours ago, Vaximillian said:

    RD Mk II locks an orb and ten dew which we could have got from RD Mk I. But an orb and ten dew per week was too generous, amirite?

    Yeah, I agree. I've completed the first four which gives similar rewards to one week of Rival Domains, but requires a lot more effort. Because this is a two week mode, the rewards for the "second" week of Rival Domains is locked behind very hard difficulties. The new Blessed Grounds maps are more effort for the same rewards too, which is yet another reward that will be taken from casual players.


    5 hours ago, Cute Chao said:

    I enjoyed the new mode... for three maps. After that, it becomes ridiculous. I don't focus on merging units - I focus on collecting, so I'm relying on all my amazing friend's units. They're doing the best they can, but I already hate reinforcement modes, and this is that on treble.

    They should have at least spread it more so there are more lower difficulty maps and then a few that bump it up to insane.

    I'm not sure what they were thinking when they determined the difficulty for Relay Defense. It's fine if they want an impressive abyssal difficulty at the top, but I imagine that most of their players will struggle to even get halfway through. I think they should have had some easier difficulties like level 20 and 25 to give more players the opportunity to participate.

    I'm OK with more difficult content, but it seems that they either just inflate the stats or require the player to make some really illogical choices (Tactics Drills). Some of the Tactics Drills are fun though. I'm still hoping that they will introduce new game modes that are designed primarily to be fun content, not just something to play for rewards.

    An example would be classic campaigns and scenarios. The story maps come the closest, but the way they randomly incorporate new characters (from the current banner), and then immediately discard them by the next chapter, detracts from any character development. At least they include some new map designs.

    It would be fun to play significant events in the main games like major battles, or even events that were discussed, but occurred offscreen. Considering this is supposed to be an alternate world, they could allow scenarios with new outcomes where a major character doesn't die, etc. They don't seem to care too much about spoilers, so I don't think that would hold them back. When they introduced the large maps, I was hoping to see more of this, but it's just been one Rival Domain map after another. (Grand Conquest is the same thing.)

    Another idea I saw in a gameplay mechanics thread, suggested adding chests and doors that only dagger users could unlock. Getting the dagger user to the location could create a fun challenge.

  17. 7 hours ago, mampfoid said:

    @Tree I'm using a +ATK/-RES Cherche since a long time now and she arrived to +10 recently. In my opinion it's her ideal nature. You can still stack her speed for some fun in pve modes, I gave her LnD and a SPD refined Slaying Axe for that.

    That probably is the best iv overall. I will go with that one. Thanks!

    Lance Hector iv: [+res, -spd] (current) or [+atk, -hp]


    4 hours ago, Kubson said:

    I just got a -Atk/+Def Sigurd, is this really bad and is there a way to make him work?

    A unit with 48 atk and 37 def (plus close def) is still very good. There are lots of ways to make that iv work. With his magic protection, he will be really tough overall.

  18. 1 hour ago, XRay said:

    For Fae specifically, she has a lot of builds that requires different natures, so you do not have to stick with just +Def.

    That is true, but I think I like the +def one the most.


    1 hour ago, XRay said:

    4*+10 in many cases will be fine.

    I do have a few 4* merged units, but I only do that for units I don't care much about. (Boey likes to visit, so he's 4* +8 now.) A 4* +10 is similar to a 5* +5, right? I could just make a couple of those and save some feathers for now. I guess the extra merges on the 4* would score higher, but that probably doesn't matter. 5* +4 seems to be the best compromise since the 5th merge usually adds the least desired stats.

    I used to auto battle area assault with the Askr units as the starting team (they are 5* with refines). That scores around 4000. If I play through manually on the easy difficulty, I usually get around 4300. If I really work at it and play medium and use blessing units, I can get around 4700. I tried it with my best team for the start, and couldn't consistently beat hard difficulty. (edit: Only had difficulty with the later teams; the first team had no trouble.) The difference between autobattling and attempting manual play of hard difficulties was only a few extra coins and stones per week. I've settled for a quick manual play through for around 4300 points. If I could get in top 20,000, it might be worth the effort, but the lower tiers have only a single coin between them unlike the higher tiers which have 2 between.

    I haven't been able to get to tier 20, so 19.5 isn't really an option. I don't know if it is even worth trying unless I can get there without many bonus unit KOs.

    I did put blessings on many units so I have around 16-17 units of each (reasonably color balanced) with 5+ of each in inventory available. They seem to only add a single point per instance in AA. I think I have to include a legendary unit on my team for the blessings to count towards the score in regular arena, right?

    I guess I don't really know where to go with the game. I seem to be at a plateau where advancing is a disproportionate amount of work for the rewards. Perhaps I just need some key units or skills, but I'm not really sure.

  19. 1 hour ago, XRay said:

    Between -Spd and -Res, if you use Cherche more often in PvE battles, then -Res is preferable over -Spd to allow Cherche to quad attack armor units more easily.

    She would probably be used in PvE more. My Frederick has the same iv and he works quite well with his hammer.

    1 hour ago, XRay said:

    In my opinion, the amount of effort to make Cherche +Spd viable would give you far higher returns if you spent that effort on a naturally fast unit. 39 Spd at +10 is pretty slow against other +10 units.

    Yeah, you're probably right. It seemed like a fun idea. I calculated it with Frederick also, but without a speed refine on a brave axe, it really doesn't work.


    I'm not sure who to invest in. With the new arena rules, I've kind of lost interest in trying for tier 20 anyway. I think 18.5 is the best rewards for the effort. (I mixed up my week alternation this last season and ended up in tier 17... oops.) I've spent about 140,000 feathers recently. Seems they have been handing more out lately. (I don't do HM farming as I like to see how much I've used a unit, so only around 10 units have max HM.)

    I like many of the GHB and TT units, but they are very limited when it comes to merges. Here are the units I have the most copies of. Anyone have suggestions? (Currently have around ~300,000 feathers, but don't have to spend all of them now.)

    In no particular order:

    Marth: 9 copies (I have a good iv legendary Marth, and no shortage of infantry swords)

    Caeda: 5* +1 merge, 7 copies [no +atk iv] (plus one extra neutral one that I should probably keep for guides)

    Sheena: 8 copies (Have five other green armor units and that doesn't include LA Hector or Ephraim)

    Lukas: 10 copies

    Fae: 5*, 10  copies (Don''t have a good +def iv yet, but I do have Myrrh, Ninian, and Green Grima  as far as dragons go)

    L'Arachel: 5*, 6 copies [+spd, -hp] (I like L'Arachel, but I have a +8 Reinhardt, a +2 Olwen, and an Ursula so another blue cavalry mage is not a priority)

    Frederick: 5*, 4 copies [+atk, -res] (plus one extra neutral one that I should probably keep for guides)

    Cherche: 2 5*, 10 copies [+atk, -res]

    Tailtiu: 11 copies

    Zephiel: 5 copies

    Valter: 5 copies

    Arvis: 5*, 4 copies

    Berkut: 5*, 4 copies


    [edit] found some more copies

    I have some other units with a decent amount of duplicates, but I don't think they would be good candidates.


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