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Everything posted by DragonBladeSniper

  1. Thanks! I remember back when I always wished happy birthday on this site. xD

  2. I've actually been lurking nowadays since I've been playing FE10 but I was too lazy to log in. xD

  3. ...Wow. Never thought people would actually ban a character in an SSB game... I don't play MK but I don't find he's that OP. o.o
  4. Well is anyone even sure that FE13 will come out before SSB4? It might take a while. But it'd be nice to hear WE LIKE KROM
  5. I learned to love slim weapons in FE9. I gave a slim sword to Mia when she was a sword master. Sword master + slim sword + gamble = WIN. Since critical hits were strong enough to kill most of the time, the critical and hit boost really helped gamble's usage. That and killing enemies with high avoid. Might not be REALLY good uses but I loved using them in that way. :)
  6. Not really any character who has my hair, except for Garret. But I have spiky hair so maybe like Zeiss.
  7. Sorry about that, you could choose any color, I don't really mind.
  8. My friend really hates it for some reason I don't really know. I have a few friends who like FE though.
  9. OK cool. Can you put the deadline a bit far? Because I might be busy for the Labour day weekend. Thanks. Our team name is Dragon Slayers.
  10. Can we also remove the team healer item? I think it'd be better to not have any items.
  11. Name: Gen Brawl FC: 4813 9244 9494 I'm sorry for whoever I'm paired with but I suck and I have school coming up. I'll be with anyone.
  12. Most: Ashnard, pretty messed up guy. Least: Leanne.
  13. I gave him swords. Not sure why, but doesn't change anything since he just uses axes anyways. He's good with any weapon.
  14. FE7: Bandit has 4% chance of hitting Lyn, he does. o.o Eliwood missing on final boss at like 80 something hit. FE9: Nephenee vs Thunder mage: Thunder mage has like 56% hit and 3% crit. A crit would kill Nephenee. I wanted to feed her kills and I was like "I'd bet money against him critting". What happens? He crits and I have to restart the chapter. T.T I don't know how mastery skills work, but everyone who has them seem to spam them. Example: Nephenee hits Luna 4 times in a row versus 2 different enemies. Those are the most memorable ones but I remember units missing in like 90's several times.
  15. I guess the GBA series, since they're easier to find and fun. There are quite a few changes compared to FE9/10 though.
  16. Well you have 10 units for end-game, including Roy and Fa, so 8 optional units (7 wielding divine weapons and one extra). So maybe 8 + thief (or several thieves if you want) + 2-4 other units + Roy & Fa. Just make sure at least 7 units have S rank in different weapons for end-game.
  17. This took me some time to understand but I got it. xD The "trap" is that you added 49 + 49 + 1, but that's not what you're supposed to look at. 49 + 49 = 98, which is what you still owe, 1$ is what you have, so 2 different things. Not sure if I'm on the right track, but I don't know how to answer "where did the other dollar go?" other than saying that it's not supposed to be anywhere..
  18. Best: Brom Worst: Desmond, he caused an entire war because of his horrible parenting. >.> But brought FE6 so it evens out.
  19. 1. It's just your habits, if you don't like them, then you'll just have to change them over time. Like I also used like to keep items even if they're helpful, but then I just felt like using them would be better, so next chapter I played, I just brought out the unused items that could be useful (like staves that don't heal HP but can be used to train staff users) and I just used them up. Also, when you get rather close to the end of the game, use any weapon you want/can or else you'll be stuck with normal bad weapons (assuming you're like that). 2. Try to un-equip weapons from your "overpowered" (since from what I see, you play FE10 a lot) units and just let them take hits instead of actually fighting. 3. Try to set goals for turn counts, think more of the objective than of anything else. 5. That's kinda why I don't feel like playing FE10 on hard mode. xD But if you want to play hard mode, you have to accept it and eventually you won't even need to count and know how far enemies reach. 6. You could try taking breaks if you're not feeling concentrated at times. I hope I helped a bit, have fun! :P
  20. I'd like to join, I can't play atm, but I'll post info when I can. Unpaired.
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