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Magical CC

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Everything posted by Magical CC

  1. I was playing Guilty Gear and was in Johnny stage. My dad stepped in, looked at the monitor and asked "why the hell this guys ship has so many girls?".
  2. Alistar is probably one of most passive sp I have ever played. His game relies heavily on the ad skill. I have been more aggressive with sp Sion. Zyra is super annoying and can zone pretty well. Lux is so-so. Taric is great. Bard is okay. Braun is alright.
  3. Is there anyone gonna get the game? It's a slightly upgraded version with better graphics and sounds.
  4. On the bright side, Trump is the first president to have the name in WWE hall of fame. He is also the first president to have a tower of his own like Lex Luthor.
  5. People want Bernie. But DNC have to be retarded and push Bernie aside to make Hilary their chosen one. DNC didnt want an outsider like Bernie and rigged against him. The whole fiasco with Bernie certainly drove away a large amount of people. I remember someone said that Trump is actually the worst matchup for Hilary and man, they were right. DNC thought there's no way Trump can win but he did. Oh boy.
  6. I was trying to say what you have just said but people here think I hate Americans and is trolling. Just a little critic and they all think I hate them. I would watch out if I am you.
  7. I dont know why being honest is considered as a trolling action especially when Americans themselves shot their own foot by choosing Hilary and Trump as their candidates. But it's okay. I will see myself out. Have a good dinner.
  8. But you are the one who ask whether I hate Americans or not, no?
  9. Just speaking the truth, honestly. I dont hate Americans at all, I like them in fact. They are hilarious.
  10. Actually, American society has never have a lot of prestige in the eyes of the other countries to begin with. And for having two worst possible candidates like Hilary and Trump is enough to say a lot about American society already.
  11. Hold on, did I get the whole fiasco with Bernie wrong or they do not talk about it in America? And who care about Cruz, man.
  12. When your two strongest candidates are a manipulating, crooked, corrupted and vote cheating, power hunger women backed by Arab Saudi and a foul mouth racist, sexist, crooked, no experience in politic shady businessman who has a thing for his daughter then yes, American deserve to burn. Both candidates actually did things that would have send them to jail in the other country but look at them so high and mighty fighting each other for the throne. They have to burned so that they can rebuild it anew.
  13. Personally, I prefer Trump over Hilary to be the new president. If Trump is as bad as people think he is then it will be no doubt be forced to resign sooner or later by the people. This is America we are talking about, not Turkey. But Hilary is not Trump. She's a crooked politician who is backed by the corporations. If she is elected then it will be extremely hard to take her down. She will control America like a puppet master. If Trump becomes president then Hilary will not be able to escape FBI and has alot to answer. It will no doubt make her a less favorite candidate to replace Trump so that other candidates such as Bernie gonna have a chance to win. For short, let elect a clown to be the emperor. Let the empire crashes and burns. Then people will learn a good lesson about choosing their emperor and choose a better one. But hey, it's just a scenario I made up so who know.
  14. It will have a tv series sooner or later. Fate franchise is the milk cow and they arent gonna let it go without milking the hell out of it.
  15. Dark Souls games. It's not like the death animation is good or anything but the feeling of accomplishment when the boss die is great.
  16. Geeze, you should spend less time reading the bible and more time reading about history. "Tens of thousands" is a vast different from the real number. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Crusades Also, I suggest you to look closer to the inquisitors, the force conversions, the purges done by Christians, the terrorists based on their belief of Christianity, the other religious wars relate to Christianity and the crimes done by the explorers in the New World. And that's excluding the child molesting priests that plagued the Church for hundred years and the money laundering Vatican. KKK is not even in the top 5 worst Christian groups. The reason Christianity isnt getting smaller is because it changed to suit the new eras which I said in the previous post and because the Church is doing its best to stop people from digging deeper into its corruption. But that is another story, I am not here to slander the religion. What I want to say is that nowadays Christianity is not the same as it used to be. People dont change because of the religion but religion changes for the people.
  17. Total Extreme Wrestling 2016. You get to manage your own wrestling promotion. Train wrestler, create show, push super star or destroy his reputation, sign contract, open child company..v..v.. It's really fun and deep.
  18. So you have opinion about the others's opinion about the others's opinion? Such a high level of hypocrite you have there.
  19. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stab_wound https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ballistic_trauma And this too: http://www.uphs.upenn.edu/news/news_releases/2014/01/band/
  20. I went out with my friend for lunch in a luxury restaurant and stayed at home at night to write an article for my work.
  21. Wound caused by gun is 100% worse than wound caused by sword. Not only it leaves behind a big foreign object and a ton of small metal shards inside your body, it penetrates much deeper and creates a massive shockwave inside your body that destroys your vital organs, the wound itself is also bigger and harder to treat. Not only you will feel extra burning pain, you will also feel your blood vessels explode and your bones shatter. Even a headshot may not kill you outright. Unless carefully placed, you will survive long enough to feel your body dying in a horrible way. If I am a lion in Africa, I would rather to have my heart penetrated by a spear than to be shot by a gun. Also, we use captive bolt gun to make the cows unconscious before killing them.
  22. Why dont you think if the church didnt keep all of the knowledge for themselves and teach everyone no matter their belief, class and gender, we would have done much better? Also, other than Jainism, I dont know if there are any religion in the world that didnt have blood on its hands. The Romans has legal system long before they crucify that carpenter. And they learned it from the Greek. I dont particularly remember if there's a god of law in Hellenic religion.
  23. The jump scene, it's shit. The 1:44 "I know kung-fu" dance, it's lame. Also, there's a big different between the original series and this movie. The stereotypes in the original series were made to be funny in a comical way. They actually serious about the stereotypes in the new movie. They take themselves serious. Being edgy and serious dont suit it at all especially when the characters perform the PR "I am dangerous" pose. Then again, I never liked PR that much anyway.
  24. I have never played a single Zelda game in my life and looking at the gameplay videos, I think it's boring.
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