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Everything posted by GrandeRampel

  1. I'm sorry but if this ever happens I will uninstall the game. Giving Oscar an alt when there are still three Greil Mercs waiting for their chance (Rhys, Shinon and Gatrie) will piss me off so much. Especially since Oscar isn't really famous for any other weapon, movement combination type besides lance and horse. It would be the worst non-seasonal alt ever, and I'm surprised you are even proposing such a horrible thing instead of rounding out the banner with Kieran and Marcia, or literally anyome who isn't a useless alt.
  2. The absence of Kieran is a pity, but seeing as other games still lack even one of their Christmas cavaliers I made peace with the fact they don't comsider it a priority to finish off their most famous archetypes (we don't have all the Chirstmas cavaliers, but we also don't have all the Jeigans, all the Camuses or all the Ests). The fact that Oscar still doesn't have his brother Boyd I consider a way bigger deal. We have even Greil in the game, which means the only character from the prologue of PoR we don't have is Boyd. I don't know what's IS problem with him, it seems such a logical choice for a banner. Anyway, I'm hyped for Kagero and Saizo since I have and use both of them.
  3. I'm joining team Karla because sge is tge only not-free unit I have besides Bartre. Plus I like her design.
  4. ^^^^^ this very much this. If a pairing can only be cancelled if you actively went out of your way to destroy it, then it's canon. Micaiah/Sothe and Leif/Nanna are canon because the good ending is the canon one anyway.
  5. I can't wait for the sh*tstorm from Fiora/Eliwood and Lyn/Eliwood fans if Ninian and Eliwood are in the gauntlet. Anyway, a couple you are not considering but makes perfect sense for the gauntlet is Naesala/Leanne. They get married.
  6. Oh for Naga's sake, not this again. Sanaki is a character from the least sold Fire Emblem games in japan and she also always dresses tastefully, including this particular alt. If they wanted that easy, lovely lolicon money they could have chosen another character who was more familiar to their new otaku fans (like Nowi and Nyx), not someone fron perhaps the least "anime" games in the series. Even after an entire Tempest Trial with her that seems to be entirely wholesome can you please consider the idea that it's a misunderstanding this time?
  7. Oh yeah, that was a brainfart. How could I forget the herons? I also think Flying Nino is particulary noteworthy for how good she is.
  8. Though I mostly agree on how the alts in New Heroes banners are a waste of a potential new characters I can't hate them because some of them were a literal godsent. Like Flying Olivia. I can't even begin to explain how useful a flying dancer has been to me and without her we wouldn't have an easily obtainable flying dancer. The other ones are seasonal and legendary only. On the same logic I would accept another alt in a new heroes banner if it was an armored mage like Arvis. An armored mage in the regular summoning pool would be so useful.
  9. First of all I think an OC was necessary. You have no idea how many people I saw that said Fjorm was the only character they knew and cared about on this banner. It's the price for putting very secondary characters on the banner, you need to compensate with someone everyone knows. I do agree that Anna or Sharena would have been a better choice. Second, I disagree with you on the topic of putting only couples on this banner. We already have MarthXCaeda, PentXLouise and half of EliwoodXNinian (plus half of LynXFlorina). If they picked only the characters that make sense for the theme it would be boring and predictable and we wouldn't have stuff like Tanith saying "don't mind the outfit, focus on the battle". IMHO for the next Bridal Banner the best option would be a single couple again (Quan and Ethlyn pls) and the rest of the characters having nothing to do with marriage. Like Groom Narcian. True, but that means that the avatar of Heroes is sucky and should be written better. It doesn't mean that this kind of pandering isn't widespread in gacha games and as such completely expected to be in Heroes too.
  10. To be frank, we have to be thankful that 2 years into the game and with dozens of OCs only one of them has an open crush on the player stand-in. For comparison the game Dragalia Lost who is considered to be better written had a woman with a crush for the player AT LAUNCH. That woman was also a dragon. Of course there is also Loki, but I don't think she has a crush on the summoner. I think she is messing with them/us for the heck of it. Trickster indeed. And even then it would still be only two girls with a crush on the player. Which is nothing compared to other gachas. Heroes does player pandering and it's fair to complain about it, you should even send feedback if it bothers you, but considering the... type of game it is, there is no way they will drop the player pandering. At best they will not add as much of it as initially planned.
  11. Aversa doesn't have supports period. She is Robinsexual in Awakening. It's not like you can point out the lack of female marriage options for her when there was a lack of male ones too. But I think I get what you are saying now. The problem is that the voiced lines for Bride Fjorm remain the same no matter what, which means you will have to hear her crush on you over and over, and over, and over... In that case it's a good thing that things are not specificied in the english version, so you can headcanon Fjorm's crush to be for Alfonse, Sharena, Anna, Reinhardt or ant other character in the game.
  12. Personally I don't see your problem with Fjorm's crush being revealed to be the summoner. The summoner is you. She reveals that she had a crush on you since you saved her life which is cliché but understandable. You can simply answer that you are flattered but can't reciprocate her feelings. It's not her, it's you and all the other things. She can take a no, she is a reasonable woman, not a Loki who would continue to bother you until the end of times. Personally I don't really like Fjorm, so summonerxFjorm is a big no for me, but even if she is confirmed to have a crush on me it doesn't change things much. Tharja has a huge crush on Robin in Awakening but if you choose to marry someone else she eventually moves on. This is the same thing. Let's just hope Fjorm is not like Nyna/Titania/Faye who could never forget their first love. EDIT: Also, it's not only the females that crush hard on the summoner. A lot of males have level 40 confessions that could be romantic. The Male Grima one comes to mind. EDIT 2: Also also, the avatar characters have always been the best at revealing bisexual characters. Since the now Ancient FE7 where Lyn CLEARLY had a crush on the tactitian Mark no matter if they were a boy or a girl. As if Florina's supports weren't enough proof that Lyn isn't entirely straight.
  13. O.O oh wow. But to be fair this change wasn't for the sake of a single country, but for the sake of the rest of the world outside japan who didn't have seal enemies in Ice Climber.
  14. I think it's a little unreasonable to expect Nintendo to modify a game that works the same way all around the world to satisfy the requests and restrictions of a single country. If a country made the use of Goombas in videogames illegal, do you think Nintendo would take the time to switch the Goombas model with another one, essentialy creating another version of the game for that country, or would they simply not sell Mario games in that country anymore?
  15. If Alfonse is really that young I don't think AlfonsexVeronica is a bad pairing at all. Remember that they don't have to get married right away. They can wait five years or something. And it would make the most sense for a happy ending if they married and unified their kingdoms after the curse is broken. If the game's ending will be happy.
  16. And Mikoto joins Charlotte in the "alts only who appeared in the manga" club. Now I want Greil, Tanith and Sigrun to make appearences. Don't disappoint me author.
  17. Got Tanith in about 40 orbs. I guess I could uninstall the game now. Nothing will ever top this moment. :)
  18. This is really debatable. In Part 4 of RD there are still moments where Yune let's Micaiah take control of her body to talk with Sothe in base conversations and stuff and some plot points like the death of Lekain involve Micaiah directly so of course she needs to be herself here. Plus we discover stuff about Micaiah in part 4 and people talk about her. Like you know, Sanaki discovering her connection to her and being afraid to confront her about it. So she still is a big presence in Part 4, a presence that interacts with people. A presence that's felt. Oversadowed by Ike and Yune? True, but you can't say that she is removed from the scenario. And to be fair even Elincia was overshadowed in Part 4 since she really has no role to play except being one of the royals fighting. Basically the same screen time as Tibarn or Nailah, if not less.
  19. It's reassuring to discover that a fantasy with worse writing than Fates Revelation exists. Thank you a lot season 8 of GoT. You made me revaluate a lot of stuff.
  20. When you are talking about a character you like and someone goes "I'm sorry, but literally who" it can break your heart a little. It's the reason people who say they don't like the new banner because they don't know the characters get downvoted into oblivion on reddit. Which I think it's an exaggerated reaction, but that's the reason. And now that I think about it... how can you argue about the significance of a character from a game you didn't play? For all you know Fury could have had a bigger role in Genealogy than what Elincia has in Radiant Dawn.
  21. Regardless of the fact that I agree Elincia is more likely than Fury as the first regular flying healer because of popularity, I find it pretty heartless to just tell to someone's face that their faves are not popular enough to be picked. You were pretty brutal with that cold "who?" as the first sentence. Especially considering that we just got proof that popularity isn't everything, or Tanith and Sigrun wouldn't be here over Jill and Marcia. And I would like to remind you that when you argued that Elincia should have gotten an alt before Micaiah, and later that she deserves a legendary one before her, people brought to your attention that Micaiah is more popular and you didn't like it at all. So you know that it hurts when this argument is used against you. I just read your latest reply, and yes it seems we agree, the issue was entirely "how you said it" rather than "what you said". You should be more careful about how you write what you mean.
  22. Can we get Bantu carried in by Tiki's popularity?
  23. Honestly this is old news by now. They are often giving away the most popular character as the free unit insteas of on the banner. It all started with Groom Marth. He was the most popular character rather than Tharja according to CYL 2. And according to CYL Canas was more popular than the units that got put on the banner except debatebly Flying Nino. Hot Spring Camilla is more popular than the other royal siblings but was the free unit, Rutger was more popular than all the units who actually got on the banner except Idunn, Haar was about as popular as Ranulf and definitely more popular than the other beasts and was free, Young Azura was the free unit for Adrift and she was either the most popular or the second most popular after Camilla. The list goes on.
  24. Can I just say that when I see such supports I remember that Zihark was right all along and Laguz and Beorc should be allowed to marry each other? Screw the branded and losing powers bullsh*t!
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