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Everything posted by DragonBladeSniper

  1. It's a mounted PT right? If it is good luck with the DB chapters XD.
  2. and there also protecting Caelin so... yeah... If someone has claimed a country from Lycia please either A: be loyal to your "continent" and fight the Traitors of Lycia or B: come with the Traitors of Lycia and eventually most of Lycia will be traitors so we will fight some other country or C: run away
  3. I live in Canada and I don't like French either and I think Mac was just saying that he doesn't like the language.
  4. XD I just remembered that I claimed Ostia not Bern... So I guess Ostia vs FEFL's troops... Or we could make an alliance and attack other Lycian countries.
  5. I think it's about who is your favourite (personality based).
  6. True... it's just a long chapter but I usually bring my best characters when it comes to end game even when it's "easy".
  7. Good point... but if you hand him the knight ring he is like a mounted unit without the weaknesses of a mounted unit.
  8. OK I admit that he is the best pre promote in the game but I don't think he is end game material.
  9. As soon as FEFL's troops arrived, Bern (my country) started the sudden attack. "Uh-oh" said the soldiers. "OH MY FIRE EMBLEM GOD!!!" said the towns people.
  10. Oh yeah I forgot that Lycia is only apart of Elibe (I confused the two) but calling Lycia is like calling the united laguz country.
  11. Back to the real subject. I think Mist is pretty good as a healer and when she promotes I rarely used her to fight (but on my next playthrough I'm using the magic swords) but the horse helped her a lot since (I only equipped her with an iron sword) she could heal and run instead of me having to waste a few units to guard her. But I think that having more healers is better so I used everyone who I trained and is able to heal (Rhys, Soren, sometimes Ilyana, Mist, Tormod).
  12. Congrats... I guess? *is about to leave* Wait did you say party?!
  13. Well everyone you mentioned are also good in normal mode.
  14. I know everyone keeps saying about units "OMG HE/SHE HAS HM BONUSES HE/SHE IS GOOD!" I understand for a few FE games but who actually played FE6 in hard mode? -_-
  15. I could never have resisted using the ToV... But the first time I played the chapters BEFORE Eirika/Ephraim route were pretty hard especially the fog of war chapter... DAMN YOU FIGHTER WITH HALBERD!!!
  16. O.o You soloed the chapter with three people? I forgot to mention that when I said endgame I also meant the chapter before the final chapter.
  17. If you were aloud to claim a continent everybody would call Tellius.
  18. and who had the legendary weapons? Roy: Sword of Seals (I know it's very shocking) Lilina: She owned them without Forblaze. Fa: I actually trained her. Lugh: Forblaze (I prefer him over Hugh) Fir: Durandal (she criticalled a lot to my surprise) Gonzales: Armads (he pwns those dragons so badly AND he also criticalled at rather low percentages too) Shin: The bow... I forgot the name... (I didn't train Dorothy a lot and Wolt was comparable to Dorothy except he was a higher level and I only trained Sue a bit to get to Sacae route) Zeiss: Malte... not sure about the name (It was either him, Miledy or everyone else... I prefer him over the generals, falco knights, paladins and he looks cooler then Miledy XD) Ray: Apocalypse (Hmmmm... VERY "hard" choice it's either him... Canas's momma or Sophia who I didn't bother training... kinda self explanatory) Saul: Aurolea? I also forgot the name of this one (He is a better light magic user then Ellen)
  19. Nice idea for a topic! Sain and Brom sounds like a funny one, anyways... Volke X Farina Farina: Now where could I get some money... Volke: I could help... Farina: Someone who is trying to help me get money? It's to good to be true! Volke: 10 000 gold Farina: ... Tricky... But my motto always was spend money to get money! Volke: Is that a yes? Farina: But what could YOU do to help ME? Volke: . Give me the money to find out. Farina: OK! *ends* Fine *hands gold* now what are you gonna do to...?! Where did he go?!
  20. I know he is awesome. I love his arena videos XD. But he cheated in his last FE7 playthrough... I wonder if he is going to cheat again... ANYWAY I bet FE6 on hard mode is gonna be awesome to watch because on normal it's already crazy imagine on hard... *shivers*
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