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Everything posted by grin_fish

  1. Gameplay is looking promising. I'm excited about all the unit customization with classes and emblems. It looks like a return to form for varied map objectives and I just can't wait to play. I'm trying not to look too hard at anything, because I want to go in a little bit blind. I hope the story will be engaging and fun, because I can already see the plot connivences. After watching the scene where Alear meets Alcryst for the first time, I don't think that this game is going to take itself too seriously(and I think the theme song and art direction really match that tone). I don't mind if it is cliché or simple, but I am already counting on suspending my belief on the more intercut details. Personally, I think that good characters have motivations, fears, and interactions that draw from their histories. Fire Emblem games have huge casts of characters and there will be some that strike a better balance with their trope than others. I'm expecting the characters to be on par with pretty much every other game. There will be some standout characters and others where the writing falls short. I do feel positive that their are more limited supports. I think having a smaller number of supports may hopefully lead to less repetition and more meaningful dialogue.
  2. Okay, but it sounds and looks like a Sailor Moon transformation when Marth and fAlear do their power up. Just like this. It kinda makes me smile. And yay for Griffin riders making a comeback.
  3. I'm feeling pretty positive about FE Engage after watching the trailer. What I'm excited for and stood out to me is: how fluid all the animations are especially in the battle sequences and on the map the vibrancy and detail of the maps themselves and how it looks like we might be able to visit the little houses again(pls i hope) weapon triangle making a come back possibly female brawlers(?) or whatever Framme is characters with darker skin tones, I really like the look of the girl and the guy on the special edition box art alternate clothing, I can't help it... I love clothes. What I'm cautiously optimistic about is: returning fire emblem characters( I like that they seem separated from the roster of new characters but are still "playable" due to the gimmick. It would be neat to see if the game could be played without using them as well. I can see that being a good challenge) also, it looks like the villain has a ring/ emblem too...I would be excited if we saw some FE adversaries in Engage too the character designs look kinda fun! I do have a soft spot for the GBA and GC fire emblem art and I really ended up liking FE3H character designs a lot, but I'm not bothered by the more shiny designs in Engage. I don't have any strong feelings either way. What I'm less enthusiastic of is: the female faces look so similar. I didn't mind this in FE3H, because I liked their more mature looking faces, but in this one they all look a lot more child like. I know its like a series staple but if FE could lose the Nah, Nowi, Nyx stereotype(romanceable 1000 year old children) I wouldn't shed a tear.
  4. That's good to know! If they do go that route then I prefer it all being more like DLC and less like knick-knacks. I just looked at the original leak and the words that are bolded make me think that It's just fun to speculate.
  5. I am a teacher at a childcare center that is part of an HR program for a large company. We remain open because we serve essential workers(doctors, nurses, hospital staff), but the number of children attending is so low that our center is open to everybody not just essential workers' families. They set up a testing center in the parking lot next to us, and it all just feels very surreal. I think we will be seeing a lot of really neat online events coming soon.
  6. What a fun topic of discussion. Thank you for sharing your perspective. I did enjoy playing fates, but I do like Three Houses better and I think a lot of that has to do with the characters. Story: I think because Three Houses was tied to the monastery that this limited the scope of where they could conceivably travel to tell the story. Fates felt more like a sweeping grand adventure because the story led to different countries and had a bit more of an open world feeling. I do like the blood vs family aspect that Fates had going for it, and birthright had a pretty good story, but I think the story telling was really lazy on the conquest route (and Revelation is the only Fire Emblem path that I started and never finished due to disinterest). Honestly, I don't really have a preference for either game when it comes to story, but I may lean towards Three Houses because I liked the characters from that game better. Choice/ Routes: I really wanted a special edition that had both paths in one, but luck was not on my side. So, I went to the store to buy it on release day and the only version they had was birthright. So, I picked birthright. As for the outcomes of the choices: I do like that there were more unique maps between the paths in fates. I do think that Three Houses dropped the ball on that one. Although, my wallet liked how choices were handled in Three Houses better. Gameplay: Conquest had some great maps! Birthright and Three Houses would have benefited from more diverse win and lose conditions. I do like the maps in Cindered Shadows especially chapter 5 and 6. However, I have to give the win to Chapter 26 of Blazing Sword. I do like the monastery, but it started to wear thin after the second play through. I think it would have held up better if there were more route specific events(maybe fishing with staff and students, collecting/ crafting furniture for our room, bonus scenes between characters outside of supports, etc) that could be triggered during exploration. But for me, teaching is still enjoyable. Difficulty: Yeah, I agree with you. Fates has a much wider variety of options. Characters: Fates has my absolute least favorite Fire Emblem character...Peri. I didn't realize a single character could bring out so much inconsistent writing and negatively affect other characters until I read her supports. I like to collect things in games. I really like to collect supports and collecting her supports made something I enjoy very painful. There were some yawn worthy supports in Three Houses, but the voice acting really made everything much better. I loved the tension between Felix and Dedue in their supports. Please more of this, IS. And I'm not sure if this is an unpopular opinion but I really like how we meet the majority of our party at the beginning of the game instead of the usual 1-2 characters ever chapter. I think it was a great way to shine more light on non lord characters. I feel like I got to know the characters better because they had speaking roles outside of their recruitment chapter. So, Three Houses all the way. Music: Three Houses has some awesome tracks, but so does Fates. I think Three houses wins in Opening Theme song and boss battles, but Fates has it beat everywhere else.
  7. I really thought that Hilda's brother might be added as a playable character, I guess not. I'm looking forward to finding out what the new classes are and finally being able to interact with the animals around the monastery. There should be a couple of free additions during the 4th wave as well.
  8. I can't help it. When In play video games, I am a bit of a completionist and collector. So, I'm going to get as many supports as I can until I burn out. Then I will occasionally revisit the game to collect more. lol
  9. 1. Exploring the Monastery: Pros: Quests, fleshing out history/lore/characters/etc, nice change of pace from battles Cons: Fishing( I don't mind doing a little fishing, but I totally purchased all the bait and fished as much as I could to raise the professor level and now I dread fishing), monastery looks kinda of samey(if this is done in the future, I would much rather have a city or a town to explore) 2. Dialogues: I liked the different dialogue choices even if most had no bearing on the story direction 3. Day Organization: I only wish their were more options to choose from: like horse back riding to improve riding skills, more to do with battalions, etc 4. Studying: I would like to see a feature like this in future Fire Emblem games. It is nice being able to customize characters to this extent.
  10. I can see where your frustration comes from considering the way that you like to play the game. The enemy reinforcements appear without warning and it very much feels like a set up to use the divine pulse. However, my feelings on it were very different as is the way I like to play. I'm playing on Blue Lion hard, and until playing this paralouge, I felt that the battles were really straight forward and in some cases easy. I had pretty much moved every single unit except two when I moved Petra and set off the biggest "I got you surrounded" moment. All the green allied units that I had just unlocked got obliterated. After I got over my initial shock, I really enjoyed the chapter. What happened was unexpected and I appreciated the challenge. It took me back a bit to when I first discovered Fire Emblem on the GBA and was learning the ropes. At that time, it was challenging, but the more I played the better my strategies became. In short, I was excited by the surprise reinforcements in this paralouge because it brought something new for me to work with. Currently, I like the change because it helps Fire Emblem gameplay from being stagnate for me.
  11. I really liked Felix and Dedue's support conversation. It was really intense! Also, enjoyed Annette's and Felix's. It was very light hearted compared to some of Felix's other supports. Sylvain, and Ashe had some good supports with Ingrid and Felix. I think it helped that quite a few Blue Lions had a long history with each other. I enjoyed Alois' 'C' support, I haven't yet managed to get him higher then that so far though. I was looking forward to Annette and Mercedes' support but the 'A' conversation was a bit disappointing.
  12. I think it is really neat that the FE amiibo unlock music. It's got me interested in finding out what songs are available. Cosmetics are perfectly appropriate amiibo bonuses. I don't have any amiibo, and I don't want any for display, but I do appreciate the value they have for the game.
  13. Jeralt's English voice is amazing! It just strikes a perfect blend of warmth.
  14. 😃I was hoping for a NG+ after hearing about all the activities around the academy and the small amount of turns we would be able to take each week. It feels great to read such a positive review.
  15. I am making/ have made plans to fill up as much of my time as possible leading up to the release. My goal is to avoid spoilers especially all story spoilers. I've made plans with friends for dinners, cook outs, movies, and a mini vacation. If I keep busy the time will hopefully keep flying by. I do really like threads about people receiving their games in the mail but spoilers usually leak before those threads are made. Good luck to all of us who are trying to avoid spoilers.
  16. Now that we have a better image, it looks like Cyril has a scar on his forehead. I am kinda surprised we got a character revealed today. I guess we will see Rodriguez next week, and maybe we will get an Anna bio, but after that it really feels up in the air. I am curious if we will see Ashe's father because he was revealed in the magazines so long ago. I suppose from the thanibomb leaks there is still .
  17. Whoa, all those new beast enemies revealed have me really excited to play. I hope that each of them has their own gimmick. Also, it is great seeing more classes in action. The wyvern looks awesome!
  18. I will admit, I love the idea of costumes. I hope that they are rewards for maps. No, sorry. I'm just playing around.
  19. Grey Wolf House confirmed....lol! edit: but it also kinda of reminds me of the wolves devouring everything in Ragnarok, Norse Mythology's end of the world.
  20. What a great find! It is neat seeing all the animals roaming around. We have cats, dogs, and now owls. Seeing all the new faces makes me wonder if we will get a dancer/ bard type character. So far, this class has been curiously absent, but perhaps it is a special class only accessible to a certain character or characters. I think Cyril is going to make it through the time skip. He'll probably be a current student at the academy during the war phase.
  21. Aw, they did a nice job of that. A nice hair style can do wonders.
  22. I could see that happening. I hope that's the case for his sake, but I also wouldn't be disappointed if he picked up another unfortunate hairstyle. Lol!
  23. Man, I think out of all the characters, the one I am most interested in seeing the portrait for the time skip is Lorenz. What's this guy going to look like? What will he do with his hair? I'm immensely curious. I hope that the marketing team leaves the time skip student portraits out of the advertising and for players to discover in the game, but I would spoil myself to see Lorenz.
  24. I'm looking forward to seeing how time treats the students during the time skip. I predict that: Black Eagles- Hubert will get side burns and a small pony tail, Dorothea will get a new hat or add more embellishments to her old one, Ferdinand will have a more coif hairstyle, Bernadetta will appear more assertive, Petra will let her hair out and have multiple little braids running through it Blue Lions- Dedue will lose his ponytail and keep his earrings, Felix will let down his hair, Mercedes will get a hair cut about to her shoulders Golden Deer- Leonie will grow out her hair, Raphael will have sideburns and a beard, Lorenz will have an improved haircut...he must.
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