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Azure the Scale Tipper

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Everything posted by Azure the Scale Tipper

  1. So, I was wondering how much the dancer’s position on chapter 13’s map would affect my decision to make a dancer. I was considering either Ignatz or Lorenz, since they are not the best GD units (although good in the right hands) and they are in the first wave of player reinforcements. If not, I was thinking making Marianne would be good. Any chapter available is good with a dancer, but chapter 13 is where you need one very much.
  2. I mean. I am usually aware of seasonal anime. And I want to read the Goblin Slayer light novel. And with this season... hoo boy.
  3. Good to know I am actually getting homework done without having to stay up later than usual. Must be because I realized my bed is not meant to do homework on. Thank you, desk.
  4. Possible necropost, but this is about as relevant as it gets for DBZA. https://www.patreon.com/posts/end-of-dbza-33758684
  5. I have a tiny bit of background. Although, it is only from this and some other videos from the same creator. And also from one episode of a YouTube show where I tried to witness the “I cast FIST” in it. I did not. Although it really does seem I have no background. Looks like I am like one of those people serving the emperor. I thought that age of this emperor had already passed but... 40k years is 40k.
  6. In one sentence, my thoughts on each entry: The Fateful Day by @Anacybele One by @Shoblongoo A Curious Conversation by @SoulWeaver Dragon touched by @TheSilentChloey My choice here is One, with The Fateful Day as my second choice.
  7. Technically does not count as playing the game, but I am in the process of watching someone play the Fate/Stay Night Realta Una visual novel on YouTube. Fate/Stay Night route Best I can do legally.
  8. Don’t forget about Unlimited Blade Works’s anime adaptation. Although, I do need to know some way to get the visual novel. And how to get into each path. Anyways, my two cents here is simply magic used alongside physical weapons. Makes for some really cool imagery, if only at the sacrifice of effectiveness sometimes.
  9. Voting for Soirée Reinhardt for the people who can appreciate a dancer like him or some Joint fodder.
  10. Just wanted to comment saying I called the fact that the contention from this video came from the Feh Pass. Thankfully, I decided that I already have too many things going on right now to come back to FEH. Someone ping me if Resplendent Adult Tiki comes out, though. I need her art.
  11. Ophelia is good. But I like Velouria more. Funnily enough, they both share the same voice actress.
  12. I mean... If I were in Byleth’s shoes, maybe not? Not to mention living the quieter life might be better. Personally, I feel there are better ships for both genders (and better ships for Edelgard, too.) I’ll mention Lysithea here, for Byleth.
  13. Well, it has been a while since someone posted here. This is a story-related question: in what part of Fates were the concubine wars mentions?
  14. You have to pay extra money. I don’t know whether you can buy each wave separately, but there is a season pass where you can get all manner of cosmetics, auxiliary battles, new playable units (Anna and the Ashen Wolves at the very least), and a new side mode related to the Ashen Wolves.
  15. I can only think of making Sylvain, Ferdinand, or Gilbert a Great Knight, and even then I don’t think it is much better of an option than Paladin or Fortress Knight. Is investing so much into axe and armor ranks worth slightly more damage on Swift Strikes for the likes of Sylvain and Ferdinand? Is it worth sacrificing incredible defense for higher movement? For right now, I’ll say no.
  16. And disease, I’m sure. So, Galileo wasn’t too special. But I heard he outlived some of his students. Not too sure, it’s been while since I crossed the info.
  17. It was from a documentary I saw in my Western Civilization class. Don’t know the name.
  18. As a more serious factoid, every human being that is not of purely African heritage has Neanderthal genetics. Mostly because modern humans originated in Africa, while the Neanderthals were everywhere else (and then some moved to the Americas in the Ice Age). These genetics mostly manifest in lighter skin and the straightness and color of hair in Caucasian people and other ethnicities. On another note, Neanderthals were not dumb like the connotations would mean. They had powerful weapons, had better sight than modern humans, and had made inventions of their own (like a powerful glue from birch that I forgot the name of).
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