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Everything posted by DarkAlf

  1. So it's Fjorm vs. Ylgr. The first round Fjorm:Ylgr ratio was about 1.59:1, and the second round Fjorm:Ylgr ratio was about 1.76:1. I'm curious to see where the folks in Teams Gunnthra and Hrid go. My hunch says that it's going to about a 2:1 Fjorm:Ylgr ratio when the final round starts because I think more folks flock to Fjorm than Ylgr. The bigger the ratio, the more likely we'll get multipliers lasting through the round. A Fjorm-Hrid final would've likely been nearly 50:50 - a nightmare scenario for multipliers if same hell is reached at any point (very likely by the middle or end of the first day). After that nightmare first round with Helbindi with no multipliers at the end, I rebounded to rank 292 in Gunnthra's army in round 2. Looks like I'm joining Team Boring Feathers Ylgr (from teams Helbindi and Gunnthra). If anyone if Team Ylgr wants to add me: ID: 6894944717, lead: Fae, name: DarkAlf
  2. Here's my 2 pennies: New free 5* hero: very likely will follow the same pattern as Fjorm Beast units: I'd love to see this happen, but my bet is the 2-year anniversary 5* demotions or other means of cleaning summoning pool: probably the 2-year anniversary More orbs (a la Daily maps or similar): likely in addition to Chapter 1 (and likely 2) being released New game mode: very unlikely with Aether Raids' release last month New Winter Heroes banner: likely if not released before Feh Channel (Fire and Ice banner ends 8 hours before Feh Channel starts) Other things I'd like but won't hold my breath for: HM cap increase to 6000 (last raised in April) - if not now, by the 2-year anniversary More feathers for friends' greetings and your heroes: like 50 instead of 5 Increased rewards for Blessed Gardens with the increased number of teams needed Infernal (and maybe Abyssal?!) mode added to TT and/or story modes Changes to Arena/AA: not likely, but it would be nice to increase ranges for top rewards in AA like in Aether Raids (Top 1000 -> Top 3000 or similar) Realistically, I doubt much will change with Book III's release. Even a handful of these things listed would make me happy! We'll see.
  3. I currently have four 5*+10 heroes already (Gwendolyn, Fae, A!Tiki, Nino) as a F2P, so I don't particularly feel the urge to merge anyone right now. Maybe in the future I'll merge Sheena (need more copies) and Draug (holding until Red Infantry Duel comes out, and if it does, Olivia is going straight to +10 in a heartbeat). Currently I'm T20.5, although with Gwendolyn recently as a bonus unit I stayed in T21 twice. That might not happen again for a while unless this week's cutoff for staying T21 is 3790 or less. I'm consistently top 5000 in AA with scores usually from 5200-5214. My favorite mode is Tempest Trials, where I usually grind 45000-50000 feathers just from HM alone during Lunatic 7 manually. (Yes, I really must be a lunatic, pun 100% intended.) It's no fun watching the game practically play itself for me. I realize that many folks like to use RD for feather farming, but in the long run I'll get more feathers by consistently ranking top 1000 in TT. Each TT event nets me about 66000-71000 feathers from HM, overall rank (10,000 feathers) and reaching 50000 points (11,000 feathers). Outside of TT, I usually spend feathers for 1-2 new 5* heroes a month (+Spd Sothe is likely next in line) to give me more options in AA and PvE and to inherit new weapons 1-2 times a month (Fjorm with Slaying Spear+, then probably either WE!Lissa for a Slaying Hammer+ or L'Arachel for Blarblade+) and pocket the rest. Right now I have just over 260,000 feathers saved up; maybe I'll get to 999,999 by the end of June (or sooner).
  4. Thank you! It's certainly made the last three weeks much easier. I currently have nearly 500 orbs ready for more Fjorms and L!Hectors (currently +0) at the end of the month! There's way toooo many Surtrs, L!Tikis, H!Myrrhs, etc. running around for my liking. Time to break out the Slaying Spear+! Dare I inherit Aether and QR3 to go with double Atk/Def bond? I feel the same way - it feels like it'll take a moderately-highly merged legendary hero to compete soon in AA across Water/Earth/Fire seasons, and as a F2P it's nearly impossible to reach top 1000 unless you are very lucky and very resourceful/disciplined with your orb spending. That's too constraining for my taste. I think AA top 3000 is attainable for me if I can get another +10 to replace Nino, probably Draug, although I'm waiting for Red Infantry Duel to come out before I make that decision. I have the feathers ready, but I'm hesitant to spend them unless I'm really compelled to, which I'm not right now. Anyway, a top 3000 for maximum rewards in AA would be nice (*fingers crossed*), although I can't envision that happening anytime soon. What's your score? Good luck! I hope you make it!
  5. I wouldn't be surprised if one is announced by the end of the Voting Gauntlet, seeing that the Fire and Ice banner ends almost exactly one week from today, but then again we might just get the next batch of Winter Heroes (and next generation of armor powercreep) and have Book III start even later this month. I personally think that we'll get a Feh Channel just for Book III this month, but maybe all we'll get is a fancy anime introductory video.
  6. Thank you all for the warm welcome! Next time I'll bring milk and cookies - from my browser!
  7. Thank you all for the welcome! I didn't have enough time to redo my run due to work, and it looked like my rank wasn't dropping quickly enough, so I decided to go on with my day and when I came home... https://imgur.com/a/J0ysDk2 I HELD ON! At last check before the end of the season, my score of 3792 was 1398/1514/5047, so I imagine the cutoff was probably around 3790 or so, maybe even 3792 itself. That 748 made all the difference. It feels great to hold on to T21 as a F2P (twice, actually; I held on last week with a 3796), even though I was lucky to have a Gwendolyn+10 already. Oh I'll miss using her with those bloated bonus stats.... It'll be a looooong time before I can stay in T21 again unless I get more copies of Fjorm in the December legendary banner. Since I'm going back to T20 after this coming week, there's no real immediate need to inherit Slaying Spear+ onto my Fjorm+2 (with Gwendolyn, A!Tiki and Fae, all water-blessed) yet. This week will be a dry run to see how well she performs as she is before I decide whether to give her the new weapon when I demote. AA: 5,204, rank 4,067 - I'm been holding steady at Top 5000 for the last couple of months. Do you think they should expand the ranges for the top rewards in AA like they did with Aether Raids, like top 3000 instead of top 1000 for max rewards, etc.?
  8. Hey everybody! New user here. I'm sweating bullets because I'm not sure if 3792 is going to be enough to stay in T21. It's currently 1330/1498 to stay. I think it will hold, but I'm wondering if I should play it safe and try to bump it to 3794 or higher. I'm running four 5*+10 heroes: Gwendolyn, Fae, A!Tiki and Nino, with 20 bonus unit kills and 746*4 and a 748. I'm not looking forward to using Fjorm the next 3 weeks with Surtrs running around everywhere. Perhaps it's time to inherit a Slaying Lance+.... Interestingly, I believe this is the first time in FEH that we'll have two consecutive three-week periods of the same bonus heroes.
  9. Hello world! I'm DarkAlf! I've played all the portable internationally-shipped Fire Emblem games and Fire Emblem Heroes. What motivated me to sign up was the success of Extra Life - that was an absolute blast, and congratulations to Elieson and everyone else involved! I donated to help out this great cause, and I would love to help out in some way next year. Hopefully everyone here is welcoming, and I look forward to interacting with y'all!
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