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Everything posted by GrandeRampel

  1. I really hope the new mythic is green since I will be pulling green regardless for Edelgard. And if it's Hel even better! I would really like to complete the book 3 quartet before book 4 ends.
  2. It's nice to finally have L!Seliph. His fans had to wait too long. That said he doesn't look to impressive and I have everyone on this banner except Azura and him so... SKIP!
  3. I'm gonna be honest, I never played Cipher. I just enjoyed the pretty art from behind the scenes and since we are waiting for the last expansion and then it's over this might be as good a time as any to give my two cents about what a good job they did and who I want to see join at the last minute. Cipher already gave cards to a lot of less famous characters I love like Zola, Petrine, even MERLINUS of all people, so I can't say I'm unhappy. And the few revealed cards we have for Booster 22 already gave love to a few other characters I wanted like Kronya and Miranda, so even if there is only a small chance with the few slots left I'm hoping beyond hope that even more characters can get a card at the last minute. And since I don't care about the actual gameplay I won't talk about getting more cards for existing characters in Cipher, even if some more nice cards for my favorites would certainly be good and alternative looks for characters that have more than one appearance (old man Karel, Renning even if we already have him as Bertram, Lehran) would be sweet. Without further ado, here's the last cards I hope to see before the game ends. First of all, HONORABLE MENTIONS: every character that is currently in Heroes. With how much Heroes gets compared to Cipher and how often it's stated that Cipher gives a better and more complete representation it feels weird to me that a few characters got love in Heroes but no love in Cipher. So it's about time we get cards for Bramimond, Mustafa, Duma, Rudolf and Kempf (merchant Anna would be cool too). Still they are honorable mentions because it's better to only have representation in Heroes than to get nothing like my actual choices. RED CARDS Medeus. Absolutely Medeus. It's unreal that the OG final boss got no love in Cipher. He got love in the first TCG and he gets love in Smash, so why not Cipher? Eremiya is also a top choice since I love the side plot of the assassins. Some playable characters I also would like to get in are Ymir, Roger, Radd, Frost and Lorenz And from Echoes, absolutely Nuibaba, Marla and Hestia. It's incredible that we got a generic witch but not the witches we actually care about. It makes me mad in a way. BLUE CARDS Not much since Awakening is already well represented. But since we are going to get blue cards anyway it would be nice to get the remaining generals of Walhart's army, Cervantes and Pheros. Excellus was inexplicably chosen instead of either of them so it could be a good occasion to rectify that mistake. WHITE/BLACK CARDS Please please please, give me the capturable bosses. It was such a cool feature and it would be a shame to not represent it. And it's not like we have many other cool things that could be done with the Fates portion of this set. Of course it's impossible to get all of them in but they could prioritize the three that appear in the main story (Haitaka, Kumagera and Daniela) or the ones who were supposed to be regular characters (Candace and Nichol). Anthony would be a good meme pick that would make me laugh. GREEN CARDS Since we got the surprise reveal of Kyza, we are exactly two cards away from completing the Laguz roster. So I can't help but hope for Giffca and Nealuchi. If we get that I'll be happy since Tellius would be pretty much perfectly represented. I suppose we could also have NPCs like the merchants and Amy or some bosses like Levail and Jarod but I don't want to be greedy. The laguz are what's important. PURPLE CARDS From FE6 I want the remaining playable characters. We are so close. Geese is a personal favorite of mine so if I have to pick one I choose him. Jahn would be cool too. Same thing for FE7 but from that game I want Dart and Isadora. Same thing again for FE8 but above all else Orson. Completing the Grado generals would be cool too but there are so many of them, Duessel, Glen, Caellach, Riev and maybe even Vigarde himself. Definitely unlikely. Then there's the Champion's Blade manga who randomly managed to squeeze in another character a long time ago in the form of Celdia. So I guess it is possible it will get one more thing at the very end. Even so, I don't know if I actually hope for anyone since I haven't read the manga. YELLOW CARDS From FE4 the remaining substitutes and also a lot of options for important bosses. Among those I personally want Hilda because of the infamy she carries on her shoulders. From FE5, oh Naga, everyone? Thracia got the short end of the stick in Cipher. So much of its playable cast is missing, I don't even know who to choose. Maybe Dagdar and Galzus beacuse of their connection to Tanya and Mareeta respectively? And also the villains. I am all for villain rights and want to get all the final bosses represented. So I will hope for a Veld card until the bitter end. COLORLESS CARDS Heroes got ONE card in the last all-stars set, so it's naive to hope for much. Especially since they don't seem to care about completing it's roster and from a certain point of view it makes sense. Since Heroes will continue to add more original characters after Cipher dies, it's the one game with actually zero chance to get a complete roster. If it got a complete roster in a few months it would morph into an incomplete one. So why bother? Still there are some fan favorites who are requested like Hrid and Laegjarn. But personally even more than them I actually want Hel and Freyja. Maybe it's my OCD talking but it bothers me that Surtr got a card but not the other final bosses. So if by some miracle two Heroes characters get a card in the last set, it's Hel and Freyja I want. With Warriors they could pick the boring option and just give us Rowan and Lianna. Or they could pick the awesome option and give us Yelena. I would be all for that. BROWN CARDS This one is a bit of a bummer. If Three Houses came out sooner or the card game lasted a few more sets they would have given this game the Awakening/Fates treatment and we would have gotten basycally all the major NPCs and also some genrics like a giant golem, a giant bird, a giant wolf... Still it's possible they will have Three Houses Bias in the last set since it's the most recent game. So I will continue to hope for cards of the NPCs. In particular I want Ladislava, Randolph, Fleche, Judith, Nader, Thales, Solon, Monica, Cornelia, Aelfric, Sitri and the two remaining saints in their monster forms. I know we are also missing Gilbert, but I hate him so I wouldn't care if he got shafted. Imagine if we got a card of Annette's mom and not him. The ultimate F*** you towards that garbage father. It won't happen but I would like it. EXTRA A couple of things that don't really fit anywhere else. First of all it would be cool to get cards for the remaining NPCs of TMS. Especially Ayaha and Riku. Also TMS Anna. And lastly, a couple words for Cipher itself. Obviously there is no way Cipher's roster gets less than 100% representation, it would be a paradox. But one thing that would be nice is to focus on Poe, Alice, Valjean and Niamh. They were introduced later so they have less cards, which is a shame. Booster 21 seems to realize this as it focused on them. Or they could give a card to all 8 characters but I don't really want that. It would certainly be to the detriment of other characters which would lose their chance to get in Cipher. And that's all. I tried to be comprehensive and not forget any character I care about. I thank the amazing user HeskethTisca on Reddit who always keeps track of who is and who isn't in Cipher. Without their work writing this post would have been a pain.
  4. I don't think the game expects new accounts to play these modes.at all. It's obvious they are intended for long time players and I fail to see what's wrong with it. Heroes is the exception because I play from day one, but in basically every gacha-like game I tried I was either locked out of some game modes and limited events for months, or I could partecipate but could not get the higher tier rewards that are meant for the veteran players. What IS probably expects new players to do is concentrate on the game modes that are more accessible and accumulate orbs playing the story. Then they can summon on new banners, skill banners, any kind of banner and slowly they will get a variety of units. In a few months they will be ready to tackle even the hardest and more limited content and I don't see anything wrong with it. There are ways in which FEH screws over newbies (gifts outside of Brave Ike, L!Ike, Tome Eirika and a recent CYL winner being lost forever instead of being pemanently available in a Xenologue like L!Ike, the rate of Coins being given compared to the amount of needed Seals, various problems with climbing in Aether Raids, etcetera) but this isn't one of them.
  5. Random question: since sometimes I hear you say "I don't like X, but this time I liked what X did", what kind of interaction or event would the developers need to create about Mia to make you like her? Or rather, is such a thing even possible? Has it ever happened before that you changed your mind about about a FE character after disliking them for a long time?
  6. Really interesting that they are giving us a rare and weird skill like Sorcery Blade. I wonder if this means we will get Infantry Hexblade too. As for who I'll use, the answer is: EVERYONE from the new banner. I'm gonna pull as if my life depends on it. I love Sacred Stones to death and Lute just happens to be favourite cheacter from it. While this is true we have to remember Rhys also joined two armies and marched and fought over an entire continent. All of this in the span of three years. If that didn't kill him I bet he can handle some dumb beach fun with Mia.
  7. I can't decide between green and colorless. What I know for sure is to avoid blue since I have almost everyone there. And I care about filling my collection more than getting fodder. The rest of the channel was okay at best. The new mode doesn't intrigue me much, but I'll give them credit for being creative while at same time faithful to the source material. Chasing down thieves who stole goodies is a common occurence in FE. I guess I will have to use my spate Galeforces from Cordelias.
  8. @Jotari I want to switch my vote to Dorothy, can you add her to the poll?
  9. Yeah, I didn't adress the TwinWorld elephant because I won't pretend I care much for Heroes as a game. I mostly care about collecting art. But all the complaining about that, combined with the character choices make it seem like the banner itself is very hated. The thing is in my opinion the next new heroes banner is already confirmed to be Tellius with Jill on it, so the problem will solve itself. But if for some reason it's not I will change my mind. Then again, last time I said something like this it was about Farfetched banners and the very next week they were Thanos'd out of existence...
  10. I guess at some point it becomes a matter of taste but I still can't see things their way because it's so different from mine. I am incredibly happy to have Bride Tanith as my propic will show you. And it's because realistically I think all the SanakiDev bias in the world won't make it likely for her to appear in a Tellius banner anytime soon. Not with so many other characters to choose from. And considering we can hope for 1, maybe 2 Tellius banners every year at best I think it's more likely the game will die before they free a spot for Tanith in a new heroes banner. And with that mindset I can only feel happy that she got new art at all, and a VA and a little bit of spotlight that made people aware she exists. It's way better than nothing. But I'm seeing so much "this is worse than nothing" all over the internet that I can't help but accept most people disagree with me.
  11. Wow so much negative reactions here. I don't get it. I can't see how people can complain about New Characters debutting as seasonals. Isn't it better than having the same characters over and over again? Especially considering the fact that it's very possible FEH won't last long enough to get all characters in the game. Someone like Rhys is so unpopular that Rhys' fans should really feel lucky he is in at all, but they don't and I don't get it. Oh well, I will counter the negativity with my own positivity. I absolutely love and want everyone here and I will absolutely +10 that Lute. I will now use THE WHALE. IS made an alt of my most beloved character, they deserve my wallet.
  12. Not gonna lie, while I hear and understand criticism of two swimsuits banners in a row I must admit they are among the ones I look forward to the most. There's a reason why they are popular to the point of being sometimes the ONLY kind of fanservice DLC in games that don't have many "TYPES" of fanservice to offer. It's because swimsuits have the uniqueness of being accepted IRL in social gatherings (mainly being on vacation on a tropical beach) while also being lewd and fetish-y in a way. The only type of fanservice outfit that's similarly accepted is the maid outfit and I'd argue that compared to a normal swimsuit it's considered more weird by people. I won't cry if they stop doing double the summer characters but if there is a theme that makes sense to receive special treatment in a gacha game, it's swimsuits. Anyway, my personal wants for Summer banners are: Tharja (it's been so long since the last alt and Cordelia already got her swimsuit), Chrom (same reasoning as Tharja but with Gaius), Lucina (no alt in forever), Male Robin (if Corrin and Tiki can have their two versions share a seasonal theme, why not Robin?), Beruka (still no alt, please I will accept any alt), Severa (same as Beruka), Lute (same as Beruka), Lachesis (I like her and we need a Jugdral seasonal), Eldigan/Finn (to pair with Lachesis), Nanna (to pair with Lachesis), Arvis (because memes) and the remaining Fates royals (Ryoma, Hinoka, Sakura and Azura) should get one too to complete the set. But summer banners also bring us one or two seasonal only units (like Wolt and Fiora last year). For who exactly to hope for I'm not sure. Maybe Miriel and Laurent, or Patty, or Farina, or Natasha.
  13. Little did Plumeria know that the summoner has played all Dead or Alive and Senran Kagura games. The level of lewd that can be shown in a series like Fire Emblem doesn't even embarass them.
  14. LOL, it would be funny but it's impossible. Too OoC, and nobody can keep a charade up for so long. But another thing I thought of is that Sharena turning out to be a fairy would be a perfect excuse to give us Legendary!Sharena! If she can grow wings and learn Fairy Magic. After all we have a Mythic Alfonse and a Mythic Veronica. We need Legendary/Mythic versions of Sharena and Bruno too!
  15. Wow, Legendary!Celica, Nailah and Ellincia weren't invited to the club of queens, that's harsh. I can understand excluding Laevateinn/Eir because it could spoil Book 2/3 to new players or Caeda beacuse technically the versions we have in the game are called Princesses. But Elincia, Nailah and Celica should have been there, no doubt. Are there other queens currently in the game that I'm forgetting? EDIT: Of course! Legendary Edelgard, how did I forget you?
  16. Wow, that was quite a chapter. Was Sharena Kronya'd? That's weird and interesting. Being a Kronya without knowing it. I wonder what Alfonse reaction to it would be if it turns out to be the truth. And if Peony really turns out to be the real princess of Askr that's a good excuse to give her space in Forging Bonds even more than the Nifl siblings (F for Eir and her relevance). And Plumeria's backstory is quite mature and interesting. Isn't it nice that we have a reason for why she hates humans instead of it just being "I'M A BAD GUY" like Surtr and Hel? Honestly I get not liking the themes and locations of this book for subjective reasons. But objectively speaking it seems to be shaping out to be the better written book by far. As long as they don't drop the ball at the end with tha characterizations of Freyr and Freya.
  17. And this is a good answer. It's also one of the ones I thought of as a possible answer, that you didn't care about competitive play and power creep. If the way I posed the questioned was biased, or seemed to be formulated in a way to get a reaction I'll let you know it wasn't intentional. Sorry for the mistake, but thank you for your answer.
  18. But Mustafa has relationships with playable characters. In Henry's supports we find out he saw Mustafa as a hero and a sort of father figure. Also in the "Meet some of the Heroes" page it says that Mustafa helped Olivia escape from Plegia. I don't remember when this is said in the game but I haven't played Awakening in a while so I am more inclined to trust the developers' word on this rather than my faulty memory. I still agree that Shirahim is better what with him being an incredibly memorable boss IMO, but that doesn't mean Mustafa isn't also good. A more proper comparison is other minor bosses and villains from Awakening. I don't think there's any that's fondly remembered like him. Even some that have more screentime and presence like Excellus aren't as memorable IMO.
  19. Guys I think this is low-key the best observation made in the whole topic. IS should absolutely release manuals of the Askr Trio. It would finally solve that whole problem. Make them hard to obtain, make them cost more I don't care but do it.
  20. Okay, I think the conversation should really end here. Everyone has their own opinion but I think saying FEH is just an husk of a cynical cashgrab time-wasting machine is a bit extreme and untrue. There is some creative work and passion in the game, even if there is also a lot of lazyness (some of the modes we got since Aether Raids have been pretty lazy) and generalizing is not good. Especially since both you and Mercakete have completely opposite and strong opinions about this I suggest you both drop this or continue privately instead of derailing the topic.
  21. Obviously IS is free to do what they want with their game, but it doesn't mean they shouldn't listen to their customers. In fact I suspect they reason they tried so many different ways of releasing OCs is exactly because they were listening to our complaints. The player is not entitled to anything except for how they spend their money/if they keep playing the game at all. IS is not obligated to listen to us, nobody is forcing them. But since they are smart they obviously listen at least a little to what we say. If too many people stop playing the game because they didn't listen they may have mantained their creative freedom, but they also killed their own game.
  22. If only I could play Dragalia. Still not available in Italy. But everyone I know says it's pretty good.
  23. I must say I didn't expect the option of being treated like Alfonse, Sharena and Anna to be so popular. I only heard complaints and complaints about how the trio has been screwed over because they can't be merged (and being free for everyone is probably the reason they have bad kits) and that makes them useless. They sit at the very bottom of the tier list IIRC. And yet here you are, arguing that they are the way to go for OCs. At this point I must ask you to elaborate a bit more because I am genuinely curious. Do you actually use Alfonse, Sharena and Anna and don't care what the tier list says? Or you don't care about the gameplay side, you are just collectors (like me) and like to have them all and their pretty art be available for free without needing to worry about merging and stuff? Or you don't like OCs but don't feel like screwing over people who want to use them by picking option 6?
  24. I feel like different people will give you different answers but for me it's a matter of giving Heroes an identity and purpose. Like imagine if this was a game with no story, or based on reliving story beats from previous games? Book 1 was like that in a way and... it wasn't great. At the time the game was nothing more than an excuse to play with various FE characters like they are dolls (ooooh, now I get Veronica). But since book 2 and onward? The world of Heroes has been flashed out. Arguably better than some mainline games. There are nations, relationships between characters, lore (we know who founded our kingdom and the enemy empire. Do we know who founded Plegia and Ylisse?) and a real story. Which allowed Alfonse to become a real protagonist. Players love the guy. And a nice bonus for me is that Heroes isn't afraid to try something new with its characters. Remember the rumors about a Fire Emblem game similar to Castlevania (with vampires and everything) before Three Houses was revealed? I really can't see them adding vampires in a main FE game. But in Heroes? Absolutely. Especially after they gave us Fairies and Skeleton Warriors. And that'a cool. It gives Heroes an identity. It's the FE world in which anything can happen. Even more so than Awakening and Fates.
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