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Status Updates posted by Klokinator

  1. Just read your 11k word review of FE7's plotholes. Got anything for FE8?

  2. I don't wanna be a shitter, but your class trees seem kinda terrible, honestly. No sense of balance in gameplay. Why would I ever pick a War Cleric when there's Master Knight? Etc.

    1. Jotari


      So, over a year late to replying to this but I'm gonna anyway. First off there's no unit that can go both War Cleric and Master Knight. Stats would also have to be taken into account between the classes. Master Knight in particular wouldn't have lax luster caps in exchange for weapon diversity, it's mastery skill would also be pretty minor compared to others, simply ignoring weapon ranks so it can actually use all the weapons it has. I've tried to balance the choices as be...

  3. Kram!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    1. Kramy


      Ahoy there matey!! ;3

  4. Mother of god, the festivity is blinding.

    1. Person123


      Don we now our gay armor.

  5. Happy birthday, again XD

    1. Kirie


      You know, today I was really regretting that it wasn't my birthday, so since I just saw this today, I'm just going to pretend that today is really my birthday and you're telling me this today so that I feel better.

  6. Just a heads up, it's actually spelled "Durandal" not "Duradel".

  7. My klokreations forum says you're having a birthday this week, but it's not actually for a full month.

    1. Kirie


      I very well could have slipped up and entered the wrong date. I sometimes do that, especially if they use dropdown menus for dates and months since I tend to use tab-arrows rather than mouse to select those.

  8. Never got to tell you this, but one of my planned games hat features notable forum members has a character based off you. Give it a look-see. (Name is Kirie, obvs) http://puu.sh/bV7Mg/e708e0552d.png

    1. Kirie


      That is the best thing ever and I love it. I'm especially fond of how you brought out my beard.

    2. Klokinator


      It's far better than your current profile picture, I think we all can agree on that.

  9. s-senpai...

    1. Alabaster


      Yes, i nihticed you °w°

    1. Lord of Gabriel Knight

      Lord of Gabriel Knight

      No, its from the character in my avatar, Gabriel, from Summon Night: Swordcraft Story 2. I've heard of Gabriel Knight, but I don't know much about it.

    2. Klokinator


      I need to play summon night sometime... It's like a strategy game right?

  10. Happy birthday, contributor to the randomizer :D

    1. RisinDevil


      Even though this is late as hell ... THANK YOU! Been MIA from trolling the boards lately but wanted to see the FEA having progress since I'm trying to get a Gateway soon. I mainly just want to do a reclass run of Awakening lol

  11. Happy- goddamn it Flareceon how the hell did you pull off the birthday greetings so fast lolol

  12. You name was Elison forever, and now it's Sara. I always called you a father/son duo of SF, but maybe it's mother/son?? Such confuse.

    1. Elieson


      It won't be Sara for much longer....blame the mafia brigade for that one >.<

  13. Happy broday lol I'll pet yo parrot for ya

  14. I got so many posts. But not as much as SOME losers out there. http://puu.sh/9HjHE/8c40affc85.png

  15. Your hack looks pretty sweet. Lemme know when it's complete and I'll do an LPof it. I only like LPing things I've never played or that others haven't spoiled for me, so I wanna give it a fair shot when it's done. I like the look of the level design that I've seen.

    1. Haku


      Yeah sure, that would be great! Progress is a bit slow at the moment because we're inserting more script, and I'm going on exam leave next week. LunaSaint should be able to sort thing out though.

  16. >Implying job corps does pay me that much

  17. Love your skills icons (The 18x18 ones you posted in your sprite topic.) Any chance you'll make more?

  18. Pst. Can you delete all those posts (Including camtech and mine as related) from the thread? it took up a solid page worth of posts so I don't really want someone responding to them.

  19. oohhhhh you and your changing your name

    1. Nobody


      Yeah, i kind of got bored of it, but I'm thinking of changing it back now. I miss being nobody haha

    2. Generic General

      Generic General

      Nuuuuu we want our favorite washing machine back :o

  20. How long before KM64 wishes you a happy birthday... that is the question.

    1. The Envoy of the Beginning

      The Envoy of the Beginning

      He already did...in the FE4 Thread.

  21. I actually got to use you as an example of a how a great moderator performs her duties recently :D

    1. eCut


      Well geez, thank you!

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