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Everything posted by GrandeRampel

  1. Hilda: Am I a joke to you? And also Ishtore counts too I guess, as her son. Also, I have a ton of extremely minor characters I want to see get in the game. Aida from FE4 to give Saias his mom back (and she can bring Meteor). Pamela to complete the set. Phila from Awakening, and Layla from Fates cause those designs are too good to waste on characters with no screentime. Rajaion definitely gets on my wishlist and Soan too. The First Exalt and Azura's dad if characters with no design whatsoever get to have a chance. And of the 10 Elites from Three Houses I really want Maurice just so he can interacr with his gran-gran-grandaughter Marianne. And speaking of Three Houses, if Gatekeeper can get in, then give me Fleche! And Holst! And Monica, Tomas and Cornelia before they were replaced by the Slytherers. From Sacred Stones give me Morva and the Five Heroes, who cares if you need to invent names for half of them. Obviously finishing off the Eight Legends and the 12 Crusaders is important too. And Sonya's sisters! And all the morphs! But more than anyone else I want to get at least one of the substitute children from FE4. I know that unlike the others on my list they are playable characters, but they still feel even more obscure than lore characters, because we are getting lore characters and they are still missing. Jeanne is my favorite, but I will take anyone at this point. Getting character from Cipher, Warriors and the Champion's Sword manga goes without saying. EDIT: Can't believe I forgot Elena. I'm sorry Mercakete, you are cool for pushing for Elena so hard and I'm 100% with you.
  2. Oh really? I remembered wrong then. This is funny cause Latona is a roman goddess, so they did the opposite of the usual genderbent people complain about. We know Grado is a guy as well, so that leaves three slots for the token girl. Too bad we don't know anything about them. I wonder if they will break another perceived wall and give an official name to an old lore-character (same thing for the nine unnamed dragons of FE4) just to avoid giving FE8 a male mythic with Grado/Latona. But at that point they will probably just add Nada Kuya, lol.
  3. I would also add Ashunera to the list, since she appeared in Radianr Dawn which makes her more likely than all the characters in your list. Also Latona from Magvel since she is the only one of the five heroes from that game who is officialy a woman, I think.
  4. Well, we jusy got another character to add to the list, so that's cool 😃 Yeah, I just didn't want to include someone who isn't in the game yet. As for the spoilered part, I can see why you would think that, but I wanted to treat them the same way as Masked Marth and Black Knight for fairness' sake.
  5. Hopefully the "Anri and the crusaders don't have faces, they can't get in Heroes" crowd will shut up forever now. I'm pretty happy to finally get a crusader and yet another character not in CYL. I would never have expected Ullr first, since she is one of the more minor members of a group of only minor chracters. Like, even if they wanted a waifu, Njorun and Fala are right there being way more relevant. What a bizarre choice. But it's not even the first time. We got Bramimond as the first Eight Legends member, why? If what matters is them appearing in the game shouldn't Athos come first? If what matters is being the most famous member in-universe, both Hartmut and Elimine come before him. Sometimes I think the developers do this on purpose to troll. Avoiding the obvious choice just for the sake of avoiding it and adding a character that while definitely not bad, would be the tenth choice of who to add Sanaki is not a bad character from Tellius to add, she has a big role and lots of fans. But before everyone else? Olwen makes sense to add from Thracia, she is popular and has some plot importance. But before everyone else? Ullr makes sense as a Mythic, she isn't less heroic than the other crusaders. But before everyone else? He was a man before the accident. In his life he has been both a man, and something unexplainable, probably genderless, but mostly selfless. He has never been a woman, so he definitely breaks the streak of all women before Lif does.
  6. Yeah I agree that Camuses who just love a person who is evil too much to betray them (even Xander with his dad, despite being by far the dumbest of his kind) are a little better than the dumb patriots Camus.
  7. So, following the pattern... Uther confirmed??? Tbh I'm glad he was treated like that by the other characters, because that's what all the Camus ever should be treated like. This attitude of "my country, no matter what horrible things it does" (Bryce, Camus, Shiharam, Galle and so on), or sometimes "my liege/beloved/family no matter what horrible things they do" (Catherine, Selena FE8, Ishtar, Xander, the Reed brothers and so on) is such a non-sensical attitude and the Blue Lions did a nice job lampshading how stupid it is to follow orders you hate and know to be wrong just because loyalty demands it. Fuck loyalty. Fuck the fake kind of loyalty of the Camus archetypes, who torture themselves while hating what they are doing every step of the way. Just defect, you imbeciles! The moral way of being a Camus is being Duessel, Arion or Olwen. At some point you have to realize: "you know what? No, this shit is fucked up, I won't have any part in this, kill me if you must". In my opinion, the likes of Jarod, Petrine, Aversa, Michalis, Clarisse and even freaking Iago are way more morally righteous than any Camus idiot. They at least believe in what they are doing, and think their country/liege is in the right, rather than performing actions they believe to be atrocities out of some sort of obligaton. The Camuses deserve to become infamous and they should be ashamed. So ashamed they can't show their face anymore, like Sirius. The only Camuses who are a bit forgivable are Eldigan who was just so stupid that he thought he could convince Chagall, but at least he didn't follow orders to the bitter end, and Mustafa who was being blackmailed into following orders.
  8. I'll pretend I didn't see that. 🙄 But really those Roy playable in "Melee first" situation are really funny to me. But funny or not, including them would mean being a smartass about the title. Being playable a short time sooner than when they would have been playable anyway can't be compared to "if it wasn't for Heroes existing they would never have been playable".
  9. You know what's the really funny part? They actually had to give her a personality in Heroes because every character gets the same amount of lines. So they kept the one thing we knew about her, mainly that she is higly competitive and believies herself to be better than Pamela, Annand and Erinys, while adding that the reason she fights against Sigurd's army and betrays her queen is that she sincerely believes that Myos would be a better ruler for Silesse (which to be fair isn't false. I don't trust Lewyn to command anything, much less a kingdom. His son Ced is the only respectable member of the Forseti bloodline. Forseti himself being also a huge tool), and so supporting his ascension to the throne would be the right choice for giving her country and her daughter a better future. Quite a bit of depth for a one line character that never got expanded in spin-offs and the like (unlike Pamela). Her, Bramimond, Altina and Mustafa are the only examples of this so far (Reinhardt, Kempf, Jorge, Merlinus, Leila and the other Mythics like Naga and Ashera already had enough characterization, so Heroes didn't really give us much more), and I really want to see more of this kind of characters getting in the game. Which is why we really need Anri, Soan and Elimine yesterday, I want to see what they come up with to give them a personality. And also Batta the Beast, obviously. RIP Daccar and Myos for real. They commited the unforgivable sin of being old, which is almost worse than being men (seriously until I see Nomah, Niime, Wendell or FE6!Marcus, or at least an alt for Wrys, Gunter and Jagen I will keep believing that they straight up banned old people from getting in the game except at launch. Unless they are dragons like Bantu, Dheginsea and Gotoh. And before you mention the enemy sorcerers GHBs Iago, Gharnef, Veld and even gen 1 Manfroy and Jedah who are certainly coming still look younger than the likes of Niime and Wendell to me. I would call them middle aged. Solon is weird, I don't know how to count him). I do believe we will revisist Silesse Gen 1 one day, tho. To give us Pamela and Lewyn's mom, not the uncles. PREACH IT! They need to add Fleche to CYL, I even sent feedback about it. If they added more characters once they can do it again. Hopefully her, Lekain and Pamela get in next year. And yeah, it is very weird that they treated Flame Emperor differently from Masked Marth. Hopefully they fix that too. But then again, it's not like they are going to win a CYL. Even the memers prioritized Gatekeeper and will probably spend their efforts with the likes of Abysskeeper or Acheron before considering FE.
  10. I don't think Elffin is that unlikely, since he is one of the last major players from FE6 still missing. I mean, who are his major rivals? Hugh, Douglas, maybe old man Karel? I say he has an honest shot.
  11. I know but it's better to simply ignore original characters because this list is about characters from other games getting a playable versions in Heroes. The Heroes section of the list was done in jest.
  12. Sure, nothing demands that a GHB must be enemy only, and nothing forbids an enemy only character from being on a banner (Eldigan, Reinhardt, Ishtar, Grima, Emperor Hardin and Mustafa for example). It's just that the vast majority of enemy only characters came from GHBs, so it's expected to see them in that slot as long as viable options exist. Daniela might not be extremely attractive, but being plus sized is almost a death sentence.
  13. Whoa, really? You learn something new every day. I will proceed to correct the op. At this point we really need Medeus. Who also could they possibly add from the villain side?
  14. Pretty self explanatory. Let's count how many character were never made available to us in any form, even for a limited time before getting in Heroes. For the purpose of this list getting a card in Cipher doesn't count as being playable. Archanea: Nobody (Gharnef, Legion, Camus and Emperor Hardin were playbale in Awakening. Eremiya and Clarisse were playable in a New Mistery DLC) TOTAL: 0 Valentia: Berkut - Rinea - Rudolf - Duma - Mila (Fernand was playable in an Echoes DLC) TOTAL: 5 Genealogy: Annand - Díthorba - Ullr (Julius, Arvis, Ishtar and Travant were playable in Awakening) TOTAL: 3 Thracia: Veld - Reinhardt - Kempf TOTAL: 3 Binding Blade: Idunn (Merlinus was playable, but in a weird way. Everyone else was playable in the trial maps) TOTAL: 1 Blazing Blade: Leila - Young Zephiel (he counts, just like old man Eliwood counts as a different character) - Sonia - Bramimond (Lloyd, Linus and Ursula were playable in Awakening) TOTAL: 4 Sacred Stones: Fomortiis? I mean Fallen Lyon is completely Fomortiis. Let's say it counts (everyone else is playable in the creature campaign) TOTAL: 1 Tellius: Greil - Zelgius - Altina - Ashera - Yune - Jorge - Dheginsea (Petrine and Ashnard were playbale in trial maps. Black Knight was playable for a few chapters and also in Awakening. Sephiran was playable in Awakening and also unlockable as SPOILERS) TOTAL: 7 Awakening: Naga - Grima - Mustafa - Merchant Anna (she is not the same as the playable Anna from Awakening, I won't discuss this point) - Masked Marth (we never get to play as this dashing fella in Awakening. He only appears as a boss and in cutscenes, so I will treat it as a Black Knight situation and you can't change my mind) TOTAL: 5 Fates: Garon - Arete - Iago - Mikoto - Lilith (she is different from Merlinus to me, because you could actually move Merlinus. Lilith counts as NPC) TOTAL: 5 Three Houses: Sothis - Seiros - Nemesis - Solon - Kronya - Flame Emperor - Death Knight (Hegemon Husk doesn't count as a different character because she wasn't fully possessed like Lyon and she wasn't hiding her identity behind a fake one like Sirius and all his copycats) TOTAL: 7 TMS: ................ TOTAL: 0 Heroes: Everyone was never playable before Heroes, of course. 😛 But for the purpose of this list this cast is excluded. TOTAL: 0 (I recognize that not everyone will agree on how I count characters who age, possessed characters and characters with a secret identity. Here is my reasoning. For characters with secret identities, I count them if they go by different names like the Camus trio, Masked Marth, Death Knight, the Awakening kid trio and so on. So the mysterious dancer from Fates doesn't get to be a different character because she calls herself Azura. For possessed characters like Robin and Lyon, I count it only if the evil demon has completely taken over. I would count a good Julius as a completely different character too. In my opinions with other characters like Takumi, Tiki, Mareeta, the Morgans and so on, you can still see who they were in them. Not so much for Grima and Fomortiis, so that's how I counted them. Characters who appear before and after a big time-skip, bigger than the five years of Three Houses and Tellius, I count as different characters. So basycally only Finn and some Elibe characters count double) TOTAL OVERALL: 41 So forty brand new playable characters from our favorite franchise. I expected more, but I guess stuff like trial maps and Awakening did it first. So, what do you think? Are you happy for the attention enemies and NPCs are getting in Heroes, or you don't care about them at all? Are there some other never before playable characters you are waiting for? Personally I really want Ayaha (so TMS can finally join the party too), Bryce and Bertram from PoR, as well as Jarod and Lekain, all of the morphs, Cornelia, Ladislava, Randolph and Fleche from Three Houses, Nuibaba from Valentia, Pamela from FE4 just to complete the set, Phila and Valibar from Awakening and also all the capturable bosses from Fates. For the lore characters, I guess Anri, Soan and Elimine would be cool. Oh, and of course Medeus, duh?!
  15. Am I the only one that actually likes Arete's face? It's very unique looking, especially the pronounced lips. And her bad bitch energy makes her perfect for a team with Kronya, Sonia and Aversa, so I'll allow it.
  16. And who do you think will be the GHB for the Thracia banner after the next one? They only have one remaining character who is enemy only and not completely forgettable. Heck, they might just make Misha the GHB of the next Thracia banner just to troll Raydrick fans even more. Also, the two female Fates bosses offer and interesting dilemma. Do they prioritize the more conventionally attractive one (Daniela), or the one that is actaully popular (Candace)? Oh well, it won't be for a while anyway. Hans and Shura will come first.
  17. You joke but we already have Dithorba in Heroes. I assume Pamela, Eriu, Banba and Fotla will come too. And also Hilda and Lamia, why not. Why? because they are female. For the same reason I also expect Sonya's sisters, Nuibaba, Ladislava and Cornelia, Sigune from FE6, the two female capture bosses from Fates, Pheros and Raimi from Awakening and that one completely forgettable female boss in Radiant Dawn. (Not that I'm complaining about this. Bring all the enemy bosses IS! If you want to prioritize the female ones, that's cool too)
  18. As far as Archanea is concerned I agree with all the characters you two mention needing to get in the game. But I also would add Wolf (if we get only one of the Wolfguard, we need to get him), Midia (we have Midia's hero and not Midia herself? Bullshit!), Arlen, Malice, Etzel and JAKE! Seriously, he is the only playbale Jake and we need a Jake in a celebration of the series, that is not negotiable. Cipher will always remain the superior crossover until we get Jake. EDIT: And about Fates. Scarlet is a plot relevant character, so I believe she is the most note-worthy character still absent other than Anankos. After her we can round out the banner with Hayato, Mozu, Reina and a Shura GHB and Gen 1 is done. Okay Izana and Fuga exist, but come on. It took ages for them to get a card in Cipher for a reason. They feel like that two that should take the longest to get added.
  19. @NegativeExponents- I never said that we have to settle for subpar units. In that part of my post I was adressing one specifinc point, which was the first case of a new hero banner having a 3:1 ratio with the Celica banner. Which upset the balance of representation for Valentia. Only Boey on the banner meant we had to get two guys to keep the balance 50-50, and we received them with Tobin and Clive. And the next banners had three women (Sonya, Delthea, Mathilda) and three men (Leon, Gray, Saber), with one man demoting and one woman demoting (which added to our previous demotes, Lukas, Clair, Mae and Boey). And of course Berkut which means the guys were actually slightly winning in quantity, but not in quality because of Genny stealing a 5* slot from them. And also, I would not be so quick to consider freebies worthless. For your playerbase to remain happy you can't always ask them to pay and grind. Giving something they like for free is important too if you want them to stay. The waifu-collectors got Ursula, Clarisse, Masked Marth, Female Robin (which I initially forgot) and if we want to deep a little into 2018, Marisa. The husbando collectors got way more with Narcian, Zephiel, Michalis, Camus, Xander, Navarre, Lloyd, Legion, Berkut, Clive, Tobin, Valter, Arden, Arvis, Black Knight, Joshua, Oliver, and dipping a little in 2018, NY!Corrin, Lyon and V!Eliwood. And if being a freebie means getting screwed over, it sure is weird for a company with such a heavy female-bias to screw over Ursula, Clarisse, Robin and Marisa like that. They were all pretty girls that could certainly sell. You complain about Masked Marth being so good because she is a girl, like only the girl freebies get treated well, but you strangely didn't say a word about Ursula and Clarisse, who I mentioned in the same breath as her. Why is that? Is it because Clarisse and F!Robin were utter shit, like many male freebies and so aknowledging them didn't help your argument? And it's not like Marisa and Ursula were amazing, they were merely okay. So 1/5 of the free girls girls were actually great. But we also got Black Night, Camus, Xander, Arvis, Arden and V!Eliwood who were pretty good, arguably on the same level as MM. So about 2/5 of male freebies were good too. But we could keep talking in circles forever here. I don't refute that the game treats female characters better NOW, because it's self evident. I'm mainly debating with you about WHEN exactly they started going "ok, let's treat our female characters well, because they are females. The male characters? Screw them!". In your opinion this bias started in 2017, while in my opinion it started in 2018. Some of the examples in year 1 of female-bias can be explained in other ways (like Camilla being one of the few canonical mage fliers, with other options like Aversa also being female) and with Ninian it wasn't female bias, but popularity bias. Ninian was the most popular of the two, so she was picked, and they made sure to keep her banner a 50-50 gender split. We didn't get Nils soon after not because they hated males, but because they didn't want to give us another banner from Blazing Blade so soon, considering it was also part of the starting roster. Nils was still notable enough to be on the third Blazing banner ever made. If you call what was going on in year one female-bias, back when we received more males than females, when many girls ended up as bad units to okay units, when seasonals were split evenly (the bride banner is a serious outlier) and male received unique tools... then what do you call the current situation, with more female than males, seasonals being very uneven, entire types of units being female only or almost (Mythics and Harmonics), men don't get unique stuff anymore and women almost never ending up as bad units? Ask anyone and they will tell you that FEH FELT like a balanced game at the beginning, everyone praised it for giving eye-candy to men and women players equally, compared to other gachas, many OP units were men (Reinhardt, Black Knight, Sigurd, Xander, Camus, Hector, Takumi, Brave Ike, Zelgius, Grima, Hardin) and many other were women (Nowi, Ayra, Lucina, Brave Lyn, Brave Lucina, F!Celica, Masked Marth). The change in approach happened later, not one month in.
  20. I actually got pretty lucky. Doing full pulls I managed to snag 5* star Orochi, Nyx, a random F!Lyon that I didn't have and also a *4 Benny. Then I sparked for Charlotte and after that I got Nifl in a few tries. I basycally got the entirety of the update + a cool Lyon in about 200 orbs. Though this did leave me with few orbs for the Mythic banner. Let's hope it's nobody I want.
  21. Honestly Thracia is so behind that they should be the only game to get two slots on the rotation for a while, and also appear on a lot of seasonals. This is in a perfect world. In our world, I'm just happy they haven't abandoned the game entirely, and with how Limited Battles work they are guaranteed to keep getting SOMETHING every BST generation, for the sake of fairness.
  22. Good point @Florete This is another reason why I think that rather than FEH being a waifu-only game, and having been that for a long time, it's more of a frustrating game that makes you think they are starting to change and moving in the right direction. They will put equal husbandos and waifus on the beach banners, and then pull the rug from under us with this Nifl banner. They will start the Duos with a strong male presence, and then make Harmonics a girls-only club (& Xander). They will give highly requestef characters like Duessel, Knoll, Azelle and Lex, just to disappoint many with the Valentia banner later. I have seen over the years people express their frustration with choice words like "If you are gonna pander only to a specific demographic from now on, just tell me so I can make peace with it and stop expecting anything", sometimes even the same person twice a year. And I think this inconsistency is the reason why.
  23. Ok I can give you that the favoritism started with the Bride banner but I call bullsh*t on it starting even sooner than that. Ninian was the first dragon dancer, but that's not a sign of female favoritism. It's a sign that there were only two canonical dragon dancers, Ninian and her brother. They simply chose to put them in order of popularity. And you say that we can't excuse them with "they didn't have a choice, she is a dragon in her own game" because she doesn't actually fight in her game. So what? You suggest they should have made her unable to fight? That's preposterous, everyone fights in FEH. Healers normally can't fight in FE but they made them fight. Merlinus normally can't fight. Herons can't normally fight, but they made them fight. And speaking of herons. I call bullsh*t on your statement that they only introduce new combinations on female units. Beast dancers were introduced by a female and a male at the same time (Leanne and Reyson). Tome dancers were introduced with two guys (Inigo and Shigure). Tome armors were introduced with a guy (Henry). Dragon armors were introduced with a guy (Grima). Bow armors were introduced with a guy (Jakob). Some more specific and niche combinations (like blue bow armor) were introduced with males. Distant Counter prfs were exclusive to guys until Fjorm. Yes, most unique combinations were first introduced with female characters, but if male characters were shafted since the beginning, than why did they bother to give them anything unique? Why did they give guys toys that were only for them for a time? I think in 2017 they still thought men were profitable. Even a banner with two 2 females and 1 male (Elincia, Nephenee, Oscar) was soon followed by one with two guys and a girl, plus a man as the GHB (Zelgius, Sothe, Micaiah and Oliver) to balance it out. IMHO it was at the beginning of 2018 that they started to give up on guys. With the first ever New Hero banner with zero guys (and they also gave away Marisa because why not, there are never enough girls) followed by the first seasonal with 3 girls and 1 guy (which would become the standard for a good while). But before that you can't make the argument they were shafting the guys, as they still received unique combinations and almost always parity in representation (you mention the banner with Celica, Boey, Mae and Genny, but soon aftee we received a lot of Valentia guys for free: Clive, Tobin and Berkut, not to mention the ones from other games. While the free girls were just Ursula, Masked Marth and Clarisse for a very long time). You can argue that they received a little less attention, but there were a lot of guys that were desired units at the time (with Sigurd absolutely being one of them, he was top tier), hero fests were 50%-50%, with Legendary Heroes also being pretty evenly split. The tier lists also showed an even split for both top and bottom tiers. Fans who were there for the male characters were pretty well fed in 2017 and IMHO nothing happened that could really scare them away until later. You argue that they don't have data for when the game treated men and women equally, because they gave up too soon. And I disagre. Data from 2017 absolutely qualifies. EDIT: And I would like to add that we also had 5* staR duds who were female to balance the male ones like Luke and Jaffar. Mist was straight up the most hated pity breaker of the game, with only Luke challenging her. And Luke at least had Panic Ploy.
  24. Just to add to the discussion, I remember that in year one we had a lot of strong five star male characters that were just as good as female characters. Examples: Sigurd was just as good a unit sa Ayra, same for Takumi and Hector at the beginning of the game being even better than Lucina and Linde. Zelgius was a really strong unit like Micaiah. Shiro was as good as Rhajat, Dorcas, Lute and Mia were equally good. And yet despite providing us with good male and female characters (as well as bad ones. Seth was just as shit as Titania) they quickly started favoring female characters more. Maybe they did because female characters sell-better, and it that case it's not a self-fulfilling profecy, they gave it an honest shot at the beginning. But regardless, this trend can't continue. Even if they make sure to include every female NPCs and enemy units from the series, while not doing the same for male ones, that's still not enough female units to carry the remaining PLAYABLE male units. They'll have to start balancing the banners more soon.
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