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Everything posted by Xenovia

  1. Danmachi has a crossover with Date A Live. Each new character had their own banner where you could spend paid iris (their version of orbs) to guarantee getting a character. I used this to get Kurumi. I thought this was really cool and it would be great to do in other gachas. I got all the Date a Live characters and spent ~$30 total including the Kurumi banner.
  2. Fair enough. I only play(ed) FEH because I played the other games in the series. Personally, I don't like the concept of gacha/hero collector games, since they prey on people's love of anime girls. HOWEVER, it would be cool to use my favorite anime characters in a game since they never get localized stateside. Good to see another Date a Live fan on here though. Ironically, I told myself if I spent the whole month of March without playing Heroes or using Twitter I'd let myself buy whatever anime figurine I wanted, which will probably be Kurumi.
  3. Soooo...Memoria Freeze is going to have a crossover with DATE A LIVE characters! Ok, this is epic. I have to GET Tohka and Kurumi. This is what Intelligent Systems should do. I would gladly spend $50+ to use the Date a Live girls in FEH.
  4. I might consider reactivating if Kagero got a prf. Preferably, I'd like it to be like Nameless Blade, with a decent mt, slaying effect and +10 special damage. Probably, it would be a 12 mt weapon with infantry and armor effectiveness.
  5. I had originally thought of putting Camilla, but it's no surprise she's really good so I didn't mention her.
  6. Work on developing either new story chapters or new maps, instead of rehashing old content month after month, ruining old modes (like Arena and Aether Raids), and making waifubait banners month after month.
  7. I feel like I'm seeing Palla on the left. #MoreCuboonPlease
  8. Kagero. I can beat most GHB and BHB maps on Infernal with her and three dancers. I've even cleared some Legendary Hero Infernal maps with that group as well.
  9. @1% Critical Hit i have some recommendations for anime that I've watched somewhat recently that I liked a lot. Konosuba: really fun isekai series that's a parody of JRPG tropes. Kill la Kill: I enjoyed this one a lot. Solid mix of shonen and ecchi, with a good story and really great characters. Azumanga Daioh: the coziest anime ever. Date a Live: Fun harem/slice of life/'mecha'/dating sim anime.
  10. I honestly believe they've given up putting effort into this game. I can't think of anything interesting being put into this game in a while. To me, it seems they've decided to just release banners which they believe will net the most spending, and then coast on the rest. They're just pivoting toward Three Houses, and FEH was a stopgap between the major series games.
  11. At first glance I thought it was NSFW Corrin lol. Just imagine going against a turbochad like @Ice Dragon and thinking you're going to win.
  12. Halloween Kagero + Armor Boots + Dancers always got me at least two kills. People actually thought they could bait out someone with a 3-cooldown Ignis and Bold Fighter lol.
  13. I made it to T19, my core team is Camilla/Adrift Camilla/Summer Camilla/Airzura/X seasonal. Moral of the story is: use Camilla. Often. The more the merrier. #Lindy
  14. Over and out. The 2nd Anniversary Banner was my last straw. I REALLY wanted Legendary Azura, since I use mainly fliers and she would be an amazing unit with my play style. Well, I got Duma with my free summon, then spent 300+ orbs and didn't get Azura. My pity rate went up to 5.5%, and I got vanilla Ephraim. Great. I also spent ~400 orbs on the Legendary Azura banner, and only got a bunch of Fjorms. There's nothing fun to do in the game anyone. Everything is a grind. New content is a trickle. I uninstalled the game a week ago and I don't regret it. I'll come back for my Brave Camilla, or if they release a Kagero alt, but otherwise I'm done.
  15. That's what I've decided to do as well. I've realized that, even if I spend $$$ to get a character I really like, there just isn't that much content to use them on that it's a waste of money. New content is a trickle, Arena is boring, and Aether Raids is more cancerous than Chernobyl. Plus the fact that I've spent enough on the game already. Halloween Kagero cost me $150; the pity rate got up to 6.5% before I pulled her. I love Kagero but I could have bought a Vita or 3 Nendos, or a PS4 to play the new Date a Live game (lol).
  16. Wondering whether Three Houses will have a mechanic similar to Pokemon Go/Let's Go where characters can be traded between games. I realize that this is unlikely due to differing battle mechanics, but it would be nice, especially considering there's a decent player base for FEH that plays more or less daily. What do you guys think?
  17. I would love to rapidly tap Spring Kagero. Thank you the the recommendation @XRay
  18. I can't handle looking at Spring Kagero's artwork for too long. It's too erotic.
  19. IMO I think Lloyd's art is ok. He looks thin and sickly. That's what he's supposed to look like. He's an assassin. The only artwork that makes me mad is Ursula's. She was a good villain in FE7, and her original artwork is good. I was glad I could use her in this game until I saw her horrible artwork. I maintain Cuboon has the most hq (high-quality) artwork. He did a great job with Reinhardt, Olwen, Kagero, Tana, and Palla.
  20. What if it was a case of sour grapes, and Zelgius wasn't being sincere?
  21. I want an 'Upgraded Heroes' banner for the units that are irredeemably bad without high merges and expensive SI: Marisa, Oboro, Sword Lyn, Selena (Fates), and Lyon
  22. I got annoyed that i lost nearly all my AR defense battles, so i decided to switch to le epic maymay team of all three Kageros, PA Azura, and X bonus unit. So far I've won around 50% of the defense battles I'm in, and in the losses I usually take down 2-3. For some reason, everyone tries to tank armor Kagero, who has Barb Shuriken/Ignis/Bold Fighter/Armored Boots. She ORKOs every character not named Surtr, since she procs Ignis on distant counter units, then takes down another unit after a Dance.
  23. OOF. I hope at least that Miledy will be added in the Binding Blade banner (instead of a Roy/Lilina/Cecilia alt). So we get at least one OP wyvern rider.
  24. So...is this the Path of Radiance banner IS mentioned would be coming out in 2019 (after the Dream banner fiasco)? If so, it looks like Jill won't be added to the game any time soon :(
  25. Megumin: Female Morgan Aqua: Nephenee Darkness: Fjorm Kazuma: Leif Wiz: Olwen
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