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Magical CC

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Everything posted by Magical CC

  1. Then start learning. It's time to leave your comfort zone to learn something new. It's not like we are still living in the 80s where internet was not as widespread and lacked information. If I play a Japanese game, then I want to experience Japanese culture.
  2. Mount&Blade, Pendor and Warsword mods have just updated recently so I play them again non-stop for the last three months.
  3. Sorry but my 100 bucks said that UN wont act at all. It's hilarious to think that UN gonna act on something this trivial. You are offended over stuff on internet? Sorry again but I merely observe what is happening and dont add any drama behind it. It's common sense for traitors and rebels to be dealt with as cruel as it should be so I supported that. Nobody know what is going behind the scene, neither you or I, so stop adding salt to the comments. It's exactly that I dont know what is really happening so I give a damn about the rebels and how they were treated. They are not supported by the army, it's the truth. So stop bringing that silly "Ataturk" thing over and over again. And let me use my sixth sense to predict the future again: EU will ignore this fiasco and continue to cooperate with Erdogan. For short, this event was already over and nobody gave a damn about it. It should also be noted that Erdogan was no longer interested in joining EU for years, even before the raise of ISIS. And all form of governments have antisemitism, genocide, and nationalism. Stop pretending is what you guys should do. It's harder to find a place where there was/is no antisemitism than a place that has it. Also, the Bolsheviks were around during Alexander II reign. Wait, you guys really think EU doesnt need Turkey and Russia likes Turkey simply because they both disregard human rights? And UN is the beacon of light and the bearer of justice? Oh dear...
  4. Man, kids nowadays grow up so fast, they mastered the Hokuto Shinken at such a young age.
  5. How old is Kensou now? He does act like an adult compared to the previous years.
  6. 1. So you admit that there are many kinds of monarchs and a monarchist can support purging, torturing and such, right? Good then. It's Alexander II who failed to deal with the Bolshevik, he was too soft with them, letting them gained fame and prestige to the point they started becoming a real trouble later. 2. Every kind of government from democratic to monarchy share these traits. Get your facts straight please. America also engaged in promoting nationalism, purging minorities, and being antisemitism. And that is why you would never be EU leader or anything like that. There's no reasoning in what you said except the fact that you let your emotion clouded your head. EU need Turkey on their side, not in the same group but on the same side. Not even Russia dared to provoke Turkey that hard. Isolating Turkey will give EU nothing but trouble. And I hope you understand that you are supporting a band of rebel. Apply this to a random country and you will see how disgusting it is. You are a bunch of outsiders, all you know are from the media, so stop being childish and stop being so dramatic about the situation. The rebel failed and that is it.
  7. How come banning bad language is a weird law?
  8. Nobody and that's where the problems brew themselves. When the view of each cultures is so different, everyone has their own "best" rating.
  9. There is a mod on Nexus which allows you to sprint.
  10. Hey, Ming, Ottoman, France, Russia, Britain, Spain monarchy are known for it. You are not the real Monarchist if you dont consider purging and torturing a part of your government. I bet that you also dont support other activities of monarchy such as pirating, kidnapping and slaving. I think you are not a pure monarchist but a pro-constitutional monarchist. Do I have to remind you that soft rulers like Alexander II didnt usually end well while strong, cruel and competent rulers such as Alexander III fared much better. Eh, who talk anything about American civil war? But if you wanna talk about it then it's fine too. Explain what the 1862 Dakota incident is about for me please? Sure, the February Revolution was a bad deal but purging and torturing worked for the Bolshevik and later, Stalin. So why not? And I am sure nobody call Stalin a facist.
  11. Except that many terrorist cases were done by the second generation of immigrants who should be adapted to the native culture and religion by now. Not only they are treated as if they are the new immigrants by people around them, their chance of getting job is also reduced by the new wave of low paid workers. They have all the reasons to hate the natives and also the new immigrants. Many people who came to German in 70s expressed their worrying that their hardworking to be accepted as a real German citizen is being destroyed by the new waves of immigrants and that the Germany they worked so hard for is no longer than Germany they know. It's a common mistake to lump up two brown guys as if they share the same culture or language. One may comes from Egypt, one may come from Syria or Iran and they may hate each other. You will never able to achieve multiculturalism when you accept a large amount of immigrants from many places in such a short time.
  12. Not only Japan but Asian as a whole, standing out too much will make you look like a rebellious individual who looks down on the others and a threat to your superiors. Of course, this was generally toned down in the modern era but it's still a thing in many company, band and team or party. It's not rare for the superstar of a football team to be isolated by his teammates. If you are good then you have to be humble and generous to everyone. A slightest hint of cockiness will make people hate you. In Vietnam, Korea and China, it's a common problem. That's my experience in Asian countries, I dont live in Japan so I dont know how bad it is in Japan.
  13. Considering that everyone, included America, do it, I see nothing wrong with it. Honestly, you can also say that I support monarchy for the same reason. Wait, dont tell me you really think torturing and raping are tied with facism only?
  14. Nah, Eclipse means that Japan government doesnt use electric chair to execute the convicted .
  15. One of the best ways to deal with a bad situation you have no ability to solve is to stay away from it and never mention it. The more you talk about it, the worse it will be. The other best way is to shift the blame onto the other and paint yourself as victim. It seems like Hilary, a veteran of politic game, is using both of them.
  16. Yes, of course. Betrayers, traitors and rebels should be deal with as cruel as possible to make a point for the others. I dont support facism or Erdogan, where did you read you it? But purging people after a rebel is of course a right think to do, I dont see any problem with that. The French purged those who cooperated with the Nazi is just one amongst many examples. Wrong or right morally doesnt matter because I know that none of you know what actually happened in Turkey, what is the real purpose of the rebels and what might happen if they succeed so please dont talk about it being wrong or right. You people are just being led around by the media. Certainly nobody could have guess that the nice, quiet, radical Muslim neighbor was actually a terrorist until he did it. For short, calm down. It's not like you can do anything about it but cry on internet so stop being so dramatic about it.
  17. Dont make me laugh. The dude who did the gay bar attack was on the watch list for years. The FBI investigated Mateen in May 2013 after he made "inflammatory" remarks while working as a security guard. Mateen had told his coworkers that his family was linked to Al-Qaeda and that he had joined Hezbolla. He obtained firearms two weeks before the attack and nobody bat an eye. And this dude will be on the pikachu chair for sure. I dont see any reason why you think he would escape being executed.
  18. After taking the quiz on pokemonreborn, it seems like my type is ghost.
  19. Trying to pull a coup with a small fraction of army? I laugh at their "constraints of reality". The fact that this coup failed show they are not up for the job and are not reliable. This coup reminds me about the 1936 accident when a small band of young Japanese officers tried to pull a coup against the government with just one thousand troops or so. They also committed suicide when they realized they failed.
  20. Have never played SMT, Persona, Pokemon eh? Status effects are very important in said games. So does in some western RPG where status effects can do just so much from stopping enemies to cast spell or mass control a whole army of enemies by a single spell or grant invisible to your whole party.
  21. Actually, they look like clouds to me. I also found a Drampa statute in Johto: http://imgur.com/hA4WyMP
  22. Well, time flew by. In 2001, you see the little kid who sometimes appears in Terry's intro? It's Rock. And Garou The Mask of Wolf happened in a not very far future where Terry is an old dude and Rock went crazy with his power. We will probably see his debut in KOF XX or KOF XXI.
  23. Do we have any rock/poison or steel/poison pokemon yet? There are many poisonous rocks and and metals that can kill you faster than any plants and bugs out there.
  24. Ah, that old dude from Fatal Fury. Edit: seriously, you guys dont know him?
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