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Everything posted by DragonBladeSniper

  1. OMFG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That was crazy, so expected but crazy... I hope that those two aren't ACTUALLY dead (the captains) they're so old and cool... T.T. REINFORCEMENTS ARE HERE!!! I want to see everybody get into a fight (including the "strongest" ones) I wonder when will the people in the Arrancar place will come... My gosh, I feel like forcing the author to finish the story NOW. XD
  2. Paladins: Usually depends on how I'm feeling, I alternate a lot. Falco Knights: I always give them S in lances since they already have A as they promote. Warriors: Same as Falco Knights except for axes since warriors don't need bows.
  3. I voted for Soren. Micaiah is good but I just prefer Soren. Thani IS pretty useful though. I guess it's because she promotes rather late. I never liked Calill much so I don't use her much.
  4. I usually use both and then I promote Priscilla first, if there is a spare promotion item, I give it to Serra. If not, I just stick to my other healers.
  5. XD That sucks for Cormag, which is why I'm really glad that there aren't any skills in FE6... you'd get RNG screwed EVERY CHAPTER! But yeah, that's pretty ironic. "My brother wouldn't have died like this" Ummm... already did.
  6. I only have the one month trial thing and it's expiring soon but it's Fajsak (lame name I know). I only have Halo 3 so unless you have it you shouldn't botehr adding me. XD
  7. Oscar: I gave him bows since I wanted the weapon triangle. XD After I did give him bows, I was impressed with his utility. I don't know, I didn't have many range units. Kieran: I gave him swords since his hit was kind of bad. Makalov: I don't use him but he starts off with swords so he might as well take up axes for better damage and to have weapon triangle advantage against his old enemies, the lance users.
  8. Ummm... I don't remember, I really don't. Probably someone in Lyn Mode like Florina.
  9. Wow, we could finally see Danzo fight... can't wait. Yay Temari will finally be able to beat up Sasuke as revenge. XD I wonder if Gaara is going to die... again.
  10. You're joking right...? I can't think of any... Best: Is there really a "best" rapist attempt...? Worst: Gheb. 'I'm going to "question" you later' Is that really anyway to imply very indirectly that your going rape a princess?
  11. Actually whenever I go into EBgames I see FE7 and FE8 for sale (since nobody wants them I guess) and I laugh at the high prices (even though I bought FE7 XD). They don't sell any games older than that in the world except MAYBE the japanese version which is doubtful. So games that are possible to find at a video games store are Fire Emblem, Fire Emblem The Sacred Stones, Fire Emblem Path of Radiance, Fire Emblem Radiant Dawn and Fire Emblem Shadow Dragon.
  12. For best heroes I voted for FE9, I liked every single unit in this game, they're just all so interesting for some reason. For best vilains I voted for FE10, the vilains had such weird and unexpected plans. For best NPC's I voted for FE10 since usually in all the games they're annoying. For example: FE6: How many times did you have to protect all of Klein's, Tate's and Percival's troops? FE7: Pent in the desert chapter, soldiers, knights and Rath's mercenaries are annoying. FE8: Villagers and Duessel's troops are annoying to protect. FE9: Ummm... There aren't many that I remember except Lethe, Mordecai and the people on chapter 13 who just hog exp. FE10: 3-13 archer ftw! You finally get allies who are capable of making the game easier but sadly they hog exp.
  13. Oh shit... there's an assassin that's around. T.T Next target: himself/ herself I can't believe that there are so many celebrity deaths in one week. In the end, there are lots of deaths around the world that we don't even know about so I can't really complain about 3 deaths. May they rest in peace.
  14. Wow, who the hell writes all these guides? I've read through a few guides on GameFAQs and they seemed decent. Well that was BEFORE I played the game so I guess everything looked like a good guide. XD
  15. Sure, but why ain't you using Soren? Because he uses wind magic? Aw well. Or do you mean all three? Well I know that Tormod is useful and levels up rather easily. Ilyana is also pretty good I guess. Careful on chapter 9 (the chapter after you recruit her) even with shade she got one rounded by a myrmidon due to my lack of attention -_-. Try killing off the ravens that come on chapter 13 with Ilyana (using wind), they give good exp.
  16. Happy Birthday! OMG your name is Albert to? O.o

  17. Oh shit I thought Marcus was going to die... Awesome and I laughed at all the tags for the video. XD
  18. In FE7, I had Guy go in the arena, he was about to die so I made him retreat but then he criticals and the enemy misses and he would've finished him off the next round but he already left. XD In FE7, Matthew was running around to try to steal some items that the enemy pilfered. But a shaman came by hit him and did like 12 damage, he was fine. Then another shaman comes with luna and did a pathetic 6 damage with a 2% critical chance... guess what happened? In FE6, I let Treck die in his starting chapter to the cavalier reinforcements. I was fine with it, a bit sad. I arena abuse Rutger to level 20 and look through my team to see who had the Hero Crest and... it wasn't there. T.T After a minute, I figured out Treck was holding it. In FE8, I went to a monster (the centaur ones) since I thought he had an axe and he would have weapon advantage. I decided to just let the centaur come to him and he had... a Swordslayer. XD
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