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Magical CC

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Everything posted by Magical CC

  1. That Antonov dude looks completely boring, both his moves and his design. I wont be surprised if he's not the real boss.
  2. Make no mistake, the coup may pull Turket to an Islamist state as well. Syria rebels also spoke about freedom and justice and where they are now but in rank of ISIS? A president "urge", not force, his people to stand up against the unjust and the filthy betrayals, why do you think it's wrong to stand for justice and freedom? How is it bad compared to when America drafted its people to Vietnam war? You are naive to believe in the words of the rebel. Honestly, Stalin's speeches were more moving and convincing than this. The arrested rebels should be totally tortured and executed, it's the universal punishment for betrayer such as them. If Edward Snowden is chased around by US and has to hide in Russia, then there's no reason why these rebels should be treated any better now they have been captured. I have already seen some propaganda pictures made by both sides and a guy who is tricked by the media again. Everyone can speech humane, justice, freedom and equality. Their words mean nothing. It's their action that decided everything. The guys did this coup are not the same guys from the previous coups. May be the captured rebels committed suicide because he realized his bad action and wanted to atone for his crime by taking his own life. You can never guess what is happening in a picture without the whole context informed by more than one source. After, for short, anything can happen. These guys may be right, may be wrong or neither. Calm down please.
  3. It's the same back in Vietnam war. Americans in general, are ignorant of world politic and are so absorbed in their fantasy super heroes garbage that their movies and comic books keep portraying while the truth is that there are many countries hate or despite US. Not even US allies are fond of US. It's American government to be blamed since it's them who keep pulling the "America is heroic and justice" propaganda crap to control their mindless sheep. They have many chances to wake up from their illusion but it seems like they dont care much about it.
  4. You are naive if you think the coup gonna be better than Ergodan. Military holding power is never a good thing. Supporting this coup is like supporting the Confederacy, the Bolshevik, the IRA, the Tamil,..ect...ect... Rebel should be put down quick, throughout and efficiency. I dont trust any coup that rose to power by using violence and killing civilians which is exactly what the military coup is doing right now.
  5. It does, actually, prove that the more Muslim you have in your country, the more chance for your country to be attacked by terrorists.
  6. Not sure about that. It's Geese. Geese is the 80s movie martial artist antagonist, these types never go with a beauty boy butler. I half expect him to have more gritty henchman such as Billy.
  7. Banning drugs and weeds shouldnt be questioned to begin with.
  8. First, "war on drugs" is not sanctioned murder. Second, many countries did a good job doing "war on drugs" without leaving many bodies behind. It's just that Mexico is too corrupted to combat the drug lords and our law enforcers are too happy-trigger on the consumers and the Americans are too used to drugs and weeds that we cant even effectively explain why drugs and weeds are bad. If we cant convince people to stop using drugs then what else can we do? Poor people who need money sell drugs on the street, no matter black or white. If you bother to search, you will realize white drug dealers got shot just the same as black ones. Dont blame "war on drugs", dont blame "racism", it's the police brutality that is at fault here.
  9. For certain, I dont feel afraid of Asian people such as Chinese and Japanese when I met them. Also, being around a small group of skinheads white people is scary. A group of white people dont give that "feeling" but if they are skinheads then it's another story.
  10. Same size, some same moves, yes. I believe it's his heel gimmick.
  11. The expansions of AoW3 are good so why not? Endless Space is a fine game if you dont mind repeating gameplay and lack of unique features. It's not a very good game for sure but if the full edition is 5 bucks or so, it is a great deal. Endless Space is totally inferior to Sin of Solar btw. Stellaris is very boring and bland at the moment so stay away from it. Sin of Solar is probably the best choice.
  12. And in the end, they are mecha and they have the right to be in SRW. Space Yamato is not mecha, done.
  13. Okay, so you agree that Tekkaman and Eva are mech. That's good. And no, the original Japanese term is not the shorterned form of "mechanical". And no, car, computer are not mecha. Neither ship or space ship.
  14. Hold on, you have got the genre "mecha" wrong. Mecha is a robotic machine of all kinds and sizes. The only virtually universal aspect of mecha design is the inclusion of limbs. As long as it has limbs and looks mechanic, it's mecha. For example, MD Geist has mecha and is considered a mech. Apocalypse Zero is mecha anime because the main character uses a power armor. Eva is mecha, no debate. Zoid is mecha and what are zoids? Beast machines which have their own life, and they are still mecha. Mecha come from all kinds and sizes, so does their bases. There are a ton of mecha run on magic, life force, dream force, imaginary force and some just run because the producer said so. Some are gods, some are beasts, some are demons, some are just figurines. I am surprised that we have to debate if Eva is a mecha or not because you are the first one to deny it. You have not seen some of the weirder mecha shows. I have seen mecha show where people have to be virgin and mecha show were people have to....ugh...like rabbit to shoot out...ugh...and...show domination to enemy mech by...ugh....them.
  15. What are you even talking about? Tekkaman? Eva? Both of them have mecha genre! Both of them! The Tekkaman and Evas are mech. Space Yamato doesnt have mecha genre! There's no robot, power armor or anything close to that in Space Yamato, okay?
  16. There are a ton of older than 3 years old mech series that are popular and not shameless fanservice trash like Cross Ange. And they have already introduced series that are younger than 3 years before. And no, the one who directed Cross Ange is a different guy. But its producer is indeed the director of Gundam Seed and I will spell it out for you, the only reason why Cross Ange is in this game is because of its producer who highlighted it. And it's home-grown so no need to waste money on something that is better and more expensive. At least, we dont fight real biological dragons in Sidonia. Man, Cross Ange makes Strike Witch seems like a proper candidate for SRW. What part of Space Yamato is not pushing it compared with Kantai Collection? At least the girls in KC are humanoid ships and fit the "mecha" part even if you considered them as human girls wearing armor suits. I say KC Yamato fits SRW more than the Space Yamato. It's Super Robot War, not Super Sci-fi War! I like Space Yamato but it has nothing to do with this game. I hate this game already. At least they added the ones from SRW J to the new OG game.
  17. Totally unimpressed. Team South America? More like team Brazil, and they dont even look like Brazilians. Boxing and nin-jutsu? How about more popular martial art such as BJJ and MMA?
  18. Cross Ange!? What the....! What!? No Valvrave, no Iron Orphan, no Reconquista, no Aldnoah, no Majestic Prince, no Aquarion Logos, no Knight of Sidonia, no Fafner Exodus, no Macross Delta but Cross Ange? What's next? Kantai Collection? Is this supposed to be a joke? Spaceship Yamato? Why dont they add Captain Harlock too for the sake of it?
  19. Mian is based on Chinese ancient opera. I was hoping she would wear badass costumes like Xiang Yu costume or Guan Yu costume. Sometimes, they wear mask. Sometimes, they paint their face. I have limited knowledge about Chinese culture so I cant recognize which character she's playing but the headwear look like it belongs to Lu Bu (lol). Traditionally, only males can be opera actor and all female characters were played by male actor so I was surprised when I heard her voice.
  20. Scotland leaves UK to be with EU. North Ireland reunites with Ireland. It's like a dream.
  21. No one can enjoy anything if right next to them is an angry looking security guard armed with assault rifle. Also, you are expect to see dangerous animals in zoo. It's the parents fault in the zoo case. If there were a sign saying "danger! Alligators in area!" then nobody in the right mind would want to visit that place at all. Disney would lost a lot of profit which we all know that is all Disney care about if they erected that sign. The "No swimming" means no entering the water which is totally different from "this place has alligator" because alligator can move out of water and they hunt land preys. Alligator is not the same with shark, mind you.
  22. I managed to pursue my friend to buy it. It is not very bad, just boring and short. I could totally recommend it if the price is 5 bucks. Also, my friend hates me for draining his summer sale budget with this game.
  23. Bribing for the right to host Olympic is as common as athletes taking drugs. Look at Fifa and their bribing fiasco, the whole top brass are guilty.
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